David Zeitlyn, PhD

Social Anthropology University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom 
Social Anthropology, Cameroon, Mambila, Religion
"David Zeitlyn"
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Zeitlyn D. (2015) Looking Forward, Looking Back History and Anthropology. 26: 381-407
Zeitlyn D. (2012) Anthropology in and of the archives: Possible futures and contingent pasts. archives as anthropological surrogates Annual Review of Anthropology. 41: 461-480
Zeitlyn D. (2010) Diary evidence for political competition: Mambila autoethnography and pretensions to power African Studies Review. 53: 77-95
Zeitlyn D. (2009) A dying art? Archiving photographs in Cameroon Anthropology Today. 25: 23-26
Zeitlyn D. (2003) The talk goes outside: Argument, privacy and power in Mambila society towards a sociology of embedded praxis Africa. 73: 606-622
Zeitlyn D. (2001) Finding meaning in the text: The process of interpretation in text-based divination Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 7: 225-240
Zeitlyn D, Bex J, David M. (1998) Access denied: The politics of new communications media Telematics and Informatics. 15: 219-230
David M, Zeitlyn D. (1996) What are they doing? Dilemmas in analyzing bibliographic searching: Cultural and technical networks in academic life Sociological Research Online. 1: xiii-xiv
Zeitlyn D. (1992) Ways of Speaking, Ways of Knowing Anthropology Today. 8: 25
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