Ludwig Friedrich Oster

1958-1967 Physics Yale University, New Haven, CT 
 1967-1981 Physics and Astrophysics University of Colorado, Boulder, Boulder, CO, United States 
 1983-1996 Program Manager National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, United States 
"Ludwig Friedrich Oster"

(1931 - 2003)

Cross-listing: Physics Tree


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Albrecht Unsöld grad student 1956 Universität Kiel
 (Das Strahlungsfeld der Übergangsschicht Chromosphäre-Korona.)


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Sabatino Sofia grad student 1966 Yale (Physics Tree)
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Oster L. (1990) Reconstructing the emission at 10.7 cm from individual active regions in terms of optical data Journal of Geophysical Research. 95: 6247-6262
Oster L. (1983) Solar irradiance variations: 1. Analysis of modeling techniques and intercomparison of ground‐based data Journal of Geophysical Research. 88: 1953-1964
Oster L, Schatten KH, Sofia S. (1982) Solar irradiance variations due to active regions The Astrophysical Journal. 256: 768
Schatten KH, Miller N, Sofia S, et al. (1982) Solar irradiance modulation by active regions from 1969 through 1980 Geophysical Research Letters. 9: 49-51
Sofia S, Oster L, Schatten K. (1982) Solar irradiance modulation by active regions during 1980 Solar Physics. 80: 87-98
Oster L, Sieber W. (1976) Pulsar geometries. II. Decomposition of the radiation pattern The Astrophysical Journal. 203: 233
Oster L. (1971) Radio Emission from Stellar Coronas The Astrophysical Journal. 169: 57
Oster L. (1968) New Restriction on Models for Quasistellar Objects Nature. 217: 148-149
Oster L, Patterson NP. (1968) Predicted ultraviolet spectra from stellar chromospheres Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. 8: 305-315
Oster L. (1968) The electrical conductivity in sunspot regions Solar Physics. 3: 543-556
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