Craig J. Pollock - Publications

Auburn University, Auburn, AL, United States 
Fluid and Plasma Physics, Geophysics

33 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2024 Xie ZK, Zong QG, Yue C, Zhou XZ, Liu ZY, He JS, Hao YX, Ng CS, Zhang H, Yao ST, Pollock C, Le G, Ergun R, Lindqvist PA. Electron scale coherent structure as micro accelerator in the Earth's magnetosheath. Nature Communications. 15: 886. PMID 38286824 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-45040-5  0.332
2022 Raptis S, Karlsson T, Vaivads A, Pollock C, Plaschke F, Johlander A, Trollvik H, Lindqvist PA. Downstream high-speed plasma jet generation as a direct consequence of shock reformation. Nature Communications. 13: 598. PMID 35105885 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-28110-4  0.327
2020 Li JH, Yang F, Zhou XZ, Zong QG, Artemyev AV, Rankin R, Shi Q, Yao S, Liu H, He J, Pu Z, Xiao C, Liu J, Pollock C, Le G, et al. Self-consistent kinetic model of nested electron- and ion-scale magnetic cavities in space plasmas. Nature Communications. 11: 5616. PMID 33154395 DOI: 10.1038/s41467-020-19442-0  0.351
2020 Bandyopadhyay R, Matthaeus WH, Parashar TN, Yang Y, Chasapis A, Giles BL, Gershman DJ, Pollock CJ, Russell CT, Strangeway RJ, Torbert RB, Moore TE, Burch JL. Statistics of Kinetic Dissipation in the Earth's Magnetosheath: MMS Observations. Physical Review Letters. 124: 255101. PMID 32639771 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.124.255101  0.739
2020 Bandyopadhyay R, Sorriso-Valvo L, Chasapis A, Hellinger P, Matthaeus WH, Verdini A, Landi S, Franci L, Matteini L, Giles BL, Gershman DJ, Moore TE, Pollock CJ, Russell CT, Strangeway RJ, et al. In Situ Observation of Hall Magnetohydrodynamic Cascade in Space Plasma. Physical Review Letters. 124: 225101. PMID 32567898 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.124.225101  0.74
2018 Gershman DJ, F-Viñas A, Dorelli JC, Goldstein ML, Shuster J, Avanov LA, Boardsen SA, Stawarz JE, Schwartz SJ, Schiff C, Lavraud B, Saito Y, Paterson WR, Giles BL, Pollock CJ, et al. Energy partitioning constraints at kinetic scales in low- turbulence. Physics of Plasmas. 25. PMID 30344429 DOI: 10.1063/1.5009158  0.751
2017 Gershman DJ, F-Viñas A, Dorelli JC, Boardsen SA, Avanov LA, Bellan PM, Schwartz SJ, Lavraud B, Coffey VN, Chandler MO, Saito Y, Paterson WR, Fuselier SA, Ergun RE, Strangeway RJ, ... ... Pollock CJ, et al. Wave-particle energy exchange directly observed in a kinetic Alfvén-branch wave. Nature Communications. 8: 14719. PMID 28361881 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms14719  0.75
2016 Burch JL, Torbert RB, Phan TD, Chen LJ, Moore TE, Ergun RE, Eastwood JP, Gershman DJ, Cassak PA, Argall MR, Wang S, Hesse M, Pollock CJ, Giles BL, Nakamura R, et al. Electron-scale measurements of magnetic reconnection in space. Science (New York, N.Y.). PMID 27174677 DOI: 10.1126/Science.Aaf2939  0.354
2016 Zhou M, Ashour-Abdalla M, Berchem J, Walker RJ, Liang H, El-Alaoui M, Goldstein ML, Lindqvist PA, Marklund G, Khotyaintsev YV, Ergun RE, Wilder FD, Russell CT, Strangeway RJ, Zhao C, ... ... Pollock CJ, et al. Observation of high-frequency electrostatic waves in the vicinity of the reconnection ion diffusion region by the spacecraft of the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1002/2016Gl069010  0.356
2016 Graham DB, Khotyaintsev YV, Norgren C, Vaivads A, André M, Lindqvist PA, Marklund GT, Ergun RE, Paterson WR, Gershman DJ, Giles BL, Pollock CJ, Dorelli JC, Avanov LA, Lavraud B, et al. Electron currents and heating in the ion diffusion region of asymmetric reconnection Geophysical Research Letters. DOI: 10.1002/2016Gl068613  0.34
2016 Gershman DJ, Dorelli JC, Viñas AF, Avanov LA, Gliese U, Barrie AC, Coffey V, Chandler M, Dickson C, MacDonald EA, Salo C, Holland M, Saito Y, Sauvaud JA, Lavraud B, ... ... Pollock CJ, et al. Electron dynamics in a subproton-gyroscale magnetic hole Geophysical Research Letters. 43: 4112-4118. DOI: 10.1002/2016Gl068545  0.361
2016 Scime EE, Barrie A, Dugas M, Elliott D, Ellison S, Keesee AM, Pollock CJ, Rager A, Tersteeg J. Key elements of a low voltage, ultracompact plasma spectrometer Journal of Geophysical Research a: Space Physics. DOI: 10.1002/2015Ja022208  0.347
2012 Collinson GA, Dorelli JC, Avanov LA, Lewis GR, Moore TE, Pollock C, Kataria DO, Bedington R, Arridge CS, Chornay DJ, Gliese U, Mariano A, Barrie AC, Tucker C, Owen CJ, et al. The geometric factor of electrostatic plasma analyzers: a case study from the Fast Plasma Investigation for the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission. The Review of Scientific Instruments. 83: 033303. PMID 22462915 DOI: 10.1063/1.3687021  0.686
