Robert M. Malina, Ph.D. - Publications

biological growth and maturation of children and adolescents with a major focus on youth sports and young athletes

310 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Little BB, Peña Reyes ME, Malina RM. Tracking anthropometric dimensions and grip strength among children, adolescents and adults in an indigenous community of southern Mexico: 1968-1978-2000. American Journal of Biological Anthropology. e25017. PMID 39254402 DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.25017  0.759
2020 Bartkowiak S, Konarski JM, Strzelczyk R, Janowski J, Malina RM. Secular change in height and weight of rural school children and youth in west-central Poland: 1986 to 2016. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. e23461. PMID 32662142 DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.23461  0.329
2020 Parr J, Winwood K, Hodson-Tole E, Deconinck FJA, Parry L, Hill JP, Malina RM, Cumming SP. Predicting the timing of the peak of the pubertal growth spurt in elite youth soccer players: evaluation of methods. Annals of Human Biology. 1-23. PMID 32543933 DOI: 10.1080/03014460.2020.1782989  0.348
2020 Myburgh GK, Cumming SP, Coelho-E-Silva M, Malina RM. Developmental fitness curves: Assessing sprint acceleration relative to age and maturity status in elite junior tennis players. Annals of Human Biology. 1-34. PMID 32522032 DOI: 10.1080/03014460.2020.1781250  0.314
2020 V Martinho D, Valente-Dos-Santos J, Coelho-E-Silva MJ, Gutiérrez AO, Duarte JP, Lourenço-Farinha P, Luz LGO, Gonçalves-Santos J, Machado DRL, Leite N, Conde J, Castanheira JM, Cumming SP, Sherar LB, Malina RM. Scaling left ventricular mass in adolescent female soccer players. Bmc Pediatrics. 20: 157. PMID 32284059 DOI: 10.1186/S12887-020-02043-7  0.327
2020 Little BB, Malina RM, Peña Reyes ME. Do mating preferences remain the same when phenotypes change? Assortative mating for physical characteristics in an indigenous community in the valley of Oaxaca, southern Mexico. Homo : Internationale Zeitschrift Fur Die Vergleichende Forschung Am Menschen. PMID 32053131 DOI: 10.1127/homo/2020/1018  0.753
2019 Kliethermes SA, Nagle K, Côté J, Malina RM, Faigenbaum A, Watson A, Feeley B, Marshall SW, LaBella CR, Herman DC, Tenforde A, Beutler AI, Jayanthi N. Impact of youth sports specialisation on career and task-specific athletic performance: a systematic review following the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine (AMSSM) Collaborative Research Network's 2019 Youth Early Sport Specialisation Summit. British Journal of Sports Medicine. PMID 31740483 DOI: 10.1136/Bjsports-2019-101365  0.303
2019 Little BB, Malina RM, Pena-Reyes ME, Chavez GB. Thinness, overweight, and obesity in indigenous school children and youth in Mexico. Annals of Human Biology. 1-12. PMID 31661341 DOI: 10.1080/03014460.2019.1674378  0.358
2019 Duarte JP, Coelho-E-Silva MJ, Costa D, Martinho D, Luz LGO, Rebelo-Gonçalves R, Valente-Dos-Santos J, Figueiredo A, Seabra A, Malina RM. Repeated Sprint Ability in Youth Soccer Players: Independent and Combined Effects of Relative Age and Biological Maturity. Journal of Human Kinetics. 67: 209-221. PMID 31523319 DOI: 10.2478/Hukin-2018-0090  0.335
2019 Hill M, Scott S, Malina RM, McGee D, Cumming SP. Relative age and maturation selection biases in academy football. Journal of Sports Sciences. 1-9. PMID 31366286 DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2019.1649524  0.341
2019 Myburgh GK, Cumming SP, Malina RM. Cross-Sectional Analysis Investigating the Concordance of Maturity Status Classifications in Elite Caucasian Youth Tennis Players. Sports Medicine - Open. 5: 27. PMID 31264052 DOI: 10.1186/S40798-019-0198-8  0.315
2019 Figueiredo AJ, Coelho-E-Silva MJ, Sarmento H, Moya J, Malina RM. Adolescent characteristics of youth soccer players: do they vary with playing status in young adulthood? Research in Sports Medicine (Print). 1-12. PMID 30838885 DOI: 10.1080/15438627.2019.1586704  0.336
2019 Satake T, Malina RM, Tanaka S, Kikuta F. Individual variation in the sequence of ages at peak velocity in seven body dimensions. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 6: 359-367. PMID 28548442 DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.1310060311  0.325
2019 Malina RM, Moriyama M. Growth and motor performance of black and white children 6-10 years of age: A multivariate analysis. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 3: 599-611. PMID 28524292 DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.1310030609  0.345
2019 Malina RM, Skrabanek MF, Little BB. Growth and maturity status of black and white children classified as obese by different criteria. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 1: 193-199. PMID 28514012 DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.1310010208  0.318
2019 Geithner CA, Satake T, Woynarowska B, Malina RM. Adolescent spurts in body dimensions: Average and modal sequences. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 11: 287-295. PMID 11533950 DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1520-6300(1999)11:3<287::Aid-Ajhb1>3.0.Co;2-H  0.331
2018 Duarte JP, Valente-Dos-Santos J, Costa D, Coelho-E-Silva MJ, Deprez D, Philippaerts R, Lenoir M, Vaeyens R, Malina RM. Multilevel modelling of longitudinal changes in isokinetic knee extensor and flexor strength in adolescent soccer players. Annals of Human Biology. 1-4. PMID 30380339 DOI: 10.1080/03014460.2018.1521470  0.328
2018 Teixeira AS, Guglielmo LGA, Fernandes-da-Silva J, Konarski JM, Costa D, Duarte JP, Conde J, Valente-Dos-Santos J, Coelho-E-Silva MJ, Malina RM. Skeletal maturity and oxygen uptake in youth soccer controlling for concurrent size descriptors. Plos One. 13: e0205976. PMID 30335836 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0205976  0.333
2018 Kwieciński J, Konarski JM, Strzelczyk R, Krzykała M, Konarska A, Bartkowiak S, Lopes V, Malina RM. Non-linear relationships between the BMI and physical fitness in Polish adolescents. Annals of Human Biology. 1-8. PMID 30328714 DOI: 10.1080/03014460.2018.1494306  0.35
2018 Rogol AD, Cumming SP, Malina RM. Biobanding: A New Paradigm for Youth Sports and Training. Pediatrics. PMID 30291169 DOI: 10.1542/Peds.2018-0423  0.353
2018 Malina RM, Little BB, Lanceta J, Peña Reyes ME, Bali Chávez G. Geographic variation in the growth status of indigenous school children and youth in Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. PMID 30267403 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.23706  0.766
2018 Figueiredo AJ, Coelho-E-Silva MJ, Cumming SP, Malina RM. Relative age effect: Characteristics of youth soccer players by birth quarter and subsequent playing status. Journal of Sports Sciences. 1-8. PMID 30246606 DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2018.1522703  0.356
2018 DiFiori JP, Güllich A, Brenner JS, Côté J, Hainline B, Ryan E, Malina RM. The NBA and Youth Basketball: Recommendations for Promoting a Healthy and Positive Experience. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.). PMID 29961207 DOI: 10.1007/S40279-018-0950-0  0.346
2018 Freitas DL, Lausen B, Maia JA, Gouveia ÉR, Antunes AM, Thomis M, Lefevre J, Malina RM. Skeletal maturation, fundamental motor skills and motor performance in preschool children. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. PMID 29858513 DOI: 10.1111/Sms.13233  0.331
2018 Lopes VP, Malina RM, Gomez-Campos R, Cossio-Bolaños M, Arruda M, Hobold E. Body mass index and physical fitness in Brazilian adolescents. Jornal De Pediatria. PMID 29738742 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jped.2018.04.003  0.319
2018 Lopes VP, Malina RM, Maia JAR, Rodrigues LP. Body mass index and motor coordination: Non-linear relationships in children 6-10 years. Child: Care, Health and Development. 44: 443-451. PMID 29417602 DOI: 10.1111/Cch.12557  0.337
2018 Cumming SP, Searle C, Hemsley JK, Haswell F, Edwards H, Scott S, Gross A, Ryan D, Lewis J, White P, Cain A, Mitchell SB, Malina RM. Biological maturation, relative age and self-regulation in male professional academy soccer players: A test of the underdog hypothesis Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 39: 147-153. DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychsport.2018.08.007  0.318
2017 DiFiori JP, Brenner JS, Comstock D, Côté J, Güllich A, Hainline B, Malina R. Debunking early single sport specialisation and reshaping the youth sport experience: an NBA perspective. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 51: 142-143. PMID 29475835 DOI: 10.1136/Bjsports-2016-097170  0.326
2017 Liczbińska G, Czapla Z, Piontek J, Malina RM. Age at menarche in Polish University students born before, during and after World War II: Economic effects. Economics and Human Biology. 28: 23-28. PMID 29197239 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ehb.2017.11.004  0.31
2017 Malina RM, Coelho-E-Silva MJ, Figueiredo AJ, Philippaerts RM, Hirose N, Peña Reyes ME, Gilli G, Benso A, Vaeyens R, Deprez D, Guglielmo LF, Buranarugsa R. Tanner-Whitehouse Skeletal Ages in Male Youth Soccer Players: TW2 or TW3? Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.). PMID 29082464 DOI: 10.1007/S40279-017-0799-7  0.784
2017 Malina RM, Little BB, Peña Reyes ME. Secular trends are associated with the demographic and epidemiologic transitions in an indigenous community in Oaxaca, Southern Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. PMID 29072304 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.23326  0.758
2017 Freitas D, Maia J, Stasinopoulos M, Gouveia ÉR, Antunes AM, Thomis M, Lefevre J, Claessens A, Hedeker D, Malina RM. Biological and environmental determinants of 12-minute run performance in youth. Annals of Human Biology. 1-7. PMID 28835122 DOI: 10.1080/03014460.2017.1355410  0.312
2017 Malina RM, Figueiredo AJ, Coelho-E-Silva MJ. Body Size of Male Youth Soccer Players: 1978-2015. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.). PMID 28523517 DOI: 10.1007/S40279-017-0743-X  0.316
2016 Little BB, Peña Reyes ME, Malina RM. Natural selection and type 2 diabetes-associated mortality in an isolated indigenous community in the valley of Oaxaca, southern Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. PMID 28009045 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.23139  0.73
2016 Howard SM, Cumming SP, Atkinson M, Malina RM. Biological maturity-associated variance in peak power output and momentum in academy rugby union players. European Journal of Sport Science. 1-9. PMID 27485020 DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2016.1205144  0.359
