Lyda Harris

Biology University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
"Lyda Harris"


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J. Timothy Wootton research assistant Chicago (Marine Ecology Tree)
Emily Carrington grad student University of Washington
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Harris LST, Phan S, DiMarco D, et al. (2023) Microparticles in marine mussels at regional and localized scales across the Salish Sea, Washington. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 196: 115609
Harris LST, Gill H, Carrington E. (2021) Microplastic changes the sinking and resuspension rates of marine mussel biodeposits. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 165: 112165
Harris LST, Carrington E. (2019) Impacts of microplastic vs. natural abiotic particles on the clearance rate of a marine mussel Limnology and Oceanography Letters. 5: 66-73
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