Jared R Fletcher
Affiliations: | Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada |
Muscle mechanics, running energetics, exercise physiologyGoogle:
"Jared Fletcher"Cross-listing: Biomechanics Tree
Sign in to add mentorBrian R MacIntosh | grad student | University of Calgary (Biomechanics Tree) | |
Benno M. Nigg | post-doc | University of Calgary (Biomechanics Tree) |
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MacDougall KB, McClean ZJ, MacIntosh BR, et al. (2023) Validity of the Entralpi force plate in the assessment of finger flexor performance metrics in rock climbers. Sports Biomechanics. 1-11 |
McCLEAN ZJ, MacDOUGALL KB, Fletcher JR, et al. (2023) Test-Retest Reliability of a 4-Minute All-Out Critical Force Test in Rock Climbers. International Journal of Exercise Science. 16: 912-923 |
MacDougall KB, McClean ZJ, MacIntosh BR, et al. (2023) Ischemic Preconditioning, But Not Priming Exercise, Improves Exercise Performance in Trained Rock Climbers. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research |
Blazevich AJ, Fletcher JR. (2023) More than energy cost: multiple benefits of the long Achilles tendon in human walking and running. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society |
Power GA, Crooks S, Fletcher JR, et al. (2021) Age-related reductions in the number of serial sarcomeres contribute to shorter fascicle lengths but not elevated passive tension. The Journal of Experimental Biology. 224 |
Cigoja S, Fletcher JR, Esposito M, et al. (2021) Increasing the midsole bending stiffness of shoes alters gastrocnemius medialis muscle function during running. Scientific Reports. 11: 749 |
Cigoja S, Fletcher JR, Nigg BM. (2020) Can changes in midsole bending stiffness of shoes affect the onset of joint work redistribution during a prolonged run? Journal of Sport and Health Science |
Gallinger TL, Fletcher JR, MacIntosh BR. (2020) Mechanisms of reduced plantarflexor function in Cerebral palsy: smaller triceps surae moment arm and reduced muscle force. Journal of Biomechanics. 110: 109959 |
Cigoja S, Asmussen MJ, Firminger CR, et al. (2020) The Effects of Increased Midsole Bending Stiffness of Sport Shoes on Muscle-Tendon Unit Shortening and Shortening Velocity: a Randomised Crossover Trial in Recreational Male Runners. Sports Medicine - Open. 6: 9 |
Firminger CR, Asmussen MJ, Cigoja S, et al. (2020) Cumulative Metrics of Tendon Load and Damage Vary Discordantly with Running Speed. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise |