University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Kristen D. AlexanderFluid and Plasma Physics, Nanotechnology Physics2011 Rene Lopez (grad student)
Charles W. ArnoldElementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Astrophysics Physics Physics & Astronomy2011 Thomas B. Clegg (grad student)
Laurel E. AverettNanotechnology, Biophysics Physics & Astronomy2010 Richard Superfine (grad student)
John BanePaleoclimate Science, Physical Oceanography, System Science Engineering, Climate Change
Brad Newton Barlowastronomy Physics & Astronomy20062011 James Christopher Clemens (grad student)
Lauris M. BaumTheory Physics Physics & Astronomy2009 Paul H. Frampton (grad student)
Marcelo S. BeharNanotechnology, Biophysics Physics & Astronomy2008 Richard Superfine (grad student)
Peter F. BertoneNuclear Physics, Astrophysics Physics Physics & Astronomy2010 Arthur Ernest Champagne (grad student)
Miles C. BlantonAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics & Astronomy2008 Wayne A. Christiansen (grad student)
David E. BordelonCondensed Matter Materials Science2009 Otto Z. Zhou (grad student)
Melissa BoswellNuclear Physics & Astronomy2008 H K. Karwowski (grad student)
Christopher A. BowerCondensed Matter2001 Otto Z. Zhou (grad student)
Matthew Q. BucknerRadiation Physics, Astrophysics Physics Physics2014 Christian Iliadis (grad student)
Laurel M. BurkCondensed Matter Physics and Astronomy2013 Otto Z. Zhou (grad student)
Xiomara Calderon-ColonCondensed Matter Materials Science2009 Otto Z. Zhou (grad student)
John M. CesarattoAstrophysics Physics, Radiation Physics Physics & Astronomy2011 Arthur Ernest Champagne (grad student)
Arthur Ernest ChampagneNuclear Physics, Astrophysics Physics
Yiwen Chen Physics & Astronomy2007 Nikolay Dokholyan (grad student)
Wayne A. ChristiansenAstronomy and Astrophysics
Talbot Albert Chubbsolar flares1950 Albert Victor Hugo Masket (grad student)
Thomas B. CleggNuclear Physics
James Christopher ClemensAstronomy and Astrophysics
Brian Akira Collinscarbon-based materials Physics & Astronomy2009 Frank Tsui (grad student)
Alexander H. CoutureRadiation Physics Physics & Astronomy2011 Thomas B. Clegg (grad student)
Taoran CuiCondensed Matter Physics & Astronomy2013 Lu-Chang Qin (grad student)
Stephen M. DaigleRadiation Physics, Astrophysics Physics Physics & Astronomy2013 Arthur Ernest Champagne (grad student)
Timothy V. DanielsNuclear Physics Physics & Astronomy2009 Thomas B. Clegg (grad student)
Morris Schuyler DavisCelestial Mechanics
Hakan DenizCondensed Matter Physics & Astronomy2007 Lu-Chang Qin (grad student)
Erik Dennihy2018 James Christopher Clemens (grad student)
Bart Dunlap2015 James Christopher Clemens (grad student)
David A. EbyTheory Physics, Astrophysics Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics Physics and Astronomy2013 Paul H. Frampton (grad student)
Padraic S. FinnertyGeneral Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Radiation Physics Physics & Astronomy2013 Reyco Henning (grad student)
Leslie B. FlemingCondensed Matter2003 Otto Z. Zhou (grad student)
Paul H. FramptonTheory Physics
Huaizhi GengCondensed Matter2006 Otto Z. Zhou (grad student)
Rudresh GhoshSolid State Physics, Nanoscience, Alternative Energy Physics & Astronomy2012 Rene Lopez (grad student)
Emily M. GidcumbCondensed Matter Materials Science2014 Otto Z. Zhou (grad student)
Michael J. HadsellCondensed Matter Physics and Astronomy2013 Otto Z. Zhou (grad student)
Samantha L. HammondNuclear Physics & Astronomy2011 H K. Karwowski (grad student)
Eric C. HarleyCondensed Matter Physics2006 Laurie McNeil (grad student)
Liang HeCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering2005 Frank Tsui (grad student)
