H. Jane Brockmann

Zoology University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States 
"H. Brockmann"


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Jack P. Hailman grad student (Neurotree)
Richard Dawkins post-doc


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Richard Buchholz grad student 1986-1994 UF Gainesville
Hope M. Klug grad student 2007 UF Gainesville
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Brockmann HJ, St Mary CM, Ponciano JM. (2018) Discovering structural complexity and its causes: Breeding aggregations in horseshoe crabs Animal Behaviour. 143: 177-191
Sasson DA, Johnson SL, Brockmann HJ. (2015) Reproductive tactics and mating contexts affect sperm traits in horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
Johnson SL, Brockmann HJ. (2013) Parental effects on early development: Testing for indirect benefits of polyandry Behavioral Ecology. 24: 1218-1228
Johnson SL, Brockmann HJ. (2012) Alternative reproductive tactics in female horseshoe crabs Behavioral Ecology. 23: 999-1008
Brockmann HJ, Johnson SL. (2011) A Long-Term Study of Spawning Activity in a Florida Gulf Coast Population of Horseshoe Crabs (Limulus polyphemus) Estuaries and Coasts. 34: 1049-1067
Saunders KM, Brockmann HJ, Watson WH, et al. (2010) Male horseshoe crabs Limulus polyphemus use multiple sensory cues to locate mates Current Zoology. 56: 485-498
Johnson SL, Brockmann HJ. (2010) Costs of multiple mates: An experimental study in horseshoe crabs Animal Behaviour. 80: 773-782
Brockmann HJ. (2008) Alternative reproductive tactics in insects Alternative Reproductive Tactics: An Integrative Approach. 177-223
Sirot LK, Brockmann HJ, Lapointe SL. (2007) Male postcopulatory reproductive success in the beetle, Diaprepes abbreviatus Animal Behaviour. 74: 143-152
Vélez MJ, Brockmann HJ. (2006) Seasonal variation in selection on male calling song in the field cricket, Gryllus rubens Animal Behaviour. 72: 439-448
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