2016 Kramer T, Valente-Dos-Santos J, Coelho-E-Silva MJ, Malina RM, Huijgen BC, Smith J, Elferink-Gemser MT, Visscher C. Modeling Longitudinal Changes in 5 m Sprinting Performance Among Young Male Tennis Players. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 122: 299-318. PMID 27420323 DOI: 10.1177/0031512516628367  0.364
2016 Myburgh GK, Cumming SP, Coelho E Silva M, Cooke K, Malina RM. Growth and maturity status of elite British junior tennis players. Journal of Sports Sciences. 1-8. PMID 26930031 DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2016.1149213  0.383
2016 Seabra A, Katzmarzyk P, Carvalho MJ, Seabra A, Coelho-E-Silva M, Abreu S, Vale S, Póvoas S, Nascimento H, Belo L, Torres S, Oliveira J, Mota J, Santos-Silva A, Rêgo C, ... Malina RM, et al. Effects of 6-month soccer and traditional physical activity programmes on body composition, cardiometabolic risk factors, inflammatory, oxidative stress markers and cardiorespiratory fitness in obese boys. Journal of Sports Sciences. 1-8. PMID 26890580 DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2016.1140219  0.331
2016 Freitas DL, Lausen B, Maia JA, Gouveia ÉR, Thomis M, Lefevre J, Silva RD, Malina RM. Skeletal Maturation, Body Size, and Motor Coordination in Youth 11-14 Years. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. PMID 26765626 DOI: 10.1249/Mss.0000000000000873  0.383
2016 Malina RM, Choh AC, Czerwinski SA, Chumlea WC. Validation of Maturity Offset in the Fels Longitudinal Study. Pediatric Exercise Science. PMID 26757350 DOI: 10.1123/Pes.2015-0090  0.343
2016 Ignasiak Z, Sławińska T, Malina RM. Short term secular change in body size and physical fitness of youth 7–15 years in Southwestern Poland: 2001–2002 and 2010–2011 Anthropological Review. 79: 311-329. DOI: 10.1515/Anre-2016-0023  0.309
2015 Malina RM, Rogol AD, Cumming SP, Coelho e Silva MJ, Figueiredo AJ. Biological maturation of youth athletes: assessment and implications. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 49: 852-9. PMID 26084525 DOI: 10.1136/Bjsports-2015-094623  0.371
2015 Bergeron MF, Mountjoy M, Armstrong N, Chia M, Côté J, Emery CA, Faigenbaum A, Hall G, Kriemler S, Léglise M, Malina RM, Pensgaard AM, Sanchez A, Soligard T, Sundgot-Borgen J, et al. International Olympic Committee consensus statement on youth athletic development. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 49: 843-51. PMID 26084524 DOI: 10.1136/Bjsports-2015-094962  0.303
2015 Valente-Dos-Santos J, Coelho-E-Silva MJ, Castanheira J, Machado-Rodrigues AM, Cyrino ES, Sherar LB, Esliger DW, Elferink-Gemser MT, Malina RM. The effects of sports participation on the development of left ventricular mass in adolescent boys. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 27: 530-7. PMID 25753526 DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.22681  0.315
2015 Freitas DL, Lausen B, Maia JA, Lefevre J, Gouveia ÉR, Thomis M, Antunes AM, Claessens AL, Beunen G, Malina RM. Skeletal maturation, fundamental motor skills and motor coordination in children 7-10 years. Journal of Sports Sciences. 33: 924-34. PMID 25649360 DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2014.977935  0.312
2015 Machado-Rodrigues AM, Leite N, Coelho e Silva MJ, Valente-dos-Santos J, Martins RA, Mascarenhas LP, Boguszewski MC, Padez C, Malina RM. Relationship between metabolic syndrome and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in youth. Journal of Physical Activity & Health. 12: 13-9. PMID 24733064 DOI: 10.1123/Jpah.2013-0053  0.305
2014 Valente-dos-Santos J, Coelho-e-Silva MJ, Machado-Rodrigues AM, Elferink-Gemser MT, Malina RM, Petroski ÉL, Minderico CS, Silva AM, Baptista F, Sardinha LB. Prediction equation for lower limbs lean soft tissue in circumpubertal boys using anthropometry and biological maturation. Plos One. 9: e107219. PMID 25229472 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0107219  0.301
2014 Malina RM. Top 10 research questions related to growth and maturation of relevance to physical activity, performance, and fitness. Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport. 85: 157-73. PMID 25098012 DOI: 10.1080/02701367.2014.897592  0.353
2014 Seabra AC, Seabra AF, Brito J, Krustrup P, Hansen PR, Mota J, Rebelo A, Rêgo C, Malina RM. Effects of a 5-month football program on perceived psychological status and body composition of overweight boys. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 24: 10-6. PMID 24944129 DOI: 10.1111/Sms.12268  0.343
2014 Valente-dos-Santos J, Coelho-e-Silva MJ, Duarte J, Pereira J, Rebelo-Gonçalves R, Figueiredo A, Mazzuco MA, Sherar LB, Elferink-Gemser MT, Malina RM. Allometric multilevel modelling of agility and dribbling speed by skeletal age and playing position in youth soccer players. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 35: 762-71. PMID 24920564 DOI: 10.1055/S-0033-1358469  0.362
2014 Malina RM, Kozieł SM. Validation of maturity offset in a longitudinal sample of Polish girls. Journal of Sports Sciences. 32: 1374-82. PMID 24892233 DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2014.889846  0.343
2014 te Wierike SC, de Jong MC, Tromp EJ, Vuijk PJ, Lemmink KA, Malina RM, Elferink-Gemser MT, Visscher C. Development of repeated sprint ability in talented youth basketball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association. 28: 928-34. PMID 24667248 DOI: 10.1097/Jsc.0000000000000223  0.361
2014 Valente-Dos-Santos J, Coelho-E-Silva MJ, Ferraz A, Castanheira J, Ronque ER, Sherar LB, Elferink-Gemser MT, Malina RM. Scaling left ventricular mass in adolescent boys aged 11-15 years Annals of Human Biology. 41: 465-468. PMID 24392758 DOI: 10.3109/03014460.2013.866694  0.345
2014 Cumming SP, Sherar LB, Esliger DW, Riddoch CJ, Malina RM. Concurrent and prospective associations among biological maturation, and physical activity at 11 and 13 years of age. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 24: e20-8. PMID 24102894 DOI: 10.1111/Sms.12103  0.358
2014 de Souza MC, de Chaves RN, Lopes VP, Malina RM, Garganta R, Seabra A, Maia J. Motor coordination, activity, and fitness at 6 years of age relative to activity and fitness at 10 years of age. Journal of Physical Activity & Health. 11: 1239-47. PMID 23799258 DOI: 10.1123/Jpah.2012-0137  0.31
2014 Machado-Rodrigues AM, Coelho-E-Silva MJ, Mota J, Padez C, Martins RA, Cumming SP, Riddoch C, Malina RM. Urban-rural contrasts in fitness, physical activity, and sedentary behaviour in adolescents. Health Promotion International. 29: 118-29. PMID 23086894 DOI: 10.1093/Heapro/Das054  0.334
2014 Valente-dos-Santos J, Coelho-e-Silva MJ, Castanheira J, Cyrino ES, Esliger D, Sherar LB, Elferink-Gemser MT, Malina RM. Developmental Changes Of Left Ventricular Mass During Pubertal Years Using Static And Ontogenetic Allometric Exponents In Boys Aged 11-14 Years Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 46: 592. DOI: 10.1249/01.Mss.0000495248.36197.A5  0.318
2014 Castanheira J, Coelho-e-Silva MJ, Valente-dos-Santos J, Ferraz A, Ronque ER, Sherar LB, Elferink-Gemser MT, Malina RM. Normalizing Left Ventricular Mass For Different Size Descriptors Using Allometric Exponents In Adolescent Boys 11-15 Years: 2241 Board #5 May 30, 9 Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 46: 591-592. DOI: 10.1249/01.Mss.0000495247.98078.76  0.306
2013 Malina RM, Peña-Reyes ME, Bali-Chávez G, Little BB. Thinness, overweight and obesity in indigenous youth in Oaxaca, 1970 and 2007. Salud PúBlica De MéXico. 55: 387-93. PMID 24165714 DOI: 10.21149/Spm.V55I4.7222  0.302
2013 Coelho-E-Silva MJ, Malina RM, Simões F, Valente-Dos-Santos J, Martins RA, Vaz Ronque ER, Petroski EL, Minderico C, Silva AM, Baptista F, Sardinha LB. Determination of thigh volume in youth with anthropometry and DXA: agreement between estimates. European Journal of Sport Science. 13: 527-33. PMID 24050470 DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2013.767945  0.323
2013 Little BB, Malina RM, Pena Reyes ME, Bali Chavez G. Altitude effects on growth of indigenous children in Oaxaca, Southern Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 152: 1-10. PMID 23900786 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.22326  0.788
2013 Malina RM, Baxter-Jones AD, Armstrong N, Beunen GP, Caine D, Daly RM, Lewis RD, Rogol AD, Russell K. Role of intensive training in the growth and maturation of artistic gymnasts. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.). 43: 783-802. PMID 23743792 DOI: 10.1007/S40279-013-0058-5  0.316
2013 Valente-dos-Santos J, Sherar L, Coelho-E-Silva MJ, Pereira JR, Vaz V, Cupido-Dos-Santos A, Baxter-Jones A, Visscher C, Elferink-Gemser MT, Malina RM. Allometric scaling of peak oxygen uptake in male roller hockey players under 17 years old. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism = Physiologie AppliquéE, Nutrition Et MéTabolisme. 38: 390-5. PMID 23713531 DOI: 10.1139/Apnm-2012-0178  0.309
2013 Coelho-E-Silva MJ, Vaz Ronque ER, Cyrino ES, Fernandes RA, Valente-Dos-Santos J, Machado-Rodrigues A, Martins R, Figueiredo AJ, Santos R, Malina RM. Nutritional status, biological maturation and cardiorespiratory fitness in Azorean youth aged 11-15 years. Bmc Public Health. 13: 495. PMID 23697718 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-495  0.351
2013 Staiano AE, Broyles ST, Gupta AK, Malina RM, Katzmarzyk PT. Maturity-associated variation in total and depot-specific body fat in children and adolescents. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 25: 473-9. PMID 23564417 DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.22380  0.338
2013 Valente-Dos-Santos J, Coelho-e-Silva MJ, Vaz V, Figueiredo AJ, Castanheira J, Leite N, Sherar LB, Baxter-Jones A, Elferink-Gemser MT, Malina RM. Ventricular mass in relation to body size, composition, and skeletal age in adolescent athletes. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine : Official Journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine. 23: 293-9. PMID 23377353 DOI: 10.1097/Jsm.0B013E318280Ac63  0.344
2013 Carvalho HM, Coelho-e-Silva MJ, Eisenmann JC, Malina RM. Aerobic fitness, maturation, and training experience in youth basketball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. 8: 428-34. PMID 23239685 DOI: 10.1123/Ijspp.8.4.428  0.34
2013 Duran M, Duran M, Gillespie J, Malina RM, Little BB. Growth and weight status of rural Texas school youth. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 25: 71-7. PMID 23132630 DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.22343  0.33
