Princeton University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Tyler W. AbramsFluid and Plasma Physics Astrophysical Sciences2015 Michael Andrew Jaworski (grad student)
Justin Emanuel AlbertElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2002 A.J. Stewart Smith (grad student)
Kassandra Anderson Astronomy2019 Dong Lai (grad student)
Gonzalo J. Aniano PorcileAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, General Physics Astrophysical Sciences2012 Bruce T. Draine (grad student)
Michael E. Ash
Charles M BachmannCostal remote sensing, imaging science, spectroscopy, radiative transfer modeling and theory
Jonathan Anders BaggerTheory Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics1983 Edward Witten (grad student)
John Norris Bahcallnuclear astrophysics, the solar neutrino problem
Jo Baker Physics20022005 Pedro Gil Ferreira (grad student)
Mona BerciuCondensed Matter Theory2002 Ravindra N. Bhatt (post-doc)
Paul E. BoyntonAstronomy, Astrophysics, Relativity & Gravitation1967 Thomas J. Devlin (grad student)
Adam S. BurrowsAstronomy and Astrophysics
William F. M. Buscombeastronomical spectroscopy1951 Lyman Spitzer (grad student), Martin Schwarzschild (grad student)
Félix Cernuschiastrophysics, theoretical physics19381939 Henry Eyring (post-doc)
Benjamin D. G. ChandranAstronomy and Astrophysics, Fluid and Plasma Physics19921996 Russell M. Kulsrud (grad student)
Chio Z. ChengAstronomy and Astrophysics, Fluid and Plasma Physics
Woorak Choiastronomy Chang-Goo Kim (grad student)
Siu-Tat ChuiCondensed Matter, Electricity and Magnetism1972 Philip Warren Anderson (grad student)
Christopher Frank ChybaAstronomy and Astrophysics, Geochemistry
William D. CochranAstronomy and Astrophysics1976 Robert Emil Danielson (grad student)
George William Collinscomputational studies of the effects of rotation on the atmospheres and spectra of rotating stars1959 Martin Schwarzschild (research assistant)
Steven C. CowleyAstronomy and Astrophysics, Fluid and Plasma Physics1985 Russell M. Kulsrud (grad student)
David Crisp1984 Stephen Brook Fels (grad student)
Carl E. DahlAstronomy and Astrophysics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2009 Thomas Alan Shutt (grad student)
Julianne DalcantonAstronomy and Astrophysics1995 David N. Spergel (grad student)
Marc DavisLarge-scale structure, cosmology, evolution of galaxies Astronomy1973 David Todd Wilkinson (grad student), P. James E. Peebles (post-doc)
Dorothy N. Davis Locanthiastrophysics19401942 Henry Norris Russell (post-doc)
Thomas J. Devlinexperimental high energy physics
Bruce T. DraineAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, General Physics
Raymond Smith Duganphotometry1905 Henry Norris Russell (research scientist)
Richard H. DurisenAstronomy and Astrophysics1971 Jeremiah P. Ostriker (grad student)
Eugene Engels1962 James Watson Cronin (grad student)
Isadore Epsteinstellar interiors, observatory site surveys1950 Martin Schwarzschild (grad student)
Xiaohui FanAstronomy and Astrophysics2000 Michael Abram Strauss (grad student)
George B. FieldAstrophysics19521955 Lyman Spitzer (grad student), John Archibald Wheeler (grad student), Robert H. Dicke (grad student), Eugene Paul Wigner (grad student)
Edward Leonard Firemannuclear astrophysics1949 Rubby Sherr (grad student)
Lawrence H. FordTheoretical physics1974 John Archibald Wheeler (grad student)
Edwin Brant FrostAstronomy1887 Charles Augustus Young (post-doc)
Charles F. GammieAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Theory Physics1992 J. Jeremy Goodman (grad student)
Diego R. García Lambas P. James E. Peebles (post-doc)
John E. Gaustad1962 Lyman Spitzer (grad student)
Katy GhantousFluid and Plasma Physics Astrophysical Sciences2013 Nikolai Gorelenkov (grad student)
Munan Gong Astrophysical Sciences2017 Eve Charis Ostriker (grad student)
Nikolai GorelenkovFluid and Plasma Physics
