Year |
Citation |
Score |
2018 |
Nath K, Roman J, Nelson DS, Guo L, Lee SC, Orlovskiy S, Muriuki K, Heitjan DF, Pickup S, Leeper DB, Blair IA, Putt ME, Glickson JD. Effect of Differences in Metabolic Activity of Melanoma Models on Response to Lonidamine plus Doxorubicin. Scientific Reports. 8: 14654. PMID 30279592 DOI: 10.1038/S41598-018-33019-4 |
0.34 |
2016 |
Shestov AA, Lee SC, Nath K, Guo L, Nelson DS, Roman JC, Leeper DB, Wasik MA, Blair IA, Glickson JD. (13)C MRS and LC-MS Flux Analysis of Tumor Intermediary Metabolism. Frontiers in Oncology. 6: 135. PMID 27379200 DOI: 10.3389/Fonc.2016.00135 |
0.363 |
2016 |
Nath K, Nelson DS, Putt ME, Leeper DB, Garman B, Nathanson KL, Glickson JD. Comparison of the Lonidamine Potentiated Effect of Nitrogen Mustard Alkylating Agents on the Systemic Treatment of DB-1 Human Melanoma Xenografts in Mice. Plos One. 11: e0157125. PMID 27285585 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0157125 |
0.317 |
2015 |
Shestov AA, Mancuso A, Lee SC, Guo L, Nelson DS, Roman JC, Henry PG, Leeper DB, Blair IA, Glickson JD. Bonded Cumomer Analysis of Human Melanoma Metabolism Monitored by 13C NMR Spectroscopy of Perfused Tumor Cells. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. PMID 26703469 DOI: 10.1074/Jbc.M115.701862 |
0.321 |
2015 |
Nath K, Nelson DS, Heitjan DF, Zhou R, Leeper DB, Glickson JD. Effects of hyperglycemia on lonidamine-induced acidification and de-energization of human melanoma xenografts and sensitization to melphalan. Nmr in Biomedicine. 28: 395-403. PMID 25702942 DOI: 10.1002/Nbm.3260 |
0.345 |
2015 |
Nath K, Nelson DS, Heitjan DF, Leeper DB, Zhou R, Glickson JD. Lonidamine induces intracellular tumor acidification and ATP depletion in breast, prostate and ovarian cancer xenografts and potentiates response to doxorubicin. Nmr in Biomedicine. 28: 281-90. PMID 25504852 DOI: 10.1002/Nbm.3240 |
0.314 |
2014 |
Xu HN, Kadlececk S, Profka H, Glickson JD, Rizi R, Li LZ. Is higher lactate an indicator of tumor metastatic risk? A pilot MRS study using hyperpolarized (13)C-pyruvate. Academic Radiology. 21: 223-31. PMID 24439336 DOI: 10.1016/J.Acra.2013.11.014 |
0.346 |
2013 |
Arias-Mendoza F, Payne GS, Zakian K, Stubbs M, O'Connor OA, Mojahed H, Smith MR, Schwarz AJ, Shukla-Dave A, Howe F, Poptani H, Lee SC, Pettengel R, Schuster SJ, Cunningham D, ... ... Glickson JD, et al. Noninvasive phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging predicts outcome to first-line chemotherapy in newly diagnosed patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Academic Radiology. 20: 1122-9. PMID 23931426 DOI: 10.1016/J.Acra.2013.04.013 |
0.308 |
2013 |
Xu HN, Mir TA, Lee SC, Feng M, Farhad N, Choe R, Glickson JD, Li LZ. Mapping the redox state of CHOP-treated non-Hodgkin's lymphoma xenografts in mice. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 789: 243-9. PMID 23852501 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-7411-1_33 |
0.309 |
2013 |
Xu HN, Zhao H, Mir TA, Lee SC, Feng M, Choe R, Glickson JD, Li LZ. CHOP THERAPY INDUCED MITOCHONDRIAL REDOX STATE ALTERATION IN NON-HODGKIN'S LYMPHOMA XENOGRAFTS. Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences. 6: 1350011. PMID 23745147 DOI: 10.1142/S1793545813500119 |
0.311 |
2013 |
Shestov AA, Mancuso A, Leeper DB, Glickson JD. Metabolic network analysis of DB1 melanoma cells: how much energy is derived from aerobic glycolysis? Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 765: 265-71. PMID 22879043 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4614-4989-8_37 |
0.316 |
2013 |
Lee SC, Marzec M, Liu X, Wehrli S, Kantekure K, Ragunath PN, Nelson DS, Delikatny EJ, Glickson JD, Wasik MA. Decreased lactate concentration and glycolytic enzyme expression reflect inhibition of mTOR signal transduction pathway in B-cell lymphoma. Nmr in Biomedicine. 26: 106-14. PMID 22711601 DOI: 10.1002/Nbm.2825 |