2013 Seabra AC, Seabra AF, Mendonça DM, Brustad R, Maia JA, Fonseca AM, Malina RM. Psychosocial correlates of physical activity in school children aged 8-10 years. European Journal of Public Health. 23: 794-8. PMID 23109663 DOI: 10.1093/Eurpub/Cks149  0.371
2013 Coelho-e-Silva MJ, Valente-dos-Santos J, Figueiredo AJ, Sherar LB, Malina RM. Pubertal Status: Assessment, Interpretation, Analysis Journal of Sports Medicine & Doping Studies. 2013. DOI: 10.4172/2161-0673.1000E134  0.33
2013 Jackson L, Cumming SP, Drenowatz C, Standage M, Sherar LB, Malina RM. Biological maturation and physical activity in adolescent British females: The roles of physical self-concept and perceived parental support Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 14: 447-454. DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychsport.2013.01.001  0.316
2012 Valente-dos-Santos J, Coelho-e-Silva MJ, Simões F, Figueiredo AJ, Leite N, Elferink-Gemser MT, Malina RM, Sherar L. Modeling developmental changes in functional capacities and soccer-specific skills in male players aged 11-17 years. Pediatric Exercise Science. 24: 603-21. PMID 23196767 DOI: 10.1123/Pes.24.4.603  0.316
2012 Valente-dos-Santos J, Coelho-e-Silva MJ, Duarte J, Figueiredo AJ, Liparotti JR, Sherar LB, Elferink-Gemser MT, Malina RM. Longitudinal predictors of aerobic performance in adolescent soccer players. Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania). 48: 410-6. PMID 23128461 DOI: 10.3390/Medicina48080061  0.373
2012 Katzmarzyk PT, Shen W, Baxter-Jones A, Bell JD, Butte NF, Demerath EW, Gilsanz V, Goran MI, Hirschler V, Hu HH, Maffeis C, Malina RM, Müller MJ, Pietrobelli A, Wells JC. Adiposity in children and adolescents: correlates and clinical consequences of fat stored in specific body depots. Pediatric Obesity. 7: e42-61. PMID 22911903 DOI: 10.1111/J.2047-6310.2012.00073.X  0.339
2012 Buchan DS, Ollis S, Thomas NE, Simpson A, Young JD, Cooper SM, Malina RM, Cockcroft JR, Baker JS. Prevalence of traditional and novel markers of cardiovascular disease risk in Scottish adolescents: socioeconomic effects. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism = Physiologie AppliquéE, Nutrition Et MéTabolisme. 37: 829-39. PMID 22686348 DOI: 10.1139/H2012-052  0.311
2012 Freitas D, Malina RM, Maia J, Lefevre J, Stasinopoulos M, Gouveia É, Claessens A, Thomis M, Lausen B. Short-term secular change in height, body mass and Tanner-Whitehouse 3 skeletal maturity of Madeira youth, Portugal. Annals of Human Biology. 39: 195-205. PMID 22509731 DOI: 10.3109/03014460.2012.674155  0.385
2012 Valente-dos-Santos J, Coelho-e-Silva MJ, Martins RA, Figueiredo AJ, Cyrino ES, Sherar LB, Vaeyens R, Huijgen BC, Elferink-Gemser MT, Malina RM. Modelling developmental changes in repeated-sprint ability by chronological and skeletal ages in young soccer players. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 33: 773-80. PMID 22499567 DOI: 10.1055/S-0032-1308996  0.301
2012 Vandendriessche JB, Vandorpe BF, Vaeyens R, Malina RM, Lefevre J, Lenoir M, Philippaerts RM. Variation in sport participation, fitness and motor coordination with socioeconomic status among Flemish children. Pediatric Exercise Science. 24: 113-28. PMID 22433257 DOI: 10.1123/Pes.24.1.113  0.339
2012 Machado-Rodrigues AM, Coelho-e-Silva MJ, Mota J, Padez C, Ronque E, Cumming SP, Malina RM. Cardiorespiratory fitness, weight status and objectively measured sedentary behaviour and physical activity in rural and urban Portuguese adolescents. Journal of Child Health Care : For Professionals Working With Children in the Hospital and Community. 16: 166-77. PMID 22363047 DOI: 10.1177/1367493511430676  0.358
2012 Malina RM, Coelho E Silva MJ, Figueiredo AJ, Carling C, Beunen GP. Interrelationships among invasive and non-invasive indicators of biological maturation in adolescent male soccer players. Journal of Sports Sciences. 30: 1705-17. PMID 22304621 DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2011.639382  0.346
2012 Carling C, Le Gall F, Malina RM. Body size, skeletal maturity, and functional characteristics of elite academy soccer players on entry between 1992 and 2003. Journal of Sports Sciences. 30: 1683-93. PMID 22292471 DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2011.637950  0.37
2012 Machado-Rodrigues AM, Coelho e Silva MJ, Mota J, Santos RM, Cumming SP, Malina RM. Physical activity and energy expenditure in adolescent male sport participants and nonparticipants aged 13 to 16 years. Journal of Physical Activity & Health. 9: 626-33. PMID 21953445 DOI: 10.1123/Jpah.9.5.626  0.344
2012 Machado-Rodrigues AM, Figueiredo AJ, Mota J, Cumming SP, Eisenmann JC, Malina RM, Coelho-E-Silva MJ. Concurrent validation of estimated activity energy expenditure using a 3-day diary and accelerometry in adolescents. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 22: 259-64. PMID 20561269 DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0838.2010.01155.X  0.311
2012 Buchan DS, Young J, Cooper SM, Malina R, Cockcroft J, Baker JS. Relationships Among Indicators Of Fitness, Fatness And Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors In Adolescents Journal of Biological Sciences. 12: 89-95. DOI: 10.3844/Ojbsci.2012.89.95  0.315
2012 Buchan DS, Young JD, Kilgore L, Cooper SM, Malina RM, Baker JS. Prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors among Scottish youth: A pilot investigation Online Journal of Biological Sciences. 12: 72-79. DOI: 10.3844/Ojbsci.2012.72.79  0.31
2012 Mino T, Malina RM, Nariyama K. Longitudinal BMI percentile curves by maturity status of Japanese children Anthropological Review. 75: 33-40. DOI: 10.2478/V10044-012-0014-2  0.389
2012 Cumming SP, Smith RE, Grossbard JR, Smoll FL, Malina RM. Body size, coping strategies, and mental health in adolescent female athletes International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching. 7: 515-526. DOI: 10.1260/1747-9541.7.3.515  0.314
2012 Cumming SP, Sherar LB, Smart JE, Rodrigues AMM, Standage M, Gillison FB, Malina RM. Physical Activity, Physical Self-Concept, and Health-Related Quality of Life of Extreme Early and Late Maturing Adolescent Girls Journal of Early Adolescence. 32: 269-292. DOI: 10.1177/0272431610393250  0.344
2012 Cumming SP, Sherar LB, Gammon C, Standage M, Malina RM. Physical Activity and Physical Self-Concept in Adolescence: A Comparison of Girls at the Extremes of the Biological Maturation Continuum Journal of Research On Adolescence. 22: 746-757. DOI: 10.1111/J.1532-7795.2012.00821.X  0.351
2012 Lopes VP, Maia JAR, Rodrigues LP, Malina R. Motor coordination, physical activity and fitness as predictors of longitudinal change in adiposity during childhood European Journal of Sport Science. 12: 384-391. DOI: 10.1080/17461391.2011.566368  0.347
2011 Carvalho HM, Coelho E Silva MJ, Ronque ER, Gonçalves RS, Philippaerts RM, Malina RM. Assessment of reliability in isokinetic testing among adolescent basketball players. Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania). 47: 446-52. PMID 22123556 DOI: 10.3390/Medicina47080063  0.364
2011 Machado-Rodrigues AM, Coelho-E-Silva MJ, Mota J, Cyrino E, Cumming SP, Riddoch C, Beunen G, Malina RM. Agreement in activity energy expenditure assessed by accelerometer and self-report in adolescents: variation by sex, age, and weight status. Journal of Sports Sciences. 29: 1503-14. PMID 21988731 DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2011.593185  0.339
2011 Carvalho HM, Coelho-e-Silva MJ, Gonçalves CE, Philippaerts RM, Castagna C, Malina RM. Age-related variation of anaerobic power after controlling for size and maturation in adolescent basketball players. Annals of Human Biology. 38: 721-7. PMID 21923618 DOI: 10.3109/03014460.2011.613852  0.346
2011 Malina RM, Peña Reyes ME, Chavez GB, Little BB. Secular change in height and weight of indigenous school children in Oaxaca, Mexico, between the 1970s and 2007. Annals of Human Biology. 38: 691-701. PMID 21854348 DOI: 10.3109/03014460.2011.608379  0.759
2011 Malina RM, Peña Reyes ME, Tan SK, Little BB. Physical fitness of normal, stunted and overweight children 6-13 years in Oaxaca, Mexico. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 65: 826-34. PMID 21448221 DOI: 10.1038/Ejcn.2011.44  0.558
2011 Machado-Rodrigues AM, Coelho-e-Silva MJ, Mota J, Cumming SP, Riddoch C, Malina RM. Correlates of aerobic fitness in urban and rural Portuguese adolescents. Annals of Human Biology. 38: 479-84. PMID 21329480 DOI: 10.3109/03014460.2011.554865  0.304
2011 Carvalho HM, Coelho E Silva MJ, Figueiredo AJ, Gonçalves CE, Philippaerts RM, Castagna C, Malina RM. Predictors of maximal short-term power outputs in basketball players 14-16 years. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 111: 789-96. PMID 20981436 DOI: 10.1007/S00421-010-1703-4  0.326
2011 Cumming SP, Standage M, Loney T, Gammon C, Neville H, Sherar LB, Malina RM. The mediating role of physical self-concept on relations between biological maturity status and physical activity in adolescent females. Journal of Adolescence. 34: 465-73. PMID 20655102 DOI: 10.1016/J.Adolescence.2010.06.006  0.333
2011 Figueiredo AJ, Silva MJCe, Malina RM. Predictors of functional capacity and skill in youth soccer players. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 21: 446-454. PMID 20136760 DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0838.2009.01056.X  0.339
2011 Seabra AF, Mendonça DM, Thomis MA, Malina RM, Maia JA. Correlates of physical activity in Portuguese adolescents from 10 to 18 years. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 21: 318-23. PMID 19903321 DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0838.2009.01030.X  0.356
2011 Malina R, Rożek K, Ignasiak Z, Sławińska T, Fugiel J, Kochan K, Domaradzki J. Growth and Functional Characteristics of Male Athletes 11-15 Years of Age Human Movement. 12. DOI: 10.2478/V10038-011-0017-7  0.341
2011 Malina R, Ignasiak Z, Rożek K, Sławińska T, Domaradzki J, Fugiel J, Kochan K. Growth, Maturity and Functional Characteristics of Female Athletes 11 - 15 Years of Age Human Movement. 12. DOI: 10.2478/V10038-011-0003-0  0.344
2011 Carvalho HM, Coelho e Silva MC, Machado-Rodrigues A, Gonçalves RS, Philippaerts RM, Malina RM. Inter-relationships Between Isokinetic Strength, Age, Growth, Maturation And Training Experience In Adolescent Basketball Players Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 43: 665. DOI: 10.1249/01.Mss.0000401842.02741.Aa  0.329
