Konstantinos "Dennis" Papadopoulos
Affiliations: | University of Maryland, College Park, College Park, MD |
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Geophysics, Fluid and Plasma PhysicsGoogle:
"Konstantinos "Dennis" Papadopoulos"Parents
Sign in to add mentorDerek A. Tidman | grad student | 1968 | University of Maryland | |
(Bremsstrahlung Radiation from Relativistic Plasmas) |
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Gekelman W, Pribyl P, Vincena S, et al. (2019) Ferrite based antennae for launching Alfvén waves. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 90: 083505 |
Zawdie KA, Huba JD, Dhadly MS, et al. (2019) The Effect of Plasma Releases on Equatorial Spread F—a Simulation Study Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. 6 |
Najmi A, Eliasson B, Shao X, et al. (2018) Erratum: “Vlasov simulations of electron acceleration by radio frequency heating near the upper hybrid layer” [Phys. Plasmas 24, 102904 (2017)] Physics of Plasmas. 25: 029902 |
Eliasson B, Milikh GM, Liu TC, et al. (2018) Simulations of the Generation of Energetic Electrons and the Formation of Descending Artificial Plasma Layers During HF Heating at Arecibo Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 123 |
Eliasson B, Papadopoulos K. (2017) Pitch angle scattering of relativistic electrons near EMIC resonances in diverging magnetic fields Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 59: 104003 |
Najmi A, Eliasson B, Shao X, et al. (2017) Vlasov simulations of electron acceleration by radio frequency heating near the upper hybrid layer Physics of Plasmas. 24: 102904 |
Malkov MA, Sagdeev RZ, Dudnikova GI, et al. (2016) Ion-acoustic shocks with self-regulated ion reflection and acceleration Physics of Plasmas. 23 |
Sharma AS, Eliasson B, Shao X, et al. (2016) Generation of ELF waves during HF heating of the ionosphere at midlatitudes Radio Science. 51: 962-971 |
Vartanyan A, Milikh GM, Eliasson B, et al. (2016) Generation of whistler waves by continuous HF heating of the upper ionosphere Radio Science. 51: 1188-1198 |
Najmi A, Eliasson B, Shao X, et al. (2016) Simulations of ionospheric turbulence produced by HF heating near the upper hybrid layer Radio Science. 51: 704-717 |