0.339 |
2012 |
Lee SC, Arias-Mendoza F, Poptani H, Delikatny EJ, Wasik M, Marzec M, Schuster SJ, Nasta SD, Svoboda J, O'Connor OA, Smith MR, Glickson JD. Prediction and Early Detection of Response by NMR Spectroscopy and Imaging. Pet Clinics. 7: 119-126. PMID 22737093 DOI: 10.1016/J.Cpet.2011.12.007 |
0.378 |
2011 |
Magnitsky S, Roesch A, Herlyn M, Glickson JD. In vivo and ex vivo MR imaging of slowly cycling melanoma cells. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 66: 1362-73. PMID 21523820 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.22917 |
0.316 |
2011 |
Lee SC, Poptani H, Delikatny EJ, Pickup S, Nelson DS, Schuster SJ, Nasta SD, Svoboda J, Goldstein SC, Wallace SG, Loevner LA, Mellon EA, Reddy R, Glickson JD. NMR metabolic and physiological markers of therapeutic response. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 701: 129-35. PMID 21445779 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-7756-4_18 |
0.349 |
2011 |
Li LZ, Zhou R, Leeper DB, Glickson JD. ³¹P-MRS studies of melanoma xenografts with different metastatic potential. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 701: 69-73. PMID 21445771 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4419-7756-4_10 |
0.403 |
2010 |
Lee SC, Poptani H, Pickup S, Jenkins WT, Kim S, Koch CJ, Delikatny EJ, Glickson JD. Early detection of radiation therapy response in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma xenografts by in vivo 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging. Nmr in Biomedicine. 23: 624-32. PMID 20661875 DOI: 10.1002/Nbm.1505 |
0.345 |
2010 |
Xu HN, Nioka S, Glickson JD, Chance B, Li LZ. Quantitative mitochondrial redox imaging of breast cancer metastatic potential. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 15: 036010. PMID 20615012 DOI: 10.1117/1.3431714 |
0.314 |
2010 |
Arias-Mendoza F, Howe F, Griffiths JR, Glickson JD, O'Connor O, Koutcher JA, Leach MO, Heerschap A, Brown TR. Correlation of the intra-tumor phospholipid-related signatures determined noninvasively by phosphorus and hydrogen MR spectroscopy: An approach to increase the sensitivity and applicability of the technique to predict therapeutic outcome in non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 28: 8070-8070. DOI: 10.1200/Jco.2010.28.15_Suppl.8070 |
0.35 |
2010 |
Arias-Mendoza F, Payne G, Zakian K, Stubbs M, Mojahed H, Schwarz A, Shukla-Dave A, Howe F, Poptani H, Lee S, Smith MR, O'Connor OA, Pettengell R, Schuster SJ, Cunningham D, ... ... Glickson JD, et al. Phosphorus Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Predicts Outcome to Chemotherapy In Patients with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma: A Prospective International Multicenter Analysis of a Pretreatment Metabolic Biomarker of Response Blood. 116: 3104-3104. DOI: 10.1182/Blood.V116.21.3104.3104 |
0.312 |
2009 |
Arias-Mendoza F, Leach MO, Koutcher JA, Griffiths JR, Heerschap A, Glickson JD, O'Connor OA, Brown TR. Prediction of treatment response in subtypes of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma by in vivo (31)P MR spectroscopy before treatment. Journal of Clinical Oncology : Official Journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 27: 8565. PMID 27961022 DOI: 10.1200/Jco.2009.27.15_Suppl.8565 |
0.315 |
2009 |
Mellon EA, Lee SC, Pickup S, Kim S, Goldstein SC, Floyd TF, Poptani H, Delikatny EJ, Reddy R, Glickson JD. Detection of lactate with a hadamard slice selected, selective multiple quantum coherence, chemical shift imaging sequence (HDMD-SelMQC-CSI) on a clinical MRI scanner: Application to tumors and muscle ischemia. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 62: 1404-13. PMID 19785016 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.22141 |
0.318 |
2009 |
