Layla Hiramatsu, PhD
Affiliations: | Friedrich Miescher Laboratory of the Max Planck Society, Germany |
evolution, behavior, genome, morphology, evolutionary physiology, quantitative genetics, experimental evolution, exercise physiology, motivationGoogle:
"Layla Hiramatsu"Cross-listing: Neurotree
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Cadney MD, Hiramatsu L, Thompson Z, et al. (2021) Effects of early-life exposure to Western diet and voluntary exercise on adult activity levels, exercise physiology, and associated traits in selectively bred High Runner mice. Physiology & Behavior. 113389 |
Schmill MP, Cadney MD, Thompson Z, et al. (2020) Conditioned Place Preference for Cocaine and Methylphenidate in Female Mice from Lines Selectively Bred for High Voluntary Wheel-Running Behavior. Genes, Brain, and Behavior. e12700 |
Dewan I, Garland T, Hiramatsu L, et al. (2018) I Smell a Mouse: Indirect Genetic Effects on Voluntary Wheel-Running Distance, Duration and Speed. Behavior Genetics |
Hiramatsu L, Garland T. (2018) Mice selectively bred for high voluntary wheel-running behavior conserve more fat despite increased exercise. Physiology & Behavior |
Hiramatsu L, Kay J, Thompson Z, et al. (2017) Maternal exposure to Western diet affects adult body composition and voluntary wheel running in a genotype-specific manner in mice. Physiology & Behavior |
Hiramatsu L, Garland T. (2016) Nature or Nurture? Heritability in the Classroom. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology : Pbz. 89: 457-461 |