Michael McNeil Forbes, Ph.D.

2014- Physics and Astronomy Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States 
Nuclear Theory, Quantum Dynamics, Astrophysics, AMO
"Michael McNeil Forbes"

Forbes, Michael McNeil Fermionic superfluids : from cold atoms to high density QCD : gapless (breached pair) superfluidity and kaon condensation Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Physics, 2005.

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Frank Wilczek grad student 2000-2005 MIT (Physics Tree)
 (Fermionic superfluids : from cold atoms to high density QCD: gapless (breached pair) superfluidity and kaon condensation)
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Forbes MM, Bose S, Reddy S, et al. (2019) Constraining the neutron-matter equation of state with gravitational waves Physical Review D. 100
Bulgac A, Forbes MM, Jin S, et al. (2018) Minimal nuclear energy density functional Physical Review C. 97
Khamehchi MA, Hossain K, Mossman ME, et al. (2017) Negative-Mass Hydrodynamics in a Spin-Orbit-Coupled Bose-Einstein Condensate. Physical Review Letters. 118: 155301
Sekizawa K, Wlazłowski G, Magierski P, et al. (2017) Microscopic Calculations of Vortex-Nucleus Interaction in the Neutron Star Crust Arxiv: Nuclear Theory. 10807
Wlazłowski G, Sekizawa K, Magierski P, et al. (2016) Vortex Pinning and Dynamics in the Neutron Star Crust. Physical Review Letters. 117: 232701
Bulgac A, Forbes MM, Wlazłowski G. (2016) Towards quantum turbulence in cold atomic fermionic superfluids Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics. 50: 014001
Wlazłowski G, Bulgac A, Forbes MM, et al. (2015) Life cycle of superfluid vortices and quantum turbulence in the unitary Fermi gas Physical Review a - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 91
Bulgac A, Forbes MM, Kelley MM, et al. (2014) Quantized superfluid vortex rings in the unitary Fermi gas. Physical Review Letters. 112: 025301
Forbes MM, Gezerlis A, Hebeler K, et al. (2014) Neutron polaron as a constraint on nuclear density functionals Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics. 89
Forbes MM, Sharma R. (2014) Validating simple dynamical simulations of the unitary Fermi gas Physical Review a - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 90
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