Li LZ, Zhou R, Xu HN, Moon L, Zhong T, Kim EJ, Qiao H, Reddy R, Leeper D, Chance B, Glickson JD. Quantitative magnetic resonance and optical imaging biomarkers of melanoma metastatic potential. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 106: 6608-13. PMID 19366661 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.0901807106 |
0.32 |
2009 |
Xu HN, Zhou R, Nioka S, Chance B, Glickson JD, Li LZ. Histological basis of MR/optical imaging of human melanoma mouse xenografts spanning a range of metastatic potentials. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 645: 247-53. PMID 19227478 DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-85998-9_37 |
0.343 |
2009 |
Lee SC, Delikatny EJ, Poptani H, Pickup S, Glickson JD. In vivo (1)H MRS of WSU-DLCL2 human non-Hodgkin's lymphoma xenografts: response to rituximab and rituximab plus CHOP. Nmr in Biomedicine. 22: 259-65. PMID 19040203 DOI: 10.1002/Nbm.1316 |
0.34 |
2008 |
Huang MQ, Pickup S, Nelson DS, Qiao H, Xu HN, Li LZ, Zhou R, Delikatny EJ, Poptani H, Glickson JD. Monitoring response to chemotherapy of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma xenografts by T(2)-weighted and diffusion-weighted MRI. Nmr in Biomedicine. 21: 1021-9. PMID 18988250 DOI: 10.1002/Nbm.1261 |
0.359 |
2008 |
Pickup S, Lee SC, Mancuso A, Glickson JD. Lactate imaging with Hadamard-encoded slice-selective multiple quantum coherence chemical-shift imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 60: 299-305. PMID 18666110 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.21659 |
0.307 |
2008 |
Lee SC, Huang MQ, Nelson DS, Pickup S, Wehrli S, Adegbola O, Poptani H, Delikatny EJ, Glickson JD. In vivo MRS markers of response to CHOP chemotherapy in the WSU-DLCL2 human diffuse large B-cell lymphoma xenograft. Nmr in Biomedicine. 21: 723-33. PMID 18384181 DOI: 10.1002/Nbm.1250 |
0.355 |
2007 |
Huang MQ, Nelson DS, Pickup S, Qiao H, Delikatny EJ, Poptani H, Glickson JD. In vivo monitoring response to chemotherapy of human diffuse large B-cell lymphoma xenografts in SCID mice by 1H and 31P MRS. Academic Radiology. 14: 1531-9. PMID 18035282 DOI: 10.1016/J.Acra.2007.07.012 |
0.32 |
2007 |
Li LZ, Zhou R, Zhong T, Moon L, Kim EJ, Qiao H, Pickup S, Hendrix MJ, Leeper D, Chance B, Glickson JD. Predicting melanoma metastatic potential by optical and magnetic resonance imaging. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 599: 67-78. PMID 17727249 DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-71764-7_10 |
0.374 |
2007 |
Kim DH, Kim EJ, Kalota A, Gewirtz AM, Glickson J, Shogen K, Lee I. Possible mechanisms of improved radiation response by cytotoxic RNase, Onconase, on A549 human lung cancer xenografts of nude mice. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 599: 53-9. PMID 17727247 DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-71764-7_8 |
0.325 |
2006 |
Corbin IR, Li H, Chen J, Lund-Katz S, Zhou R, Glickson JD, Zheng G. Low-density lipoprotein nanoparticles as magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents. Neoplasia (New York, N.Y.). 8: 488-98. PMID 16820095 DOI: 10.1593/Neo.05835 |
0.331 |
2006 |
Arias-Mendoza F, Payne GS, Zakian KL, Schwarz AJ, Stubbs M, Stoyanova R, Ballon D, Howe FA, Koutcher JA, Leach MO, Griffiths JR, Heerschap A, Glickson JD, Nelson SJ, Evelhoch JL, et al. In vivo 31P MR spectral patterns and reproducibility in cancer patients studied in a multi-institutional trial. Nmr in Biomedicine. 19: 504-12. PMID 16763965 DOI: 10.1002/Nbm.1057 |
0.32 |
2006 |
Lee S, Huang M, Nelson D, Pickup S, Poptani H, Delikatny E, Glickson J. WE-C-ValB-04: Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Detects Metabolic Changes Upon Chemotherapy of Human Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Xenografts Medical Physics. 33: 2235-2235. DOI: 10.1118/1.2241703 |
0.391 |
2005 |
