Aleksandra Lis, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2012 | Sociology and Social Anthropology | Central European University |
2014- | Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology | Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań |
"Aleksandra Lis"Cross-listing: SocTree
Sign in to add mentorAlexandra Kowalski | grad student | 2012 | Central European University (SocTree) | |
(Thesis supervisor) |
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Lis A, Kama K, Reins L. (2019) Co-producing European knowledge and publics amidst controversy: The EU expert network on unconventional hydrocarbons Science and Public Policy. 46: 721-731 |
Lis A. (2018) Co-production of the shale gas publics in Poland and the negotiation of the state citizens relations The Extractive Industries and Society. 5: 673-681 |
Bernaciak M, Lis A. (2017) Weak Labour, Strong Interests: Polish Trade Unions and the Integration of EU Energy and Service Markets Journal of Common Market Studies. 55: 432-448 |
Lis A, Stankiewicz P. (2017) Framing Shale Gas for Policy-Making in Poland Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning. 19: 53-71 |
Lis A, Stasik AK. (2017) Hybrid forums, knowledge deficits and the multiple uncertainties of resource extraction: Negotiating the local governance of shale gas in Poland Energy Research and Social Science. 28: 29-36 |
Upham P, Lis A, Riesch H, et al. (2015) Addressing social representations in socio-technical transitions with the case of shale gas Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions. 16: 120-141 |
Lis A. (2014) Strategies of Interest Representation: Polish Trade Unions in EU Governance Europe-Asia Studies. 66: 444-466 |
Simons A, Lis A, Lippert I. (2014) The political duality of scale-making in environmental markets1 Environmental Politics. 23: 632-649 |
Riesch H, Oltra C, Lis A, et al. (2013) Internet-based public debate of CCS: Lessons from online focus groups in Poland and Spain Energy Policy. 56: 693-702 |
Oltra C, Upham P, Riesch H, et al. (2012) Public Responses to Co2 Storage Sites: Lessons from Five European Cases Energy & Environment. 23: 227-248 |