2011 Machado Rodrigues AM, Coelho e Silva MJ, Carvalho HM, Mota J, Cumming SP, Riddoch C, Malina RM. The Effect Of Weight Status, Sex And Age In The Concordance Of Estimated Activity Energy Expenditure Between Self-report And Objective Assessments In Portuguese Adolescents Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 43: 608. DOI: 10.1249/01.Mss.0000401679.78565.3F  0.325
2011 Malina RM, Geithner CA. Body composition of young athletes American Journal of Men's Health. 5: 262-278. DOI: 10.1177/1559827610392493  0.346
2010 Lopes VP, Rodrigues LP, Maia JA, Malina RM. Motor coordination as predictor of physical activity in childhood. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports. 21: 663-9. PMID 21917017 DOI: 10.1111/J.1600-0838.2009.01027.X  0.349
2010 Figueiredo AJ, Coelho E Silva MJ, Cumming SP, Malina RM. Size and maturity mismatch in youth soccer players 11- to 14-years-old. Pediatric Exercise Science. 22: 596-612. PMID 21242608 DOI: 10.1123/Pes.22.4.596  0.39
2010 Malina RM, Peña Reyes ME, Figueiredo AJ, Coelho E Silva MJ, Horta L, Miller R, Chamorro M, Serratosa L, Morate F. Skeletal age in youth soccer players: implication for age verification. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine : Official Journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine. 20: 469-74. PMID 21079444 DOI: 10.1097/Jsm.0B013E3181F827Ea  0.763
2010 Malina RM. Early sport specialization: roots, effectiveness, risks. Current Sports Medicine Reports. 9: 364-71. PMID 21068571 DOI: 10.1249/Jsr.0B013E3181Fe3166  0.368
2010 Machado Rodrigues AM, Coelho e Silva MJ, Mota J, Cumming SP, Sherar LB, Neville H, Malina RM. Confounding effect of biologic maturation on sex differences in physical activity and sedentary behavior in adolescents. Pediatric Exercise Science. 22: 442-53. PMID 20814039 DOI: 10.1123/Pes.22.3.442  0.348
2010 Reyes ME, Chavez GB, Little BB, Malina RM. Community well-being and growth status of indigenous school children in rural Oaxaca, southern Mexico. Economics and Human Biology. 8: 177-87. PMID 20579945 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ehb.2010.05.009  0.335
2010 Huang YC, Malina RM. Body mass index and individual physical fitness tests in Taiwanese youth aged 9-18 years. International Journal of Pediatric Obesity : Ijpo : An Official Journal of the International Association For the Study of Obesity. 5: 404-11. PMID 20429737 DOI: 10.3109/17477160903497902  0.347
2010 Malina RM. Maturity status and injury risk in youth soccer players. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine : Official Journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine. 20: 132. PMID 20215900 DOI: 10.1097/01.Jsm.0000369404.77182.60  0.302
2010 Malina RM, Reyes ME, Tan SK, Little BB. Secular change in muscular strength of indigenous rural youth 6-17 years in Oaxaca, southern Mexico: 1968-2000. Annals of Human Biology. 37: 168-84. PMID 20141482 DOI: 10.3109/03014460903325193  0.566
2010 Beunen GP, Malina RM, Freitas DI, Maia JA, Claessens AL, Gouveia ER, Lefevre J. Cross-validation of the Beunen-Malina method to predict adult height. Annals of Human Biology. 37: 593-7. PMID 19919500 DOI: 10.3109/03014460903393865  0.329
2010 Malina RM, Reyes ME, Little BB. Secular change in heights of indigenous adults from a Zapotec-speaking community in Oaxaca, southern Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 141: 463-75. PMID 19902532 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.21167  0.348
2010 Malina R, Sławinska T, Ignasiak Z, Rożek K, Kochan K, Domaradzki J, Fugiel J. Sex Differences in Growth and Performance of Track and Field Athletes 11-15 Years Journal of Human Kinetics. 24. DOI: 10.2478/V10078-010-0023-4  0.384
2010 Seabra AF, Oliveira N, Marques E, Passos E, Brito J, Maia J, Rego C, Mota J, Rebelo AN, Malina RM. Effects Of Sport Participation, Age And Maturity Status On Bone Mass In Portuguese Adolescent Boys Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 42: 99-100. DOI: 10.1249/01.Mss.0000385664.69685.77  0.341
2010 Coe DP, Pivarnik JM, Womack CJ, Reeves MJ, Malina RM. The Influence of Television Watching and Physical Activity on Academic Achievement in Middle School Children Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 42: 430. DOI: 10.1249/01.Mss.0000384959.42883.67  0.316
2009 Peña Reyes ME, Cárdenas Barahona EE, Lamadrid PS, Del Olmo Calzada M, Malina RM. Growth status of indigenous school children 6-14 years in the Tarahumara Sierra, Northern Mexico, in 1990 and 2007. Annals of Human Biology. 36: 756-69. PMID 19852675 DOI: 10.3109/03014460903154064  0.776
2009 Figueiredo AJ, Gonçalves CE, Coelho E Silva MJ, Malina RM. Characteristics of youth soccer players who drop out, persist or move up. Journal of Sports Sciences. 27: 883-91. PMID 19629837 DOI: 10.1080/02640410902946469  0.375
2009 Cumming SP, Standage M, Gillison FB, Dompier TP, Malina RM. Biological maturity status, body size, and exercise behaviour in British youth: a pilot study. Journal of Sports Sciences. 27: 677-86. PMID 19424901 DOI: 10.1080/02640410902725590  0.317
2009 Malina RM, Reyes ME, Little BB. Socioeconomic variation in the growth status of urban school children 6-13 years in Oaxaca, Mexico, in 1972 and 2000. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 21: 805-16. PMID 19384866 DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.20897  0.391
2009 Figueiredo AJ, Gonçalves CE, Coelho E Silva MJ, Malina RM. Youth soccer players, 11-14 years: maturity, size, function, skill and goal orientation. Annals of Human Biology. 36: 60-73. PMID 19085511 DOI: 10.1080/03014460802570584  0.355
2009 Coelho-e-Silva MJ, Figueiredo AJ, Reyes MEP, Malina RM. Skeletal Age With The Fels And Tw3 Methods In The Assessment Of Biological Maturation Among Adolescent Soccer Players Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 41: 177. DOI: 10.1249/01.Mss.0000355098.52053.8C  0.33
2009 Malina RM. Children and adolescents in the sport culture: The overwhelming majority to the select few Journal of Exercise Science and Fitness. 7: S1-S10. DOI: 10.1016/S1728-869X(09)60017-4  0.307
2008 Malina RM. Promoting physical activity in children and adolescents: a review. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine : Official Journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine. 18: 549-50. PMID 19001888 DOI: 10.1097/Jsm.0B013E31818E029A  0.322
2008 Malina RM, Peña Reyes ME, Little BB. Secular change in the growth status of urban and rural schoolchildren aged 6-13 years in Oaxaca, southern Mexico. Annals of Human Biology. 35: 475-89. PMID 18821325 DOI: 10.1080/03014460802243844  0.762
2008 Malina RM, Reyes ME, Tan SK, Little BB. Physical activity in youth from a subsistence agriculture community in the Valley of Oaxaca, southern Mexico. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism = Physiologie Appliquã©E, Nutrition Et Mã©Tabolisme. 33: 819-30. PMID 18641730 DOI: 10.1139/H08-043  0.511
2008 Malina RM, Peña Reyes ME, Little BB. Epidemiologic transition in an isolated indigenous community in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 137: 69-81. PMID 18446853 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.20847  0.76
2008 Coelho E Silva MJ, Figueiredo AJ, Moreira Carvalho H, Malina RM. Functional capacities and sport-specific skills of 14- to 15-year-old male basketball players: Size and maturity effects European Journal of Sport Science. 8: 277-285. DOI: 10.1080/17461390802117177  0.374
2007 Seabra AF, Mendonça DM, Thomis MA, Malina RM, Maia JA. Sports participation among Portuguese youth 10 to 18 years. Journal of Physical Activity & Health. 4: 370-80. PMID 18209229 DOI: 10.1123/Jpah.4.4.370  0.333
2007 Malina RM, Morano PJ, Barron M, Miller SJ, Cumming SP, Kontos AP, Little BB. Overweight and obesity among youth participants in American football. The Journal of Pediatrics. 151: 378-82. PMID 17889073 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpeds.2007.03.044  0.772
2007 Malina RM, Dompier TP, Powell JW, Barron MJ, Moore MT. Validation of a noninvasive maturity estimate relative to skeletal age in youth football players. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine : Official Journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine. 17: 362-8. PMID 17873548 DOI: 10.1097/Jsm.0B013E31815400F4  0.346
2007 Malina RM, Reyes ME, Tan SK, Buschang PH, Little BB. Overweight and obesity in a rural Amerindian population in Oaxaca, Southern Mexico, 1968-2000. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 19: 711-21. PMID 17661349 DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.20622  0.558
2007 Malina RM, Chamorro M, Serratosa L, Morate F. TW3 and Fels skeletal ages in elite youth soccer players. Annals of Human Biology. 34: 265-72. PMID 17558596 DOI: 10.1080/03014460701207601  0.337
2007 Little BB, Malina RM. Gene-environment interaction in skeletal maturity and body dimensions of urban Oaxaca Mestizo schoolchildren. Annals of Human Biology. 34: 216-25. PMID 17558592 DOI: 10.1080/03014460601144011  0.365
2007 Battista RA, Pivarnik JM, Dummer GM, Sauer N, Malina RM. Comparisons of physical characteristics and performances among female collegiate rowers. Journal of Sports Sciences. 25: 651-7. PMID 17454532 DOI: 10.1080/02640410600831781  0.32
2007 Huang YC, Malina RM. BMI and health-related physical fitness in Taiwanese youth 9-18 years. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 39: 701-8. PMID 17414809 DOI: 10.1249/Mss.0B013E31802F0512  0.325
2007 Malina RM. Physical fitness of children and adolescents in the United States: status and secular change. Medicine and Sport Science. 50: 67-90. PMID 17387252 DOI: 10.1159/000101076  0.373
2007 Malina RM, Ribeiro B, Aroso J, Cumming SP. Characteristics of youth soccer players aged 13-15 years classified by skill level. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 41: 290-5; discussion 29. PMID 17224444 DOI: 10.1136/Bjsm.2006.031294  0.346
2007 Eisenmann JC, Malina RM, Tremblay A, Bouchard C. Adiposity and cardiac dimensions among 9- to 18-year-old youth: The Québec Family Study Journal of Human Hypertension. 21: 114-119. PMID 17096006 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Jhh.1002116  0.332
2007 Ignasiak Z, Sławińska T, Rozek K, Little BB, Malina RM. Lead and growth status of school children living in the copper basin of south-western Poland: differential effects on bone growth. Annals of Human Biology. 33: 401-14. PMID 17060065 DOI: 10.1080/03014460600730752  0.32
