Donald Umstadter - Publications

1989-2004 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
 2005- Physics & Astronomy The University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 
Elementary Particles and High Energy Physics

179 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2022 Rakowski R, Zhang P, Jensen K, Kettle B, Kawamoto T, Banerjee S, Fruhling C, Golovin G, Haden D, Robinson MS, Umstadter D, Shadwick BA, Fuchs M. Transverse oscillating bubble enhanced laser-driven betatron X-ray radiation generation. Scientific Reports. 12: 10855. PMID 35760934 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-14748-z  0.424
2022 Chen Q, Maslarova D, Wang J, Lee SX, Horný V, Umstadter D. Transient Relativistic Plasma Grating to Tailor High-Power Laser Fields, Wakefield Plasma Waves, and Electron Injection. Physical Review Letters. 128: 164801. PMID 35522507 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.128.164801  0.525
2020 Fruhling C, Golovin GV, Umstadter D. Attosecond electron bunch measurement with coherent nonlinear Thomson scattering Physical Review Accelerators and Beams. 23. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevaccelbeams.23.072802  0.357
2020 Golovin G, Horný V, Yan W, Fruhling C, Haden D, Wang J, Banerjee S, Umstadter D. Generation of ultrafast electron bunch trains via trapping into multiple periods of plasma wakefields Physics of Plasmas. 27: 33105. DOI: 10.1063/1.5141953  0.541
2020 Haden D, Golovin G, Yan W, Fruhling C, Zhang P, Zhao B, Banerjee S, Umstadter D. High energy X-ray Compton spectroscopy via iterative reconstruction Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section a-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment. 951: 163032. DOI: 10.1016/J.Nima.2019.163032  0.302
2018 Golovin G, Yan W, Luo J, Fruhling C, Haden D, Zhao B, Liu C, Chen M, Chen S, Zhang P, Banerjee S, Umstadter D. Electron Trapping from Interactions between Laser-Driven Relativistic Plasma Waves. Physical Review Letters. 121: 104801. PMID 30240250 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.121.104801  0.549
2017 Yan W, Fruhling C, Golovin G, Haden D, Luo J, Zhang P, Zhao B, Zhang J, Liu C, Chen M, Chen S, Banerjee S, Umstadter D. High-order multiphoton Thomson scattering Nature Photonics. 11: 514-520. DOI: 10.1038/Nphoton.2017.100  0.501
2016 Golovin G, Banerjee S, Liu C, Chen S, Zhang J, Zhao B, Zhang P, Veale M, Wilson M, Seller P, Umstadter D. Intrinsic beam emittance of laser-accelerated electrons measured by x-ray spectroscopic imaging. Scientific Reports. 6: 24622. PMID 27090440 DOI: 10.1038/Srep24622  0.545
2016 Haden D, Chen S, Zhao B, Zhang P, Golovin G, Yan W, Fruhling C, Banerjee S, Umstadter D. High-resolution radiography of thick steel objects using an all-laser-driven MeV-energy x-ray source Proceedings of Spie. 9964. DOI: 10.1117/12.2241606  0.348
2016 Chen S, Golovin G, Miller C, Haden D, Banerjee S, Zhang P, Liu C, Zhang J, Zhao B, Clarke S, Pozzi S, Umstadter D. Shielded radiography with a laser-driven MeV-energy X-ray source Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 366: 217-223. DOI: 10.1016/J.Nimb.2015.11.007  0.419
2016 Golovin G, Banerjee S, Chen S, Powers N, Liu C, Yan W, Zhang J, Zhang P, Zhao B, Umstadter D. Control and optimization of a staged laser-wakefield accelerator Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section a: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 830: 375-380. DOI: 10.1016/J.Nima.2016.06.022  0.453
2015 Umstadter DP. Hard X-rays from a tabletop all-laser-driven synchrotron light source Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 9590. DOI: 10.1117/12.2196369  0.321
2015 Banerjee S, Golovin G, Zhang P, Haden D, Chen S, Liu C, Zhang J, Zhao B, Brown K, Mills JB, Petersen C, Umstadter D. Photonuclear and radiography applications of narrowband, multi-MeV all-optical Thomson X-ray source Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 9515. DOI: 10.1117/12.2183401  0.473
2015 Golovin G, Chen S, Powers N, Liu C, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Zeng M, Sheng Z, Umstadter D. Independent control of laser wakefield-accelerated electron-beam parameters Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 9514. DOI: 10.1117/12.2182707  0.497
2015 Umstadter DP. Narrow bandwidth and tunable hard x-rays from an all-laser-driven Thomson light source Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 9509. DOI: 10.1117/12.2182696  0.318
2015 Golovin G, Chen S, Powers N, Liu C, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Zeng M, Sheng Z, Umstadter D. Laser-wakefield electron accelerator with independent beam-parameter control Icops/Beams 2014 - 41st Ieee International Conference On Plasma Science and the 20th International Conference On High-Power Particle Beams. DOI: 10.1109/PLASMA.2014.7012361  0.429
2015 Golovin G, Chen S, Powers N, Liu C, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Zeng M, Sheng Z, Umstadter D. Tunable monoenergetic electron beams from independently controllable laser-wakefield acceleration and injection Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams. 18. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevstab.18.011301  0.443
2015 Umstadter DP. All-laser-driven Thomson X-ray sources Contemporary Physics. 56: 417-431. DOI: 10.1080/00107514.2015.1023519  0.433
2015 Banerjee S, Chen S, Powers N, Haden D, Liu C, Golovin G, Zhang J, Zhao B, Clarke S, Pozzi S, Silano J, Karwowski H, Umstadter D. Compact source of narrowband and tunable X-rays for radiography Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 350: 106-111. DOI: 10.1016/J.Nimb.2015.01.015  0.396
