Emil Melander
Affiliations: | 2011-2016 | Physics & Astronomy | Uppsala University, Uppsala, Uppsala län, Sweden |
"Emil Melander"
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Rowan-Robinson RM, Melander E, Chioar I, et al. (2019) Thickness dependent enhancement of the polar Kerr rotation in Co magnetoplasmonic nanostructures Aip Advances. 9: 25317 |
Magnfält D, Melander E, Boyd R, et al. (2017) Synthesis of tunable plasmonic metal-ceramic nanocomposite thin films by temporally modulated sputtered fluxes Journal of Applied Physics. 121: 171918 |
Rollinger M, Thielen P, Melander E, et al. (2016) Light Localization and Magneto-Optic Enhancement in Ni Antidot Arrays. Nano Letters. 16: 2432-8 |
Östman E, Arnalds UB, Melander E, et al. (2014) Hysteresis-free switching between vortex and collinear magnetic states New Journal of Physics. 16 |
Razdolski I, Gheorghe DG, Melander E, et al. (2013) Nonlocal nonlinear magneto-optical response of a magnetoplasmonic crystal Physical Review B. 88: 75436 |
Melander E, Östman E, Keller J, et al. (2012) Influence of the magnetic field on the plasmonic properties of transparent Ni anti-dot arrays Applied Physics Letters. 101 |
Papaioannou ET, Kapaklis V, Melander E, et al. (2011) Surface plasmons and magneto-optic activity in hexagonal Ni anti-dot arrays Optics Express. 19: 23867-23877 |