Stavros Tavoularis
Affiliations: | Mechanical Engineering | University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada |
Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Biomechanics BiophysicsGoogle:
"Stavros Tavoularis"Bio:
Sign in to add mentorStanley Corrsin | grad student | 1978 | Johns Hopkins (Physics Tree) | |
(Experiments in turbulent transport and mixing.) |
Sign in to add traineeMohamed Sadok Guellouz | grad student | 1987-1998 | University of Ottawa |
Mohsen Ferchichi | grad student | 2000 | University of Ottawa |
Benoit C. Kislich-Lemyre | grad student | 2002 | University of Ottawa |
Matthew G. Doyle | grad student | 2011 | University of Ottawa |
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Souza Fd, Tavoularis S. (2020) Hot-Wire Response in Compressible Subsonic Flow Aiaa Journal. 58: 3332-3338 |
Sadeghi H, Tavoularis S. (2020) Computational studies of gas-liquid flow in a multi-branch manifold Nuclear Engineering and Design. 361: 110538 |
Mouslim A, Tavoularis S. (2020) Direct tests of fluid-to-fluid scaling expressions for supercritical heat transfer in tubes International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 147: 118862 |
Moradi HV, Tavoularis S. (2019) Flow instability in weakly eccentric annuli Physics of Fluids. 31: 044104 |
Busedra AA, Tavoularis S. (2018) Numerical Simulations of Natural Convective Heat Transfer in Vertical Concentric and Eccentric Annular Channels Journal of Heat Transfer. 140 |
Bailey SCC, Pentelow S, Ghimire HC, et al. (2018) Experimental investigation of the scaling of vortex wandering in turbulent surroundings Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 843: 722-747 |
Don A, Tavoularis S. (2018) Measurements of turbulent flow in a large-scale model of a 37-rod bundle Nuclear Engineering and Design. 337: 116-127 |
Shaban H, Tavoularis S. (2018) Detached eddy simulations of rising Taylor bubbles International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 107: 289-300 |
Melina G, Bruce P, Nedić J, et al. (2018) Heat transfer from a flat plate in inhomogeneous regions of grid-generated turbulence International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 123: 1068-1086 |
Kline N, Feuerstein F, Tavoularis S. (2018) Onset of heat transfer deterioration in vertical pipe flows of CO2 at supercritical pressures International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 118: 1056-1068 |