People with institution matching "Stanford University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Manu Agarwal (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Olaleye A. Ajakaiye (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Demir Akin (Info) Stanford Biomedical Engineering, Nanotechnology, Nanomedicine, Sensors, Cancer, Diagnostics Demir.Akin 2021‑07‑21
Douglas L. Altshuler (Info) UC Riverside, UBC animal flight, biomechanics, motor control, visual guidance, visual neuroscience daltshuler 2008‑12‑27
Adam P. Arkin (Info) UC Berkeley cellular regulatory networks jandh 2012‑06‑14
Gaurav Bahl (Info) Stanford anonEE 2020‑07‑31
William John Barclay (Info) NCSU david.bradway 2019‑07‑11
Arnoldus A. Barlian (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑22
Michael S. Bartsch (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Aaron M. Barzilai (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Erik J. Bekkers (Info) Stanford Biology pq 2015‑10‑19
Michael L. Boller (Info) St. John Fisher College millerlp 2009‑09‑18
Jennifer L. Bower (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
David J. Brayden (Info) University College Dublin jgleeson 2020‑03‑31
Steven E. Brenner (Info) UC Berkeley Computational Genomics david 2015‑12‑21
Rob N. Candler (Info) UCLA, Stanford MEMS and nanoscale devices, fundamental limitations of sensors, micromagnetic devices for advanced light sources, biological and chemical sensing pq 2015‑12‑21
Emily Carrington (Info) University of Washington Biomechanics, intertidal ecology mooseo 2009‑09‑17
Marisol Chang (Info) UCSD Medicine and Surgery, Pathology, Physiology Biology pq 2016‑02‑03
Christopher P. Cheng (Info) Stanford Biology pq 2015‑10‑19
Gilwoo Choi (Info) Stanford Biology pq 2015‑10‑19
Eugene M. Chow (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Bradley D. Clymer (Info) Ohio State Biomedical Engineering pq 2016‑02‑19
Tyler Cork (Info) Stanford PQ234 2024‑07‑09
Vincent De Sapio (Info) HRL Laboratories robotics, human motor control vdesap 2011‑05‑25
Scott Delp (Info) Stanford neuromuscular biomechanics vdesap 2011‑05‑25
Mark W. Denny (Info) Stanford Biomechanics, intertidal ecology mooseo 2009‑09‑17
Mary T. Draney (Info) Stanford Biology pq 2015‑10‑19
Daniel B. Ennis (Info) Stanford david 2016‑01‑13
C. A. Figueroa (Info) Stanford Biology pq 2015‑10‑19
Alissa M. Fitzgerald (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Daniel A. Fletcher (Info) UC Berkeley cytoskeletons, mechanotransduction david 2015‑07‑01
Mark A. Frye (Info) UCLA neurobiology, behavior, neurogenetics, drosophila, vision, olfaction, flight markfrye 2006‑08‑28
Sanjiv Sam Gambhir (Info) Stanford molecular imaging jandh 2014‑10‑01
Brian Gaylord (Info) Bodega Marine Lab, UC Davis, UC Davis Ecological biomechanics and biological physical coupling in coastal marine systems millerlp 2009‑09‑18
Saryn R. Goldberg (Info) Hofstra University neuromuscular biomechanics vdesap 2011‑05‑25
Jeremy A. Goldbogen (Info) Stanford pyenson 2014‑07‑26
Kenneth E. Goodson (Info) Stanford heat transfer in electronic nanostructures jandh 2015‑08‑07
John D. Grade (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Joan M. Greve (Info) Stanford Biology pq 2015‑10‑19
Christopher D. Harley (Info) UBC mooseo 2009‑10‑14
Jonah A. Harley (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Brian Helmuth (Info) Northeastern University Ecological Forecasting, Ecomechanics millerlp 2009‑09‑18
Amy Herr (Info) UC Berkeley david 2015‑12‑21
Jill Higginson (Info) University of Delaware neuromuscular biomechanics vdesap 2011‑05‑25
Ginel C. Hill (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Yoshikazu Hishinuma (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Matthew A. Hopcroft (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Roger T. Howe (Info) Carnegie Mellon, MIT, UC Berkeley, Stanford jandh 2015‑09‑23
Chris Hsiung (Info) Penn, Stanford yogeshg 2018‑04‑02
Xuejiao Hu (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑12
Sungjun Im (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑12
Christopher R. Jacobs (Info) Columbia Biomedical Engineering, Cell Biology, Medicine and Surgery pq 2016‑03‑12
Ankur Jain (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑12
Ilse Jonkers (Info) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) Biomechanics, Gait, Modeling cpatten 2009‑05‑05
Krishnamurty Karamcheti (Info) Caltech, Stanford, Florida State Jop 2021‑03‑12
Thomas W. Kenny (Info) Stanford david 2015‑12‑21
Bongsang Kim (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Hyeun-Su Kim (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Hyun J. Kim (Info) Stanford Biology pq 2015‑10‑19
Jayoung Kim (Info) Stanford f1soto 2019‑04‑03
William P. King (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑12
