Year |
Citation |
Score |
2020 |
Thompson TA, Kochanek CS, Stanek KZ, Badenes C, Jayasinghe T, Tayar J, Johnson JA, Holoien TW, Auchettl K, Covey K. Response to Comment on "A noninteracting low-mass black hole-giant star binary system". Science (New York, N.Y.). 368. PMID 32381689 DOI: 10.1126/Science.Aba4356 |
0.536 |
2020 |
Ahumada R, Prieto CA, Almeida A, Anders F, Anderson SF, Andrews BH, Anguiano B, Arcodia R, Armengaud E, Aubert M, Avila S, Avila-Reese V, Badenes C, Balland C, Barger K, ... ... Covey K, et al. The 16th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release from the APOGEE-2 Southern Survey and Full Release of eBOSS Spectra The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 249: 3. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/Ab929E |
0.434 |
2020 |
Souto D, Cunha K, Smith VV, Allende Prieto C, Burgasser A, Covey K, García-Hernández DA, Holtzman JA, Johnson JA, Jönsson H, Mahadevan S, Majewski SR, Masseron T, Shetrone M, Rojas-Ayala B, et al. Stellar Characterization of M Dwarfs from the APOGEE Survey: A Calibrator Sample for M-dwarf Metallicities The Astrophysical Journal. 890: 133. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Ab6D07 |
0.435 |
2020 |
Olney R, Kounkel M, Schillinger C, Scoggins MT, Yin Y, Howard E, Covey KR, Hutchinson B, Stassun KG. APOGEE Net: Improving the Derived Spectral Parameters for Young Stars through Deep Learning The Astronomical Journal. 159: 182. DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/Ab7A97 |
0.526 |
2019 |
Thompson TA, Kochanek CS, Stanek KZ, Badenes C, Post RS, Jayasinghe T, Latham DW, Bieryla A, Esquerdo GA, Berlind P, Calkins ML, Tayar J, Lindegren L, Johnson JA, Holoien TW, ... ... Covey K, et al. A noninteracting low-mass black hole-giant star binary system. Science (New York, N.Y.). 366: 637-640. PMID 31672898 DOI: 10.1126/Science.Aau4005 |
0.596 |
2019 |
Cañas CI, Stefansson G, Monson AJ, Teske JK, Bender CF, Mahadevan S, Aerts C, Beaton RL, Butler RP, Covey KR, Crane JD, Lee ND, Díaz MR, Fleming SW, García-Hernández DA, et al. TOI-150: A Transiting Hot Jupiter in the TESS Southern CVZ The Astrophysical Journal. 877. DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/Ab21C0 |
0.546 |
2019 |
Aguado DS, Ahumada R, Almeida A, Anderson SF, Andrews BH, Anguiano B, Ortíz EA, Aragón-Salamanca A, Argudo-Fernández M, Aubert M, Avila-Reese V, Badenes C, Barboza Rembold S, Barger K, Barrera-Ballesteros J, ... ... Covey K, et al. The Fifteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First Release of MaNGA-derived Quantities, Data Visualization Tools, and Stellar Library The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 240: 23. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/Aaf651 |
0.395 |
2019 |
Ivezić Ž, Kahn SM, Tyson JA, Abel B, Acosta E, Allsman R, Alonso D, AlSayyad Y, Anderson SF, Andrew J, P. Angel JR, Angeli GZ, Ansari R, Antilogus P, Araujo C, ... ... Covey KR, et al. LSST: From Science Drivers to Reference Design and Anticipated Data Products The Astrophysical Journal. 873: 111. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Ab042C |
0.713 |
2019 |
Roman-Lopes A, Román-Zúñiga CG, Tapia M, Hernández J, Ramírez-Preciado V, Stringfellow GS, Ybarra JE, Kim JS, Minniti D, Covey KR, Kounkel M, Suárez G, Borissova J, García-Hernández DA, Zamora O, et al. Massive Stars in the SDSS-IV/APOGEE-2 Survey. II. OB-stars in the W345 Complexes The Astrophysical Journal. 873: 66. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Ab0305 |
0.315 |
2019 |
Davenport JRA, Covey KR, Clarke RW, Boeck AC, Cornet J, Hawley SL. The Evolution of Flare Activity with Stellar Age The Astrophysical Journal. 871: 241. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aafb76 |
0.686 |
2019 |
Kounkel M, Covey K. Untangling the Galaxy. I. Local Structure and Star Formation History of the Milky Way The Astronomical Journal. 158: 122. DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/Ab339A |
0.436 |
2019 |
Borissova J, Roman-Lopes A, Covey K, Medina N, Kurtev R, Roman-Zuniga C, Kuhn MA, Peña CC, Lucas P, Alegria SR, Minniti D, Kounkel M, Stringfellow G, Barbá RH, Suárez G. The G305 Star-forming Region. I. Newly Classified Hot Stars The Astronomical Journal. 158: 46. DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/Ab276B |
0.593 |
2019 |
Kounkel M, Covey K, Moe M, Kratter KM, Suárez G, Stassun KG, Román-Zúñiga C, Hernandez J, Kim JS, Ramírez KP, Roman-Lopes A, Stringfellow GS, Jaehnig KO, Borissova J, Tofflemire B, et al. Close Companions around Young Stars The Astronomical Journal. 157: 196. DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/Ab13B1 |
0.3 |
2019 |
Galli PAB, Loinard L, Bouy H, Sarro LM, Ortiz-León GN, Dzib SA, Olivares J, Heyer M, Hernandez J, Román-Zúñiga C, Kounkel M, Covey K. Structure and kinematics of the Taurus star-forming region from Gaia-DR2 and VLBI astrometry Astronomy and Astrophysics. 630. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201935928 |
0.504 |
2018 |
Canas CI, Bender CF, Mahadevan S, Fleming SW, Beatty T, Covey KR, Lee ND, Hearty FR, Garcia-Hernández DA, Majewski SR, Schneider DP, Stassun KG, Wilson RF. Kepler-503b: An Object at the Hydrogen Burning Mass Limit Orbiting a Subgiant Star The Astrophysical Journal. 861. DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/Aacbc5 |
0.586 |
2018 |
Souto D, Unterborn CT, Smith VV, Cunha K, Teske J, Covey K, Rojas-Ayala B, García-Hernández DA, Stassun K, Zamora O, Masseron T, Johnson JA, Majewski SR, Jönsson H, Gilhool S, et al. Stellar and Planetary Characterization of the Ross 128 Exoplanetary System from APOGEE Spectra The Astrophysical Journal. 860: L15. DOI: 10.3847/2041-8213/Aac896 |
0.447 |
2018 |
