Milena Popovic, Ph.D.

2012 Chemistry and Biochemistry Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, United States 
Biochemistry, General Biophysics
"Milena Popovic"


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Nancy L. Greenbaum grad student 2012 Florida State
 (Molecular determinants of recognition associated with assembly of the U2-dependent eukaryotic spliceosome and the self-splicing ai5gamma Group II intron.)
Mark Adam Ditzler post-doc 2013-2015 NASA Ames Research Center (Chemistry Tree)
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Carter CW, Tang GQ, Patra SK, et al. (2024) Structural Enzymology, Phylogenetics, Differentiation, and Symbolic Reflexivity at the Dawn of Biology. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Popović M, Ellingson AQ, Chu TP, et al. (2020) In vitro selections with RNAs of variable length converge on a robust catalytic core. Nucleic Acids Research
Plebanek A, Larnerd C, Popović M, et al. (2019) Big on Change, Small on Innovation: Evolutionary Consequences of RNA Sequence Duplication. Journal of Molecular Evolution
Stephenson JD, Popović M, Bristow TF, et al. (2016) Evolution of ribozymes in the presence of a mineral surface. Rna (New York, N.Y.)
Popovic M, Greenbaum NL. (2014) Role of helical constraints of the EBS1-IBS1 duplex of a group II intron on demarcation of the 5' splice site. Rna (New York, N.Y.). 20: 24-35
Zhao C, Bachu R, Popovic M, et al. (2013) Conformational heterogeneity of the protein-free human spliceosomal U2-U6 snRNA complex. Rna (New York, N.Y.). 19: 561-73
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