Christopher A. Kitts (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Jae-Mo Koo (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑12
Nicole A J Krentz (Info) Stanford Diabetes, Developmental Biology Nkrentz 2020‑04‑21
Joy P. Ku (Info) Stanford Biology pq 2015‑10‑19
Kristina L. Lamers (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑22
Eon Soo Lee (Info) Stanford, NJIT Graphene, Catalysts, Fuel Cells, Electrochemistry, Microfluidics, Nanotechnology, Biosensor pq 2015‑08‑12
Jinxing Li (Info) Stanford f1soto 2019‑04‑03
King-Ho H. Li (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Yiching Liang (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Karel Frederik Liem (Info) Harvard Ichthyology jandh 2009‑09‑22
Cheng-Hsien Liu (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Ellen K. Longmire (Info) UMN Biomedical Engineering pq 2016‑02‑01
Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan (Info) Harvard Applied Mathematics mv 2011‑04‑02
Patrick T. Martone (Info) UBC, Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University Biomechanics, Phycology pmartone 2009‑09‑18
Angela D. McConnell (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑12
John T. McDevitt (Info) Stanford, UNC Chapel Hill, UT Austin, Rice University, NYU Polytechnic Institute Analytical chemistry, materials science, biomedical engineering, biomaterials pq 2016‑02‑09
Kristina Mead (Info) Denison College Biomechanics, developement mooseo 2009‑09‑21
Renata Melamud (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Luke P. Miller (Info) San Diego State University ecomechanics, ecophysiology millerlp 2009‑09‑18
Joshua I. Molho (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Vikram Mukundan (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑22
Kevin D. Ness (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑12
Douglas C. Noll (Info) University of Michigan Biomedical Engineering, Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Radiology pq 2016‑02‑29
Michael (Moose) J. O'Donnell (Info) UC Berkeley, UC Davis Biomechanics, intertidal ecology, ocean acidification, translational medicine, health innovation mooseo 2009‑09‑17
Robert T. Paine (Info) University of Washington millerlp 2009‑09‑18
Daniel Palanker (Info) Stanford optics david 2015‑07‑01
Sung-Jin Park (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑22
Woo-Tae Park (Info) Seoul National University of Science and Technology pq 2015‑12‑21
Aaron Partridge (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Eric Pop (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑12
Beth L. Pruitt (Info) Stanford, EPFL, Stanford, UC Santa Barbara Mechanobiology, microsystems/MEMS pq 2015‑12‑21
Matthew A. Reidenbach (Info) UVA mooseo 2009‑09‑21
Robert G. Rudnitsky (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Katherine Saul (Info) Wake Forest, NCSU neuromuscular biomechanics vdesap 2011‑05‑25
Michael A. Savageau (Info) UC Davis Biomedical Engineering, Microbiology Biology, Systematic Biology pq 2016‑02‑05
Sanjiv Sinha (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑12
Robert Anthony Siston (Info) Ohio State neuromuscular biomechanics vdesap 2011‑05‑25
R. D. Smallwood (Info) Stanford llfonseca 2020‑04‑22
H. Tom Soh (Info) Stanford, UC Santa Barbara david 2016‑01‑07
Ryan L. Spilker (Info) Stanford Biology pq 2015‑10‑19
Brooke N. Steele (Info) Stanford Biology pq 2015‑10‑19
J. P. Steward (Info) Stanford llfonseca 2020‑04‑22
Timothy D. Stowe (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Per G. Sverdrup (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑12
Beverly T. Tang (Info) Stanford Biology pq 2015‑10‑19
Jamie C. Theobald (Info) UCLA insect motion vision mfrye 2008‑07‑17
Robert D. Tilton (Info) Carnegie Mellon jandh 2022‑05‑04
Maxat N. Touzelbaev (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑12
Irene E. Vignon-Clementel (Info) Stanford Biology pq 2015‑10‑19
Evelyn N. Wang (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑12
Joseph Wang (Info) New Mexico State, Arizona State, UCSD Biomedical Engineering, Nanotechnology, Chemical Engineering pq 2016‑02‑01
Jacqueline N. Welch (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Yoonjin Won (Info) Stanford heat transfer, phase change, AI for Science yogizogi 2021‑11‑14
Neal W. Woodbury (Info) Arizona State Biomedical Engineering, Bioinformatics Biology, General Biophysics pq 2016‑01‑27
Kevin Y. Yasumura (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Felix E. Zajac (Info) Stanford University/VA RR&D Center Biomechanics, Mechanical Engineering, Neuroscience cpatten 2009‑05‑05
Christopher K. Zarins (Info) Stanford Blood diseases jeanl 2017‑03‑16
Lian Zhang (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑12‑21
Peng Zhou (Info) Stanford pq 2015‑08‑12
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