Tyler W. Abrams | Fluid and Plasma Physics | Astrophysical Sciences | | 2015 | Michael Andrew Jaworski (grad student) |
Justin Emanuel Albert | Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 2002 | A.J. Stewart Smith (grad student) |
Kassandra Anderson | | Astronomy | | 2019 | Dong Lai (grad student) |
Gonzalo J. Aniano Porcile | Astrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, General Physics | Astrophysical Sciences | | 2012 | Bruce T. Draine (grad student) |
Michael E. Ash | | | | | |
Charles M Bachmann | Costal remote sensing, imaging science, spectroscopy, radiative transfer modeling and theory | | | | |
Jonathan Anders Bagger | Theory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 1983 | Edward Witten (grad student) |
John Norris Bahcall | nuclear astrophysics, the solar neutrino problem | | | | |
Jo Baker | | Physics | 2002 | 2005 | Pedro Gil Ferreira (grad student) |
Mona Berciu | Condensed Matter Theory | | | 2002 | Ravindra N. Bhatt (post-doc) |
Paul E. Boynton | Astronomy, Astrophysics, Relativity & Gravitation | | | 1967 | Thomas J. Devlin (grad student) |
Adam S. Burrows | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | | |
William F. M. Buscombe | astronomical spectroscopy | | | 1951 | Lyman Spitzer (grad student), Martin Schwarzschild (grad student) |
Félix Cernuschi | astrophysics, theoretical physics | | 1938 | 1939 | Henry Eyring (post-doc) |
Benjamin D. G. Chandran | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Fluid and Plasma Physics | | 1992 | 1996 | Russell M. Kulsrud (grad student) |
Chio Z. Cheng | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Fluid and Plasma Physics | | | | |
Woorak Choi | astronomy | | | | Chang-Goo Kim (grad student) |
Siu-Tat Chui | Condensed Matter, Electricity and Magnetism | | | 1972 | Philip Warren Anderson (grad student) |
Christopher Frank Chyba | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Geochemistry | | | | |
William D. Cochran | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1976 | Robert Emil Danielson (grad student) |
George William Collins | computational studies of the effects of rotation on the atmospheres and spectra of rotating stars | | | 1959 | Martin Schwarzschild (research assistant) |
Steven C. Cowley | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Fluid and Plasma Physics | | | 1985 | Russell M. Kulsrud (grad student) |
David Crisp | | | | 1984 | Stephen Brook Fels (grad student) |
Carl E. Dahl | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 2009 | Thomas Alan Shutt (grad student) |
Julianne Dalcanton | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1995 | David N. Spergel (grad student) |
Marc Davis | Large-scale structure, cosmology, evolution of galaxies | Astronomy | | 1973 | David Todd Wilkinson (grad student), P. James E. Peebles (post-doc) |
Dorothy N. Davis Locanthi | astrophysics | | 1940 | 1942 | Henry Norris Russell (post-doc) |
Thomas J. Devlin | experimental high energy physics | | | | |
Bruce T. Draine | Astrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, General Physics | | | | |
Raymond Smith Dugan | photometry | | 1905 | | Henry Norris Russell (research scientist) |
Richard H. Durisen | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1971 | Jeremiah P. Ostriker (grad student) |
Eugene Engels | | | | 1962 | James Watson Cronin (grad student) |
Isadore Epstein | stellar interiors, observatory site surveys | | | 1950 | Martin Schwarzschild (grad student) |
Xiaohui Fan | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 2000 | Michael Abram Strauss (grad student) |
George B. Field | Astrophysics | | 1952 | 1955 | Lyman Spitzer (grad student), John Archibald Wheeler (grad student), Robert H. Dicke (grad student), Eugene Paul Wigner (grad student) |
Edward Leonard Fireman | nuclear astrophysics | | | 1949 | Rubby Sherr (grad student) |
Lawrence H. Ford | Theoretical physics | | | 1974 | John Archibald Wheeler (grad student) |
Edwin Brant Frost | Astronomy | | | 1887 | Charles Augustus Young (post-doc) |
Charles F. Gammie | Astrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Theory Physics | | | 1992 | J. Jeremy Goodman (grad student) |
Diego R. García Lambas | | | | | P. James E. Peebles (post-doc) |
John E. Gaustad | | | | 1962 | Lyman Spitzer (grad student) |
Katy Ghantous | Fluid and Plasma Physics | Astrophysical Sciences | | 2013 | Nikolai Gorelenkov (grad student) |
Munan Gong | | Astrophysical Sciences | | 2017 | Eve Charis Ostriker (grad student) |
Nikolai Gorelenkov | Fluid and Plasma Physics | | | | |