Mancuso A, Zhu A, Beardsley NJ, Glickson JD, Wehrli S, Pickup S. Artificial tumor model suitable for monitoring 31P and 13C NMR spectroscopic changes during chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in human glioma cells. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 54: 67-78. PMID 15968647 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.20545 |
0.383 |
2005 |
Milkevitch M, Shim H, Pilatus U, Pickup S, Wehrle JP, Samid D, Poptani H, Glickson JD, Delikatny EJ. Increases in NMR-visible lipid and glycerophosphocholine during phenylbutyrate-induced apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1734: 1-12. PMID 15866478 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bbalip.2005.01.008 |
0.318 |
2004 |
Li H, Gray BD, Corbin I, Lebherz C, Choi H, Lund-Katz S, Wilson JM, Glickson JD, Zhou R. MR and fluorescent imaging of low-density lipoprotein receptors. Academic Radiology. 11: 1251-9. PMID 15561572 DOI: 10.1016/J.Acra.2004.08.007 |
0.308 |
2004 |
Zhang Z, Li H, Liu Q, Zhou L, Zhang M, Luo Q, Glickson J, Chance B, Zheng G. Metabolic imaging of tumors using intrinsic and extrinsic fluorescent markers. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 20: 643-50. PMID 15494250 DOI: 10.1016/J.Bios.2004.03.034 |
0.356 |
2004 |
Arias-Mendoza F, Zakian K, Schwartz A, Howe FA, Koutcher JA, Leach MO, Griffiths JR, Heerschap A, Glickson JD, Nelson SJ, Evelhoch JL, Charles HC, Brown TR. Methodological standardization for a multi-institutional in vivo trial of localized 31P MR spectroscopy in human cancer research. In vitro and normal volunteer studies. Nmr in Biomedicine. 17: 382-91. PMID 15386624 DOI: 10.1002/Nbm.915 |
0.309 |
2004 |
Zhou R, Pickup S, Yankeelov TE, Springer CS, Glickson JD. Simultaneous measurement of arterial input function and tumor pharmacokinetics in mice by dynamic contrast enhanced imaging: effects of transcytolemmal water exchange. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 52: 248-57. PMID 15282806 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.20143 |
0.334 |
2004 |
Zhang Z, Blessington D, Li H, Busch TM, Glickson J, Luo Q, Chance B, Zheng G. Redox ratio of mitochondria as an indicator for the response of photodynamic therapy. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 9: 772-8. PMID 15250765 DOI: 10.1117/1.1760759 |
0.327 |
2004 |
Li H, Zhang Z, Blessington D, Nelson DS, Zhou R, Lund-Katz S, Chance B, Glickson JD, Zheng G. Carbocyanine labeled LDL for optical imaging of tumors. Academic Radiology. 11: 669-77. PMID 15172369 DOI: 10.1016/J.Acra.2004.01.016 |
0.323 |
2004 |
Canter RJ, Zhou R, Kesmodel SB, Zhang Y, Heitjan DF, Glickson JD, Leeper DB, Fraker DL. Metaiodobenzylguanidine and hyperglycemia augment tumor response to isolated limb perfusion in a rodent model of human melanoma. Annals of Surgical Oncology. 11: 265-73. PMID 14993021 DOI: 10.1245/Aso.2004.05.019 |
0.327 |
2004 |
Li H, Chen J, Zhang M, Zhang Z, Benaron D, Chance B, Glickson J, Zheng G. NIR optical probes targeting glucose transporters Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 5329: 254-261. DOI: 10.1117/12.533148 |
0.342 |
2003 |
Lee I, Glickson JD, Dewhirst MW, Leeper DB, Burd R, Poptani H, Nadal L, McKenna WG, Biaglow JE. Effect of mild hyperglycemia +/- meta-iodo-benzylguanidine on the radiation response of R3230 Ac tumors. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 530: 177-86. PMID 14562715 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4615-0075-9_17 |
0.327 |
2003 |
Zhang M, Zhang Z, Blessington D, Li H, Busch TM, Madrak V, Miles J, Chance B, Glickson JD, Zheng G. Pyropheophorbide 2-deoxyglucosamide: a new photosensitizer targeting glucose transporters. Bioconjugate Chemistry. 14: 709-14. PMID 12862422 DOI: 10.1021/Bc034038N |
0.32 |
2003 |