2007 Morano PJ, Barron MJ, Malina RM, Kontos AP, Miller SJ. The Influence of Body Size and Maturity Status on Perception of Risk of Injury in Youth Football Players Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 39: S392. DOI: 10.1249/01.Mss.0000274545.99980.A9  0.779
2006 Malina RM, Katzmarzyk PT. Physical activity and fitness in an international growth standard for preadolescent and adolescent children Food and Nutrition Bulletin. 27. PMID 17361664 DOI: 10.1177/15648265060274S511  0.343
2006 Beunen GP, Rogol AD, Malina RM. Indicators of biological maturation and secular changes in biological maturation Food and Nutrition Bulletin. 27. PMID 17361661 DOI: 10.1177/15648265060274S508  0.315
2006 Malina RM. Weight training in youth-growth, maturation, and safety: An evidence-based review Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 16: 478-487. PMID 17119361 DOI: 10.1097/01.Jsm.0000248843.31874.Be  0.317
2006 Cumming SP, Battista RA, Martyn S, Ewing ME, Malina RM. Estimated maturity status and perceptions of adult autonomy support in youth soccer players. Journal of Sports Sciences. 24: 1039-46. PMID 17115515 DOI: 10.1080/02640410500386142  0.335
2006 Vaeyens R, Malina RM, Janssens M, Van Renterghem B, Bourgois J, Vrijens J, Philippaerts RM. A multidisciplinary selection model for youth soccer: the Ghent Youth Soccer Project. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 40: 928-34; discussion 9. PMID 16980535 DOI: 10.1136/Bjsm.2006.029652  0.343
2006 Malina RM, Claessens AL, Van Aken K, Thomis M, Lefevre J, Philippaerts R, Beunen GP. Maturity offset in gymnasts: application of a prediction equation. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 38: 1342-7. PMID 16826033 DOI: 10.1249/01.Mss.0000227321.61964.09  0.347
2006 Malina RM, Morano PJ, Barron M, Miller SJ, Cumming SP, Kontos AP. Incidence and player risk factors for injury in youth football. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine : Official Journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine. 16: 214-22. PMID 16778541 DOI: 10.1097/00042752-200605000-00005  0.782
2006 Little BB, Buschang PH, Peña Reyes ME, Tan SK, Malina RM. Craniofacial dimensions in children in rural Oaxaca, southern Mexico: secular change, 1968-2000. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 131: 127-36. PMID 16485300 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.20406  0.797
2006 Philippaerts RM, Vaeyens R, Janssens M, Van Renterghem B, Matthys D, Craen R, Bourgois J, Vrijens J, Beunen G, Malina RM. The relationship between peak height velocity and physical performance in youth soccer players. Journal of Sports Sciences. 24: 221-30. PMID 16368632 DOI: 10.1080/02640410500189371  0.338
2006 Claessens AL, Lefevre J, Beunen GP, Malina RM. Maturity-associated variation in the body size and proportions of elite female gymnasts 14-17 years of age. European Journal of Pediatrics. 165: 186-92. PMID 16344993 DOI: 10.1007/S00431-005-0017-8  0.396
2006 Coelho-e-Silva MJ, Figueiredo AJ, Malina RM. Contribution of Age, Maturity and Body Size to Variation in Functional Capacities and Skills of Basketball Players 13-14 Years Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 38: S214. DOI: 10.1249/00005768-200605001-01826  0.355
2006 Coe DP, Pivarnik JM, Womack CJ, Reeves MJ, Malina RM. The Effect of Body Mass Index on Academic Achievement in Middle School Children Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 38: S116. DOI: 10.1249/00005768-200605001-01414  0.327
2006 Morano PJ, Barron MJ, Miller SJ, Malina RM. Injuries in Youth Football Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 38: S50. DOI: 10.1249/00005768-200605001-01100  0.762
2005 Kozieł S, Malina RM. Variation in relative fat distribution associated with maturational timing: The Wrocław Growth study Annals of Human Biology. 32: 691-701. PMID 16418043 DOI: 10.1080/03014460500268531  0.335
2005 Vaeyens R, Philippaerts RM, Malina RM. The relative age effect in soccer: A match-related perspective Journal of Sports Sciences. 23: 747-756. PMID 16195025 DOI: 10.1080/02640410400022052  0.341
2005 Malina RM, Cumming SP, Kontos AP, Eisenmann JC, Ribeiro B, Aroso J. Maturity-associated variation in sport-specific skills of youth soccer players aged 13-15 years. Journal of Sports Sciences. 23: 515-22. PMID 16194999 DOI: 10.1080/02640410410001729928  0.377
2005 Little BB, Malina RM. Familial similarity in body size in an isolated Zapotec-speaking community in the valley of Oaxaca, southern Mexico: Estimated genetic and environmental effects Annals of Human Biology. 32: 513-524. PMID 16147399 DOI: 10.1080/03014460500129550  0.326
2005 Malina RM, Cumming SP, Morano PJ, Barron M, Miller SJ. Maturity status of youth football players: a noninvasive estimate. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 37: 1044-52. PMID 15947732 DOI: 10.1249/01.Mss.0000171622.45134.Cb  0.783
2005 Janssen I, Katzmarzyk PT, Srinivasan SR, Chen W, Malina RM, Bouchard C, Berenson GS. Combined influence of body mass index and waist circumference on coronary artery disease risk factors among children and adolescents. Pediatrics. 115: 1623-30. PMID 15930225 DOI: 10.1542/Peds.2004-2588  0.32
2005 Malina RM, Morano PJ, Barron M, Miller SJ, Cumming SP. Growth status and estimated growth rate of youth football players: a community-based study. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine : Official Journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine. 15: 125-32. PMID 15867553 DOI: 10.1097/01.Jsm.0000164287.42066.63  0.776
2005 Thomis M, Claessens AL, Lefevre J, Philippaerts R, Beunen GP, Malina RM. Adolescent growth spurts in female gymnasts. The Journal of Pediatrics. 146: 239-44. PMID 15689917 DOI: 10.1016/J.Jpeds.2004.09.026  0.389
2005 Cumming SP, Eisenmann JC, Smoll FL, Smith RE, Malina RM. Body size and perceptions of coaching behaviors by adolescent female athletes Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 6: 693-705. DOI: 10.1016/J.Psychsport.2005.01.002  0.348
2004 Malina RM, Peña Reyes ME, Tan SK, Little BB. Secular change in age at menarche in rural Oaxaca, southern Mexico: 1968--2000. Annals of Human Biology. 31: 634-46. PMID 15799231 DOI: 10.1080/03014460400018085  0.544
2004 Malina RM, Peña Reyes ME, Tan SK, Buschang PH, Little BB, Koziel S. Secular change in height, sitting height and leg length in rural Oaxaca, southern Mexico: 1968-2000. Annals of Human Biology. 31: 615-33. PMID 15799230 DOI: 10.1080/03014460400018077  0.526
2004 Freitas D, Maia J, Beunen G, Lefevre J, Claessens A, Marques A, Rodrigues A, Silva C, Crespo M, Thomis M, Sousa A, Malina R. Skeletal maturity and socio-economic status in Portuguese children and youths: the Madeira growth study. Annals of Human Biology. 31: 408-20. PMID 15513692 DOI: 10.1080/03014460410001713050  0.392
2004 Katzmarzyk PT, Srinivasan SR, Chen W, Malina RM, Bouchard C, Berenson GS. Body mass index, waist circumference, and clustering of cardiovascular disease risk factors in a biracial sample of children and adolescents. Pediatrics. 114: e198-205. PMID 15286257 DOI: 10.1542/Peds.114.2.E198  0.324
2004 Malina RM, Eisenmann JC, Cumming SP, Ribeiro B, Aroso J. Maturity-associated variation in the growth and functional capacities of youth football (soccer) players 13-15 years. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 91: 555-62. PMID 14648128 DOI: 10.1007/S00421-003-0995-Z  0.375
2004 Morano PJ, Barron M, Malina RM. Injuries in Youth Football Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 36: S275???s276. DOI: 10.1097/00005768-200405001-01322  0.762
2004 Monsma EV, Malina RM. Correlates of eating disorders risk among female figure skates: A profile of adolescent competitors Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 5: 447-460. DOI: 10.1016/S1469-0292(03)00038-4  0.312
2003 Reyes ME, Tan SK, Malina RM. Urban-rural contrasts in the growth status of school children in Oaxaca, Mexico. Annals of Human Biology. 30: 693-713. PMID 14675910 DOI: 10.1080/03014460310001612792  0.554
2003 Peña Reyes ME, Tan SK, Malina RM. Urban-rural contrasts in the physical fitness of school children in Oaxaca, Mexico. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 15: 800-13. PMID 14595872 DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.10218  0.797
2003 Eisenmann JC, Malina RM. Age- and sex-associated variation in neuromuscular capacities of adolescent distance runners. Journal of Sports Sciences. 21: 551-7. PMID 12848389 DOI: 10.1080/0264041031000101845  0.365
2003 Welon Z, Szklarska A, Bielicki T, Malina RM. Sex differences in the pattern of age-dependent increase in the BMI from 20-59 years. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 14: 693-8. PMID 12400028 DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.10079  0.345
2003 Battista RA, Cumming SP, Malina RM. BODY SIZE AND ESTIMATED MATURITY STATUS OF YOUTH SOCCER PLAYERS OF BOTH SEXES Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 35: S23. DOI: 10.1097/00005768-200305001-00111  0.334
2002 Eisenmann JC, Malina RM. Secular trend in peak oxygen consumption among United States youth in the 20th century. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 14: 699-706. PMID 12400029 DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.10084  0.347
2002 Little BB, Buschang PH, Malina RM. Anthropometric asymmetry in chronically undernourished children from Southern Mexico Annals of Human Biology. 29: 526-537. PMID 12396372 DOI: 10.1080/03014460110079464  0.364
2002 Eisenmann JC, Malina RM. Age-related changes in subcutaneous adipose tissue of adolescent distance runners and association with blood lipoproteins Annals of Human Biology. 29: 389-397. PMID 12160472 DOI: 10.1080/03014460110092252  0.317
2002 Lipowicz A, Gronkiewicz S, Malina RM. Body mass index, overweight and obesity in married and never married men and women in Poland American Journal of Human Biology. 14: 468-475. PMID 12112568 DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.10062  0.324
2002 Huang YC, Malina RM. Physical activity and health-related physical fitness in Taiwanese adolescents Journal of Physiological Anthropology and Applied Human Science. 21: 11-19. PMID 11938605 DOI: 10.2114/Jpa.21.11  0.323
2002 Eisenmann JC, Malina RM. Growth status and estimated growth rate of young distance runners International Journal of Sports Medicine. 23: 168-173. PMID 11914978 DOI: 10.1055/S-2002-23174  0.381
2002 Beunen G, Baxter-Jones AD, Mirwald RL, Thomis M, Lefevre J, Malina RM, Bailey DA. Intraindividual allometric development of aerobic power in 8- to 16-year-old boys. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 34: 503-10. PMID 11880816 DOI: 10.1097/00005768-200203000-00018  0.306