Reyco HenningGeneral Physics, Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics, Radiation Physics
Calvin R. HowellRadiation Physics
Christian IliadisNuclear Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Hugon KarwowskiRadiation Physics
H K. KarwowskiNuclear
Adam S. KelleherTheory Physics, Astrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Physics & Astronomy2013 Laura Mersini-Houghton (grad student)
Dmitri V. KhevshchenkoQuantum Physics, Theory Physics, Condensed Matter Physics
Alfred KleinhammesCondensed Matter Physics
Letian LinCondensed Matter Materials Science2011 Lu-Chang Qin (grad student)
Zejian LiuCondensed Matter2005 Lu-Chang Qin (grad student)
Yingchi LiuGeneral Physics, Energy, Materials Science Engineering Physics & Astronomy2013 Rene Lopez (grad student)
Richard L. LonglandNuclear Physics, Astrophysics Physics Physics & Astronomy2010 Christian Iliadis (grad student)
Rene LopezCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering
Kevin J. LudwickTheory Physics, Astrophysics Physics Physics and Astronomy2013 Paul H. Frampton (grad student)
Kenneth P. MacCabeCondensed Matter Physics2014 Otto Z. Zhou (grad student)
Sean P. MacMullinGeneral Physics, Radiation Physics Physics and Astronomy2013 Reyco Henning (grad student)
Laurie McNeilCondensed Matter Physics
Laura Mersini-HoughtonTheory Physics, Astrophysics Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Jane A. MoranAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics & Astronomy2009 James Christopher Clemens (grad student)
Susan Mullally2004 James Christopher Clemens (grad student)
Joseph NewtonNuclear Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics Physics & Astronomy2010 Christian Iliadis (grad student)
Melissa C. NysewanderAstronomy and Astrophysics2006 Daniel E. Reichart (grad student)
Soojin OhCondensed Matter2005 Otto Z. Zhou (grad student)
Myoung C. OhElementary Particles and High Energy Physics2003 Paul H. Frampton (grad student)
Everett Dyson Palmatier
Rui PengCondensed Matter Materials Science2010 Otto Z. Zhou (grad student)
Lu-Chang QinCondensed Matter
Ramya RajaramCondensed Matter Materials Science2009 Otto Z. Zhou (grad student)
Joshua S. RedingAstronomy and Astrophysics Physics and Astronomy2016 James Christopher Clemens (grad student)
Daniel E. ReichartAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics, Statistics
Zheng RenCondensed Matter Materials Science2012 Lu-Chang Qin (grad student)
Zhongqiao RenCondensed Matter Physics Physics & Astronomy2010 Laurie McNeil (grad student)
Carrie M. RowlandNuclear Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics2003 Christian Iliadis (grad student)
Rajarshi SahaPaleoclimate Science, Physical Oceanography, System Science Engineering, Climate Change Physics & Astronomy2011 John Bane (grad student)
Adrian W. Serohijos Physics & Astronomy2009 Nikolay Dokholyan (grad student)
Shabana SultanaCondensed Matter Materials Science2010 Otto Z. Zhou (grad student)
Richard SuperfineNanotechnology, Biophysics
Jeromy R. TompkinsNuclear Physics & Astronomy2012 H K. Karwowski (grad student)
Adam S. TrotterAstronomy and Astrophysics, Astrophysics Physics, Statistics Physics & Astronomy2011 Daniel E. Reichart (grad student)
Frank TsuiCondensed Matter Physics
John R. TumblestonCondensed Matter Physics, Materials Science Engineering Physics & Astronomy2011 Rene Lopez (grad student)
Jennifer Weinberg-WolfCondensed Matter Physics2006 Laurie McNeil (grad student)
Roger A. WendellElementary Particles and High Energy Physics & Astronomy2008 Kate Scholberg (grad student)
Yue Wusolid state NMR, metallic glass, interfacial water
Celeste Yeates2006 James Christopher Clemens (grad student)
Gongpu ZhaoCondensed Matter2006 Lu-Chang Qin (grad student)
Otto Z. ZhouCondensed Matter