2014 Zhao B, Zhang J, Chen S, Liu C, Golovin G, Banerjee S, Brown K, Mills J, Petersen C, Umstadter D. Wavefront-correction for nearly diffraction-limited focusing of dual-color laser beams to high intensities. Optics Express. 22: 26947-55. PMID 25401844 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.22.026947  0.523
2014 Liu C, Golovin G, Chen S, Zhang J, Zhao B, Haden D, Banerjee S, Silano J, Karwowski H, Umstadter D. Generation of 9 MeV γ-rays by all-laser-driven Compton scattering with second-harmonic laser light. Optics Letters. 39: 4132-5. PMID 25121669 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.39.004132  0.614
2014 Liu C, Zhang J, Chen S, Golovin G, Banerjee S, Zhao B, Powers N, Ghebregziabher I, Umstadter D. Adaptive-feedback spectral-phase control for interactions with transform-limited ultrashort high-power laser pulses. Optics Letters. 39: 80-3. PMID 24365827 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.39.000080  0.507
2014 Zhao B, Zhang J, Chen S, Liu C, Golovin G, Banerjee S, Brown K, Mills J, Petersen C, Umstadter D. Wavefront-correction for nearly diffraction-limited focusing of dual-color laser beams to high intensities Optics Express. 22: 26947-26955. DOI: 10.1364/OE.22.026947  0.444
2014 Powers ND, Ghebregziabher I, Golovin G, Liu C, Chen S, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Umstadter DP. Quasi-monoenergetic and tunable X-rays from a laser-driven Compton light source Nature Photonics. 8: 28-31. DOI: 10.1038/Nphoton.2013.314  0.446
2014 Umstadter D. Extreme light: Driver for a table-top electron accelerator and tunable narrowband hard X-ray light source Frontiers in Optics, Fio 2014 0.447
2014 Umstadter D. Radiation reaction of electrons scattered by intense laser light Frontiers in Optics, Fio 2014 0.334
2014 Powers ND, Ghebregziabher I, Golovin G, Liu C, Chen S, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Umstadter D. Quasi monoenergetic and tunable X-rays by laser compton scattering from laser Wakefield e-beam Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.464
2014 Golovin G, Chen S, Powers N, Liu C, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Zeng M, Sheng Z, Umstadter D. Tunable monoenergetic electron beams from staged ionization assisted laser wakefield accelerator Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.441
2014 Liu C, Zhang J, Golovin G, Chen S, Banerjee S, Zhao B, Powers N, Ghebregziabher I, Umstadter D. Adaptive spectral-phase control for laser wakefield electron acceleration Conference On Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. 2014.  0.416
2014 Liu C, Zhang J, Golovin G, Chen S, Banerjee S, Zhao B, Powers N, Ghebregziabher I, Umstadter D. Adaptive spectral-phase control for laser wakefield electron acceleration Conference On Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. 2014.  0.416
2013 Liu C, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Chen S, Brown K, Mills J, Powers N, Zhao B, Golovin G, Ghebregziabher I, Umstadter D. Repetitive petawatt-class laser with near-diffraction-limited focal spot and transform-limited pulse duration Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 8599. DOI: 10.1117/12.2005008  0.561
2013 Silano J, Karwowski HJ, Clarke S, Pozzi S, Banerjee S, Haden D, Golovin G, Chen S, Ghebregziabher I, Liu C, Petersen C, Zhang J, Powers N, Zhao B, Brown K, ... ... Umstadter D, et al. Selective activation with all-laser-driven Thomson γ-rays 2013 Ieee International Conference On Technologies For Homeland Security, Hst 2013. 429-434. DOI: 10.1109/THS.2013.6699043  0.354
2013 Banerjee S, Kalmykov SY, Powers ND, Golovin G, Ramanathan V, Cunningham NJ, Brown KJ, Chen S, Ghebregziabher I, Shadwick BA, Umstadter DP, Cowan BM, Bruhwiler DL, Beck A, Lefebvre E. Stable, tunable, quasimonoenergetic electron beams produced in a laser wakefield near the threshold for self-injection Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams. 16. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevstab.16.031302  0.516
2013 Ghebregziabher I, Shadwick BA, Umstadter D. Spectral bandwidth reduction of Thomson scattered light by pulse chirping Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams. 16. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevstab.16.030705  0.583
2013 Chen S, Powers ND, Ghebregziabher I, Maharjan CM, Liu C, Golovin G, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Cunningham N, Moorti A, Clarke S, Pozzi S, Umstadter DP. MeV-energy X rays from inverse compton scattering with laser-wakefield accelerated electrons Physical Review Letters. 110. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.155003  0.424
2012 Liu X, Wagner R, Maksimchuk A, Goodman E, Workman J, Umstadter D, Migus A. Nonlinear temporal diffraction and frequency shifts resulting from pulse shaping in chirped-pulse amplification systems. Optics Letters. 20: 1163-5. PMID 19859459 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.20.001163  0.309
2012 Umstadter D, Chen SY, Wagner R, Maksimchuk A, Sarkisov G. Nonlinear optics in relativistic plasmas. Optics Express. 2: 282-8. PMID 19377614 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.2.000282  0.45
2012 Powers ND, Chen S, Ghebregziabher I, Maharjan CM, Liu C, Golovin G, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Cunningham N, Moorti A, Clarke S, Pozzi S, Umstadter DP. Characterizaition of wakefield accelerated electron beams by a spatial cross-correlation technique Frontiers in Optics, Fio 2012. DOI: 10.1364/Fio.2012.Fth1B.5  0.32
