Sasikumar Palaniyappan, Ph.D.

2008 Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Delaware, Newark, DE, United States 
"Sasikumar Palaniyappan"


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Barry Craig Walker grad student 2008 University of Delaware
 (Relativistic rescattering and multi-electron ionization of atoms and molecules in ultra-strong laser fields.)
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Palaniyappan S, Shah RC, Johnson R, et al. (2010) Pulse shape measurements using single shot-frequency resolved optical gating for high energy (80 J) short pulse (600 fs) laser. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 81: 10E103
Palaniyappan S, Mitchell R, Ekanayake N, et al. (2010) Ionization of ethane, butane, and octane in strong laser fields Physical Review a - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 82
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