Sign in to add traineeMuriel de Grenier | grad student | 1994 | Toulouse 3 |
Sabine Chabrillat | grad student | 1995 | Toulouse 3 |
Pascal Rosenblatt | grad student | 1995 | Toulouse 3 |
Camille Lelong | grad student | 1999 | Toulouse 3 |
Aurélien Cord | grad student | 2003 | Toulouse 3 |
Julien Vaucher | grad student | 2007 | Toulouse 3 |
Augustin Jehl | grad student | 2008 | Toulouse 3 |
Erwan Tréguier | grad student | 2008 | Toulouse 3 |
Harold Clenet | grad student | 2009 | Toulouse 3 |
Audrey Souchon | grad student | 2012 | Toulouse 3 |
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Weimerskirch H, Pinet P, Dubos J, et al. (2019) Wettability of juvenile plumage as a major cause of mortality threatens endangered Barau's petrel Journal of Avian Biology. 50 |
Dulau V, Pinet P, Geyer Y, et al. (2017) Continuous movement behavior of humpback whales during the breeding season in the southwest Indian Ocean: on the road again! Movement Ecology. 5: 11 |
Rospabé M, Ceuleneer G, Benoit M, et al. (2017) Origin of the dunitic mantle-crust transition zone in the Oman ophiolite: The interplay between percolating magmas and high-temperature hydrous fluids Geology. 45: 471-474 |
Rogers A, Alvheim O, Bemanaja E, et al. (2017) Pelagic communities of the South West Indian Ocean seamounts: R/V Dr Fridtjof Nansen Cruise 2009-410 Deep Sea Research Part Ii: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 136: 5-35 |
Sautter V, Toplis MJ, Beck P, et al. (2016) Magmatic complexity on early Mars as seen through a combination of orbital, in-situ and meteorite data Lithos. 254: 36-52 |
Sautter V, Toplis MJ, Wiens RC, et al. (2015) In situ evidence for continental crust on early Mars Nature Geoscience. 8: 605-609 |
Fernando J, Schmidt F, Pilorget C, et al. (2015) Characterization and mapping of surface physical properties of Mars from CRISM multi-angular data: Application to Gusev Crater and Meridiani Planum Icarus. 253: 271-295 |
Gwinner K, Jaumann R, Hauber E, et al. (2014) The High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) of Mars Express and its approach to science analysis and mapping for Mars and its satellites Planetary and Space Science |
Bridges NT, Calef FJ, Hallet B, et al. (2014) The rock abrasion record at gale crater: Mars science laboratory results from Bradbury landing to Rocknest Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets. 119: 1374-1389 |
Sautter V, Fabre C, Forni O, et al. (2014) Igneous mineralogy at bradbury rise: The first chemcam campaign at gale crater Journal of Geophysical Research E: Planets. 119: 30-46 |