Cottle J, Covey KR, Suárez G, Román-Zúñiga C, Schlafly E, Downes JJ, Ybarra JE, Hernandez J, Stassun K, Stringfellow GS, Getman K, Feigelson E, Borissova J, Kim JS, Roman-Lopes A, et al. The APOGEE-2 Survey of the Orion Star-forming Complex. I. Target Selection and Validation with Early Observations The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 236: 27. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/Aabada |
0.337 |
2018 |
Abolfathi B, Aguado DS, Aguilar G, Prieto CA, Almeida A, Ananna TT, Anders F, Anderson SF, Andrews BH, Anguiano B, Aragón-Salamanca A, Argudo-Fernández M, Armengaud E, Ata M, Aubourg E, ... ... Covey K, et al. The Fourteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey and from the Second Phase of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 235: 42. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/Aa9E8A |
0.633 |
2018 |
Yao Y, Meyer MR, Covey KR, Tan JC, Rio ND. IN-SYNC. VIII. Primordial Disk Frequencies in NGC 1333, IC 348, and the Orion A Molecular Cloud The Astrophysical Journal. 869: 72. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aaec7A |
0.552 |
2018 |
Davenport JRA, Covey KR. Rotating Stars from Kepler Observed with Gaia DR2 The Astrophysical Journal. 868: 151. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aae842 |
0.572 |
2018 |
Agüeros MA, Bowsher EC, Bochanski JJ, Cargile PA, Covey KR, Douglas ST, Kraus A, Kundert A, Law NM, Ahmadi A, Arce HG. A New Look at an Old Cluster: The Membership, Rotation, and Magnetic Activity of Low-mass Stars in the 1.3 Gyr Old Open Cluster NGC 752 The Astrophysical Journal. 862: 33. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aac6Ed |
0.751 |
2018 |
Roman-Lopes A, Román-Zúñiga C, Tapia M, Chojnowski D, Chew YGM, García-Hernández DA, Borissova J, Minniti D, Covey KR, Longa-Peña P, Fernandez-Trincado JG, Zamora O, Nitschelm C. Massive stars in the SDSS-IV/APOGEE SURVEY. I. OB stars The Astrophysical Journal. 855: 68. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aaac27 |
0.6 |
2018 |
Davenport JRA, Covey KR, Clarke RW, Laycock Z, Fleming SW, Boyajian TS, Montet BT, Shiao B, Million CC, Wilson DJ, Olmedo M, Mamajek EE, Olmedo D, Chávez M, Bertone E. The GALEX View of “Boyajian’s Star” (KIC 8462852) The Astrophysical Journal. 853: 130. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aaa413 |
0.491 |
2018 |
Clarke RW, Davenport JRA, Covey KR, Baranec C. Flare Activity of Wide Binary Stars with Kepler The Astrophysical Journal. 853: 59. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aaa0D3 |
0.595 |
2018 |
Kounkel M, Covey K, Suárez G, Román-Zúñiga C, Hernandez J, Stassun K, Jaehnig KO, Feigelson ED, Ramírez KP, Roman-Lopes A, Rio ND, Stringfellow GS, Kim JS, Borissova J, Fernández-Trincado JG, et al. The APOGEE-2 Survey of the Orion Star-forming Complex. II. Six-dimensional Structure The Astronomical Journal. 156: 84. DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/Aad1F1 |
0.446 |
2018 |
Skinner J, Covey KR, Bender CF, Rivera N, De Lee N, Souto D, Chojnowski D, Troup N, Badenes C, Bizyaev D, Blake CH, Burgasser A, Cañas C, Carlberg J, Maqueo Chew YG, et al. Forty-four New and Known M-dwarf Multiples in the SDSS-III/APOGEE M-dwarf Ancillary Science Sample The Astronomical Journal. 156: 45. DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/Aac9C2 |
0.321 |
2018 |
Wolk SJ, Günther HM, Poppenhaeger K, Winston E, Rebull LM, Stauffer JR, Gutermuth RA, Cody AM, Hillenbrand LA, Plavchan P, Covey KR, Song I. YSOVAR: Mid-infrared Variability among YSOs in the Star Formation Region Serpens South The Astronomical Journal. 155: 99. DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/Aaa6C4 |
0.47 |
2017 |
Albareti FD, Prieto CA, Almeida A, Anders F, Anderson S, Andrews BH, Aragón-Salamanca A, Argudo-Fernández M, Armengaud E, Aubourg E, Avila-Reese V, Badenes C, Bailey S, Barbuy B, Barger K, ... ... Covey K, et al. The 13th Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: First Spectroscopic Data from the SDSS-IV Survey Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series. 233: 25. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4365/Aa8992 |
0.729 |
2017 |
Kraus AL, Douglas ST, Mann AW, Agüeros MA, Law NM, Covey KR, Feiden GA, Rizzuto AC, Howard AW, Isaacson H, Gaidos E, Torres G, Bakos G. The Factory and the Beehive. III. PTFEB132.707+19.810, A Low-mass Eclipsing Binary in Praesepe Observed by PTF andK2 The Astrophysical Journal. 845: 72. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aa7E75 |
0.496 |
2017 |
Da Rio N, Tan JC, Covey KR, Cottaar M, Foster JB, Cullen NC, Tobin J, Kim JS, Meyer MR, Nidever DL, Stassun KG, Chojnowski SD, Flaherty KM, Majewski SR, Skrutskie MF, et al. IN-SYNC. V. Stellar Kinematics and Dynamics in the Orion A Molecular Cloud The Astrophysical Journal. 845: 105. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aa7A5B |
0.304 |
2017 |
Douglas ST, Agüeros MA, Covey KR, Kraus A. Poking the Beehive from Space: K2 Rotation Periods for Praesepe The Astrophysical Journal. 842: 83. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/Aa6E52 |
0.584 |
2017 |
Gully-Santiago MA, Herczeg GJ, Czekala I, Somers G, Grankin K, Covey KR, Donati JF, Alencar SHP, Hussain GAJ, Shappee BJ, Mace GN, Lee J, Holoien TW-, Jose J, Liu C. Placing the Spotted T Tauri Star LkCa 4 on an HR Diagram The Astrophysical Journal. 836: 200. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/836/2/200 |
0.54 |
2017 |
Núñez A, Agüeros MA, Covey KR, López-Morales M. Chromospheric And Coronal Activity In The 500 Myr Old Open Cluster M37: Evidence For Coronal Stripping? The Astrophysical Journal. 834: 176. DOI: 10.3847/1538-4357/834/2/176 |
0.325 |
2017 |
Rizzuto AC, Mann AW, Vanderburg A, Kraus AL, Covey KR. Zodiacal Exoplanets in Time (ZEIT). V. A Uniform Search for Transiting Planets in Young Clusters Observed by K2 The Astronomical Journal. 154: 224. DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/Aa9070 |
