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Joseph Paul Mutschlecner grad student 1969 Indiana University Bloomington
Benjamin Franklin Peery grad student 1969 Indiana University Bloomington
 (Construction of a theoretical atmosphere and determination of metal abundances for R Cyg.)
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Sussman MG, Chanover NJ, Simon-Miller AA, et al. (2010) Analysis of Jupiter's Oval BA: A streamlined approach Icarus. 210: 202-210
Blanc M, Alibert Y, André N, et al. (2009) LAPLACE: A mission to Europa and the Jupiter system for ESA's Cosmic Vision programme Experimental Astronomy. 23: 849-892
Witasse O, Huber L, Zender J, et al. (2008) The Huygens scientific data archive: Technical overview Planetary and Space Science. 56: 770-777
Vincent MB, Chanover NJ, Beebe RF, et al. (2005) Calibration of the infrared telescope facility national science foundation camera jupiter Galileo data set Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 117: 1129-1143
Beebe R. (2005) Jupiter: The Planet, Satellites and Magnetosphere Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union. 86: 241-241
Edgington SG, Atreya SK, Trafton LM, et al. (1999) Ammonia and Eddy Mixing Variations in the Upper Troposphere of Jupiter from HST Faint Object Spectrograph Observations Icarus. 142: 342-356
Rages K, Beebe R, Senske D. (1999) Jovian Stratospheric Hazes: The High Phase Angle View from Galileo Icarus. 139: 211-226
Simon AA, Beebe RF, Gierasch PJ, et al. (1998) Global Context of the Galileo-E6 Observations of Jupiter's White Ovals Icarus. 135: 220-229
Chanover NJ, Kuehn DM, Beebe RF. (1997) Vertical structure of Jupiter's atmosphere at the Galileo probe entry latitude Icarus. 128: 294-305
Beebe RF, Simon AA, Huber LF. (1996) Comparison of Galileo Probe and Earth-Based Translation Rates of Jupiter's Equatorial Clouds Science (New York, N.Y.). 272: 841
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