Non Arkaraprasertkul
Affiliations: | 2016 | Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States |
"Non Arkaraprasertkul"Parents
Sign in to add mentorTheodore C. Bestor | grad student | 2016 | Harvard | |
("Locating Shanghai: Globalization, Heritage Industry, and the Political Economy of Urban Space in a Chinese Metropolis") |
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Arkaraprasertkul N. (2019) Gentrifying heritage: how historic preservation drives gentrification in urban Shanghai International Journal of Heritage Studies. 25: 882-896 |
Arkaraprasertkul N. (2018) Gentrification and its contentment: An anthropological perspective on housing, heritage and urban social change in Shanghai: Urban Studies. 55: 1561-1578 |
Williams M, Arkaraprasertkul N. (2017) Mobility in a global city: Making sense of Shanghai’s growing automobile-dominated transport culture Urban Studies. 54: 42098016637568 |
Arkaraprasertkul N. (2016) Book review: Living with Risk: Precarity and Bangkok’s Urban Poor: Urban Studies. 53: 1063-1066 |
Arkaraprasertkul N. (2016) Gentrification from within: urban social change as anthropological process Asian Anthropology. 15: 1-20 |
Arkaraprasertkul N. (2012) Moral Global Storytelling: Reflections on Place and Space in Shanghai’s Urban Neighborhoods Storytelling, Self, Society. 8: 167-179 |
Arkaraprasertkul N. (2010) Power, Politics, and the Making of Shanghai Journal of Planning History. 9: 232-259 |
Arkaraprasertkul N. (2010) Book Reviews: City between Worlds: My Hong Kong: Leo Ou-Fan Lee, 2008 Cambridge, MA: Belknap of Harvard University Press 323 pp. £14.95 paperback ISBN 978 0 674 04689 4 paperback Urban Studies. 47: 3161-3163 |
Arkaraprasertkul N. (2009) Towards modern urban housing: redefining Shanghai's lilong Journal of Urbanism: International Research On Placemaking and Urban Sustainability. 2: 11-29 |
Arkaraprasertkul N. (2008) Toward Modernist Urban Design: Louis Kahn's Plan for Central Philadelphia Journal of Urban Design. 13: 177-194 |