0.448 |
2017 |
Blanton MR, Bershady MA, Abolfathi B, Albareti FD, Prieto CA, Almeida A, Alonso-García J, Anders F, Anderson SF, Andrews B, Aquino-Ortíz E, Aragón-Salamanca A, Argudo-Fernández M, Armengaud E, Aubourg E, ... ... Covey K, et al. Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, Nearby Galaxies, and the Distant Universe The Astronomical Journal. 154: 28. DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/Aa7567 |
0.738 |
2017 |
Suárez G, Downes JJ, Román-Zúñiga C, Covey KR, Tapia M, Hernández J, Petr-Gotzens MG, Stassun KG, Briceño C. New Low-mass Stars in the 25 Orionis Stellar Group and Orion OB1a Sub-association from SDSS-III/BOSS Spectroscopy The Astronomical Journal. 154: 14. DOI: 10.3847/1538-3881/Aa733A |
0.577 |
2017 |
Fernandez MA, Covey KR, Lee ND, Chojnowski SD, Nidever D, Ballantyne R, Cottaar M, Rio ND, Foster JB, Majewski SR, Meyer MR, Reyna AM, Roberts GW, Skinner J, Stassun K, et al. IN-SYNC VI. Identification and Radial Velocity Extraction for 100+ Double-Lined Spectroscopic Binaries in the APOGEE/IN-SYNC Fields Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 129: 084201. DOI: 10.1088/1538-3873/Aa77E0 |
0.492 |
2016 |
Meng HYA, Plavchan P, Rieke GH, Cody AM, Güth T, Stauffer J, Covey K, Carey S, Ciardi D, Duran-Rojas MC, Gutermuth RA, Morales-Calderón M, Rebull LM, Watson AM. PHOTO-REVERBERATION MAPPING of A PROTOPLANETARY ACCRETION DISK AROUND A T TAURI STAR Astrophysical Journal. 823. DOI: 10.3847/0004-637X/823/1/58 |
0.581 |
2016 |
Covey KR, Agüeros MA, Law NM, Liu J, Ahmadi A, Laher R, Levitan D, Sesar B, Surace J. WHY ARE RAPIDLY ROTATING M DWARFS in the PLEIADES so (INFRA)RED? NEW PERIOD MEASUREMENTS CONFIRM ROTATION-DEPENDENT COLOR OFFSETS from the CLUSTER SEQUENCE Astrophysical Journal. 822. DOI: 10.3847/0004-637X/822/2/81 |
0.536 |
2016 |
Douglas ST, Agüeros MA, Covey KR, Cargile PA, Barclay T, Cody A, Howell SB, Kopytova T. K2 ROTATION PERIODS for LOW-MASS HYADS and the IMPLICATIONS for GYROCHRONOLOGY Astrophysical Journal. 822. DOI: 10.3847/0004-637X/822/1/47 |
0.551 |
2016 |
Schlafly EF, Meisner AM, Stutz AM, Kainulainen J, Peek JEG, Tchernyshyov K, Rix HW, Finkbeiner DP, Covey KR, Green GM, Bell EF, Burgett WS, Chambers KC, Draper PW, Flewelling H, et al. THE OPTICAL-INFRARED EXTINCTION CURVE and ITS VARIATION in the MILKY WAY Astrophysical Journal. 821. DOI: 10.3847/0004-637X/821/2/78 |
0.438 |
2016 |
Da Rio N, Tan JC, Covey KR, Cottaar M, Foster JB, Cullen NC, Tobin JJ, Kim JS, Meyer MR, Nidever DL, Stassun KG, Chojnowski SD, Flaherty KM, Majewski S, Skrutskie MF, et al. IN-SYNC. IV. THE YOUNG STELLAR POPULATION IN THE ORION A MOLECULAR CLOUD Astrophysical Journal. 818. DOI: 10.3847/0004-637X/818/1/59 |
0.522 |
2016 |
Mann AW, Newton ER, Rizzuto AC, Irwin J, Feiden GA, Gaidos E, Mace GN, Kraus AL, James DJ, Ansdell M, Charbonneau D, Covey KR, Ireland MJ, Jaffe DT, Johnson MC, et al. ZODIACAL EXOPLANETS in TIME (ZEIT). III. A SHORT-PERIOD PLANET ORBITING A PRE-MAIN-SEQUENCE STAR in the UPPER SCORPIUS OB ASSOCIATION Astronomical Journal. 152. DOI: 10.3847/0004-6256/152/3/61 |
0.579 |
2016 |
Troup NW, Nidever DL, Lee ND, Carlberg J, Majewski SR, Fernandez M, Covey K, Chojnowski SD, Pepper J, Nguyen DT, Stassun K, Nguyen DC, Wisniewski JP, Fleming SW, Bizyaev D, et al. COMPANIONS to APOGEE STARS. I. A MILKY WAY-SPANNING CATALOG of STELLAR and SUBSTELLAR COMPANION CANDIDATES and THEIR DIVERSE HOSTS Astronomical Journal. 151. DOI: 10.3847/0004-6256/151/3/85 |
0.613 |
2016 |
Stauffer J, Cody AM, Rebull L, Hillenbrand LA, Turner NJ, Carpenter J, Carey S, Terebey S, Morales-Calderón M, Alencar SHP, McGinnis P, Sousa A, Bouvier J, Venuti L, Hartmann L, ... ... Covey K, et al. CSI 2264: CHARACTERIZING YOUNG STARS in NGC 2264 with STOCHASTICALLY VARYING LIGHT CURVES Astronomical Journal. 151. DOI: 10.3847/0004-6256/151/3/60 |
0.486 |
2015 |
Alam S, Albareti FD, Prieto CA, Anders F, Anderson SF, Anderton T, Andrews BH, Armengaud E, Aubourg É, Bailey S, Basu S, Bautista JE, Beaton RL, Beers TC, Bender CF, ... ... Covey K, et al. THE ELEVENTH and TWELFTH DATA RELEASES of the SLOAN DIGITAL SKY SURVEY: FINAL DATA from SDSS-III Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 219. DOI: 10.1088/0067-0049/219/1/12 |
0.779 |
2015 |
Núñez A, Agüeros MA, Covey KR, Hartman JD, Kraus AL, Bowsher EC, Douglas ST, López-Morales M, Pooley DA, Posselt B, Saar SH, West AA. LINKING STELLAR CORONAL ACTIVITY and ROTATION at 500 MYR: A DEEP CHANDRA OBSERVATION of M37 Astrophysical Journal. 809. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/809/2/161 |
0.511 |
2015 |
Kraus AL, Cody AM, Covey KR, Rizzuto AC, Mann AW, Ireland MJ. THE MASS-RADIUS RELATION OF YOUNG STARS. I. USCO 5, AN M4.5 ECLIPSING BINARY IN UPPER SCORPIUS OBSERVED BY K2 Astrophysical Journal. 807. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/807/1/3 |
0.508 |
2015 |
Cottaar M, Covey KR, Foster JB, Meyer MR, Tan JC, Nidever DL, Chojnowski SD, Rio ND, Flaherty KM, Frinchaboy PM, Majewski S, Skrutskie MF, Wilson JC, Zasowski G. IN-SYNC. III. THE DYNAMICAL STATE OF IC 348 - A SUPER-VIRIAL VELOCITY DISPERSION AND A PUZZLING SIGN OF CONVERGENCE Astrophysical Journal. 807. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/807/1/27 |
0.497 |
2015 |
Foster JB, Cottaar M, Covey KR, Arce HG, Meyer MR, Nidever DL, Stassun KG, Tan JC, Chojnowski SD, Da Rio N, Flaherty KM, Rebull L, Frinchaboy PM, Majewski SR, Skrutskie M, et al. In-sync. II. Virial stars from subvirial cores - The velocity dispersion of embedded pre-main-sequence stars in NGC 1333 Astrophysical Journal. 799. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/799/2/136 |
0.526 |
2015 |
