Ascher Shapiro, Ph.D.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Ascher Shapiro"

(1915 - 2004)
Shapiro, Ascher H. Experimental investigation and development of combustion chambers for torpedoes. PhD diss., Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1946.

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Joseph Henry Keenan grad student 1946 MIT
 (Experimental Investigation and Development of Combustion Chambers for Torpedoes)


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Stephen Jay Kline grad student 1952 MIT (Fluid Dynamics and Combustion Tree)
Kenneth R. Wadleigh grad student 1953 MIT (Fluid Dynamics and Combustion Tree)
Charles H. Kruger grad student 1960 MIT (Physics Tree)
John B. Heywood grad student 1964 MIT (E-Tree)
Thomas A. McMahon grad student 1966-1970 MIT
Eugene Charles Eckstein grad student 1968-1975 MIT (Neurotree)
Roger D Kamm grad student 1977 MIT (E-Tree)
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Espinosa FF, Shapiro AH, Fredberg JJ, et al. (1994) Spreading of exogenous surfactant in an airway. Journal of Applied Physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 75: 2028-39
Collins JM, Shapiro AH, Kimmel E, et al. (1993) The steady expiratory pressure-flow relation in a model pulmonary bifurcation. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 115: 299-305
Johnson M, Kamm RD, Ho LW, et al. (1991) The nonlinear growth of surface-tension-driven instabilities of a thin annular film Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 233: 141-156
Kimmel E, Kamm RD, Shapiro AH. (1989) Numerical solutions for steady and unsteady flow in a model of the pulmonary airways. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 110: 292-9
Jan DL, Shapiro AH, Kamm RD. (1989) Some features of oscillatory flow in a model bifurcation Journal of Applied Physiology. 67: 147-159
Elad D, Kamm RD, Shapiro AH. (1988) Tube law for the intrapulmonary airway. Journal of Applied Physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 65: 7-13
Elad D, Kamm RD, Shapiro AH. (1988) Mathematical simulation of forced expiration. Journal of Applied Physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 65: 14-25
Kimmel E, Kamm RD, Shapiro AH. (1987) A cellular model of lung elasticity. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 109: 126-31
Elad D, Kamm RD, Shapiro AH. (1987) Choking phenomena in a lung-like model. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 109: 1-9
Salzman EW, McManama GP, Shapiro AH, et al. (1987) Effect of optimization of hemodynamics on fibrinolytic activity and antithrombotic efficacy of external pneumatic calf compression. Annals of Surgery. 206: 636-41
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