Stephen D. Heister

Aeronautics and Astronautics Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
Aerospace Engineering
"Stephen Heister"


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Ann R. Karagozian grad student 1988 UCLA (Fluid Dynamics and Combustion Tree)
 (Transverse jets in compressible crossflows.)


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Y. L. Chen grad student 1995 Purdue
J. M. Hilbing grad student 1996 Purdue
Eric Wernimont grad student 1997 Purdue
C. Chao grad student 1998 Purdue
Robert Allen Bunnell grad student 1999 Purdue
Tuan L. Pham grad student 2000 Purdue
Changhai Xu grad student 2001 Purdue
Byoung-Do Kim grad student 2002 Purdue
Sam S Yoon grad student 2002 Purdue (Chemistry Tree)
John Funk grad student 2003 Purdue
Tae-Jun Kwon grad student 2003 Purdue
Hongbok Park grad student 2005 Purdue
James V. Canino grad student 2006 Purdue
M. Shimo grad student 2006 Purdue
N. Herring grad student 2007 Purdue
Renith Richardson grad student 2007 Purdue
T. Tang grad student 2008 Purdue
John Tsohas grad student 2009 Purdue
Erik M. Dambach grad student 2010 Purdue
Maksud M. Ismailov grad student 2010 Purdue
Yu Matsutomi grad student 2010 Purdue
Shae E. Williams grad student 2011 Purdue
Changjin Yoon grad student 2011 Purdue
Ki S. Park grad student 2012 Purdue
Adam Trebs grad student 2012 Purdue
Swanand Sardeshmukh grad student 2013 Purdue (E-Tree)
Sumeet Kumar grad student 2014 Purdue
Mark A. Pfeil grad student 2014 Purdue
Steven C. Shark grad student 2014 Purdue
A. Thompson grad student 2014 Purdue
Anthony A Cofer grad student 2015 Purdue
Steven A. Hunt grad student 2016 Purdue
Brandon Kan grad student 2017 Purdue
David Stechmann grad student 2017 Purdue
Heather K. Weist grad student 2017 Purdue
Wesly Anderson grad student 2018 Purdue
Dasheng Lim grad student 2019 Purdue
Kota Mikoshiba grad student 2020 Purdue
Jenna Humble grad student 2021 Purdue
Alexis Harroun grad student 2023 Purdue
Kevin Dille grad student 2024 Purdue
Ariana Martinez grad student 2024 Purdue
John Smallwood grad student 2024 Purdue
Nate Ballintyn grad student 2019-2024 Purdue
BETA: Related publications


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Martinez A, Migliorino MT, Scalo C, et al. (2021) Experimental and numerical investigation of standing-wave thermoacoustic instability under transcritical temperature conditions. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 150: 2900
Walters IV, Journell CL, Lemcherfi A, et al. (2020) Operability of a Natural Gas–Air Rotating Detonation Engine Journal of Propulsion and Power. 36: 453-464
Anderson WS, Heister SD, Kan B, et al. (2020) Experimental Study of a Hypergolically Ignited Liquid Bipropellant Rotating Detonation Rocket Engine Journal of Propulsion and Power. 1-11
Mikoshiba K, Sardeshmukh SV, Heister SD. (2020) On the response of annular injectors to rotating detonation waves Shock Waves. 30: 29-40
Stechmann DP, Sardeshmukh S, Heister SD, et al. (2019) Role of Ignition Delay in Rotating Detonation Engine Performance and Operability Journal of Propulsion and Power. 35: 125-140
Stechmann DP, Heister SD, Harroun AJ. (2019) Rotating Detonation Engine Performance Model for Rocket Applications Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. 56: 887-898
Schwinn K, Gejji R, Kan B, et al. (2018) Self-sustained, high-frequency detonation wave generation in a semi-bounded channel Combustion and Flame. 193: 384-396
Kan BK, Heister SD, Paxson DE. (2017) Experimental Study of Pressure Gain Combustion with Hypergolic Rocket Propellants Journal of Propulsion and Power. 33: 112-120
Shark SC, Zaseck CR, Pourpoint TL, et al. (2016) Performance and flame visualization of dicyclopentadiene rocket propellants with metal hydride additives Journal of Propulsion and Power. 32: 869-881
Pfeil MA, Kulkarni AS, Ramachandran PV, et al. (2016) Solid amine-boranes as high-performance and hypergolic hybrid rocket fuels Journal of Propulsion and Power. 32: 23-31
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