Rebull LM, Stauffer JR, Cody AM, Günther HM, Hillenbrand LA, Poppenhaeger K, Wolk SJ, Hora J, Hernandez J, Bayo A, Covey K, Forbrich J, Gutermuth R, Morales-Calderón M, Plavchan P, et al. YSOVAR: MID-INFRARED VARIABILITY in NGC 1333 Astronomical Journal. 150. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/150/6/175 |
0.454 |
2015 |
Wolk SJ, Günther HM, Poppenhaeger K, Cody AM, Rebull LM, Forbrich J, Gutermuth RA, Hillenbrand LA, Plavchan P, Stauffer JR, Covey KR, Song I. YSOVAR: Mid-infrared variability among YSOs in the star formation region GGD12-15 Astronomical Journal. 150. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/150/5/145 |
0.493 |
2015 |
Poppenhaeger K, Cody AM, Covey KR, Günther HM, Hillenbrand LA, Plavchan P, Rebull LM, Stauffer JR, Wolk SJ, Espaillat C, Forbrich J, Gutermuth RA, Hora JL, Morales-Calderón M, Song I. YSOVAR: MID-INFRARED VARIABILITY of YOUNG STELLAR OBJECTS and THEIR DISKS in the CLUSTER IRAS 20050+2720 Astronomical Journal. 150. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/150/4/118 |
0.399 |
2015 |
Stauffer J, Cody AM, McGinnis P, Rebull L, Hillenbrand LA, Turner NJ, Carpenter J, Plavchan P, Carey S, Terebey S, Morales-Calderón M, Alencar SHP, Bouvier J, Venuti L, Hartmann L, ... ... Covey K, et al. CSI 2264: Characterizing young stars in NGC 2264 with short-duration periodic flux dips in their light curves Astronomical Journal. 149. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/149/4/130 |
0.553 |
2014 |
Muirhead PS, Becker J, Feiden GA, Rojas-Ayala B, Vanderburg A, Price EM, Thorp R, Law NM, Riddle R, Baranec C, Hamren K, Schlawin E, Covey KR, Johnson JA, Lloyd JP. Characterizing the cool KOIs. VI. H-and K-band spectra of Kepler M dwarf planet-candidate hosts Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 213. DOI: 10.1088/0067-0049/213/1/5 |
0.607 |
2014 |
Douglas ST, Agüeros MA, Covey KR, Bowsher EC, Bochanski JJ, Cargile PA, Kraus A, Law NM, Lemonias JJ, Arce HG, Fierroz DF, Kundert A. The factory and the beehive. II. Activity and rotation in praesepe and the hyades Astrophysical Journal. 795. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/795/2/161 |
0.755 |
2014 |
Cottaar M, Covey KR, Meyer MR, Nidever DL, Stassun KG, Foster JB, Tan JC, Chojnowski SD, Da Rio N, Flaherty KM, Frinchaboy PM, Skrutskie M, Majewski SR, Wilson JC, Zasowski G. IN-SYNC I: Homogeneous stellar parameters from high-resolution apogee spectra for thousands of pre-main sequence stars Astrophysical Journal. 794. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/794/2/125 |
0.567 |
2014 |
Price-Whelan AM, Agüeros MA, Fournier AP, Street R, Ofek EO, Covey KR, Levitan D, Laher RR, Sesar B, Surace J. Statistical searches for microlensing events in large, non-uniformly sampled time-domain surveys: A test using palomar transient factory data Astrophysical Journal. 781. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/781/1/35 |
0.389 |
2014 |
Günther HM, Cody AM, Covey KR, Hillenbrand LA, Plavchan P, Poppenhaeger K, Rebull LM, Stauffer JR, Wolk SJ, Allen L, Bayo A, Gutermuth RA, Hora JL, Meng HYA, Morales-Calderón M, et al. Ysovar: Mid-infrared variability in the star-forming region Lynds 1688 Astronomical Journal. 148. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/148/6/122 |
0.477 |
2014 |
Rebull LM, Cody AM, Covey KR, Günther HM, Hillenbrand LA, Plavchan P, Poppenhaeger K, Stauffer JR, Wolk SJ, Gutermuth R, Morales-Calderón M, Song I, Barrado D, Bayo A, James D, et al. Young stellar object variability (YSOVAR): Long timescale variations in the mid-infrared Astronomical Journal. 148. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/148/5/92 |
0.482 |
2014 |
Stauffer J, Cody AM, Baglin A, Alencar S, Rebull L, Hillenbrand LA, Venuti L, Turner NJ, Carpenter J, Plavchan P, Findeisen K, Carey S, Terebey S, Morales-Calderón M, Bouvier J, ... ... Covey K, et al. CSI 2264: Characterizing accretion-burst dominated light curves for young stars in NGC 2264 Astronomical Journal. 147. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/147/4/83 |
0.561 |
2014 |
Cody AM, Stauffer J, Baglin A, Micela G, Rebull LM, Flaccomio E, Morales-Calderón M, Aigrain S, Bouvier J, Hillenbrand LA, Gutermuth R, Song I, Turner N, Alencar SHP, Zwintz K, ... ... Covey K, et al. CSI 2264: Simultaneous optical and infrared light curves of young disk-bearing stars in NGC 2264 with CoRoT and Spitzer - Evidence for multiple origins of variability Astronomical Journal. 147. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/147/4/82 |
0.493 |
2014 |
Newton ER, Charbonneau D, Irwin J, Berta-Thompson ZK, Rojas-Ayala B, Covey K, Lloyd JP. Near-infrared metallicities, radial velocities, and spectral types for 447 nearby M dwarfs Astronomical Journal. 147. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/147/1/20 |
0.513 |
2014 |
Bonnefoy M, Currie T, Marleau GD, Schlieder JE, Wisniewski J, Carson J, Covey KR, Henning T, Biller B, Hinz P, Klahr H, Marsh Boyer AN, Zimmerman N, Janson M, McElwain M, et al. Characterization of the gaseous companion κ Andromedae b: New Keck and LBTI high-contrast observations Astronomy and Astrophysics. 562. DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201322119 |
0.472 |
2013 |
Davenport JRA, Ivezić Z, Becker AC, Ruan JJ, Hunt-Walker NM, Covey KR, Lewis AR, Alsayyad Y, Anderson LM. The SDSS-2MASS-WISE 10-dimensional stellar colour locus Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 440: 3430-3438. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Stu466 |
0.574 |
2013 |
Foster JB, Mandel KS, Pineda JE, Covey KR, Arce HG, Goodman AA. Evidence for grain growth in molecular clouds: A Bayesian examination of the extinction law in Perseus Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 428: 1606-1622. DOI: 10.1093/Mnras/Sts144 |
0.508 |
2013 |
