Stuart L. Shapiro, Ph.D..

1973-1995 Astronomy and Physics Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
 1996- Physics University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
Astrophysics, Gravitation
"Stuart L Shapiro"

Cross-listing: Physics Tree


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P. James E. Peebles grad student 1973 Princeton (Physics Tree)
 (Accretion onto black holes: the emergent radiation spectrum)


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Jamie C. Lombardi grad student Cornell (Physics Tree)
Frederic Rasio grad student 1991 Cornell
Dong Lai grad student 1994 Cornell
Thomas W. Baumgarte grad student 1995 Universität München
Matthew D. Duez grad student 2005 UIUC (Physics Tree)
Branson C. Stephens grad student 2007 UIUC (Physics Tree)
Zachariah B. Etienne grad student 2009 UIUC
Lee Samuel Finn post-doc 1987-1991 Cornell
BETA: Related publications


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Tsokaros A, Ruiz M, Shapiro SL, et al. (2022) Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Self-Consistent Rotating Neutron Stars with Mixed Poloidal and Toroidal Magnetic Fields. Physical Review Letters. 128: 061101
Richards CB, Baumgarte TW, Shapiro SL. (2021) Accretion onto a small black hole at the center of a neutron star. Physical Review. D. (2016). 103
Ruiz M, Shapiro SL, Tsokaros A. (2021) Multimessenger Binary Mergers Containing Neutron Stars: Gravitational Waves, Jets, and -Ray Bursts. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences. 8
Wessel E, Paschalidis V, Tsokaros A, et al. (2021) Gravitational waves from disks around spinning black holes: Simulations in full general relativity. Physical Review. D. (2016). 103
Richards CB, Baumgarte TW, Shapiro SL. (2021) Relativistic Bondi accretion for stiff equations of state. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 502: 3003-3011
Baumgarte TW, Shapiro SL. (2021) Neutron stars harboring a primordial black hole: Maximum survival time. Physical Review. D. (2016). 103
Ruiz M, Paschalidis V, Tsokaros A, et al. (2020) Black hole-neutron star coalescence: Effects of the neutron star spin on jet launching and dynamical ejecta mass. Physical Review. D. (2016). 102
Ruiz M, Tsokaros A, Shapiro SL. (2020) Magnetohydrodynamic simulations of binary neutron star mergers in general relativity: Effects of magnetic field orientation on jet launching. Physical Review. D. (2016). 101
Tsokaros A, Ruiz M, Shapiro SL, et al. (2020) Great Impostors: Extremely Compact, Merging Binary Neutron Stars in the Mass Gap Posing as Binary Black Holes. Physical Review Letters. 124: 071101
Chiang BT, Shapiro SL, Shelton J. (2020) Faint Dark Matter Annihilation Signals and the Milky Way's Supermassive Black Hole Physical Review D. 102
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