University of California, Irvine

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Corey Beard Physics & Astronomy20182024 Paul Montgomery Robertson (grad student)
Antonino FerranteAerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering20002004 Said Elghobashi (grad student)
Karl George HufbauerHistory of Science
Justin Arras KaderGalactic Winds, Galactic Outflows, Star-forming Regions, Globular Clusters Physics & Astronomy20222025 Vivian U (post-doc)
Alberto Krone-MartinsAstronomy&Astrometry, Informatics, Software Engineering, Data Science, Machine Learning
Arianna S. Longextragalactic astrophysics Asantha Roshan Cooray (grad student), Caitlin Meryl Casey (grad student), Vivian U (grad student)
Jack Lubin Physics & Astronomy20182023 Paul Montgomery Robertson (grad student)
Xiaoyu ShiBiophysics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, astronomy2020 Jennifer A. Prescher (collaborator)
Aomawa L. ShieldsAstronomy and Astrophysics
Vivian Uextragalactic astronomy20152017 Aaron J. Barth (post-doc)
Benjamin F. VillacAerospace Engineering