Zasowski G, Johnson JA, Frinchaboy PM, Majewski SR, Nidever DL, Pinto HJR, Girardi L, Andrews B, Chojnowski SD, Cudworth KM, Jackson K, Munn J, Skrutskie MF, Beaton RL, Blake CH, ... Covey K, et al. Target selection for the apache point observatory galactic evolution experiment (apogee) Astronomical Journal. 146. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/146/4/81 |
0.466 |
2013 |
Hillenbrand LA, Miller AA, Covey KR, Carpenter JM, Cenko SB, Silverman JM, Muirhead PS, Fischer WJ, Crepp JR, Bloom JS, Filippenko AV. Highly variable extinction and accretion in the jet-driving class i-type young star PTF 10nvg (V2492 Cyg, IRAS 20496+4354) Astronomical Journal. 145. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/145/3/59 |
0.534 |
2013 |
Meibom S, Barnes SA, Covey K, Jeffries RD, Matt S, Morin J, Palacios A, Reiners A, Sicilia-Aguilar A, Irwin J. Angular momentum evolution of cool stars: Toward a synthesis of observations and theory before and after the ZAMS Astronomische Nachrichten. 334: 168-171. DOI: 10.1002/Asna.201211777 |
0.505 |
2013 |
Bochanski JJ, Hawley SL, Covey KR, Agüeros MA, Baraffe I, Catalán S, Mohanty S, Rice EL, West AA. Measuring the ages of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs Astronomische Nachrichten. 334: 44-47. DOI: 10.1002/Asna.201211749 |
0.802 |
2012 |
Lyubchik Y, Jones HRA, Pavlenko YV, Pinfield DJ, Covey KR. Values of v sin i for late-type stars from spectral synthesis in the K-band region Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 422: 2195-2201. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2012.20762.X |
0.498 |
2012 |
Muirhead PS, Hamren K, Schlawin E, Rojas-Ayala B, Covey KR, Lloyd JP. Characterizing the cool kepler objects of interests. new effective temperatures, metallicities, masses, and radii of low-mass kepler planet-candidate host stars Astrophysical Journal Letters. 750. DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/750/2/L37 |
0.531 |
2012 |
Xiao HY, Covey KR, Rebull L, Charbonneau D, Mandushev G, O'Donovan F, Slesnick C, Lloyd JP. A census of rotation and variability in L1495: A uniform analysis of Trans-atlantic Exoplanet Survey light curves for pre-main-sequence stars in Taurus Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 202. DOI: 10.1088/0067-0049/202/1/7 |
0.528 |
2012 |
Morales-Calderón M, Stauffer JR, Stassun KG, Vrba FJ, Prato L, Hillenbrand LA, Terebey S, Covey KR, Rebull LM, Terndrup DM, Gutermuth R, Song I, Plavchan P, Carpenter JM, Marchis F, et al. YSOVAR: Six pre-main-sequence eclipsing binaries in the Orion Nebula Cluster Astrophysical Journal. 753. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/753/2/149 |
0.465 |
2012 |
Rojas-Ayala B, Covey KR, Muirhead PS, Lloyd JP. Metallicity and temperature indicators in Mdwarf K-band spectra: Testing new and updated calibrations with observations of 133 solar neighborhood Mdwarfs Astrophysical Journal. 748. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/748/2/93 |
0.408 |
2012 |
Muirhead PS, Johnson JA, Apps K, Carter JA, Morton TD, Fabrycky DC, Pineda JS, Bottom M, Rojas-Ayala B, Schlawin E, Hamren K, Covey KR, Crepp JR, Stassun KG, Pepper J, et al. Characterizing the cool KOIs. III. KOI 961: A small star with large proper motion and three small planets Astrophysical Journal. 747. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/747/2/144 |
0.536 |
2012 |
Bochanski JJ, Hawley SL, Covey KR, West AA, Neill Reid I, Golimowski DA, Ivezić Ž. ERRATUM: “THE LUMINOSITY AND MASS FUNCTIONS OF LOW-MASS STARS IN THE GALACTIC DISK. II. THE FIELD” (2010, AJ, 139, 2679) The Astronomical Journal. 143: 152. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/143/6/152 |
0.796 |
2012 |
Johnson JA, Gazak JZ, Apps K, Muirhead PS, Crepp JR, Crossfield IJM, Tabetha Boyajian, Von Braun K, Rojas-Ayala B, Howard AW, Covey KR, Schlawin E, Hamren K, Morton TD, Marcy GW, et al. Characterizing the cool KOIs. II. the M dwarf KOI-254 and its hot Jupiter Astronomical Journal. 143. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/143/5/111 |
0.542 |
2012 |
Le Blanc TS, Covey KR, Stassun KG. ERRATUM: “SPECTRAL ENERGY DISTRIBUTIONS OF YOUNG STARS IN IC 348: THE ROLE OF DISKS IN ANGULAR MOMENTUM EVOLUTION OF YOUNG, LOW-MASS STARS” (2011, AJ, 142, 55) The Astronomical Journal. 143: 77. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/143/3/77 |
0.438 |
2012 |
Faesi CM, Covey KR, Gutermuth R, Morales-Calderón M, Stauffer J, Plavchan P, Rebull L, Song I, Lloyd JP. Potential drivers of mid-infrared variability in young stars: Testing physical models with multiepoch near-infrared spectra of YSOs in ρ Oph Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 124: 1137-1158. DOI: 10.1086/668548 |
0.539 |
2011 |
Erskine DJ, Edelstein J, Muirhead P, Muterspaugh M, Covey K, Mondo D, Vanderburg A, Andelson P, Kimber D, Sirk M, Lloyd J. Ten-fold spectral resolution boosting using TEDI at the Mt. Palomar NIR Triplespec spectrograph Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 8146. DOI: 10.1117/12.892664 |
0.408 |
2011 |
Agüeros MA, Covey KR, Lemonias JJ, Law NM, Kraus A, Batalha N, Bloom JS, Cenko SB, Kasliwal MM, Kulkarni SR, Nugent PE, Ofek EO, Poznanski D, Quimby RM. The factory and the beehive. I. Rotation periods for low-mass stars in Praesepe Astrophysical Journal. 740. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/740/2/110 |
0.56 |
2011 |
Morales-Calderón M, Stauffer JR, Hillenbrand LA, Gutermuth R, Song I, Rebull LM, Plavchan P, Carpenter JM, Whitney BA, Covey K, De Oliveira CA, Winston E, McCaughrean MJ, Bouvier J, Guieu S, et al. Ysovar: The first sensitive, wide-area, mid-infrared photometric monitoring of the Orion Nebula Cluster Astrophysical Journal. 733. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/733/1/50 |
0.564 |
2011 |
