Paul A. Obrist

Psychiatry University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
"Paul Arnold Obrist"

(1931 - 1987)


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Emory L. Cowen grad student 1958 Rochester
 (An investigation of the claim of autonomic discrimination without awareness and the relationship of GSR conditioning to measures of skin conductance.)


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Kathleen A Lawler grad student 1974 UNC Chapel Hill (Neurotree)
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Light KC, Obrist PA, Cubeddu LX. (1988) Evaluation of a new ambulatory blood pressure monitor (Accutracker 102): laboratory comparisons with direct arterial pressure, stethoscopic auscultatory pressure, and readings from a similar monitor (Spacelabs Model 5200). Psychophysiology. 25: 107-16
Pollak MH, Obrist PA. (1988) Effects of autonomic blockade on heart rate responses to reaction time and sustained handgrip tasks. Psychophysiology. 25: 689-95
Sherwood A, Allen MT, Murrell D, et al. (1988) Motor preparation aspects of cardiovascular reactivity to psychological challenge. International Journal of Psychophysiology : Official Journal of the International Organization of Psychophysiology. 6: 263-72
Light KC, Obrist PA, Sherwood A, et al. (1987) Effects of race and marginally elevated blood pressure on responses to stress Hypertension. 10: 555-563
Light KC, Obrist PA, James SA, et al. (1987) Cardiovascular responses to stress: II. Relationships to aerobic exercise patterns Psychophysiology. 24: 79-86
Obrist PA, Light KC, James SA, et al. (1987) Cardiovascular responses to stress: I. Measures of myocardial response and relationship to high resting systolic pressure and parental hypertension Psychophysiology. 24: 65-78
Allen MT, Obrist PA, Sherwood A, et al. (1987) Evaluation of myocardial and peripheral vascular responses during reaction time, mental arithmetic, and cold pressor tasks. Psychophysiology. 24: 648-56
Allen MT, Sherwood A, Obrist PA, et al. (1987) Stability of cardiovascular reactivity to laboratory stressors: a 2 1/2 yr follow-up. Journal of Psychosomatic Research. 31: 639-45
Allen MT, Sherwood A, Obrist PA. (1986) Interactions of respiratory and cardiovascular adjustments to behavioral stressors. Psychophysiology. 23: 532-41
Langer AW, McCubbin JA, Stoney CM, et al. (1985) Cardiopulmonary adjustments during exercise and an aversive reaction time task: Effects of beta-adrenoceptor blockade Psychophysiology. 22: 59-68
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