Poptani H, Bansal N, Graham RA, Mancuso A, Nelson DS, Glickson JD. Detecting early response to cyclophosphamide treatment of RIF-1 tumors using selective multiple quantum spectroscopy (SelMQC) and dynamic contrast enhanced imaging. Nmr in Biomedicine. 16: 102-11. PMID 12730951 DOI: 10.1002/Nbm.816 |
0.389 |
2003 |
Tailor DR, Poptani H, Glickson JD, Leigh JS, Reddy R. High-resolution assessment of blood flow in murine RIF-1 tumors by monitoring uptake of H(2)(17)O with proton T(1rho)-weighted imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 49: 1-6. PMID 12509813 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.10375 |
0.327 |
2003 |
Blessington DM, Zhang Z, Li H, Zhang M, Zhou L, Glickson J, Zheng G, Chance B. Detection and imaging of the reconstituted pyropheophorbide-cholesterol oleate labeled low-density lipoprotein in the HepG2 tumor Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 4955: 497-504. DOI: 10.1117/12.478190 |
0.34 |
2002 |
Nadal-Desbarats L, Poptani H, Oprysko P, Jenkins WT, Busch TM, Nelson DS, Glickson JD, Koch CJ, Evans SM. Effects of hyperglycemia on oxygenation, radiosensitivity and bioenergetic status of subcutaneous RIF-1 tumors. International Journal of Oncology. 21: 103-10. PMID 12063556 DOI: 10.3892/Ijo.21.1.103 |
0.311 |
2002 |
Zheng G, Li H, Yang K, Blessington D, Licha K, Lund-Katz S, Chance B, Glickson JD. Tricarbocyanine cholesteryl laurates labeled LDL: new near infrared fluorescent probes (NIRFs) for monitoring tumors and gene therapy of familial hypercholesterolemia. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters. 12: 1485-8. PMID 12031325 DOI: 10.1016/S0960-894X(02)00193-2 |
0.308 |
2001 |
Zhou R, Bansal N, Leeper DB, Pickup S, Glickson JD. Enhancement of hyperglycemia-induced acidification of human melanoma xenografts with inhibitors of respiration and ion transport. Academic Radiology. 8: 571-82. PMID 11450957 DOI: 10.1016/S1076-6332(03)80681-5 |
0.348 |
2000 |
Wehrle JP, Ng CE, McGovern KA, Aiken NR, Shungu DC, Chance EM, Glickson JD. Metabolism of alternative substrates and the bioenergetic status of EMT6 tumor cell spheroids. Nmr in Biomedicine. 13: 349-60. PMID 11002314 DOI: 10.1002/1099-1492(200010)13:6<349::Aid-Nbm652>3.0.Co;2-X |
0.314 |
2000 |
Serrai H, Nadal-Desbarats L, Poptani H, Glickson JD, Senhadji L. Lactate editing and lipid suppression by continuous wavelet transform analysis: application to simulated and (1)H MRS brain tumor time-domain data. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 43: 649-56. PMID 10800029 DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1522-2594(200005)43:5<649::Aid-Mrm6>3.0.Co;2-# |
0.335 |
2000 |
Griffiths JR, Glickson JD. Monitoring pharmacokinetics of anticancer drugs: non-invasive investigation using magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews. 41: 75-89. PMID 10699306 DOI: 10.1016/S0169-409X(99)00057-5 |
0.339 |
1998 |
Artemov D, Bhujwalla ZM, Pilatus U, Glickson JD. Two-compartment model for determination of glycolytic rates of solid tumors by in vivo 13C NMR spectroscopy. Nmr in Biomedicine. 11: 395-404. PMID 10221582 DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1099-1492(199812)11:8<395::Aid-Nbm536>3.0.Co;2-R |
0.364 |
1998 |
Biaglow JE, Manevich Y, Leeper D, Chance B, Dewhirst MW, Jenkins WT, Tuttle SW, Wroblewski K, Glickson JD, Stevens C, Evans SM. MIBG inhibits respiration: potential for radio- and hyperthermic sensitization. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 42: 871-6. PMID 9845113 DOI: 10.1016/S0360-3016(98)00334-4 |
0.371 |
1998 |
Aboagye EO, Bhujwalla ZM, He Q, Glickson JD. Evaluation of lactate as a 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy index for noninvasive prediction and early detection of tumor response to radiation therapy in EMT6 tumors. Radiation Research. 150: 38-42. PMID 9650600 DOI: 10.2307/3579643 |
0.358 |
1996 |