Louis Craig Green | stellar spectroscopy | | | 1937 | Henry Norris Russell (grad student) |
Puragra Guhathakurta | formation and evolution of galaxies | | | 1989 | J. Anthony Tyson (grad student), James E. Gunn (grad student) |
James E. Gunn | observational cosmology, dark matter | | | | |
Herbert Gursky | X-ray astronomy | | | 1959 | George T. Reynolds (grad student) |
Michael Gutperle | | Physics and Astronomy | 1997 | 1999 | Igor R. Klebanov (post-doc) |
Lei Hao | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 2004 | Michael Abram Strauss (grad student) |
B. Kent Harrison | Gravitation | | | 1959 | John Archibald Wheeler (grad student) |
Carl E. Heiles | Interstellar matter, radio astronomy, numerical analysis | | | 1966 | George B. Field (grad student), Lyman Spitzer (grad student) |
Richard Conn Henry | | Astronomy Astrophysics | | 1967 | Bengt Strömgren (grad student), George B. Field (grad student) |
Robert C. Herman | molecular spectroscopy, cosmology, traffic science | | | 1940 | Robert Hofstadter (grad student), Edward Condon (research assistant) |
Michael Andrew Jaworski | Fluid and Plasma Physics | | | | |
Hongwen Jiang | Experimental Condensed Matter Physics | | 1989 | 1991 | Daniel C. Tsui (post-doc), Horst L. Störmer (post-doc) |
Jay R Johnson | Space Plasma Physics | | 1995 | 1997 | Chio Z. Cheng (post-doc) |
Bernard J.T. Jones | formation of galaxies | | | | P. James E. Peebles (post-doc) |
Neal S. Katz | Astronomy and Astrophysics | Astrophysics | 1984 | 1989 | James E. Gunn (grad student) |
Charles F. Kennel | space plasma physics and astrophysics | | | 1964 | Edward Allan Frieman (grad student), John M. Greene (grad student) |
Chang-Goo Kim | ISM, star formation, computational astrophysics | Astrophysical Sciences | 2013 | | Eve Charis Ostriker (post-doc) |
Eun-Hwa Kim | | | | | Jay R Johnson (post-doc) |
Robert Burnett King | Stellar Spectroscopy | | | 1933 | Henry Norris Russell (grad student), Charlotte Emma Moore Sitterly (grad student) |
Per J. Kraus | Theoretical Elementary Particle Physics | | | 1995 | Frank Wilczek (grad student) |
Martin David Kruskal | astrophysics, nuclear fusion and the soliton | | | | |
Jeffrey R. Kuhn | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1981 | Robert H. Dicke (grad student) |
John Kwong | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | 2009 | Thomas Alan Shutt (grad student) |
Barry Michael Lasker | observational astronomy | | | 1965 | Lyman Spitzer (grad student) |
David R. Layzer | Astrophysics | | 1952 | 1953 | John Archibald Wheeler (post-doc) |
Mordecai-Mark Mac Low | Astrophysics, Formation of Planets and Stars, Structure of the Interstellar Medium | | | 1983 | Joseph H. Taylor (research assistant) |
Sangeeta Malhotra | Astrophysics Physics | Astrophysical Sciences | 1990 | 1994 | Gillian Revill Knapp (grad student) |
William Clyde Martin | atomic spectroscopy | | | 1956 | Allen Goodrich Shenstone (grad student) |
Bahram Mashhoon | Theory of Gravitation, Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology | | | 1972 | John Archibald Wheeler (grad student) |
Robert D. Mathieu | Structure, kinematics and dynamics of star clusters and star-forming regions; stellar binary populations; blue stragglers and other objects on alternative stellar evolution pathways; stellar angular momentum evolution. | | | 1978 | Lyman Spitzer (research assistant) |
Claire E. Max | Astrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1972 | Francis William Perkins (grad student) |
Donald Howard Menzel | Astrophysics | | | 1924 | Henry Norris Russell (grad student) |
John Ellsworth Merrill | eclipsing binaries | | | 1931 | Raymond Smith Dugan (grad student) |
Richard Warren Michie | | | | 1960 | Uco van Wijk (grad student), Lyman Spitzer (grad student) |
Godfrey E. J. Miller | Fundamental Physics and Cosmology | Physics | 2006 | 2007 | Paul J. Steinhardt (research assistant) |
Philip Mocz | Theoretical Astrophysics | | | | |
J. Beverley Oke | stellar and extragalactic astronomy | | | 1953 | Lyman Spitzer (grad student) |
Eve Charis Ostriker | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | | |
Jeremiah P. Ostriker | theoretical astrophysics | | | | |
Bohdan Paczynski | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | | |
Newton Lacy Pierce | | | | 1937 | Henry Norris Russell (grad student), Raymond Smith Dugan (grad student) |
Mark Louis Pitt | Experimental Nuclear Physics | | | 1992 | Frank P. Calaprice (grad student) |
