Eliahu Dwek, PhD

Physics Department Rice University, Houston, TX 
Astrophysics and Cosmology
"Eliahu Dwek"

2006 - Gruber Prize in Cosmology as a member of the COBE Science Team

Mean distance: 13.42
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Arendt RG, Dwek E, Bouchet P, et al. (2020) Final Spitzer IRAC Observations of the Rise and Fall of SN 1987A The Astrophysical Journal. 890: 2
Dwek E, Sarangi A, Arendt RG. (2019) The Evolution of Dust Opacity in Core Collapse Supernovae and the Rapid Formation of Dust in Their Ejecta The Astrophysical Journal. 871: L33
Arendt RG, Staguhn J, Dwek E, et al. (2019) 2 mm GISMO Observations of the Galactic Center. I. Dust Emission The Astrophysical Journal. 885: 71
Staguhn J, Arendt RG, Dwek E, et al. (2019) 2 mm GISMO Observations of the Galactic Center. II. A Nonthermal Filament in the Radio Arc and Compact Sources The Astrophysical Journal. 885: 72
Odegard N, Weiland JL, Fixsen DJ, et al. (2019) Determination of the Cosmic Infrared Background from COBE/FIRAS and Planck HFI Observations The Astrophysical Journal. 877: 40
Matsuura M, De Buizer JM, Arendt RG, et al. (2018) SOFIA mid-infrared observations of Supernova 1987A in 2016 – forward shocks and possible dust re-formation in the post-shocked region Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 482: 1715-1723
Eufrasio RT, Lehmer BD, Zezas A, et al. (2017) On the Spatially Resolved Star Formation History in M51. I. Hybrid UV+IR Star Formation Laws and IR Emission from Dust Heated by Old Stars The Astrophysical Journal. 851: 10
Dwek E, Arendt RG, Fox OD, et al. (2017) Constraints on the Progenitor of SN 2010jl and Pre-existing Hot Dust in its Surrounding Medium The Astrophysical Journal. 847: 91
Fox OD, Dyk SDV, Dwek E, et al. (2017) The Candidate Progenitor of the Type IIn SN 2010jl Is Not an Optically Luminous Star The Astrophysical Journal. 836: 222
Temim T, Dwek E, Arendt RG, et al. (2017) A Massive Shell of Supernova-formed Dust in SNR G54.1+0.3 The Astrophysical Journal. 836: 129
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