2007 Burch JL, Goldstein R, Cravens TE, Gibson WC, Lundin RN, Pollock CJ, Winningham JD, Young DT. RPC-IES: The ion and electron sensor of the Rosetta plasma consortium Space Science Reviews. 128: 697-712. DOI: 10.1007/S11214-006-9002-4  0.374
2005 Burch JL, Miller GP, De Los Santos A, Pollock CJ, Pope SE, Valek PW, Young DT. Technique for increasing dynamic range of space-borne ion composition instruments Review of Scientific Instruments. 76: 1-4. DOI: 10.1063/1.2084867  0.335
2004 Perez JD, Zhang XX, Son Brandt PC, Mitchell DG, Jahn JM, Pollock CJ. Dynamics of ring current ions as obtained from IMAGE HENA and MENA ENA images Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics. 109. DOI: 10.1029/2003Ja010164  0.304
2002 McComas DJ, Valek P, Burch JL, Pollock CJ, Skoug RM, Thomsen MF. Filling and emptying of the plasma sheet: Remote observations with 1-70 keV energetic neutral atoms Geophysical Research Letters. 29: 36-1.  0.322
2001 Moore TE, Chandler MO, Fok MC, Giles BL, Delcourt DC, Horwitz JL, Pollock CJ. Ring currents and internal plasma sources Space Science Reviews. 95: 555-568. DOI: 10.1023/A:1005264907107  0.351
2000 Huddleston MM, Pollock CJ, Wüest MP, Pickett JS, Moore TE, Peterson WK. Toroidal ion distributions observed at high altitudes equatorward of the cusp Geophysical Research Letters. 27: 469-472. DOI: 10.1029/1999GL010712  0.321
1998 Comfort RH, Moore TE, Craven PD, Pollock CJ, Mozer FS, Williamson WS. Spacecraft potential control by the plasma source instrument on the POLAR satellite Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. 35: 845-849. DOI: 10.2514/2.7586  0.409
1998 Dempsey DL, Burch JL, Huddleston MM, Pollock CJ, Waite JH, Wüest M, Moore TE, Shelley EG. Reflected solar wind ions and downward accelerated ionospheric ions during the January 1997 magnetic cloud event Geophysical Research Letters. 25: 2979-2982.  0.366
1997 Moore TE, Chappell CR, Chandler MO, Craven PD, Giles BL, Pollock CJ, Burch JL, Young DT, Waite J.H. J, Nordholt JE, Thomsen MF, McComas DJ, Berthelier JJ, Williamson WS, Robson R, et al. High-altitude observations of the polar wind Science. 277: 349-351. DOI: 10.1126/Science.277.5324.349  0.308
1997 Comfort RH, Moore TE, Craven PD, Pollock CJ, Mozer FS, Williamson WT. Spacecraft potential control by psi on the polar satellite 28th Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conference 0.364
1996 Moore TE, Pollock CJ, Adrian ML, Kintner PM, Arnoldy RL, Lynch KA, Holtet JA. The cleft ion plasma environment at low solar activity Geophysical Research Letters. 23: 1877-1880. DOI: 10.1029/96Gl00843  0.745
1996 Arnoldy RL, Lynch KA, Kintner PM, Bonnell J, Moore TE, Pollock CJ. SCIFER - Structure of the cleft ion fountain at 1400 km altitude Geophysical Research Letters. 23: 1869-1872.  0.657
1996 Pollock CJ, Moore TE, Adrian ML, Kintner PM, Arnoldy RL. SCIFER - Cleft region thermal electron distribution functions Geophysical Research Letters. 23: 1881-1884.  0.606
1995 Moore TE, Chappell CR, Chandler MO, Fields SA, Pollock CJ, Reasoner DL, Young DT, Burch JL, Eaker N, Waite JH, McComas DJ, Nordholdt JE, Thomsen MF, Berthelier JJ, Robson R. The Thermal Ion Dynamics Experiment and Plasma Source Instrument Space Science Reviews. 71: 409-458. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00751337  0.431
1993 Arnoldy R, Lynch K, Kintner P, Vago J, Pollock CJ, Moore TE. Transverse ion acceleration and auroral electron precipitation Advances in Space Research. 13: 143-148. DOI: 10.1016/0273-1177(93)90327-8  0.712
1992 Kintner PM, Vago J, Chesney S, Arnoldy RL, Lynch KA, Pollock CJ, Moore TE. Localized lower hybrid acceleration of ionospheric plasma. Physical Review Letters. 68: 2448-2451. PMID 10045400 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.68.2448  0.715
1992 Arnoldy RL, Cahill LJ, Kintner PM, Moore TE, Pollock CJ. Plasma effects of active ion beam injections in the ionosphere at rocket altitudes Advances in Space Research. 12: 1-7. DOI: 10.1016/0273-1177(92)90343-V  0.651
1990 Arnoldy RL, Pollock CJ, Cahill LJ, Erlandson RE, Kintner PM. Observations of the plasma environment during an active ionospheric ion beam injection experiment Advances in Space Research. 10: 107-112. DOI: 10.1016/0273-1177(90)90282-5  0.654
1988 Pollock CJ, Arnoldy RL, Cahill LJ, Erlandson RE, Kintner PM. Ion beam releases at rocket altitudes Advances in Space Research. 8: 133-136. DOI: 10.1016/0273-1177(88)90354-7  0.643
1988 Cahill LJ, Erlandson RE, Arnoldy RL, Pollock CJ. Plasma waves generated in the ionosphere by an argon ion beam Advances in Space Research. 8: 129-131. DOI: 10.1016/0273-1177(88)90353-5  0.6
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