Sudhir Raskutti | | Astrophysical Sciences | | 2016 | Eve Charis Ostriker (grad student) |
James Rhoads | Astrophysics Physics | | 1992 | 1996 | Edwin L. Turner (grad student) |
Douglas O. Richstone | Cosmology, Extragalactic & Galactic; Computational Astrophysics; Astronomy | | | 1974 | Jeremiah P. Ostriker (grad student) |
Luis G. Rosa | Condensed Matter | Chemistry | 2006 | 2008 | Giacinto Scoles (post-doc) |
Paul McRae Routly | Astrophysics | Astronomy | | 1951 | Lyman Spitzer (grad student) |
María Teresa Ruiz | White Dwarfs, Near Stars, Star Clusters | | | 1975 | Martin Schwarzschild (grad student) |
Henry Norris Russell | | | | 1900 | Charles Augustus Young (grad student) |
Brian Saam | AMO Experiment, Optical Pumping, Magnetic Resonance, Medical Physics | | | 1995 | William Happer (grad student), Gordon D. Cates (grad student) |
Robert Hugh Sanders | active galactic nuclei | | | 1970 | Lyman Spitzer (grad student) |
William C. Saslaw | Cosmology, radio galaxies, stellar dynamics | | 1965 | 1965 | Lyman Spitzer (research assistant), Martin Schwarzschild (research assistant) |
James Avery Sauls | Theoretical Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Information, Condensed Matter, Nuclear Astrophysics | Physics | 1980 | 1982 | Philip Warren Anderson (post-doc) |
Blair DeWillis Savage | | | | 1967 | Robert Emil Danielson (grad student) |
Malcolm Paul Savedoff | theoretical astrophysics | | | 1952 | Lyman Spitzer (grad student) |
Martin Schwarzschild | Astrophysics | | 1936 | 1937 | Svein Rosseland (post-doc) |
Leonard Searle | | | | 1956 | Lyman Spitzer (grad student) |
Stuart L. Shapiro | Astrophysics, Gravitation | | | 1973 | P. James E. Peebles (grad student) |
Harlow Shapley | globular star clusters | | | 1913 | Henry Norris Russell (grad student) |
Eugene Merle Shoemaker | planetary science | | | 1960 | Harry Hammond Hess (grad student) |
Thomas Alan Shutt | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics | | | | |
Charlotte Emma Moore Sitterly | Astronomy | | 1920 | | Henry Norris Russell (research assistant) |
Earl J. Spillar | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Optics Physics | | | 1986 | David Todd Wilkinson (grad student) |
Lyman Spitzer | | | | 1938 | Henry Norris Russell (grad student) |
Ingrid H. Stairs | Astronomy | Physics | 1993 | 1998 | Joseph H. Taylor (grad student) |
Krzysztof Z. Stanek | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics | | | 1996 | Bohdan Paczynski (grad student) |
Paul J. Steinhardt | particle physics, astrophysics, cosmology, condensed-matter physics | | | | |
Roger J. Tayler | astrophysics | | 1953 | 1954 | Martin Schwarzschild (post-doc) |
Roberto Alexander Tejada Arevalo | Astrophysics/Planetary Science | Astrophysical Sciences Astrophysical Sciences | 2022 | 2026 | Adam S. Burrows (grad student), Joshua Nathan Winn (grad student) |
Kip S. Thorne | Gravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics | | 1962 | 1965 | John Archibald Wheeler (grad student) |
Trinh X. Thuan | extragalactic astronomy, galaxy formation | Astrophysical Sciences | | 1974 | Lyman Spitzer (grad student) |
Scott Tremaine | Astronomy and Astrophysics | | | 1975 | Jeremiah P. Ostriker (grad student) |
Robert Edmond Tribble | weak interactions, nuclear reactions at low and high energy and nuclear astrophysics | | | 1973 | Gerald Thomas John Garvey (grad student) |
William G. Unruh | Gravity, Quantum Gravity, Quantum Foundations, Quantum Computing, Cosmology | | | 1971 | John Archibald Wheeler (grad student) |
Uco van Wijk | Astronomy | | | | |
Ethan T. Vishniac | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Fluid and Plasma Physics | | 1980 | 1982 | Jeremiah P. Ostriker (post-doc) |
Mark Wardle | | | | | Bruce T. Draine (grad student) |
Rainer Weiss | Experimental Atomic Physics, Atomic Clocks, Laser Physics,Experimental Gravitation, Millimeter and Sub - millimeter, Astronomy, Cosmic Background Measurements, | | | | Robert H. Dicke (post-doc) |
Ray J. Weymann | | Astrophysical Sciences | | 1959 | Martin Schwarzschild (grad student) |
David Todd Wilkinson | Cosmology | | | | |
Alfred Y.-F. Wong | Plasma and Environmental Physics | | | 1963 | Robert William Motley (grad student) |
Chun Wa Wong | | | | 1966 | Gerald E. Brown (post-doc) |
Frank Bradshaw Wood | photometry | | | 1941 | Raymond Smith Dugan (grad student), Henry Norris Russell (grad student) |
Charles Augustus Young | | | | | |
Sorin G. Zaharia | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Fluid and Plasma Physics | | | 2003 | Chio Z. Cheng (grad student) |