Louis Craig Greenstellar spectroscopy1937 Henry Norris Russell (grad student)
Puragra Guhathakurtaformation and evolution of galaxies1989 J. Anthony Tyson (grad student), James E. Gunn (grad student)
James E. Gunnobservational cosmology, dark matter
Herbert GurskyX-ray astronomy1959 George T. Reynolds (grad student)
Michael Gutperle Physics and Astronomy19971999 Igor R. Klebanov (post-doc)
Lei HaoAstronomy and Astrophysics2004 Michael Abram Strauss (grad student)
B. Kent HarrisonGravitation1959 John Archibald Wheeler (grad student)
Carl E. HeilesInterstellar matter, radio astronomy, numerical analysis1966 George B. Field (grad student), Lyman Spitzer (grad student)
Richard Conn Henry Astronomy Astrophysics1967 Bengt Strömgren (grad student), George B. Field (grad student)
Robert C. Hermanmolecular spectroscopy, cosmology, traffic science1940 Robert Hofstadter (grad student), Edward Condon (research assistant)
Michael Andrew JaworskiFluid and Plasma Physics
Hongwen JiangExperimental Condensed Matter Physics19891991 Daniel C. Tsui (post-doc), Horst L. Störmer (post-doc)
Jay R JohnsonSpace Plasma Physics19951997 Chio Z. Cheng (post-doc)
Bernard J.T. Jonesformation of galaxies P. James E. Peebles (post-doc)
Neal S. KatzAstronomy and Astrophysics Astrophysics19841989 James E. Gunn (grad student)
Charles F. Kennelspace plasma physics and astrophysics1964 Edward Allan Frieman (grad student), John M. Greene (grad student)
Chang-Goo KimISM, star formation, computational astrophysics Astrophysical Sciences2013 Eve Charis Ostriker (post-doc)
Eun-Hwa Kim Jay R Johnson (post-doc)
Robert Burnett KingStellar Spectroscopy1933 Henry Norris Russell (grad student), Charlotte Emma Moore Sitterly (grad student)
Per J. KrausTheoretical Elementary Particle Physics1995 Frank Wilczek (grad student)
Martin David Kruskalastrophysics, nuclear fusion and the soliton
Jeffrey R. KuhnAstronomy and Astrophysics1981 Robert H. Dicke (grad student)
John KwongAstronomy and Astrophysics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics2009 Thomas Alan Shutt (grad student)
Barry Michael Laskerobservational astronomy1965 Lyman Spitzer (grad student)
David R. LayzerAstrophysics19521953 John Archibald Wheeler (post-doc)
Mordecai-Mark Mac LowAstrophysics, Formation of Planets and Stars, Structure of the Interstellar Medium1983 Joseph H. Taylor (research assistant)
Sangeeta MalhotraAstrophysics Physics Astrophysical Sciences19901994 Gillian Revill Knapp (grad student)
William Clyde Martinatomic spectroscopy1956 Allen Goodrich Shenstone (grad student)
Bahram MashhoonTheory of Gravitation, Relativistic Astrophysics and Cosmology1972 John Archibald Wheeler (grad student)
Robert D. MathieuStructure, kinematics and dynamics of star clusters and star-forming regions; stellar binary populations; blue stragglers and other objects on alternative stellar evolution pathways; stellar angular momentum evolution.1978 Lyman Spitzer (research assistant)
Claire E. MaxAstrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics1972 Francis William Perkins (grad student)
Donald Howard MenzelAstrophysics1924 Henry Norris Russell (grad student)
John Ellsworth Merrilleclipsing binaries1931 Raymond Smith Dugan (grad student)
Richard Warren Michie1960 Uco van Wijk (grad student), Lyman Spitzer (grad student)
Godfrey E. J. MillerFundamental Physics and Cosmology Physics20062007 Paul J. Steinhardt (research assistant)
Philip MoczTheoretical Astrophysics
J. Beverley Okestellar and extragalactic astronomy1953 Lyman Spitzer (grad student)
Eve Charis OstrikerAstronomy and Astrophysics
Jeremiah P. Ostrikertheoretical astrophysics
Bohdan PaczynskiAstronomy and Astrophysics
Newton Lacy Pierce1937 Henry Norris Russell (grad student), Raymond Smith Dugan (grad student)
Mark Louis PittExperimental Nuclear Physics1992 Frank P. Calaprice (grad student)
Sudhir Raskutti Astrophysical Sciences2016 Eve Charis Ostriker (grad student)