Abraha A, Shim H, Wehrle JP, Glickson JD. Inhibition of tumor cell proliferation by dexamethasone: 31P NMR studies of RIF-1 fibrosarcoma cells perfused in vitro. Nmr in Biomedicine. 9: 173-8. PMID 9015804 DOI: 10.1002/(Sici)1099-1492(199606)9:4<173::Aid-Nbm402>3.0.Co;2-J |
0.307 |
1996 |
Bhujwalla ZM, Glickson JD. Detection of tumor response to radiation therapy by in vivo proton MR spectroscopy. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 36: 635-9. PMID 8948348 DOI: 10.1016/S0360-3016(96)00371-9 |
0.356 |
1996 |
Bhujwalla ZM, Shungu DC, Glickson JD. Effects of blood flow modifiers on tumor metabolism observed in vivo by proton magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 36: 204-11. PMID 8843373 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910360206 |
0.374 |
1996 |
He Q, Bhujwalla ZM, Glickson JD. Proton detection of choline and lactate in EMT6 tumors by spin-echo-enhanced selective multiple-quantum-coherence transfer. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. Series B. 112: 18-25. PMID 8661302 DOI: 10.1006/Jmrb.1996.0104 |
0.314 |
1995 |
He Q, Bhujwalla ZM, Maxwell RJ, Griffiths JR, Glickson JD. Proton NMR observation of the antineoplastic agent Iproplatin in vivo by selective multiple quantum coherence transfer (Sel-MQC). Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 33: 414-6. PMID 7760709 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910330315 |
0.304 |
1995 |
Artemov D, Bhujwalla ZM, Glickson JD. In vivo selective measurement of (1-13C)-glucose metabolism in tumors by heteronuclear cross polarization. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 33: 151-5. PMID 7707903 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910330202 |
0.327 |
1995 |
Artemov D, Bhujwalla ZM, Maxwell RJ, Griffiths JR, Judson IR, Leach MO, Glickson JD. Pharmacokinetics of the 13C labeled anticancer agent temozolomide detected in vivo by selective cross-polarization transfer. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 34: 338-42. PMID 7500872 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910340310 |
0.322 |
1994 |
Aiken NR, McGovern KA, Ng CE, Wehrle JP, Glickson JD. 31P NMR spectroscopic studies of the effects of cyclophosphamide on perfused RIF-1 tumor cells. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 31: 241-7. PMID 8057794 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910310302 |
0.393 |
1994 |
Bhujwalla ZM, Shungu DC, Chatham JC, Wehrle JP, Glickson JD. Glucose metabolism in RIF-1 tumors after reduction in blood flow: an in vivo 13C and 31P NMR study. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 32: 303-9. PMID 7984062 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910320305 |
0.351 |
1993 |
Barker PB, Glickson JD, Bryan RN. In vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy of human brain tumors. Topics in Magnetic Resonance Imaging : Tmri. 5: 32-45. PMID 8416687 DOI: 10.1097/00002142-199300520-00006 |
0.403 |
1993 |
Shungu DC, Glickson JD. Sensitivity and localization enhancement in multinuclear in vivo NMR spectroscopy by outer volume presaturation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 30: 661-71. PMID 8139447 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910300603 |
0.312 |
1992 |
Bhujwalla ZM, Constantinidis I, Chatham JC, Wehrle JP, Glickson JD. Energy metabolism, pH changes, and lactate production in RIF-1 tumors following intratumoral injection of glucose International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. 22: 95-101. PMID 1727132 DOI: 10.1016/0360-3016(92)90987-S |
0.336 |
1992 |
Chen K, Lutz NW, Wehrle JP, Glickson JD, Swartz HM. Selective suppression of lipid resonances by lipid-soluble nitroxides in NMR spectroscopy. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 25: 120-7. PMID 1593946 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910250112 |
0.381 |
1992 |