2012 Ghebregziabher I, Chen S, Powers ND, Maharjan CM, Liu C, Golovin G, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Cunningham N, Moorti A, Clarke S, Pozzi S, Umstadter DP. Bright γ-ray beam source based on laser wakefield accelerator and laser undulator Frontiers in Optics, Fio 2012. DOI: 10.1364/Fio.2012.Fth1B.3  0.415
2012 Umstadter D. Extreme X Rays Probe Extreme Matter Physics. 5. DOI: 10.1103/Physics.5.88  0.487
2012 Banerjee S, Powers ND, Ramanathan V, Ghebregziabher I, Brown KJ, Maharjan CM, Chen S, Beck A, Lefebvre E, Kalmykov SY, Shadwick BA, Umstadter DP. Generation of tunable, 100-800 MeV quasi-monoenergetic electron beams from a laser-wakefield accelerator in the blowout regime Physics of Plasmas. 19. DOI: 10.1063/1.4718711  0.494
2012 Cowan BM, Kalmykov SY, Beck A, Davoine X, Bunkers K, Lifschitz AF, Lefebvre E, Bruhwiler DL, Shadwick BA, Umstadter DP. Computationally efficient methods for modelling laser wakefield acceleration in the blowout regime Journal of Plasma Physics. 78: 469-482. DOI: 10.1017/S0022377812000517  0.378
2011 Banerjee S, Kalmykov S, Powers N, Ramanathan V, Smith NC, Brown K, Chen S, Moorthi A, Ghebregziabher I, Maharjan C, Shadwick B, Umstadter D, Beck A, Lefebvre E, Cowan A, et al. Background-free, quasi-monoenergetic electron beams from a self-injected laser wakefield accelerator Optics Infobase Conference Papers. 872-874. DOI: 10.1109/IQEC-CLEO.2011.6194137  0.414
2011 Kalmykov SY, Beck A, Yi SA, Khudik VN, Downer MC, Lefebvre E, Shadwick BA, Umstadter DP. Electron self-injection into an evolving plasma bubble: Quasi monoenergetic laser-plasma acceleration in the blowout regime Physics of Plasmas. 18. DOI: 10.1063/1.3566062  0.42
2011 Umstadter DP. Laser-wakefield accelerators: Glass-guiding benefits Nature Photonics. 5: 576-577. DOI: 10.1038/nphoton.2011.235  0.404
2011 Banerjee S, Kalmykov S, Powers N, Ramanathan V, Smith NC, Brown K, Chen S, Moorthi A, Ghebregziabher I, Maharjan C, Shadwick B, Umstadter D, Beck A, Lefebvre E, Cowan A, et al. Background-free, quasi-monoenergetic electron beams from a self-injected laser wakefield accelerator Optics Infobase Conference Papers. 872-874.  0.432
2010 Ramanathan V, Banerjee S, Powers N, Cunningham N, Chandler-Smith NA, Zhao K, Brown K, Umstadter D, Clarke S, Pozzi S, Beene J, Vane CR, Schultz D. Submillimeter-resolution radiography of shielded structures with laser-accelerated electron beams Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams. 13. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevstab.13.104701  0.44
2009 Cunningham NJ, Banerjee S, Ramanathan V, Powers N, Chandler-Smith N, Vane R, Schultz D, Pozzi S, Clarke S, Beene J, Umstadter D. High-energy laser-accelerated electron beams for long- Range interrogation Aip Conference Proceedings. 1099: 638-642. DOI: 10.1063/1.3120117  0.43
2009 Umstadter D, Banerjee S, Ramanathan V, Powers N, Cunningham N, Chandler-Smith N. Development of a source of quasi-monochromatic MeV energy photons Aip Conference Proceedings. 1099: 606-609. DOI: 10.1063/1.3120110  0.505
2009 Bagchi S, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Ramanathan V, Smith NC, Umstadter D. Measurement of damage threshold for metallic gratings under intense laser pulse irradiation Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.409
2009 Banerjee S, Powers N, Ramanathan V, Smith NC, Zhao K, Shadwick B, Umstadter D. High-brightness, stable electron beams from a laser wakefield accelerator operating in the matched regime Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.501
2009 Banerjee S, Powers N, Ramanathan V, Smith NC, Zhao K, Shadwick B, Umstadter D. High-brightness, stable electron beams from a laser wakefield accelerator operating in the matched regime Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.501
2009 Bagchi S, Banerjee S, Zhang J, Ramanathan V, Smith NC, Umstadter D. Measurement of damage threshold for metallic gratings under intense laser pulse irradiation Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.409
2009 Ramanathan V, Banerjee S, Powers N, Zhao K, Cunningham N, Chandler-Smith N, Umstadter D. Laser-plasma generated electron beams for radiographic applications Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.458
2008 Banerjee S, Powers N, Ramanathan V, Cunningham N, Chandler-Smith N, Chen S, Shadwick B, Umstadter D, Vane R, Schultz D, Beene J, Pozzi S. All-laser-driven, MeV-energy X-ray source for detection of SNM 2008 Ieee International Conference On Technologies For Homeland Security, Hst'08. 1-6. DOI: 10.1109/THS.2008.4534413  0.512
2008 Umstadter D, Banerjee S, Powers N, Ramanathan V, Chen S. Ultra-intense laser-matter interactions with a 150-terawatt power laser 3rd Pacific International Conference On Applications of Lasers and Optics, Picalo 2008 - Conference Proceedings. 1-4.  0.474
2006 Sepke SM, Umstadter DP. Analytical solutions for the electromagnetic fields of tightly focused laser beams of arbitrary pulse length. Optics Letters. 31: 2589-91. PMID 16902628 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.31.002589  0.743
2006 Sepke SM, Umstadter DP. Exact analytical solution for the vector electromagnetic field of Gaussian, flattened Gaussian, and annular Gaussian laser modes. Optics Letters. 31: 1447-9. PMID 16642134 DOI: 10.1364/Ol.31.001447  0.658
2006 Sepke SM, Umstadter DP. Analytical solutions for the electromagnetic fields of tightly focused laser beams of arbitrary pulse length Optics Letters. 31: 2589-2591. DOI: 10.1364/OL.31.002589  0.746
