Ben Nadler, Ph.D.

2006 University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
Mechanical Engineering, Textile Technology
"Ben Nadler"


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David Steigmann grad student 2006 UC Berkeley
 (Multi-scale modeling of fabric materials.)
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Deris AHA, Nadler B. (2015) Modeling the indentation and puncturing of inflated elastic membranes by rigid indenters International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 69: 29-39
Sohail T, Tang T, Nadler B. (2013) Adhesive contact of a fluid-filled membrane driven by electrostatic forces International Journal of Solids and Structures. 50: 2678-2690
Sohail T, Tang T, Nadler B. (2012) Micropipette aspiration of an inflated fluid-filled spherical membrane Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Physik. 63: 737-757
Nadler B, Epstein M. (2011) Slip-plane plasticity using the theory of material evolution Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 16: 381-392
Xia W, Nadler B. (2011) Three-scale modeling and numerical simulations of fabric materials International Journal of Engineering Science. 49: 229-239
Sohail T, Nadler B. (2011) On the contact of an inflated spherical membrane-fluid structure with a rigid conical indenter Acta Mechanica. 218: 225-235
Xia W, Adeeb SM, Nadler B. (2011) Ballistic performance study of fabric armor based on numerical simulations with multiscale material model International Journal For Numerical Methods in Engineering. 87: 1007-1024
Nadler B. (2009) A theory of the mechanics of two coupled surfaces Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 14: 456-473
Nadler B, Rubin MB. (2009) Analysis of constitutive assumptions for the strain energy of a generalized elastic membrane in a nonlinear contact problem Journal of Elasticity. 97: 77-95
Xia W, Nadler B. (2009) Three-scale modeling and numerical: Simulations of fabric materials Proceedings of the Fiber Society 2009 Spring Conference. 1058
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