2002 Seefeldt V, Malina RM, Clark MA. Factors affecting levels of physical activity in adults Sports Medicine. 32: 143-168. PMID 11839079 DOI: 10.2165/00007256-200232030-00001  0.694
2002 Peña Reyes ME, Cárdenas Barahona EE, Cahuich MB, Barragán A, Malina RM. Growth status of children 6-12 years from two different geographic regions of Mexico. Annals of Human Biology. 29: 11-25. PMID 11826877 DOI: 10.1080/03014460110047964  0.361
2002 Baxter-Jones ADG, Thompson AM, Malina RM. Growth and maturation in elite young female athletes Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy Review. 10: 42-49. DOI: 10.1097/00132585-200210010-00007  0.375
2002 Tan SK, Reyes MEPa, Malina RM. Physique And Physical Fitness In Children With A History Of Undernutrition Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 34. DOI: 10.1097/00005768-200205001-00076  0.303
2002 Morano PJ, Malina RM, Barron M. BODY SIZE AND INCIDENCE OF INJURY IN YOUTH FOOTBALL Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 34: S2. DOI: 10.1097/00005768-200205001-00011  0.775
2001 Fortier MD, Katzmarzyk PT, Malina RM, Bouchard C. Seven-year stability of physical activity and musculoskeletal fitness in the Canadian population Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 33: 1905-1911. PMID 11689742 DOI: 10.1097/00005768-200111000-00016  0.34
2001 Campbell PT, Katzmarzyk PT, Malina RM, Rao DC, Pérusse L, Bouchard C. Prediction of physical activity and physical work capacity (PWC150) in young adulthood from childhood and adolescence with consideration of parental measures. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 13: 190-6. PMID 11460863 DOI: 10.1002/1520-6300(200102/03)13:2<190::Aid-Ajhb1028>3.0.Co;2-N  0.359
2001 Malina RM. Physical activity and fitness: Pathways from childhood to adulthood American Journal of Human Biology. 13: 162-172. PMID 11460860 DOI: 10.1002/1520-6300(200102/03)13:2<162::Aid-Ajhb1025>3.0.Co;2-T  0.303
2001 Eisenmann JC, Pivarnik JM, Malina RM. Scaling peak V̇O2 to body mass in young male and female distance runners Journal of Applied Physiology. 90: 2172-2180. PMID 11356780 DOI: 10.1152/Jappl.2001.90.6.2172  0.376
2001 Bénéfice E, Garnier D, Simondon KB, Malina RM. Relationship between stunting in infancy and growth and fat distribution during adolescence in Senegalese girls European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 55: 50-58. PMID 11303494 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Ejcn.1601121  0.384
2001 Katzmarzyk PT, Pérusse L, Malina RM, Bergeron J, Després JP, Bouchard C. Stability of indicators of the metabolic syndrome from childhood and adolescence to young adulthood: the Québec Family Study. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 54: 190-5. PMID 11166535 DOI: 10.1016/S0895-4356(00)00315-2  0.309
2001 Thomis M, Rogers DM, Beunen GP, Woynarowska B, Malina RM. Allometric relationship between body size and peak VO2 relative to age at menarche. Annals of Human Biology. 27: 623-33. PMID 11110226 DOI: 10.1080/03014460050178704  0.344
2001 Malina RM. Adherence to physical activity from childhood to adulthood: A perspective from tracking studies Quest. 53: 346-355. DOI: 10.1080/00336297.2001.10491751  0.317
2000 Zhang J, Peddada SD, Malina RM, Rogol AD. Longitudinal assessment of hormonal and physical alterations during normal puberty in boys. VI. Modeling of growth velocity, mean growth hormone (GH mean), and serum testosterone (T) concentrations. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 12: 814-824. PMID 11534072 DOI: 10.1002/1520-6300(200011/12)12:6<814::Aid-Ajhb9>3.0.Co;2-U  0.313
2000 da Silva RC, Malina RM. Level of physical activity in adolescents from Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Cadernos De Saude Publica. 16: 1091-1097. PMID 11175532 DOI: 10.1590/S0102-311X2000000400027  0.346
2000 Malina RM, Peña Reyes ME, Eisenmann JC, Horta L, Rodrigues J, Miller R. Height, mass and skeletal maturity of elite Portuguese soccer players aged 11-16 years. Journal of Sports Sciences. 18: 685-93. PMID 11043894 DOI: 10.1080/02640410050120069  0.774
2000 Bielicki T, Szklarska A, Welon Z, Malina R. Variation in the body mass index among young adult Polish males between 1965 and 1995. International Journal of Obesity. 24: 658-662. PMID 10849591 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Ijo.0801215  0.341
2000 Beunen G, Thomis M, Maes HH, Loos R, Malina RM, Claessens AL, Vlietinck R. Genetic variance of adolescent growth in stature. Annals of Human Biology. 27: 173-86. PMID 10768422 DOI: 10.1080/030144600282280  0.32
2000 Eisenmann JC, Katzmarzyk PT, Arnall DA, Kanuho V, Interpreter C, Malina RM. Growth and overweight of Navajo youth: Secular changes from 1955 to 1997 International Journal of Obesity. 24: 211-218. PMID 10702773 DOI: 10.1038/Sj.Ijo.0801116  0.399
2000 Eisenmann JC, Katzmarzyk PT, Thériault G, Song TM, Malina RM, Bouchard C. Cardiac dimensions, physical activity, and submaximal working capacity in youth of the Québec Family Study. European Journal of Applied Physiology. 81: 40-6. PMID 10552265 DOI: 10.1007/Pl00013795  0.344
2000 Anderson S, Griesemer B, Johnson M, Martin T, McLain L, Rowland T, Small E, LeBlanc C, Malina R, Krein C, Young J, Reed F, Washington R, Bar-Or O, Newland H. Intensive Training and Sports Specialization in Young Athletes Pediatrics. 106: 154-157. DOI: 10.1542/Peds.106.1.154  0.311
1999 Bénéfice E, Fouére T, Malina RM. Early nutritional history and motor performance of Senegalese children, 4-6 years of age Annals of Human Biology. 26: 443-455. PMID 10541406 DOI: 10.1080/030144699282561  0.308
1999 Malina RM, Katzmarzyk PT. Validity of the body mass index as an indicator of the risk and presence of overweight in adolescents American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 70. PMID 10419416 DOI: 10.1093/Ajcn/70.1.131S  0.352
1999 Katzmarzyk PT, Malina RM. Body size and physique among Canadians of First Nation and European ancestry American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 108: 161-172. PMID 9988379 DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1096-8644(199902)108:2<161::Aid-Ajpa3>3.0.Co;2-B  0.353
1999 Eisenmann JC, Katzmarzyk PT, Theriault G, Song TMK, Malina RM, Bouchard C. Physical activity and pulmonary function in youth: The Quebec family study Pediatric Exercise Science. 11: 208-217. DOI: 10.1123/Pes.11.3.208  0.324
1999 Malina RM, Seefeldt VD. ADULT PHYSICAL ACTIVITY: IS IT RELATED TO CHILDHOOD MOTOR SKILL AND PERFORMANCE? Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 31: S344. DOI: 10.1097/00005768-199905001-01735  0.65
1999 Eisenmann JC, Seefeldt V, Haubenstricker J, Malina RM. GROWTH STATUS AND ESTIMATED GROWTH RATE OF COMPETITIVE YOUNG RUNNERS Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 31: S321. DOI: 10.1097/00005768-199905001-01606  0.684
1999 Malina RM, Katzmarzyk PT, Beunen GP. Relation between birth weight at term and growth rate, skeletal age, and cortical bone at 6-11 years American Journal of Human Biology. 11: 505-511. DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1520-6300(1999)11:4<505::Aid-Ajhb10>3.0.Co;2-6  0.367
1999 Malina RM, Koziel S, Bielicki T. Variation in subcutaneous adipose tissue distribution associated with age, sex, and maturation American Journal of Human Biology. 11: 189-200. DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1520-6300(1999)11:2<189::Aid-Ajhb7>3.0.Co;2-#  0.39
1998 Geithner CA, Woynarowska B, Malina RM. The adolescent spurt and sexual maturation in girls active and not active in sport Annals of Human Biology. 25: 415-423. PMID 9741485 DOI: 10.1080/03014469800006662  0.358
1998 Katzmarzyk PT, Malina RM, Song TM, Thériault G, Bouchard C. Physique and echocardiographic dimensions in children, adolescents and young adults. Annals of Human Biology. 25: 145-57. PMID 9533514 DOI: 10.1080/03014469800005522  0.317
1997 Katzmarzyk PT, Malina RM, Beunen GP. The contribution of biological maturation to the strength and motor fitness of children. Annals of Human Biology. 24: 493-505. PMID 9395735 DOI: 10.1080/03014469700005262  0.362
1997 Beunen GP, Malina RM, Lefevre J, Claessens AL, Renson R, Kanden Eynde B, Vanreusel B, Simons J. Skeletal maturation, somatic growth and physical fitness in girls 6-16 years of age. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 18: 413-9. PMID 9351686 DOI: 10.1055/S-2007-972657  0.326
1997 Malina RM, Woynarowska B, Bielicki T, Beunen G, Eweld D, Geithner CA, Huang YC, Rogers DM. Prospective and retrospective longitudinal studies of the growth, maturation, and fitness of Polish youth active in sport. International Journal of Sports Medicine. S179-85. PMID 9272845 DOI: 10.1055/S-2007-972711  0.374
1997 Beunen G, Ostyn M, Simons J, Renson R, Claessens AL, Vanden Eynde B, Lefevre J, Vanreusel B, Malina RM, van't Hof MA. Development and tracking in fitness components: Leuven longtudinal study on lifestyle, fitness and health. International Journal of Sports Medicine. 18: S171-8. PMID 9272844 DOI: 10.1055/S-2007-972710  0.358
1997 Beunen GP, Malina RM, Lefevre J, Claessens AL, Renson R, Simons J. Prediction of adult stature and noninvasive assessment of biological maturation. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 29: 225-30. PMID 9044227 DOI: 10.1097/00005768-199702000-00010  0.312
1997 Beunen GP, Rogers DM, Woynarowska B, Malina RM. Longitudinal study of ontogenetic allometry of oxygen uptake in boys and girls grouped by maturity status Annals of Human Biology. 24: 33-43. PMID 9022904 DOI: 10.1249/00005768-199505001-00637  0.359
1997 Malina RM, Beunen G, Lefevre J, Woynarowska B. Maturity-associated variation in peak oxygen uptake in active adolescent boys and girls Annals of Human Biology. 24: 19-31. PMID 9022903 DOI: 10.1080/03014469700004742  0.339
1996 Huang YC, Malina RM. Physical activity and correlates of estimated energy expenditure in Taiwanese adolescents 12-14 years of age. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 8: 225-236. PMID 28557321 DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1520-6300(1996)8:2<225::Aid-Ajhb9>3.0.Co;2-0  0.345
1996 Malina RM. Tracking of physical activity and physical fitness across the lifespan Research Quarterly For Exercise and Sport. 67. PMID 8902908 DOI: 10.1080/02701367.1996.10608853  0.339
1996 Bénéfice E, Malina R. Body size, body composition and motor performances of mild-to-moderately undernourished Senegalese children. Annals of Human Biology. 23: 307-321. PMID 8830918 DOI: 10.1080/03014469600004542  0.388