2006 Sepke SM, Umstadter DP. Exact analytical solution for the vector electromagnetic field of Gaussian, flattened Gaussian, and annular Gaussian laser modes Optics Letters. 31: 1447-1449. DOI: 10.1364/OL.31.001447  0.664
2006 Sepke SM, Umstadter DP. Analytical solutions for the electromagnetic fields of flattened and annular Gaussian laser modes. II. Large F-number laser focusing Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 23: 2166-2173. DOI: 10.1364/Josab.23.002166  0.717
2006 Sepke SM, Umstadter DP. Analytical solutions for the electromagnetic fields of flattened and annular Gaussian laser modes. I. Small F-number laser focusing Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 23: 2157-2165. DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.23.002157  0.452
2006 Chen S, Rever M, Zhang P, Theobald W, Umstadter D. Observation of relativistic cross-phase modulation in high-intensity laser-plasma interactions Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 74. DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.74.046406  0.383
2006 Umstadter D, Banerjee S, Chen S, Sepke S, Maksimchuk A, Valenzuela A, Rousse A, Shah R, Ta Phuoc K. Generation of ultrashort pulses of electrons, X-rays and optical pulses by relativistically strong light Aip Conference Proceedings. 827: 86-93. DOI: 10.1063/1.2195200  0.742
2006 Sepke SM, Umstadter DP. A complete analytical description of few cycle, focused laser pulses Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.499
2006 Sepke SM, Umstadter DP. Complete analytical description of few cycle, focused laser pulses Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.499
2006 Sepke SM, Umstadter DP. Analytical solutions for the electromagnetic fields of flattened and annular Gaussian laser modes. III. Arbitrary length pulses and spot sizes Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 23: 2295-2302.  0.738
2006 Lin T, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D. Electron angular distribution from ultrahigh- intensity-laser and solid targets interaction Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.387
2005 Sepke S, Lau YY, Holloway JP, Umstadter D. Thomson scattering and ponderomotive intermodulation within standing laser beat waves in plasma. Physical Review. E, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 72: 026501. PMID 16196727 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.72.026501  0.754
2005 Banerjee S, Sepke S, Shah R, Valenzuela A, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D. Optical deflection and temporal characterization of an ultrafast laser-produced electron beam. Physical Review Letters. 95: 035004. PMID 16090751 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.95.035004  0.753
2005 Banerjee S, Sepke S, Shah R, Valenzuela A, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D. Optical deflection and temporal characterization of an ultrafast laser-produced electron beam Physical Review Letters. 95. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.95.035004  0.753
2005 Sepke S, Lau YY, Holloway JP, Umstadter D. Thomson scattering and ponderomotive intermodulation within standing laser beat waves in plasma Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 72. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.72.026501  0.753
2005 Phuoc KT, Burgy F, Rousseau J, Malka V, Rousse A, Shah R, Umstadter D, Pukhov A, Kiselev S. Laser based synchrotron radiation Physics of Plasmas. 12: 23101. DOI: 10.1063/1.1842755  0.58
2005 Lin T, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D. Electron angular distribution from ultrahigh-intensity-laser and solid targets interaction Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.387
2005 Sepke S, Banerjee S, Rever M, Umstadter D. Exact field solution for diffraction limited laser pulses Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.417
2005 Sepke SM, Banerjee S, Shah RC, Valenzuela A, Umstadter D. Vacuum scattering technique for wakefield electron beam diagnostic and conditioning measurements Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.687
2005 Chen S, Zhang P, Theobald W, Saleh N, Rever M, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D. Observation of relativistic cross-phase modulation in high intensity laser-plasma interactions Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.426
2004 Rousse A, Phuoc KT, Shah R, Pukhov A, Lefebvre E, Malka V, Kiselev S, Burgy F, Rousseau JP, Umstadter D, Hulin D. Production of a keV x-ray beam from synchrotron radiation in relativistic laser-plasma interaction. Physical Review Letters. 93: 135005. PMID 15524731 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.93.135005  0.519
2004 Umstadter D. Recent advances in relativistic nonlinear optics Frontiers in Optics. DOI: 10.1364/Fio.2004.Fmm3  0.567
2004 Maksimchuk A, Flippo K, Krause H, Mourou G, Nemoto K, Shultz D, Umstadter D, Vane R, Bychenkov VY, Dudnikova GI, Kovalev VF, Mima K, Novikov VN, Sentoku Y, Tolokonnikov SV. High-energy ion generation by short laser pulses Plasma Physics Reports. 30: 473-495. DOI: 10.1134/1.1768582  0.546
2004 Dodd ES, Kim JK, Umstadter D. Simulation of ultrashort electron pulse generation from optical injection into wake-field plasma waves Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. 70. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.70.056410  0.479
