Emmanouela Rantsiou, Ph.D.

2013 Physics and Astronomy Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 
Evolution of dense star clusters, massive black hole formation, coalescing compact binaries, gravity waves, extrasolar planets.
"Emmanouela Rantsiou"
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Frederic Rasio grad student 2013 Northwestern
 (Mergers of Black Hole -- Neutron Star Binaries.)
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Eichhorn TR, Niketic N, Van Den Brandt B, et al. (2014) Proton polarization above 70% by DNP using photo-excited triplet states, a first step towards a broadband neutron spin filter Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section a: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 754: 10-14
Rantsiou E, Burrows A, Nordhaus J, et al. (2011) Induced rotation in three-dimensional simulations of core-collapse supernovae: Implications for pulsar spins Astrophysical Journal. 732
Fragos T, Tremmel M, Rantsiou E, et al. (2010) Black hole spin-orbit misalignment in galactic x-ray binaries Astrophysical Journal Letters. 719: L79-L83
Belczynski K, Taam RE, Rantsiou E, et al. (2008) Black hole spin evolution: Implications for short-hard gamma-ray bursts and gravitational wave detection Astrophysical Journal. 682: 474-486
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