1996 Malina RM, Bielicki T. Retrospective longitudinal growth study of boys and girls active in sport Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics. 85: 570-576. PMID 8827101 DOI: 10.1111/J.1651-2227.1996.Tb14089.X  0.354
1996 Malina RM. Birth weight and its relationship to size attained and relative fat distribution at 7 to 12 years of age Obesity Research. 4: 385-390. PMID 8822763 DOI: 10.1002/J.1550-8528.1996.Tb00246.X  0.325
1996 Bénéfice E, Fouéré T, Malina RM, Beunen G. Anthropometric and motor characteristics of Senegalese children with different nutritional histories Child: Care, Health and Development. 22: 151-165. PMID 8735670 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2214.1996.Tb00784.X  0.337
1996 Chumlea WC, Roche AF, Guo SS, Siervogel RM, Malina RM. GROWTH MATURATION AND BODY COMPOSITION: THE FELS LONGITUDINAL STUDY AND SPORTS MEDICINE 632 Medicine &Amp Science in Sports &Amp Exercise. 28: 106. DOI: 10.1097/00005768-199605001-00631  0.305
1996 Geithner CA, Spokane WA, Malina RM, Woynarowska B. Interval Between Ages At Peak Height Velocity And Menarche In Girls Active In Sport 20 Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 28: 4. DOI: 10.1097/00005768-199605001-00020  0.322
1996 Park R, Seefeldt V, Malina RM, Broadhead GD. G. Lawrence Rarick The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance. 67: 16-17. DOI: 10.1080/07303084.1996.10604790  0.64
1995 Song TMK, Thériault G, Prud'Homme D, Malina RM, Bouchard C. Relationships of physical fitness, fatness, and lifestyle indicators with blood iron in children and adults. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 7: 631-641. PMID 28557121 DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.1310070511  0.352
1995 Huang YC, Malina RM. Secular changes in the stature and weight of Taiwanese children, 1964-1988. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 7: 485-496. PMID 28557086 DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.1310070410  0.357
1995 Malina RM, Beunen GP, Classens AL, Lefevre J, Vanden Eynde BV, Renson R, Vanreusel B, Simons J. Fatness and physical fitness of girls 7 to 17 years. Obesity Research. 3: 221-31. PMID 7627770 DOI: 10.1002/J.1550-8528.1995.Tb00142.X  0.334
1994 Malina RM, Reyes MEP. Relative fat distribution: Relationship to skeletal maturation, growth status, and motor fitness of boys 8-11 years of age. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 6: 19-23. PMID 28548435 DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.1310060105  0.37
1994 Malina RM. Physical activity and training: Effects on stature and the adolescent growth spurt Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 26: 759-766. PMID 8052116 DOI: 10.1249/00005768-199406000-00016  0.348
1994 Malina RM. Physical growth and biological maturation of young athletes Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews. 22: 389-433. PMID 7925550 DOI: 10.1249/00003677-199401000-00012  0.308
1994 Klika RJ, Mclcski BW, Malina RM. 1193 Growth, Physique, and Body Composition of Age Group Swimmers: Comparisons Between 1980 and 1992 Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 26. DOI: 10.1249/00005768-199405001-01195  0.327
1994 Malina RM. Attained Size and Growth Rate of Female Volleyball Players between 9 and 13 Years of Age Pediatric Exercise Science. 6: 257-266. DOI: 10.1123/Pes.6.3.257  0.399
1994 Malina RM. Longitudinal observations on physical growth and TW2 skeletal maturation of girls in Tokyo: Radiographic atlas of hand and wrist. By Moriharu Eto and Kumi Ashizawa. 640 pp. Tokyo: Therapeia Co. Ltd., 1992, 69,000 Yen ($680.00) (cloth) American Journal of Health Behavior. 6: 408-408. DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.1310060318  0.316
1993 Malina RM. Ethnic Variation in the Prevalence of Obesity in North American Children and Youth Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 33: 389-396. PMID 8357501 DOI: 10.1080/10408399309527637  0.311
1992 Wellens R, Malina RM, Roche AF, Chumlea WC, Guo S, Siervogel RM. Body size and fatness in young adults in relation to age at menarche. American Journal of Human Biology : the Official Journal of the Human Biology Council. 4: 783-787. PMID 28524629 DOI: 10.1002/Ajhb.1310040610  0.357
1992 Stanley CG, Malina RM. Growth And Maturity Status Of Junior Olympic Age-Group Divers: 612 Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 24. DOI: 10.1249/00005768-199205001-00613  0.321
1992 BEUNEN GP, MALINA RM, RENSON R, SIMONS J, OSTYN M, LEFEVRE J. Physical activity and growth, maturation and performance Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 24: 576???585. DOI: 10.1249/00005768-199205000-00012  0.347
1992 Malina RM, Bielicki T. Growth and Maturation of Boys Active in Sports: Longitudinal Observations From the Wroclaw Growth Study Pediatric Exercise Science. 4: 68-77. DOI: 10.1123/Pes.4.1.68  0.388
1990 Wellens R, Malina RM, Beunen G, Lefevre J. Age at menarche in flemish girls: Current status and secular change in the 20th century Annals of Human Biology. 17: 145-152. PMID 2334109 DOI: 10.1080/03014469000000892  0.342
1990 Little BB, Malina RM, Buschang PH. Sibling similarity in annual growth increments in schoolchildren from a rural community in Oaxaca, Mexico. Annals of Human Biology. 17: 41-7. PMID 2317004 DOI: 10.1080/03014469000000772  0.349
1988 Beunen G, Malina RM. Growth and physical performance relative to the timing of the adolescent spurt Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews. 16: 503-540. PMID 3292266 DOI: 10.1249/00003677-198800160-00018  0.312
1988 Little BB, Buschang PH, Malina RM. Socioeconomic variation in estimated growth velocity of schoolchildren from a rural, subsistence agricultural community in southern Mexico American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 76: 443-448. PMID 3218670 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330760404  0.39
1988 Little BB, Malina RM, Buschang PH. Increased heterozygosity and child growth in an isolated subsistence agricultural community in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 77: 85-90. PMID 3189527 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330770113  0.324
1987 Malina RM, Brown KH, Zavaleta AN. Relative lower extremity length in Mexican American and in American black and white youth. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 72: 89-94. PMID 3826332 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330720111  0.325
1987 Malina RM, Little BB, Shoup RF, Buschang PH. Adaptive significance of small body size: strength and motor performance of school children in Mexico and Papua New Guinea. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 73: 489-99. PMID 3661686 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330730411  0.348
1987 Little BB, Malina RM, Buschang PH, DeMoss JH. Sibling correlations for growth status in schoolchildren from a rural community in Oaxaca, Mexico. Annals of Human Biology. 14: 11-21. PMID 3592608 DOI: 10.1080/03014468700008791  0.303
1987 Malina RM, Zavaleta AN, Little BB. Body size, fatness, and leanness of Mexican American children in Brownsville, Texas: changes between 1972 and 1983. American Journal of Public Health. 77: 573-7. PMID 3565649 DOI: 10.2105/Ajph.77.5.573  0.396
1986 Little BB, Malina RM, Buschang PH, DeMoss JH, Little LR. Genetic and environmental effects on growth of children from a subsistence agricultural community in southern Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 71: 81-7. PMID 3777150 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330710110  0.363
1986 Malina RM, Beunen G, Wellens R, Claessens A. Skeletal maturity and body size of teenage belgian track and Field athletes Annals of Human Biology. 13: 331-339. PMID 3767306 DOI: 10.1080/03014468600008511  0.324
1986 Buschang PH, Malina RM, Little BB. Linear growth of Zapotec schoolchildren: growth status and yearly velocity for leg length and sitting height. Annals of Human Biology. 13: 225-34. PMID 3752914 DOI: 10.1080/03014468600008391  0.358
1986 Malina R. Child Growth and Health Studies in Oaxaca Practicing Anthropology. 8: 13-15. DOI: 10.17730/Praa.8.1-2.P5788170022U1Uwn  0.309
1986 Malina RM, Martorell R, Mendoza F. Growth status of Mexican American children and youths: Historical trends and contemporary issues American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 29: 45-79. DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330290503  0.368
1985 Meleski BW, Malina RM. Changes in body composition and physique of elite university-level female swimmers during a competitive season Journal of Sports Sciences. 3: 33-40. PMID 4094018 DOI: 10.1080/02640418508729730  0.303
1985 Malina RM, Little BB, Buschang PH, DeMoss J, Selby HA. Socioeconomic variation in the growth status of children in a subsistence agricultural community. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 68: 385-91. PMID 4061619 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330680309  0.375
1985 Deutsch MI, Mueller WH, Malina RM. Androgyny in fat patterning is associated with obesity in adolescents and Young adults Annals of Human Biology. 12: 275-286. PMID 4015036 DOI: 10.1080/03014468500007781  0.334
1985 Moriyama M, Takemoto T, Kashiwazaki H, Suzuki T, Malina RM. An Analysis of Relationships between Menarche and Attained Body Size The Journal of Anthropological Society of Nippon. 93: 33-43. DOI: 10.1537/Ase1911.93.33  0.334
1984 Bielicki T, Koniarek J, Malina RM. Interrelationships among certain measures of growth and maturation rate in boys during adolescence Annals of Human Biology. 11: 201-210. PMID 6742770 DOI: 10.1080/03014468400007071  0.356
1983 Beunen G, Malina RM, Ostyn M, Renson R, Simons J, Van Gerven D. Fatness and skeletal maturity of Belgian boys 12 through 17 years of age. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 59: 387-92. PMID 7165039 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330590408  0.39
1983 Malina RM, Selby HA, Buschang PH, Aronson WL, Little BB. Assortative mating for phenotypic characteristics in a Zapotec community in Oaxaca, Mexico. Journal of Biosocial Science. 15: 273-80. PMID 6885848 DOI: 10.1017/S0021932000014619  0.316
1983 Malina RM, Selby HA, Buschang PH, Aronson WL, Wilkinson RG. Adult stature and age at menarche in Zapotec-speaking communities in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, in a secular perspective. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 60: 437-49. PMID 6846514 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330600405  0.363