2004 Phuoc KT, Rousse A, Burgy F, Rousseau JP, Malka V, Hulin D, Umstadter D. Nonlinear Thomson scattering in relativistic laser plasma interaction Osa Trends in Optics and Photonics Series. 97: 471.  0.466
2004 Phuoc KT, Rousse A, Burgy F, Rousseau JP, Malka V, Hulin D, Shah R, Umstadter D, Pukhov A, Kiselev S, Lefebvre E. All optically driven femtosecond keV x-ray source Osa Trends in Optics and Photonics Series. 96: 1707.  0.376
2003 He F, Lau YY, Umstadter DP, Kowalczyk R. Backscattering of an intense laser beam by an electron. Physical Review Letters. 90: 055002. PMID 12633364 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.055002  0.49
2003 Wang X, Saleh N, Krishnan M, Wang H, Backus S, Murnane M, Kapteyn H, Umstadter D, Wang Q, Shen B. Generation of mega-electron-volt electron beams by an ultrafast intense laser pulse Journal of the Optical Society of America B. 20: 132. DOI: 10.1364/Josab.20.000132  0.596
2003 Umstadter D. Relativistic laser-plasma interactions Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 36. DOI: 10.1088/0022-3727/36/8/202  0.533
2003 Zhang P, Saleh N, Chen S, Sheng Z, Umstadter D. An optical trap for relativistic plasma Physics of Plasmas. 10: 2093-2099. DOI: 10.1063/1.1566033  0.495
2003 Lau YY, He F, Umstadter DP, Kowalczyk R. Nonlinear Thomson scattering: A tutorial Physics of Plasmas. 10: 2155-2162. DOI: 10.1063/1.1565115  0.398
2003 Sheng ZM, Zhang J, Umstadter D. Plasma density gratings induced by intersecting laser pulses in underdense plasmas Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 77: 673-680. DOI: 10.1007/S00340-003-1324-2  0.58
2003 Lapierre A, Malstev A, Ditmire T, Umstadter D. On the effects of longitudinal electric and magnetic fields in the dynamics of relativistic photoelectrons ejected from the focus of multi-terrawatt lasers Osa Trends in Optics and Photonics Series. 88: 1053-1054.  0.399
2003 He F, Lau YY, Umstadter DP, Kowalczyk R. Backscattering of an intense laser beam by an electron Physical Review Letters. 90.  0.471
2003 Banerjee S, Valenzuela AR, Shah RC, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D. High-harmonic generation in plasmas from relativistic laser-electron scattering Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 20: 182-190.  0.447
2003 Zhang P, Saleh N, Chen S, Sheng ZM, Umstadter D. Laser-energy transfer and enhancement of plasma waves and electron beams by interfering high-intensity laser pulses Physical Review Letters. 91.  0.528
2003 Saleh N, Zhang P, Chen S, Widjaja C, Theobald W, Yanovsky V, Umstadter D. Towards realizing optical injection of electrons in resonantly excited plasma wakefields Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 3: 1921-1923.  0.544
2003 Ta Phuoc K, Rousse A, Pittman M, Rousseau JP, Malka V, Fritzler S, Umstadter D, Hulin D. X-ray radiation from nonlinear Thomson scattering of an intense femtosecond laser on relativistic electrons in a helium plasma Physical Review Letters. 91.  0.428
2003 Wang X, Saleh N, Krishnan M, Wang H, Backus S, Murnane M, Kapteyn H, Umstadter D, Wang Q, Shen B. Generation of mega-electron-volt electron beams by an ultrafast intense laser pulse Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 20: 132-137.  0.53
2003 Maksimchuk A, Bychenkov VY, Flippo K, Krause H, Mima K, Mourou G, Nemoto K, Sentoku Y, Umstadter D, Vane R. High Energy Ion Generation Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 5228: 321-332.  0.374
2002 Banerjee S, Valenzuela AR, Shah RC, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D. High-harmonic generation in plasmas by relativistic Thomson scattering Journal of Modern Optics. 49: 2599-2614. DOI: 10.1080/0950034021000011509  0.531
2002 He F, Lau YY, Umstadter DP, Strickler T. Phase dependence of Thomson scattering in an ultraintense laser field Physics of Plasmas. 9: 4325. DOI: 10.1063/1.1507590  0.371
2002 Banerjee S, Valenzuela AR, Shah RC, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D. High harmonic generation in relativistic laser-plasma interaction Physics of Plasmas. 9: 2393-2398. DOI: 10.1063/1.1470167  0.561
2002 Sentoku Y, Bychenkov VY, Flippo K, Maksimchuk A, Mima K, Mourou G, Sheng ZM, Umstadter D. High-energy ion generation in interaction of short laser pulse with high-density plasma Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics. 74: 207-215. DOI: 10.1007/S003400200796  0.451
2002 Kammash T, Flippo K, Umstadter D. Ultrafast-laser accelerated plasma propulsion system for space exploration 38th Aiaa/Asme/Sae/Asee Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit 0.416
2002 Banerjee S, Valenzuela AR, Shah RC, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D. High harmonic generation in plasmas by relativistic Thomson scattering Pacific Rim Conference On Lasers and Electro-Optics, Cleo - Technical Digest. 78-79.  0.408
2001 Bychenkov VY, Rozmus W, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D, Capjack CE. Fast ignitor concept with light ions Plasma Physics Reports. 27: 1017-1020. DOI: 10.1134/1.1426135  0.453
2001 Maksimchuk A, Nemoto K, Banerjee S, Flippo K, Gu S, Bychenkov VY, Umstadter D, Mourou G. Near 10 MeV ion acceleration in the forward direction and isotope production with a high-intensity laser Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 4424: 553-556. DOI: 10.1117/12.425556  0.361
2001 Dodd ES, Umstadter D. Coherent control of stimulated Raman scattering using chirped laser pulses Physics of Plasmas. 8: 3531-3534. DOI: 10.1063/1.1382820  0.453
2001 Umstadter D. Review of physics and applications of relativistic plasmas driven by ultra-intense lasers Physics of Plasmas. 8: 1774. DOI: 10.1063/1.1364515  0.408