Bhujwalla ZM, Blackband SJ, Wehrle JP, Glickson JD. Spatial heterogeneity of the metabolic response of RIF-1 tumors to a vasoactive agent evaluated in vivo by one-dimensional 31P chemical-shift imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine : Official Journal of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine / Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 26: 308-12. PMID 1513252 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910260210 |
0.372 |
1992 |
Ng CE, McGovern KA, Wehrle JP, Glickson JD. 31P NMR spectroscopic study of the effects of gamma-irradiation on RIF-1 tumor cells perfused in vitro. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 27: 296-309. PMID 1461114 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910270209 |
0.336 |
1992 |
Shungu DC, Bhujwalla ZM, Li SJ, Rose LM, Wehrle JP, Glickson JD. Determination of absolute phosphate metabolite concentrations in RIF-1 tumors in vivo by 31P-1H-2H NMR spectroscopy using water as an internal intensity reference. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 28: 105-21. PMID 1435214 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910280111 |
0.378 |
1992 |
Shungu DC, Bhujwalla ZM, Wehrle JP, Glickson JD. 1H NMR spectroscopy of subcutaneous tumors in mice: preliminary studies of effects of growth, chemotherapy and blood flow reduction. Nmr in Biomedicine. 5: 296-302. PMID 1333262 DOI: 10.1002/Nbm.1940050517 |
0.387 |
1991 |
Constantinidis I, Chatham JC, Wehrle JP, Glickson JD. In vivo 13C NMR spectroscopy of glucose metabolism of RIF-1 tumors Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 20: 17-26. PMID 1943658 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910200103 |
0.336 |
1991 |
Li SJ, Wehrle JP, Glickson JD, Kumar N, Braunschweiger PG. Tumor bioenergetics and blood flow in RIF-1 murine tumors treated with 5-fluorouracil Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 22: 47-56. PMID 1798394 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910220106 |
0.318 |
1990 |
Fraser CD, Chacko VP, Jacobus WE, Hutchins GM, Glickson J, Reitz BA, Baumgartner WA. Evidence from 31P nuclear magnetic resonance studies of cardiac allografts that early rejection is characterized by reversible biochemical changes. Transplantation. 48: 1068-70. PMID 2595769 DOI: 10.1097/00007890-198912000-00037 |
0.322 |
1990 |
Williamson D, McLennan IJ, Bax A, Gamcsik MP, Glickson JD. Two-dimensional NMR study of bleomycin and its zinc(II) complex: Reassignment of13C resonances Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 8: 375-398. PMID 1702638 DOI: 10.1080/07391102.1990.10507811 |
0.308 |
1990 |
Gamcsik MP, Glickson JD, Zon G. Nmr studies of the interaction of bleomycin with (Dc-dg)3 Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics. 7: 1117-1133. PMID 1694441 DOI: 10.1080/07391102.1990.10508550 |
0.333 |
1989 |
Steen RG, Tamargo RJ, Brem H, Glickson JD, Wehrle JP. In vivo 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of rat 9L gliosarcoma treated with BCNU: Dose response of spectral changes Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 11: 258-266. PMID 2779416 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910110214 |
0.324 |
1989 |
Glickson JD. Clinical nmr spectroscopy of tumors: Current status and future directions Investigative Radiology. 24: 1011-1016. PMID 2691439 DOI: 10.1097/00004424-198912000-00020 |
0.403 |
1989 |
Rajan SS, Wehrle JP, Li SJ, Steen RG, Glickson JD. 31P NMR spectroscopic study of bioenergetic changes in radiation-induced fibrosarcoma-1 after radiation therapy Nmr in Biomedicine. 2: 165-171. PMID 2641498 DOI: 10.1002/Nbm.1940020406 |
0.351 |
1989 |
Steen RG, Wilson DA, Bowser C, Wehrle JP, Glickson JD, Rajan SS. 31P NMR spectroscopic and near infrared spectrophotometric studies of effects of anesthetics on in vivo RIF-1 tumors. Relationship to tumor radiosensitivity Nmr in Biomedicine. 2: 87-92. PMID 2641302 DOI: 10.1002/Nbm.1940020302 |