1983 Malina RM. Menarche in atheletes: A synthesis and hypothesis Annals of Human Biology. 10: 1-24. PMID 6838152 DOI: 10.1080/03014468300006141  0.3
1983 Beunen G, Malina RM, Ostyn M, Renson R, Simons J, Gerven DV. Fatness and skeletal maturity of Belgian boys 12–17 years of age Journal of Human Evolution. 12: 701. DOI: 10.1016/S0047-2484(83)80087-6  0.344
1982 Malina RM, Meleski BW, Shoup RF. Anthropometric, body composition, and maturity characteristics of selected school-age athletes. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 29: 1305-23. PMID 7177722 DOI: 10.1016/S0031-3955(16)34282-1  0.379
1982 Zavaleta AN, Malina RM. Growth and body composition of Mexican-American boys 9 through 14 years of age. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 57: 261-71. PMID 7114193 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330570304  0.376
1982 Malina RM, Buschang PH, Aronson WL, Selby HA. Aging in selected anthropometric dimensions in a rural Zapotec-speaking community in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico. Social Science & Medicine (1982). 16: 217-22. PMID 7100972 DOI: 10.1016/0277-9536(82)90025-9  0.388
1981 Malina RM, Little BB. Comparison of TW1 and TW2 skeletal age differences in American Black and White and in Mexican children 6-13 years of age Annals of Human Biology. 8: 543-548. PMID 7337415 DOI: 10.1080/03014468100005381  0.354
1981 Malina RM, Himes JH, Stepick CD, Lopez FG, Buschang PH. Growth of rural and urban children in the valley of Oaxaca, Mexico. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 54: 327-36. PMID 7234980 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330540305  0.325
1980 Malina RM, Selby HA, Buschang PH, Aronson WL. Growth status of schoolchildren in a rural Zapotec community in the Valley of Oaxaca, Mexico, in 1968 and 1978. Annals of Human Biology. 7: 367-74. PMID 7436350 DOI: 10.1080/03014468000004441  0.398
1980 Buschang PH, Malina RM. Brachymesophalangia‐V in five samples of children: A descriptive and methodological study American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 53: 189-195. PMID 7416253 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330530203  0.309
1980 Zavaleta AN, Malina RM. Growth, fatness, and leanness in Mexican-American children. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 33: 2008-20. PMID 7416069 DOI: 10.1093/Ajcn/33.9.2008  0.356
1980 Malina RM, Zavaleta AN. Secular trend in the stature and weight of Mexican-American children in Texas between 1930 and 1970. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 52: 453-61. PMID 7386609 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330520402  0.353
1980 Mueller WH, Malina RM. Genetic and environmental influences on growth of Philadelphia black and white schoolchildren Annals of Human Biology. 7: 441-448. PMID 7235624 DOI: 10.1080/03014468000004551  0.307
1980 Chumlea WC, Malina RM, Rarick GL, Seefeldt VD. Communalities for rates of diaphyseal elongation of short bones of the hand of children with Down syndrome. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 53: 129-31. PMID 6448006 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330530117  0.774
1979 Chumlea WC, Malina RM, Rarick GL, Seefeldt VD. Growth of short bones of the hand in children with Down's syndrome. Journal of Mental Deficiency Research. 23: 137-50. PMID 226715 DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2788.1979.Tb00050.X  0.781
1979 Malina RM. Secular Changes in Size and Maturity: Causes and Effects Monographs of the Society For Research in Child Development. 44: 59. DOI: 10.2307/1165885  0.364
1979 MALINA RM, BOUCHARD C, SHOUP RF, DEMIRJIAN A, LARIVIERE G. Age at menarche, family size, and birth order in athletes at the Montreal Olympic Games, 1976 Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 11: 354???358. DOI: 10.1249/00005768-197901140-00009  0.317
1978 Malina RM, Himes JH. Patterns of childhood mortality and growth status in a rural zapotec community Annals of Human Biology. 5: 517-531. PMID 742840 DOI: 10.1080/03014467800003201  0.379
1978 Bouchard C, Leblanc C, Malina RM, Hollmann W. Skeletal age and submaximal working capacity in boys Annals of Human Biology. 5: 75-78. PMID 206183 DOI: 10.1080/03014467800002661  0.346
1977 Malina RM, Chumlea C. Age at menarche in deaf girls Annals of Human Biology. 4: 485-488. PMID 603229 DOI: 10.1080/03014467700002471  0.337
1977 Malina RM, Chumlea C, Stepick CD, Lopez FG. Age of menarche in Oaxaca, Mexico, schoolgirls, with comparative data for other areas of mexico Annals of Human Biology. 4: 551-558. PMID 596820 DOI: 10.1080/03014467700002541  0.343
1977 Himes JH, Malina RM. Sexual dimorphism in metacarpal dimensions and body size of mexican school children Cells Tissues Organs. 99: 15-20. DOI: 10.1159/000144830  0.34
1976 Malina RM, Himes JH, Stepick CD. Skeletal maturity of the hand and wrist in Oaxaca school children Annals of Human Biology. 3: 211-219. PMID 962301 DOI: 10.1080/03014467600001371  0.373
1976 Himes JH, Martorell R, Habicht JP, Yarbrough C, Malina RM, Klein RE. Sexual dimorphism in bone growth as a function of body size in moderately malnourished Guatemalan preschool age children American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 45: 331-335. PMID 822734 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330450218  0.37
1976 Bouchard CE, Malina RM, Hollmann W, Leblanc C. Relationships between skeletal maturity and submaximal working capacity in boys 8 to 18 years Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 8: 186-190. PMID 185479 DOI: 10.1249/00005768-197600830-00010  0.327
1975 Malina RM, Habicht JP, Martorell R, Lechtig A, Yarbrough C, Klein RE. Head and chest circumferences in rural Guatemalan Ladino children, birth to seven years of age. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 28: 1061-70. PMID 1163474 DOI: 10.1093/Ajcn/28.9.1061  0.371
1975 Yarbrough C, Habicht JP, Malina RM, Lechtig A, Klein RE. Length and weight in rural Guatemalan Ladino children: birth to seven years of age. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 42: 439-47. PMID 1146988 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330420311  0.378
1975 Delgado H, Habicht JP, Yarbrough C, Lechtig A, Martorell R, Malina RM, Klein RE. Nutritional status and the timing of deciduous tooth eruption. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 28: 216-24. PMID 804244 DOI: 10.1093/Ajcn/28.3.216  0.324
1975 Himes JH, Malina RM. Age and secular factors in the stature of adult Zapotec males American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 43: 367-369. DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330430311  0.344
1974 Habicht JP, Yarbrough C, Martorell R, Malina R, Klein R. HEIGHT AND WEIGHT STANDARDS FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN. HOW RELEVANT ARE ETHNIC DIFFERENCES IN GROWTH POTENTIAL ? The Lancet. 303: 611-615. PMID 4132271 DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(74)92663-4  0.335
1973 Malina RM, Gorzycki PA. Height and weight growth patterns of school age deaf children American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 38: 135-143. PMID 4682524 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330380127  0.376
1972 Malina RM. Skin fold-body weight correlations in Negro and white children of elementary school age American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 25: 861-863. PMID 5054214 DOI: 10.1093/Ajcn/25.9.861  0.345
1972 Malina RM. Comparison of the increase in body size between 1899 and 1970 in a specially selected group with that in the general population American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 37: 135-141. PMID 5039733 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330370118  0.315
1972 Malina RM. Weight, height and limb circumferences in American negro and white children: Longitudinal observations over a one year period Journal of Tropical Pediatrics. 18: 280-283. PMID 4495130 DOI: 10.1093/Tropej/18.4.280  0.324
1971 MALINA RM, HARPER AE, AVENT HH, CAMPBELL DE. Physique of female track and field athletes Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 3: 32???38. DOI: 10.1249/00005768-197100310-00006  0.304
1969 Malina RM. Growth and Physical Performance of American Negro and White Children: A Comparative Survey of Differences in Body Size, Proportions and Composition, Skeletal Maturation, and Various Motor Performances Clinical Pediatrics. 8: 476-483. PMID 4894528 DOI: 10.1177/000992286900800812  0.334
1968 Malina RM, Rarick GL. A device for assessing the role of information feedback in speed and accuracy of throwing performance Research Quarterly of the American Association For Health, Physical Education and Recreation. 39: 220-223. PMID 5239588 DOI: 10.1080/10671188.1968.10616554  0.633
1968 Parizkova J, Buskirk ER, Cappieri M, Chatterjee BK, Huizinga J, Johnston FE, Jokl E, Keen EN, Lanyon-Orgill PA, Malina RM, Suchy J, de Villiers H, Wolanski N. Body Composition and Physical Fitness [and Comments and Reply] Current Anthropology. 9: 273-287. DOI: 10.1086/200899  0.347
1967 Malina RM, Johnston FE. Significance of age, sex, and maturity differences in upper arm composition Research Quarterly of the American Association For Health, Physical Education and Recreation. 38: 219-230. PMID 5229368 DOI: 10.1080/10671188.1967.10613383  0.391
1966 Johnston FE, Hertzog KP, Malina RM. Phenylthiocarbamide taste sensitivity and its relationship to growth variation American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 24: 253-255. PMID 5938203 DOI: 10.1002/Ajpa.1330240214  0.337
1966 Johnston FE, Hertzog KP, Malina RM. Longitudinal growth in thalassemia major. Relationship to hemoglobin level. American Journal of Diseases of Children (1960). 112: 396-401. PMID 5917972 DOI: 10.1001/Archpedi.1966.02090140068003  0.351
1963 Malina RM, Plagenz LB, Rarick GL. Effect of exercise upon the measurable supporting strength of cloth and tape ankle wraps Research Quarterly of the American Association For Health, Physical Education and Recreation. 34: 158-165. DOI: 10.1080/10671188.1963.10762126  0.647
1962 RARICK GL, BIGLEY G, KARST R, MALINA RM. The measurable support of the ankle joint by conventional methods of taping The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American Volume. 44: 1183-1190. PMID 14038607 DOI: 10.2106/00004623-196244060-00013  0.651
Show low-probability matches.