David Chinkes

"David Chinkes"
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Tuvdendorj D, Børsheim E, Sharp CP, et al. (2015) Amino Acid Availability Regulates the Effect of Hyperinsulinemia on Skin Protein Metabolism in Pigs. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. 290: 17776-83
Tuvdendorj D, Zhang XJ, Chinkes DL, et al. (2015) Triglycerides produced in the livers of fasting rabbits are predominantly stored as opposed to secreted into the plasma. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental. 64: 580-7
Tuvdendorj D, Chinkes DL, Bahadorani J, et al. (2014) Comparison of bolus injection and constant infusion methods for measuring muscle protein fractional synthesis rate in humans. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental. 63: 1562-7
Tuvdendorj D, Chinkes DL, Herndon DN, et al. (2013) A novel stable isotope tracer method to measure muscle protein fractional breakdown rate during a physiological non-steady-state condition. American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism. 304: E623-30
Tuvdendorj D, Chinkes DL, Zhang XJ, et al. (2011) Adult patients are more catabolic than children during acute phase after burn injury: a retrospective analysis on muscle protein kinetics. Intensive Care Medicine. 37: 1317-22
Tuvdendorj D, Chinkes DL, Zhang XJ, et al. (2011) Long-term oxandrolone treatment increases muscle protein net deposition via improving amino acid utilization in pediatric patients 6 months after burn injury. Surgery. 149: 645-53
Fram RY, Cree MG, Wolfe RR, et al. (2010) Intensive insulin therapy improves insulin sensitivity and mitochondrial function in severely burned children. Critical Care Medicine. 38: 1475-83
Børsheim E, Chinkes DL, McEntire SJ, et al. (2010) Whole body protein kinetics measured with a non-invasive method in severely burned children. Burns : Journal of the International Society For Burn Injuries. 36: 1006-12
Martini WZ, Wolf SE, Chinkes DL, et al. (2010) Enhanced albumin synthesis in severely burned adults Shock. 34: 364-368
Zhang XJ, Chinkes DL, Wu Z, et al. (2009) The synthetic rate of muscle triglyceride but not phospholipid is increased in obese rabbits. Metabolism: Clinical and Experimental. 58: 1649-56
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