2001 Nemoto K, Maksimchuk A, Banerjee S, Flippo K, Mourou G, Umstadter D, Bychenkov VY. Laser-triggered ion acceleration and table top isotope production Applied Physics Letters. 78: 595-597. DOI: 10.1063/1.1343845  0.335
2001 Umstadter D. Relativistic nonlinear optics of ultra-intense light Conference On Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe - Technical Digest. 488-489. DOI: 10.1016/S1049-250X(05)52007-X  0.401
2001 Kammash T, Flippo K, Umstadter D. Laser accelerated plasma propulsion system (LAPPS) 37th Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit 0.481
2001 Wang X, Yu W, Backus S, Murnane M, Kapteyn H, Umstadter D. Interactions of ultrashort, ultrahigh intensity laser pulses with underdense plasmas Pacific Rim Conference On Lasers and Electro-Optics, Cleo - Technical Digest. 1.  0.502
2001 Umstadter D, Banerjee S, Flippo K, Maksimchuk A, Nemoto K, Saleh N, Wang X, Zhang P, Bychenkov V. New developments in laser acceleration of beams Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 1: 117-121.  0.558
2001 Flippo K, Maksimchuk A, Banerjee S, Wong V, Mourou G, Umstadter D, Nemoto K, Bychenkov VY, Lebedev PN. Multi-MeV ion beams from terawatt laser thin-foil interactions Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 3: 2081-2083.  0.359
2001 Saleh N, Chen S, Chen SY, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D, Wang X, Zhang P, Crowell R, Assamagan K, Gueye P, Keppel C. Low divergence laser-plasma-based beams Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 5: 4029-4031.  0.437
2000 Chen SY, Maksimchuk A, Esarey E, Umstadter D. Observation of phase-matched relativistic harmonic generation Physical Review Letters. 84: 5528-5531. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.84.5528  0.435
2000 Umstadter D, Chen SY, Ma G, Maksimchuk A, Mourou G, Nantel M, Pikuz S, Sarkisov G, Wagner R. Dense and relativistic plasmas produced by compact high-intensity lasers Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series. 127: 513-518. DOI: 10.1086/313340  0.517
2000 Saleh N, Flippo K, Nemoto K, Umstadter D, Crowell RA, Jonah CD, Trifunac AD. Pulse radiolysis of liquid water using picosecond electron pulses produced by a table-top terawatt laser system Review of Scientific Instruments. 71: 2305-2308. DOI: 10.1063/1.1150659  0.711
2000 Umstadter D. Laser light splits atom Nature. 404: 239. DOI: 10.1038/35005202  0.49
2000 Rosmej FB, Funk UN, Geißel M, Hoffmann DHH, Tauschwitz A, Faenov AY, Pikuz TA, Skobelev IY, Flora F, Bollanti S, Lazzaro PD, Letardi T, Grilli A, Palladino L, Reale A, ... ... Umstadter D, et al. X-ray radiation from ions with K-shell vacancies Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer. 65: 477-499. DOI: 10.1016/S0022-4073(99)00091-6  0.492
2000 Maksimchuk A, Nantel M, Ma G, Gu S, Côté CY, Umstadter D, Pikuz SA, Skobelev IY, Faenov AY. X-ray radiation from matter in extreme conditions Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 65: 367-385. DOI: 10.1016/S0022-4073(99)00081-3  0.492
2000 Chen SY, Krishnan M, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D. Excitation and damping of a self-modulated laser wakefield Physics of Plasmas. 7: 403-413.  0.466
2000 Wang X, Krishnan M, Saleh N, Wang H, Umstadter D. Electron Acceleration and the Propagation of Ultrashort High-Intensity Laser Pulses in Plasmas Physical Review Letters. 84: 5324-5327.  0.546
2000 Maksimchuk A, Gu S, Flippo K, Umstadter D, Bychenkov VY. Forward Ion Acceleration in Thin Films Driven by a High-Intensity Laser Physical Review Letters. 84: 4108-4111.  0.305
2000 Maksimchuk A, Gu S, Flippo K, Umstadter D, Mourou G, Bychenkov VY. MeV proton beam driven by a high-intensity laser Pacific Rim Conference On Lasers and Electro-Optics, Cleo - Technical Digest. 271-272.  0.331
2000 Yanovsky V, Saleh N, Milathianaki D, Felix C, Flippo K, Nees J, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D, Mourou G, Squier J. High contrast 150-terawatt laser for high field laser-plasma interaction studies Pacific Rim Conference On Lasers and Electro-Optics, Cleo - Technical Digest. 288.  0.488
2000 Rosmej FB, Funk UN, Geißel M, Hoffmann DHH, Tauschwitz A, Faenov AY, Pikuz TA, Skobelev IY, Flora F, Bollanti S, Lazzaro PD, Letardi T, Grilli A, Palladino L, Reale A, ... ... Umstadter D, et al. X-ray radiation from ions with K-shell vacancies Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 65: 477-499.  0.402
1999 Sarkisov GS, Bychenkov VY, Novikov VN, Tikhonchuk VT, Maksimchuk A, Chen SY, Wagner R, Mourou G, Umstadter D. Self-focusing, channel formation, and high-energy ion generation in interaction of an intense short laser pulse with a He jet Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and Related Interdisciplinary Topics. 59: 7042-7054. PMID 11969693 DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.59.7042  0.508
1999 Assamagan KA, Buck WW, Chen SY, Ent R, Green RN, Gueye P, Keppel C, Mourou G, Umstadter D, Wagner R. Electron beam characteristics of a laser-driven plasma wakefield accelerator Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section a: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 438: 265-276. DOI: 10.1016/S0168-9002(99)00882-7  0.473
1999 Chen SY, Krishnan M, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D. Characteristics of electron acceleration in a self-modulated laser wakefield Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 5: 3666-3668.  0.471
