Isaac Ghebregziabher, Ph.D.

2008 Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Delaware, Newark, DE, United States 
Condensed Matter
"Isaac Ghebregziabher"


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George C. Hadjipanayis grad student 2008 University of Delaware
 (Radiation and photoelectron dynamics in ultrastrong laser fields.)
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Kalmykov SY, Davoine X, Ghebregziabher I, et al. (2018) Optically controlled laser-plasma electron accelerator for compact gamma-ray sources New Journal of Physics. 20: 23047
Hartig KC, Ghebregziabher I, Jovanovic I. (2017) Standoff Detection of Uranium and its Isotopes by Femtosecond Filament Laser Ablation Molecular Isotopic Spectrometry. Scientific Reports. 7: 43852
Ghebregziabher I, Hartig KC, Jovanovic I. (2016) Propagation distance-resolved characteristics of filament-induced copper plasma. Optics Express. 24: 5263-5276
Kalmykov SY, Davoine X, Ghebregziabher I, et al. (2016) Controlled generation of comb-like electron beams in plasma channels for polychromatic inverse Thomson γ-ray sources Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 58
Kalmykov SY, Davoine X, Ghebregziabher I, et al. (2016) Customizable electron beams from optically controlled laser plasma acceleration for γ-ray sources based on inverse Thomson scattering Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section a: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
Kalmykov SY, Shadwick BA, Ghebregziabher I, et al. (2015) Accordion effect in plasma channels: Generation of tunable comb-like electron beams Icops/Beams 2014 - 41st Ieee International Conference On Plasma Science and the 20th International Conference On High-Power Particle Beams
Kalmykov SY, Ghebregziabher I, Shadwick BA, et al. (2015) Optical control of electron trapping and acceleration in plasma channels: Application to tunable, pulsed sources of multi-color thomson gamma-rays Icops/Beams 2014 - 41st Ieee International Conference On Plasma Science and the 20th International Conference On High-Power Particle Beams
Liu C, Zhang J, Chen S, et al. (2014) Adaptive-feedback spectral-phase control for interactions with transform-limited ultrashort high-power laser pulses. Optics Letters. 39: 80-3
Powers ND, Ghebregziabher I, Golovin G, et al. (2014) Quasi-monoenergetic and tunable X-rays from a laser-driven Compton light source Nature Photonics. 8: 28-31
Liu C, Zhang J, Golovin G, et al. (2014) Adaptive spectral-phase control for laser wakefield electron acceleration Conference On Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. 2014
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