Sherry D. Ryan

University of North Texas, Denton, TX, United States 
Information Science, Computer Science
"Sherry Ryan"
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Harden G, Boakye KG, Ryan SD. (2018) Turnover Intention of Technology Professionals: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective Journal of Computer Information Systems. 58: 291-300
Kiser AIT, Johnson V, Ryan S. (2016) The Impact of Territorial and Relational Belonging on Member Retention in Social Networking Sites International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital Competence. 7: 38-59
Prybutok G, Ryan S. (2015) Social media: the key to health information access for 18- to 30-year-old college students. Computers, Informatics, Nursing : Cin. 33: 132-41
Mousavizadeh M, Ryan SD, Harden G, et al. (2015) Knowledge Management and the Creation of Business Value Journal of Computer Information Systems. 55: 35-45
Magro MJ, Prybutok VR, Ryan SD. (2015) How survey administration can affect response in electronic surveys Quality and Quantity. 49: 2145-2154
Sharp JH, Ryan SD, Prybutok VR. (2014) Global Agile Team Design: An Informing Science Perspective Informing Science the International Journal of An Emerging Transdiscipline. 17: 175-187
Ryan SD, Harden G. (2014) Job Embeddedness of Information Technology Professionals: The Effects of Gender Journal of Computer Information Systems. 54: 52-59
Magro MJ, Sharp JH, Ryan K, et al. (2013) Investigating Ways to Use Facebook at the University Level: A Delphi Study Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology. 10: 295-311
Magro MJ, Ryan SD, Prybutok VR. (2013) The social network application post-adoptive use model (SNAPUM): A model examining social capital and other critical factors affecting the post-adoptive use of facebook Informing Science. 16: 37-69
Harden G, Ryan SD, Prybutok VR. (2012) Social Networking Site Continuance: The Paradox of Negative Consequences and Positive Growth Informing Science the International Journal of An Emerging Transdiscipline. 15: 207-227
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