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John Archibald Wheeler grad student 1971 Princeton (Physics Tree)
 (Dirac Particles and Geometrodynamical Charge in Curved Geometries.)


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Bruno Arderucio Costa grad student UBC (Physics Tree)
Matthew W. Choptuik grad student 1986 UBC (Physics Tree)
Jonathan A. Oppenheim grad student 2000 UBC (Physics Tree)
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Unruh WG. (2019) Locality and quantum mechanics. Philosophical Transactions. Series a, Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences. 376
Ben-Benjamin JS, Scully MO, Fulling SA, et al. (2019) Unruh acceleration radiation revisited International Journal of Modern Physics A. 34: 1941005
Gooding C, Unruh WG. (2019) Inflying perspectives of reduced phase space Physical Review D. 100
Ben-Benjamin JS, Unruh WG. (2019) The ambiguity function and the displacement operator basis in quantum mechanics Physica Scripta. 94: 124001
Cree SS, Davis TM, Ralph TC, et al. (2018) Can the fluctuations of the quantum vacuum solve the cosmological constant problem Physical Review D. 98
Wang Q, Unruh WG. (2018) Reply to “Comment on ‘How the huge energy of quantum vacuum gravitates to drive the slow accelerating expansion of the Universe’” Physical Review D. 97
Chen P, Unruh WG, Wu C, et al. (2018) Pre-Hawking radiation cannot prevent the formation of apparent horizon Physical Review D. 97: 64045
Arderucio-Costa B, Unruh WG. (2018) Model for quantum effects in stellar collapse Physical Review D. 97: 24005
Unruh W, Wald RM. (2017) Information Loss. Reports On Progress in Physics. Physical Society (Great Britain)
Wang Q, Zhu Z, Unruh WG. (2017) How the huge energy of quantum vacuum gravitates to drive the slow accelerating expansion of the Universe Physical Review D. 95: 103504
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