Debra A Harkins, Ph.D
Affiliations: | 1993- | Psychology and Education | Suffolk University, Boston, MA, United States |
service-learning; homelessness, empowermentGoogle:
"Debra Harkins"Parents
Sign in to add mentorMichael Gibbons | research assistant | University Mass Boston | ||
George F. Michel | research assistant | 1980-1984 | University Mass Boston (Neurotree) | |
(major advisor on honor's thesis) | ||||
Michael G. W. Bamberg | grad student | Clark University (Neurotree) | ||
(dissertation committee member) | ||||
Bernard Kaplan | grad student | Clark University | ||
Ina C. Uzgiris | grad student | 1987-1992 | Clark University | |
(major advisor on master's thesis) | ||||
James Wertsch | grad student | 1987-1992 | Washington University | |
(James was major advisor on dissertation) | ||||
Peter H. Wolff | post-doc | Children's Hospital (Neurotree) | ||
(major advisor on post-doctoral fellowship) |
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Steinhilber KM, Ray S, Harkins DA, et al. (2020) Father-daughter relationship dynamics & daughters' body image, eating patterns, and empowerment: An exploratory study. Women & Health. 1-12 |
Kaitz J, Ray S, Harkins D. (2019) Barriers in addressing body image and eating issues in primary care: an overview of women's narratives. Women & Health. 1-11 |
Kaitz JE, Ray S, Harkins DA, et al. (2019) Relational Predictors of Eating Issues in Female College Students. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy. 33: 299-318 |
Roth KE, Harkins DA, Eng LA. (2014) Parental Conflict During Divorce as an Indicator of Adjustment and Future Relationships: A Retrospective Sibling Study Journal of Divorce & Remarriage. 55: 117-138 |
DeSantis A, Harkins D, Tronick E, et al. (2011) Exploring an integrative model of infant behavior: what is the relationship among temperament, sensory processing, and neurobehavioral measures? Infant Behavior & Development. 34: 280-92 |
Mizock L, Harkins D, Ray S, et al. (2011) Researcher Race in Narrative Interviews on Traumatic Racism Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. 20: 40-57 |
Mizock L, Harkins D. (2011) Diagnostic Bias and Conduct Disorder: Improving Culturally Sensitive Diagnosis Child & Youth Services. 32: 243-253 |
Shulova-Piryatinsky I, Harkins DA. (2009) Narrative discourse of native and immigrant Russian-speaking mother-child dyads Narrative Inquiry. 19: 328-355 |
Austin MS, Harkins DA. (2008) Assessing change: Can organizational learning "work" for schools? Learning Organization. 15: 105-125 |
Harkins DA, Doppler-Bourassa E. (2008) Introduction to the Special Issue: Conflict Resolution Early Education and Development. 19: 841-842 |