Miller AA, Hillenbrand LA, Covey KR, Poznanski D, Silverman JM, Kleiser IKW, Rojas-Ayala B, Muirhead PS, Cenko SB, Bloom JS, Kasliwal MM, Filippenko AV, Law NM, Ofek EO, Dekany RG, et al. Evidence for an FU orionis-like outburst from a classical T tauri star Astrophysical Journal. 730. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/730/2/80 |
0.507 |
2011 |
Le Blanc TS, Covey KR, Stassun KG. Spectral energy distributions of young stars in IC 348: The role of disks in angular momentum evolution of young, low-mass stars Astronomical Journal. 142. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/142/2/55 |
0.56 |
2011 |
West AA, Morgan DP, Bochanski JJ, Andersen JM, Bell KJ, Kowalski AF, Davenport JRA, Hawley SL, Schmidt SJ, Bernat D, Hilton EJ, Muirhead P, Covey KR, Rojas-Ayala B, Schlawin E, et al. The Sloan Digital Sky Survey data release 7 spectroscopic M DWARF catalog. I. data Astronomical Journal. 141. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/141/3/97 |
0.83 |
2011 |
Lovelace RVE, Covey KR, Lloyd JP. Possible signatures of magnetospheric accretion onto young giant planets Astronomical Journal. 141. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/141/2/51 |
0.488 |
2011 |
Covey KR, Hillenbrand LA, Miller AA, Poznanski D, Cenko SB, Silverman JM, Bloom JS, Kasliwal MM, Fischer W, Rayner J, Rebul LM, Butler NR, Filippenko AV, Law NM, Ofek EO, et al. PTF10nvg: An outbursting class i protostar in the pelican/North American Nebula Astronomical Journal. 141. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/141/2/40 |
0.477 |
2011 |
Muirhead PS, Edelstein J, Erskine DJ, Wright JT, Muterspaugh MW, Covey KR, Wishnow EH, Hamren K, Andelson P, Kimber D, Mercer T, Halverson SP, Vanderburg A, Mondo D, Czeszumska A, et al. Precise stellar radial velocities of an m dwarf with a Michelson interferometer and a medium-resolution near-infrared spectrograph Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 123: 709-724. DOI: 10.1086/660802 |
0.509 |
2010 |
Bastian N, Covey KR, Meyer MR. A universal stellar initial mass function? a critical look at variations Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics. 48: 339-389. DOI: 10.1146/Annurev-Astro-082708-101642 |
0.55 |
2010 |
Edelstein J, Muirhead P, Wright J, Covey K, Erskine D, Muterspaugh M, Lloyd J, Halverson S, Marckwordt M, Mondo D. Infrared radial velocimetry with TEDI - Performance development Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 7735. DOI: 10.1117/12.858312 |
0.417 |
2010 |
Muirhead PS, Edelstein J, Wright JT, Erskine DJ, Muterspaugh MW, Covey KR, Marckwordt MR, Halverson S, Mondo D, Lloyd JP. Precise infrared radial velocimetry with the Triplespec Exoplanet Discovery Instrument: Current performance and results Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 7735. DOI: 10.1117/12.857196 |
0.48 |
2010 |
Schlawin E, Agol E, Walkowicz LM, Covey K, Lloyd JP. Exoplanetary transits of limb-brightened lines: Tentative Si IV absorption by HD 209458b Astrophysical Journal Letters. 722: L75-L79. DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/722/1/L75 |
0.712 |
2010 |
Rojas-Ayala B, Covey KR, Muirhead PS, Lloyd JP. Metal-rich M-dwarf planet hosts: Metallicities with k-band spectra Astrophysical Journal Letters. 720. DOI: 10.1088/2041-8205/720/1/L113 |
0.456 |
2010 |
Covey KR, Lada CJ, Román-Zúñiga C, Muench AA, Forbrich J, Ascenso J. The age, stellar content, and star formation timescale of the B59 dense core Astrophysical Journal. 722: 971-988. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/722/2/971 |
0.553 |
2010 |
Forbrich J, Posselt B, Covey KR, Lada CJ. Nothing to hide: An X-ray survey for young stellar objects in the Pipe Nebula Astrophysical Journal. 719: 691-699. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/719/1/691 |
0.565 |
2010 |
Bond NA, Ivezić Z, Sesar B, Jurić M, Munn JA, Kowalski A, Loebman S, Roškar R, Beers TC, Dalcanton J, Rockosi CM, Yanny B, Newberg HJ, Allende Prieto C, Wilhelm R, ... ... Covey KR, et al. The milky way tomography with SDSS. III. Stellar kinematics Astrophysical Journal. 716: 1-29. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/716/1/1 |
0.82 |
2010 |
Winston E, Megeath ST, Wolk SJ, Spitzbart B, Gutermuth R, Allen LE, Hernandez J, Covey K, Muzerolle J, Hora JL, Myers PC, Fazio GG. The properties of X-ray luminous young stellar objects in the NGC 1333 and serpens embedded clusters Astronomical Journal. 140: 266-292. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/140/1/266 |
0.44 |
2010 |
Bochanski JJ, Hawley SL, Covey KR, West AA, Reid IN, Golimowski DA, Ivezić Ž. THE LUMINOSITY AND MASS FUNCTIONS OF LOW-MASS STARS IN THE GALACTIC DISK. II. THE FIELD The Astronomical Journal. 139: 2679-2699. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/139/6/2679 |
0.763 |
2009 |
Agüeros MA, Anderson SF, Covey KR, Hawley SL, Margon B, Newsom ER, Posselt B, Silvestri NM, Szkody P, Voges W. X-ray-emitting stars identified from the ROSAT all-sky survey and the sloan digital sky survey Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 181: 444-465. DOI: 10.1088/0067-0049/181/2/444 |
0.631 |
2009 |
Johns-Krull CM, Greene TP, Doppmann GW, Covey KR. First magnetic field detection on a class i protostar Astrophysical Journal. 700: 1440-1448. DOI: 10.1088/0004-637X/700/2/1440 |
0.441 |
2009 |
Baxter EJ, Covey KR, Muench AA, Fűrész G, Rebull L, Szentgyorgyi AH. The Distance To Ngc 2264 The Astronomical Journal. 138: 963-974. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/138/3/963 |
0.435 |
2009 |
Winston E, Megeath ST, Wolk SJ, Hernandez J, Gutermuth R, Muzerolle J, Hora JL, Covey K, Allen LE, Spitzbart B, Peterson D, Myers P, Fazio GG. A spectroscopic study of young stellar objects in the Serpens cloud core and NGC 1333 Astronomical Journal. 137: 4777-4794. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/137/6/4777 |
0.485 |
2009 |
