S. Michael Fall
Affiliations: | 1984 | Astronomy | University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom |
1984- | Space Telescope Science Institute |
"S. Michael Fall"Bio:
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/172.1.23P
Sign in to add mentorMartin John Rees | grad student | 1976 | Oxford | |
Dirk ter Haar | grad student | 1976 | Oxford (Physics Tree) | |
(Galaxy Correlations and Cosmology.) |
Sign in to add traineeQing Zhang | grad student | ||
Rebecca Anne W. Elson | grad student | 1986 | Cambridge |
Varsha Purushottam Kulkarni | grad student | 1996 | Chicago |
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Mok A, Chandar R, Fall SM. (2020) Mass Functions of Giant Molecular Clouds and Young Star Clusters in Six Nearby Galaxies The Astrophysical Journal. 893: 135 |
Mok A, Chandar R, Fall SM. (2019) Constraints on Upper Cutoffs in the Mass Functions of Young Star Clusters The Astrophysical Journal. 872: 93 |
Astrometry Working Group: TW, Sanderson RE, Bellini A, et al. (2019) Astrometry with the Wide-Field Infrared Space Telescope Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems. 5: 1 |
Fall SM, Romanowsky AJ. (2018) Angular Momentum and Galaxy Formation Revisited: Scaling Relations for Disks and Bulges The Astrophysical Journal. 868: 133 |
Chandar R, Fall SM, Whitmore BC, et al. (2017) The Fraction of Stars That Form in Clusters in Different Galaxies The Astrophysical Journal. 849: 128 |
DeFelippis D, Genel S, Bryan GL, et al. (2017) The Impact of Galactic Winds on the Angular Momentum of Disk Galaxies in the Illustris Simulation The Astrophysical Journal. 841: 16 |
Huang KH, Fall SM, Ferguson HC, et al. (2017) Relations between the Sizes of Galaxies and Their Dark Matter Halos at Redshifts 0 |
Sokołowska A, Capelo PR, Fall SM, et al. (2017) Galactic Angular Momentum in Cosmological Zoom-in Simulations. I. Disk and Bulge Components and the Galaxy–Halo Connection The Astrophysical Journal. 835: 289 |
Camacho V, Vázquez-Semadeni E, Ballesteros-Paredes J, et al. (2016) Energy Budget Of Forming Clumps In Numerical Simulations Of Collapsing Clouds The Astrophysical Journal. 833: 113 |
Goudfrooij P, Fall SM. (2016) Evolution Of The Mass And Luminosity Functions Of Globular Star Clusters The Astrophysical Journal. 833: 8 |