James RhoadsAstrophysics Physics19921996 Edwin L. Turner (grad student)
Douglas O. RichstoneCosmology, Extragalactic & Galactic; Computational Astrophysics; Astronomy1974 Jeremiah P. Ostriker (grad student)
Luis G. RosaCondensed Matter Chemistry20062008 Giacinto Scoles (post-doc)
Paul McRae RoutlyAstrophysics Astronomy1951 Lyman Spitzer (grad student)
María Teresa RuizWhite Dwarfs, Near Stars, Star Clusters1975 Martin Schwarzschild (grad student)
Henry Norris Russell1900 Charles Augustus Young (grad student)
Brian SaamAMO Experiment, Optical Pumping, Magnetic Resonance, Medical Physics1995 William Happer (grad student), Gordon D. Cates (grad student)
Robert Hugh Sandersactive galactic nuclei1970 Lyman Spitzer (grad student)
William C. SaslawCosmology, radio galaxies, stellar dynamics19651965 Lyman Spitzer (research assistant), Martin Schwarzschild (research assistant)
James Avery SaulsTheoretical Physics, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Information, Condensed Matter, Nuclear Astrophysics Physics19801982 Philip Warren Anderson (post-doc)
Blair DeWillis Savage1967 Robert Emil Danielson (grad student)
Malcolm Paul Savedofftheoretical astrophysics1952 Lyman Spitzer (grad student)
Martin SchwarzschildAstrophysics19361937 Svein Rosseland (post-doc)
Leonard Searle1956 Lyman Spitzer (grad student)
Stuart L. ShapiroAstrophysics, Gravitation1973 P. James E. Peebles (grad student)
Harlow Shapleyglobular star clusters1913 Henry Norris Russell (grad student)
Eugene Merle Shoemakerplanetary science1960 Harry Hammond Hess (grad student)
Thomas Alan ShuttAstronomy and Astrophysics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics
Charlotte Emma Moore SitterlyAstronomy1920 Henry Norris Russell (research assistant)
Earl J. SpillarAstronomy and Astrophysics, Optics Physics1986 David Todd Wilkinson (grad student)
Lyman Spitzer1938 Henry Norris Russell (grad student)
Ingrid H. StairsAstronomy Physics19931998 Joseph H. Taylor (grad student)
Krzysztof Z. StanekAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics1996 Bohdan Paczynski (grad student)
Paul J. Steinhardtparticle physics, astrophysics, cosmology, condensed-matter physics
Roger J. Taylerastrophysics19531954 Martin Schwarzschild (post-doc)
Roberto Alexander Tejada ArevaloAstrophysics/Planetary Science Astrophysical Sciences Astrophysical Sciences20222026 Adam S. Burrows (grad student), Joshua Nathan Winn (grad student)
Kip S. ThorneGravitational Physics/Theoretical Astrophysics19621965 John Archibald Wheeler (grad student)
Trinh X. Thuanextragalactic astronomy, galaxy formation Astrophysical Sciences1974 Lyman Spitzer (grad student)
Scott TremaineAstronomy and Astrophysics1975 Jeremiah P. Ostriker (grad student)
Robert Edmond Tribbleweak interactions, nuclear reactions at low and high energy and nuclear astrophysics1973 Gerald Thomas John Garvey (grad student)
William G. UnruhGravity, Quantum Gravity, Quantum Foundations, Quantum Computing, Cosmology1971 John Archibald Wheeler (grad student)
Uco van WijkAstronomy
Ethan T. VishniacAstronomy and Astrophysics, Fluid and Plasma Physics19801982 Jeremiah P. Ostriker (post-doc)
Mark Wardle Bruce T. Draine (grad student)
Rainer WeissExperimental Atomic Physics, Atomic Clocks, Laser Physics,Experimental Gravitation, Millimeter and Sub - millimeter, Astronomy, Cosmic Background Measurements, Robert H. Dicke (post-doc)
Ray J. Weymann Astrophysical Sciences1959 Martin Schwarzschild (grad student)
David Todd WilkinsonCosmology
Alfred Y.-F. WongPlasma and Environmental Physics1963 Robert William Motley (grad student)
Chun Wa Wong1966 Gerald E. Brown (post-doc)
Frank Bradshaw Woodphotometry1941 Raymond Smith Dugan (grad student), Henry Norris Russell (grad student)
Charles Augustus Young
Sorin G. ZahariaAstronomy and Astrophysics, Fluid and Plasma Physics2003 Chio Z. Cheng (grad student)