1999 Chen SY, Krishnan M, Maksimchuk A, Wagner R, Umstadter D. Detailed dynamics of electron beams self-trapped and accelerated in a self-modulated laser wakefield Physics of Plasmas. 6: 4739-4749.  0.432
1999 Maksimchuk A, Gu S, Flippo K, Chen SY, Umstadter D, Sarkisov GS, Bychenkov VY, Novikov VN, Tichonchuk VT. Pondermotive acceleration of ions by relativistically self-focused high-intensity short pulse laser Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 5: 3716-3718.  0.392
1999 Wang H, Backus S, Chang Z, Wagner R, Kim K, Wang X, Umstadter D, Lei T, Murnane M, Kapteyn H. Generation of 10-W average-power, 40-TW peak-power, 24-fs pulses from a Ti:sapphire amplifier system Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 16: 1790-1794.  0.359
1999 Maksimchuk A, Gu S, Flippo K, Chen SY, Umstadter D, Mourou G, Sarkisov GS, Bychenkov VY, Novikov VN, Tikhonchuk VT. Electron cavitation and generation of MeV ions produced by relativistically self-guided laser pulse in He gas jet Iqec, International Quantum Electronics Conference Proceedings. 94-95.  0.533
1999 Faenov AY, Magunov AI, Pikuz TA, Skobelev IY, Pikuz SA, Urnov AM, Abdallah J, Clark REH, Cohen J, Jonson RP, Kyrala GA, Wilke MD, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D, Nantel N, et al. High-resolved X-ray spectra of hollow atoms in a femtosecond laser-produced solid plasma Physica Scripta T. 80: 536-538.  0.364
1998 Nantel M, Itatani J, Tien AC, Faure J, Kaplan D, Bouvier M, Buma T, Van Rompay P, Nees J, Pronko PP, Umstadter D, Mourou GA. Temporal contrast in Ti:sapphire lasers: Characterization and control Ieee Journal On Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 4: 449-458. DOI: 10.1109/2944.686755  0.538
1998 Chen SY, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D. Experimental observation of relativistic nonlinear Thomson scattering Nature. 396: 653-655. DOI: 10.1038/25303  0.441
1998 Chen SY, Wagner R, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D. Generation of ultrashort electron bunches using table-top laser-plasma-based electron accelerators Springer Series in Chemical Physics. 63: 418-420.  0.504
1998 Umstadter DP, Barty C, Perry M, Morou GA. Tabletop, ultrahigh-intensty lasars: Dawn of nonlinerar relativistic optics Optics and Photonics News. 9: 40-45.  0.325
1998 Chen SY, Sarkisov GS, Maksimchuk A, Wagner R, Umstadter D. Evolution of a plasma waveguide created during relativistic-ponderomotive self-channeling of an intense laser pulse Physical Review Letters. 80: 2610-2613.  0.406
1998 Nantel M, Ma G, Gu S, Côté CY, Itatani J, Umstadter D. Pressure ionization and line merging in strongly coupled plasmas produced by 100-fs laser pulses Physical Review Letters. 80: 4442-4445.  0.391
1998 Umstadter D, Chen SY, Dodd E, Kim JK, Maksimchuk A, Wagner R. Laser-driven plasma-cathode electron injector Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 3: 2657-2661.  0.571
1997 Sarkisov GS, Bychenkov VY, Tikhonchuk VT, Maksimchuk A, Chen SY, Wagner R, Mourou G, Umstadter D. Observation of the plasma channel dynamics and Coulomb explosion in the interaction of a high-intensity laser pulse with a He gas jet Jetp Letters. 66: 828-834. DOI: 10.1134/1.567605  0.446
1997 Pikuz SA, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D, Nantel M, Skobelev IY, Faenov AY, Osterheld A. Observation of laser satellites in a plasma produced by a femtosecond laser pulse Jetp Letters. 66: 480-486. DOI: 10.1134/1.567554  0.559
1997 Wagner R, Chen SY, Maksimchuk A, Umstadter D. Electron acceleration by a laser wakefield in a relativistically self-guided channel Physical Review Letters. 78: 3125-3128.  0.471
1997 Le Blanc SP, Downer MC, Wagner R, Chen SY, Maksimchuk A, Mourou G, Umstadter D. Temporal characterization of a self-modulated laser wakefield accelerator Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-Leos. 11: 313.  0.455
1997 Le Blanc SP, Downer MC, Wagner R, Chen SY, Maksimchuk A, Mourou G, Umstadter D. Temporal characterization of a self-modulated wakefield accelerator Conference On Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (Qels) - Technical Digest Series. 12: 136.  0.493
1997 Zhao L, Budnik FW, Kulcsar G, Marjoribanks RS, Wagner R, Maksimchuk T, Umstadter D, LeBlanc P, Downer M. Harmonic generation from solid-density plasmas produced by subpicosecond high contrast laser pulses Conference On Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (Qels) - Technical Digest Series. 12: 209.  0.49
1996 Apruzese JP, Umstadter D. Enhancement of short-pulse recombination-pumped gain by soft-x-ray photoionization of the ground state Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 13: 443-446. DOI: 10.1364/Josab.13.000443  0.461
1996 Maksimchuk A, Kim M, Workman J, Korn G, Squier J, Du D, Umstadter D, Mourou G, Bouvier M. Signal averaging x-ray streak camera with picosecond jitter Review of Scientific Instruments. 67: 697-699. DOI: 10.1063/1.1146843  0.363
1996 Umstadter D. Terawatt lasers produce faster electron acceleration Laser Focus World. 32: 101-107.  0.48
1996 Umstadter D, Kim JK, Dodd E. Laser injection of ultrashort electron pulses into wakefield plasma waves Physical Review Letters. 76: 2073-2076.  0.537
1996 Umstadter D, Chen SY, Maksimchuk A, Mourou G, Wagner R. Nonlinear optics in relativistic plasmas and laser wake field acceleration of electrons Science. 273: 472-475.  0.494
1996 Umstadter D, Chen SY, Maksimchuk A, Mourou G, Wagner R. Nonlinear optics in the relativistic regime Springer Series in Chemical Physics. 62: 98-99.  0.307
