Jeffery Ruberti

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Northeastern University, Boston, MA, United States 
Biomechanics Biophysics
"Jeffery Ruberti"
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Paten JA, Siadat SM, Susilo ME, et al. (2016) Flow Induced Crystallization of Collagen: A Potentially Critical Mechanism in Early Tissue Formation. Acs Nano
Wingender B, Bradley P, Saxena N, et al. (2016) Biomimetic organization of collagen matrices to template bone-like microstructures. Matrix Biology : Journal of the International Society For Matrix Biology
Susilo ME, Paten JA, Sander EA, et al. (2016) Collagen network strengthening following cyclic tensile loading. Interface Focus. 6: 20150088
Susilo ME, Paten JA, Sander EA, et al. (2016) Collagen network strengthening following cyclic tensile loading Interface Focus. 6
Caner N, Ruberti JW. (2011) Detection of MMP-13 activity on intentionally strain-released type-II collagen network in bovine articular cartilage Asme 2011 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sbc 2011. 215-216
Zareian R, Saeidi N, Ruberti JW. (2010) Strain-influenced degradation of native collagenous tissue in a very-low volume, enviromentally-controlled bioreactor Asme International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings. 2: 113-118
Zareian R, Ruberti JW. (2009) Influence of mechanical load on enzymatic cleavage of native collagen Asme International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings. 2: 575-583
Saeidi N, Ruberti JW. (2009) Smart molecules: Organization and morphology of the self-assembled collagen fibrils formed from a solution of densly packed collagen monomers Proceedings of the Asme Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sbc2008. 575-576
Zareian R, Church KP, Ruberti JW. (2009) Influence of mechanical load on the degradation of corneal collagen Proceedings of the Asme Summer Bioengineering Conference, Sbc2008. 587-588
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