Bret K. Stanford, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2008 | University of Florida, Gainesville, Gainesville, FL, United States |
Aerospace Engineering, Applied Mechanics, Mechanical EngineeringGoogle:
"Bret Stanford"Parents
Sign in to add mentorPeter G. Ifju | grad student | 2008 | UF Gainesville | |
(Aeroelastic analysis and optimization of membrane micro air vehicle wings.) |
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Stanford BK, Jutte CV, Coker CA. (2019) Aeroelastic Sizing and Layout Design of a Wingbox Through Nested Optimization Aiaa Journal. 57: 848-857 |
Stanford BK. (2019) Gradient-Based Aeroservoelastic Optimization with Static Output Feedback Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics. 42: 2314-2318 |
Crespo LG, Kenny SP, Giesy DP, et al. (2018) Random variables with moment-matching staircase density functions. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 64: 196-213 |
Townsend S, Picelli R, Stanford B, et al. (2018) Structural Optimization of Platelike Aircraft Wings Under Flutter and Divergence Constraints Aiaa Journal. 56: 3307-3319 |
Bartels RE, Stanford BK. (2018) Aeroelastic Optimization with an Economical Transonic Flutter Constraint Using Navier–Stokes Aerodynamics Journal of Aircraft. 55: 1522-1530 |
Stanford BK. (2017) Optimal Control Surface Layout for an Aeroservoelastic Wingbox. Aiaa Journal. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. 55: 4347-4356 |
Stanford BK. (2017) Aeroelastic Wingbox Stiffener Topology Optimization Journal of Aircraft. 55: 1244-1251 |
Beran P, Stanford B, Schrock C. (2017) Uncertainty Quantification in Aeroelasticity Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics. 49: 361-386 |
Stanford BK, Jutte CV. (2017) Comparison of curvilinear stiffeners and tow steered composites for aeroelastic tailoring of aircraft wings Computers & Structures. 183: 48-60 |
Stanford BK. (2016) Static and Dynamic Aeroelastic Tailoring With Variable Camber Control Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics. 39: 2522-2534 |