1996 Maksimchuk A, Workman J, Nantel M, Umstadter D, Mourou G, Bouvier M. Jitter-free signal-averaging picosecond x-ray streak camera Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-Leos. 356-357.  0.363
1996 Wagner R, Chen SY, Maksimchuk A, Dodd E, Kim JK, Umstadter D. Collimated beam of MeV electrons accelerated by a terawatt laser Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-Leos. 184.  0.525
1996 Workman J, Maksimchuk A, Liu X, Ellenberger U, Coe JS, Chien CY, Umstadter D. Picosecond soft-x-ray source from subpicosecond laser-produced plasmas Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics. 13: 125-131.  0.485
1995 Workman J, Maksimchuk A, Liu X, Ellenberger U, Coe JS, Chien CY, Umstadter D. Control of bright picosecond X-ray emission from intense subpicosecond laser-plasma interactions Physical Review Letters. 75: 2324-2327. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.75.2324  0.444
1995 Umstadter D, Kim J, Esarey E, Dodd E, Neubert T. Resonantly laser-driven plasma waves for electron acceleration Physical Review E. 51: 3484-3497. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.51.3484  0.491
1995 Umstadter D, Workman J, Maksimchuk A, Liu X, Ellenberger U, Coe JS, Chien CY. Picosecond x-rays from subpicosecond-laser-produced hot-dense matter Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer. 54: 401-411.  0.401
1994 Umstadter D, Esarey E, Kim J. Nonlinear plasma waves resonantly driven by optimized laser pulse trains Physical Review Letters. 72: 1224-1227. DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.72.1224  0.552
1994 Yu LH, Johnson E, Li D, Umstadter D. Femtosecond free-electron laser by chirped pulse amplification Physical Review E. 49: 4480-4486. DOI: 10.1103/Physreve.49.4480  0.495
1994 Umstadter D, Yu LH, Johnson E, Li D. Ultrashort ultraviolet free-electron lasers Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology. 4: 263-274. DOI: 10.1016/S0895-3996(05)80044-8  0.493
1993 Esarey E, Ting A, Sprangle P, Umstadter D, Liu X. Nonlinear Analysis of Relativistic Harmonic Generation by Intense Lasers in Plasmas Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science. 21: 95-104. DOI: 10.1109/27.221107  0.472
1993 Liu X, Umstadter D, Esarey E, Ting A. Harmonic Generation by an Intense Laser Pulse in Neutral and Ionized Gases Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science. 21: 90-94. DOI: 10.1109/27.221106  0.547
1993 Umstadter D, Liu X. Ponderomotive steepening in short-scale-length laser-plasmas Springer Series in Chemical Physics. 293-295.  0.446
1993 Ting A, Fisher A, Fischer R, Grun J, Krall J, Esarey E, Sprangle P, Umstadter D, Mourou G. 100 MeV proof-of-principle laser Wakefield accelerator experiment Proceedings of the Ieee Particle Accelerator Conference. 4: 2632-2634.  0.482
1993 Johnston TW, Beaudoin Y, Chaker M, Cote CY, Kieffer JC, Matte JP, Pepin H, Chien CY, Coe S, Mourou G, Umstadter D. Plasma physics with ultra-short and ultra-intense laser pulses Springer Series in Chemical Physics. 267-271.  0.47
1992 Liu X, Umstadter D. Competition between ponderomotive and thermal forces in short-scale-length laser plasmas Physical Review Letters. 69: 1935-1938. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.69.1935  0.507
1992 Mourou G, Umstadter D. Development and applications of compact high-intensity lasers Physics of Fluids B. 4: 2315-2325. DOI: 10.1063/1.860202  0.492
1989 Umstadter D, Mori WB, Joshi C. The coupling of stimulated Raman and Brillouin scattering in a plasma Physics of Fluids B. 1: 183-187.  0.38
1987 Umstadter D, Williams R, Clayton C, Joshi C. Observation of steepening in electron plasma waves driven by stimulated Raman backscattering. Physical Review Letters. 59: 292-295. PMID 10035723 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.59.292  0.564
1987 Darrow C, Mori WB, Katsouleas T, Joshi C, Umstadter D, Clayton CE. Electrostatic mode coupling of beat-excited electron plasma waves Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science. 15: 107-130. DOI: 10.1109/Tps.1987.4316674  0.675
1986 Darrow C, Umstadter D, Katsouleas T, Mori WB, Clayton CE, Joshi C. Saturation of beat-excited plasma waves by electrostatic mode coupling. Physical Review Letters. 56: 2629-2632. PMID 10033048 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.56.2629  0.732
1986 Clayton CE, Joshi C, Darrow C, Umstadter D, Chen FF. Experimental studies of the plasma beat‐wave accelerator Advances in Laser Science-I. 146: 108-110. DOI: 10.1063/1.35875  0.587
1985 Clayton CE, Joshi C, Darrow C, Umstadter D. Clayton et al. respond. Physical Review Letters. 55: 1652. PMID 10031882 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.55.1652  0.36
1985 Clayton CE, Joshi C, Darrow C, Umstadter D. Relativistic plasma-wave excitation by collinear optical mixing. Physical Review Letters. 54: 2343-2346. PMID 10031316 DOI: 10.1103/Physrevlett.54.2343  0.602
1985 Clayton CE, Joshi C, Darrow C, Umstadter D, Chen FF. Experimental study of the plasma beat wave accelerator Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science. 32: 3551-3553. DOI: 10.1109/Tns.1985.4334425  0.623
1985 Clayton CE, Joshi C, Darrow C, Umstadter D. Relativistic plasma-wave excitation by collinear optical mixing Physical Review Letters. 54: 2343-2346. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.54.2343  0.415
1981 Peebles WA, Umstadter D, Brower DL, Luhmann NC. A unidirectional, pulsed far-infrared ring laser Applied Physics Letters. 38: 851-853. DOI: 10.1063/1.92195  0.448
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