Christopher J. Clark

Yale University, New Haven, CT 
"Christopher Clark"
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Robert Dudley grad student 2002-2009 UC Berkeley
 (On hummingbird tail morphology as shaped by the interactions between flight-related functions, and sexual selection.)
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Clark CJ, Mistick EA. (2020) Humming hummingbirds, insect flight tones, and a model of animal flight sound. The Journal of Experimental Biology
Gómez-Bahamón V, Tuero DT, Castaño MI, et al. (2020) Sonations in Migratory and Non-migratory Fork-tailed Flycatchers (Tyrannus savana). Integrative and Comparative Biology
Krista L, Clark CJ. (2020) Evidence that the dorsal velvet of Barn Owl wing feathers decreases rubbing sounds during flapping flight. Integrative and Comparative Biology
Niese RL, Clark CJ, Tobalske BW. (2020) Specialized feathers produce sonations during flight in Columbina ground doves. Integrative and Comparative Biology
Clark CJ, LePiane K, Liu L. (2020) Evolutionary and ecological correlates of quiet flight in nightbirds, hawks, falcons, and owls. Integrative and Comparative Biology
Johnson KE, Clark CJ. (2020) Ontogeny of vocal learning in a hummingbird Animal Behaviour. 167: 139-150
Clark CJ, Rankin D. (2019) Subtle, pervasive genetic correlation between the sexes in the evolution of dimorphic hummingbird tail ornaments. Evolution; International Journal of Organic Evolution
Myers BM, Rankin DT, Burns KJ, et al. (2019) Behavioral and morphological evidence of an Allen’s × Rufous hummingbird (Selasphorus sasin × S. rufus) hybrid zone in southern Oregon and northern California The Auk. 136
Clark CJ, Mistick EA. (2018) Kinematic control of male Allen's Hummingbird wing trill over a range of flight speeds. The Journal of Experimental Biology
Clark CJ, Mistick EA. (2018) Strategic Acoustic Control of a Hummingbird Courtship Dive. Current Biology : Cb
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