Bochanski JJ, Hawley SL, Reid N, Covey KR, West AA, Golimowski DA, Ivezic Z. Our nearest 15 million neighbors: The field low-mass stellar luminosity and mass functions Aip Conference Proceedings. 1094: 977-980. DOI: 10.1063/1.3099284 |
0.806 |
2008 |
Becker AC, Agol E, Silvestri NM, Bochanski JJ, Laws C, West AA, Basri G, Belokurov V, Bramich DM, Carpenter JM, Challis P, Covey KR, Cutri RM, Evans NW, Fellhauer M, et al. Two-Micron All-Sky Survey J01542930+0053266: A new eclipsing M dwarf binary system Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 386: 416-424. DOI: 10.1111/J.1365-2966.2008.13040.X |
0.833 |
2008 |
Lee YS, Beers TC, Sivarani T, Allende Prieto C, Koesterke L, Wilhelm R, Fiorentin PR, Bailer-Jones CAL, Norris JE, Rockosi CM, Yanny B, Newberg HJ, Covey KR, Zhang HT, Luo AL. The segue stellar parameter pipeline. I. Description and comparison of individual methods Astronomical Journal. 136: 2022-2049. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/136/5/2022 |
0.522 |
2008 |
Covey KR, Hawley SL, Bochanski JJ, West AA, Read IN, Golimowski DA, Davenport JRA, Henry T, Uomoto A, Holtzman JA. The luminosity and mass functions of low-mass stars in the galactic disk. I. the calibration region Astronomical Journal. 136: 1778-1798. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/136/5/1778 |
0.802 |
2008 |
West AA, Hawley SL, Bochanski JJ, Covey KR, Reid IN, Dhital S, Hilton EJ, Masuda M. Constraining the age-activity relation for cool stars: The sloan digital sky survey data release 5 low-mass star spectroscopic sample Astronomical Journal. 135: 785-795. DOI: 10.1088/0004-6256/135/3/785 |
0.855 |
2008 |
Covey KR, Agüeros MA, Green PJ, Haggard D, Barkhouse WA, Drake J, Evans N, Kashyap V, Kim DW, Mossman A, Pease DO, Silverman JD. The ChaMP extended stellar survey (ChESS): Photometric and spectroscopic properties of serendipitously detected stellar X-ray sources Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 178: 339-358. DOI: 10.1086/590909 |
0.588 |
2008 |
Ivezić Z, Sesar B, Jurić M, Bond N, Dalcanton J, Rockosi CM, Yanny B, Newberg HJ, Beers TC, Prieto CA, Wilhelm R, Lee YS, Sivarani T, Norris JE, Bailer-Jones CAL, ... ... Covey KR, et al. The milky way tomography with SDSS. II. stellar metallicity Astrophysical Journal. 684: 287-325. DOI: 10.1086/589678 |
0.672 |
2008 |
Adelman-McCarthy JK, Agüeros MA, Allam SS, Prieto CA, Anderson KSJ, Anderson SF, Annis J, Bahcall NA, Bailer-Jones CAL, Baldry IK, Barentine JC, Bassett BA, Becker AC, Beers TC, Bell EF, ... ... Covey KR, et al. The sixth data release of the sloan digital sky survey Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 175: 297-313. DOI: 10.1086/524984 |
0.819 |
2007 |
Davenport JRA, Bochanski JJ, Covey KR, Hawley SL, West AA, Schneider DP. Improved photometric calibrations for red stars observed with the SDSS photometric telescope Astronomical Journal. 134: 2430-2434. DOI: 10.1086/522054 |
0.826 |
2007 |
Bochanski JJ, Munn JA, Hawley SL, West AA, Covey KR, Schneider DP. Exploring the local milky way: M dwarfs as tracers of galactic populations Astronomical Journal. 134: 2418-2429. DOI: 10.1086/522053 |
0.81 |
2007 |
Covey KR, Ivezić Z, Schlegel D, Finkbeiner D, Padmanabhan N, Lupton RH, Güeros MAA, Bochanski JJ, Hawley SL, West AA, Seth A, Kimball A, Gogarten SM, Claire M, Haggard D, et al. Stellar SEDs from 0.3 to 2.5 μm: Tracing the stellar locus and searching for color outliers in the SDSS and 2MASS Astronomical Journal. 134: 2398-2417. DOI: 10.1086/522052 |
0.826 |
2007 |
Bochanski JJ, West AA, Hawley SL, Covey KR. Low-mass dwarf template spectra from the sloan digital sky survey Astronomical Journal. 133: 531-544. DOI: 10.1086/510240 |
0.808 |
2007 |
Cruz KL, Reid IN, Kirkpatrick JD, Burgasser AJ, Liebert J, Solomon AR, Schmidt SJ, Allen PR, Hawley SL, Covey KR. Meeting the cool neighbors. IX. The luminosity function of M7-L8 ultracool dwarfs in the field Astronomical Journal. 133: 439-467. DOI: 10.1086/510132 |
0.74 |
2006 |
West AA, Bochanski JJ, Hawley SL, Cruz KL, Covey KR, Silvestri NM, Reid IN, Liebert J. Using the galactic dynamics of M7 dwarfs to infer the evolution of their magnetic activity Astronomical Journal. 132: 2507-2512. DOI: 10.1086/508652 |
0.788 |
2006 |
Bochanski JJ, Hawley SL, Reid IN, Covey KR, West AA, Tinney CG, Gizis JE. Erratum: "Spectroscopic Survey of M Dwarfs within 100 Parsecs of the Sun" ([URL ADDRESS="/cgi-bin/resolve?2005AJ....130.1871B" STATUS="OKAY"]AJ, 130, 1871 [2005][/URL]) The Astronomical Journal. 131: 3136-3138. DOI: 10.1086/503902 |
0.754 |
2006 |
Knapp GR, Tremonti CA, Rockosi CM, Schlegel DJ, Yanny B, Beers TC, Prieto CA, Wilhelm R, Lupton RH, Gunn JE, Niederste-Ostholt M, Schneider DP, Covey K, Seth A, Ivezić Z, et al. SDSS J103913.70+533029.7: A Super star cluster in the outskirts of a galaxy merger Astronomical Journal. 131: 859-865. DOI: 10.1086/499304 |
0.583 |
2006 |
Covey KR, Greene TP, Doppmann GW, Lada CJ. The radial velocity distribution of Class I and flat-spectrum protostars Astronomical Journal. 131: 512-519. DOI: 10.1086/498064 |
0.391 |
2005 |
Bochanski JJ, Hawley SL, Reid IN, Covey KR, West AA, Tinney CG, Gizis JE. Spectroscopic survey of M dwarfs within 100 parsecs of the sun Astronomical Journal. 130: 1871-1879. DOI: 10.1086/444417 |
0.82 |
2005 |
Agüeros MA, Ivezić Z, Covey KR, Obrić M, Hao L, Walkowicz LM, West AA, Vanden Berk DE, Lupton RH, Knapp GR, Gunn JE, Richards GT, Bochanski J, Brooks A, Claire M, et al. The ultraviolet, optical, and infrared properties of Sloan digital sky survey sources detected by galex Astronomical Journal. 130: 1022-1036. DOI: 10.1086/432160 |
0.841 |
2005 |
Doppmann GW, Greene TP, Covey KR, Lada CJ. The physical natures of class I and flat-spectrum protostellar photospheres: A near-infrared spectroscopic study Astronomical Journal. 130: 1145-1170. DOI: 10.1086/431954 |
