Mark O. Robbins

Physics & Astronomy Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 
non-equilibrium processes
"Mark Robbins"

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Leopoldo M. Falicov grad student 1983 UC Berkeley (Physics Tree)
 (Electronic theory of ordering energies in alloys)


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Mark J. Stevens grad student 1991 Johns Hopkins (Physics Tree)
Yiyong Zhou grad student 2000 Johns Hopkins (Physics Tree)
Gang He grad student 2002 Johns Hopkins (Physics Tree)
Joerg G. Rottler grad student 2003 Johns Hopkins (Physics Tree)
Robert S. Hoy grad student 2008 Johns Hopkins (Physics Tree)
Shengfeng Cheng grad student 2010 Johns Hopkins (Physics Tree)
Thomas C. O'Connor grad student 2012-2018 Johns Hopkins (Physics Tree)
Lars Pastewka post-doc 2011-2013 Johns Hopkins (Physics Tree)
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Monti JM, Pastewka L, Robbins MO. (2021) Green's function method for dynamic contact calculations. Physical Review. E. 103: 053305
O'Connor TC, Robbins MO. (2020) Molecular models for creep in oriented polyethylene fibers. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 153: 144904
Clemmer JT, Robbins MO. (2019) Anisotropic avalanches and critical depinning of three-dimensional magnetic domain walls. Physical Review. E. 100: 042121
Monti J, McGuiggan PM, Robbins MO. (2019) Effect of roughness and elasticity on interactions between charged colloidal spheres. Langmuir : the Acs Journal of Surfaces and Colloids
O'Connor TC, Alvarez NJ, Robbins MO. (2019) O'Connor, Alvarez, and Robbins Reply. Physical Review Letters. 122: 059804
O’Connor TC, Hopkins A, Robbins MO. (2019) Stress Relaxation in Highly Oriented Melts of Entangled Polymers Macromolecules. 52: 8540-8550
Galvani Cunha MA, Robbins MO. (2019) Determination of pressure-viscosity relation of 2,2,4-trimethylhexane by all-atom molecular dynamics simulations Fluid Phase Equilibria. 495: 28-32
Jadhao V, Robbins MO. (2019) Rheological Properties of Liquids Under Conditions of Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Tribology Letters. 67
O'Connor TC, Alvarez NJ, Robbins MO. (2018) Relating Chain Conformations to Extensional Stress in Entangled Polymer Melts. Physical Review Letters. 121: 047801
O'Connor TC, Elder RM, Sliozberg YR, et al. (2018) Molecular origins of anisotropic shock propagation in crystalline and amorphous polyethylene Physical Review Materials. 2
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