0.492 |
2005 |
Covey KR, Greene TP, Doppmann GW, Lada CJ. The angular momentum content and evolution of Class I and flat-spectrum protostars Astronomical Journal. 129: 2765-2776. DOI: 10.1086/429736 |
0.504 |
2005 |
Abazajian K, Adelman-McCarthy JK, Agüeros MA, Allam SS, Anderson KSJ, Anderson SF, Annis J, Bahcall NA, Baldry IK, Bastian S, Berlind A, Bernardi M, Blanton MR, Bochanski JJ, Boroski WN, ... ... Covey KR, et al. The third data release of the sloan digital sky survey Astronomical Journal. 129: 1755-1759. DOI: 10.1086/427544 |
0.735 |
2005 |
Covey KR, Greene TP, Doppmann GW, Lada CJ, Wilking BA. Searching for proto-brown dwarfs: Extending near IR spectroscopy of protostars below the hydrogen burning limit Astronomische Nachrichten. 326: 886-890. DOI: 10.1002/Asna.200510462 |
0.614 |
2004 |
Finkbeiner DP, Padmanabhan N, Schlegel DJ, Carr MA, Gunn JE, Rockosi CM, Sekiguchi M, Lupton RH, Knapp GR, Ivezić Z, Blanton MR, Hogg DW, Adelman-McCarthy JK, Annis J, Hayes J, ... ... Covey KR, et al. Sloan digital sky survey imaging of low galactic latitude fields: Technical summary and data release Astronomical Journal. 128: 2577-2592. DOI: 10.1086/425050 |
0.536 |
2004 |
Szkody P, Henden A, Fraser O, Silvestri N, Bochanski J, Wolfe MA, Agüeros M, Warner B, Woudt P, Tramposch J, Homer L, Schmidt G, Knapp GR, Anderson SF, Covey K, et al. Cataclysmic variables from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. III. The third year Astronomical Journal. 128: 1882-1893. DOI: 10.1086/423997 |
0.808 |
2004 |
Reid IN, Cruz KL, Allen P, Mungall F, Kilkenny D, Liebert J, Hawley SL, Fraser OJ, Covey KR, Lowrance P, Kirkpatrick JD, Burgasser AJ. Meeting the cool neighbors. VIII. A preliminary 20 parsec census from the NLTT catalogue Astronomical Journal. 128: 463-483. DOI: 10.1086/421374 |
0.869 |
2004 |
West AA, Hawley SL, Walkowicz LM, Covey KR, Silvestri NM, Raymond SN, Harris HC, Munn JA, McGehee PM, Ivezić Z, Brinkmann J. Spectroscopic properties of cool stars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: An analysis of magnetic activity and a search for subdwarfs Astronomical Journal. 128: 426-436. DOI: 10.1086/421364 |
0.834 |
2003 |
Reid IN, Cruz KL, Allen P, Mungall F, Kilkenny D, Liebert J, Hawley SL, Fraser OJ, Covey KR, Lowrance P. Meeting the Cool Neighbors. VII. Spectroscopy of Faint Red NLTT Dwarfs The Astronomical Journal. 126: 3007-3016. DOI: 10.1086/379173 |
0.869 |
2003 |
Abazajian K, Adelman-McCarthy JK, Agüeros MA, Allam SS, Anderson SF, Annis J, Bahcall NA, Baldry IK, Bastian S, Berlind A, Bernardi M, Blanton MR, Blythe N, Bochanski JJ, Boroski WN, ... ... Covey KR, et al. The first data release of the sloan digital sky survey Astronomical Journal. 126: 2081-2086. DOI: 10.1086/378165 |
0.78 |
2003 |
Szkody P, Fraser O, Silvestri N, Henden A, Anderson SF, Frith J, Lawton B, Owens E, Raymond S, Schmidt G, Wolfe M, Bochanski J, Covey K, Harris H, Hawley S, et al. Cataclysmic variables from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. II. The second year Astronomical Journal. 126: 1499-1514. DOI: 10.1086/377346 |
0.807 |
2003 |
Covey KR, Wallerstein G, Gonzalez G, Vanture AD, Suntzeff NB. A reinvestigation of the possible metallicity spread in NGC 3201 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 115: 819-824. DOI: 10.1086/376394 |
0.34 |
2003 |
Teegarden BJ, Pravdo SH, Hicks M, Lawrence K, Shaklan SB, Covey K, Fraser O, Hawley SL, McGlynn T, Reid IN. Discovery of a new nearby star Astrophysical Journal. 589: L51-L53. DOI: 10.1086/375803 |
0.841 |
2003 |
Raymond SN, Szkody P, Hawley SL, Anderson SF, Brinkmann J, Covey KR, McGehee PM, Schneider DP, West AA, York DG. A first look at white dwarf-M dwarf pairs in the sloan digital sky survey Astronomical Journal. 125: 2621-2629. DOI: 10.1086/374762 |
0.712 |
2003 |
Szkody P, Anderson SF, Schmidt G, Hall PB, Margon B, Miceli A, Subbarao M, Frith J, Harris H, Hawley S, Lawton B, Covarrubias R, Covey K, Fan X, Murphy T, et al. Two rare magnetic cataclysmic variables with extreme cyclotron features identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Astrophysical Journal. 583: 902-906. DOI: 10.1086/345418 |
0.634 |
2003 |
Reid IN, Cruz KL, Allen P, Mungall F, Kilkenny D, Liebert J, Hawley SL, Fraser OJ, Covey KR, Lowrance P. Meeting the cool neighbors. VII. Spectroscopy of faint red NLTT dwarfs Astronomical Journal. 126: 3007-3016. |
0.871 |
2002 |
Hawley SL, Covey KR, Knapp GR, Golmowski DA, Fan X, Anderson SF, Gunn JE, Harris HC, Ivezić Z, Long GM, Lupton RH, McGehee PM, Narayanan V, Peng E, Schlegel D, et al. Characterization of M, L, and T dwarfs in the sloan digital sky survey Astronomical Journal. 123: 3409-3427. DOI: 10.1086/340697 |
0.816 |
2002 |
Schneider DP, Knapp GR, Hawley SL, Covey KR, Fan X, Ramsey LW, Richards GT, Strauss MA, Gunn JE, Hill GJ, MacQueen PJ, Adams MT, Hill GM, Ivezić Z, Lupton RH, et al. L dwarfs found in sloan digital sky survey commissioning data. II. Hobby-Eberly Telescope observations Astronomical Journal. 123: 458-465. DOI: 10.1086/338095 |
0.691 |
2002 |
Reddy BE, Lambert DL, Laws C, Gonzalez G, Covey K. A search for 6Li in stars with planets Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 335: 1005-1016. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.2002.05682.X |
0.665 |
2002 |
Clarke FJ, Tinney CG, Covey KR. Periodic photometric variability of the brown dwarf Kelu-1 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 332: 361-366. DOI: 10.1046/J.1365-8711.2002.05308.X |
0.379 |
2000 |
Ladd EF, Covey KR. Thermally dominated carbon monoxide emission in the Taurus molecular cloud complex Astrophysical Journal. 536: 380-392. DOI: 10.1086/308926 |
0.422 |
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