0.4 |
1989 |
Verdery RB, Benham DF, McLennan I, Jan Busby M, Wehrle JP, Glickson JD. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance methyl and methylene linewidths from plasma decrease during postprandial lipemia Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta (Bba)/Lipids and Lipid Metabolism. 1006: 287-290. PMID 2597673 DOI: 10.1016/0005-2760(89)90015-5 |
0.308 |
1988 |
Janes N, Clemens JA, Cameron JL, Glickson JD. Phosphoras-31 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of the canine pancreas: Applications to acute alcoholic pancreatitis Advances in Alcohol and Substance Abuse. 7: 213-219. PMID 3223430 DOI: 10.1300/J251V07N03_27 |
0.337 |
1987 |
Wehrle JP, Shi-Jiang Li, Rajan SS, Steen RG, Glickson JD. 31P and 1H NMR spectroscopy of tumors in vivo: Untreated growth and response to chemotherapy Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 508: 200-215. PMID 3439701 DOI: 10.1111/J.1749-6632.1987.Tb32905.X |
0.355 |
1987 |
Aguayo JB, Blackband SJ, Wehrle JP, Glickson JD, Mattingly MA. NMR microscopic studies of eyes and tumors with histological correlation. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 508: 399-413. PMID 3326460 DOI: 10.1111/J.1749-6632.1987.Tb32921.X |
0.31 |
1985 |
Schiffer LM, Braunschweiger PG, Glickson JD. Preliminary observations on the correlation of proliferative phenomena with in vivo 31P NMR spectroscopy after tumor chemotherapy Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 270-277. PMID 3868326 DOI: 10.1111/J.1749-6632.1985.Tb20836.X |
0.374 |
1985 |
Ng TC, Glickson JD. Shielded solenoidal probe for in vivo NMR studies of solid tumors Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 2: 169-175. PMID 3831684 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910020207 |
0.368 |
1984 |
Evanochko WT, Sakai TT, Ng TC, Krishna NR, Kim HD, Zeidler RB, Ghanta VK, Brockman RW, Schiffer LM, Braunschweiger PG, Glickson JD. NMR study of in vivo RIF-1 tumors. Analysis of perchloric acid extracts and identification of 1H, 31P and 13C resonances Bba - Molecular Cell Research. 805: 104-116. PMID 6477969 DOI: 10.1016/0167-4889(84)90042-9 |
0.4 |
1984 |
Evanochko WT, Ng TC, Glickson JD. Application of in vivo NMR spectroscopy to cancer Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 1: 508-534. PMID 6400586 DOI: 10.1002/Mrm.1910010410 |
0.378 |
1983 |
Booth TE, Sakai TT, Glickson JD. Interaction of bleomycin A2 with poly(deoxyadenylylthymidylic acid). A proton nuclear magnetic resonance study of the influence of temperature, pH, and ionic strength Biochemistry. 22: 4211-4217. PMID 6194816 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00287A008 |
0.313 |
1982 |
Evanochko WT, Ng TC, Glickson JD, Durant JR, Corbett TH. Human tumors as examined by in vivo 31P NMR in athymic mice Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 109: 1346-1352. PMID 7168767 DOI: 10.1016/0006-291X(82)91925-8 |
0.355 |
1982 |
Sakai TT, Riordan JM, Glickson JD. Models of bleomycin interactions with poly(deoxyadenylylthymidylic acid). Fluorescence and proton nuclear magnetic resonance studies of cationic thiazole amides related to bleomycin A2 Biochemistry. 21: 805-816. PMID 6176265 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00533A035 |
0.313 |
1982 |
Ng TC, Evanochko WT, Hiramoto RN, Ghanta VK, Lilly MB, Lawson AJ, Corbett TH, Durant JR, Glickson JD. 31P NMR spectroscopy of in vivo tumors Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969). 49: 271-286. DOI: 10.1016/0730-725X(84)90147-4 |
0.369 |
1982 |
Ng TC, Evanochko WT, Glickson JD. Faraday shield for surface-coil studies of subcutaneous tumors Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969). 49: 526-529. DOI: 10.1016/0022-2364(82)90265-7 |
0.301 |
1980 |
Pillai RP, Lenkinski RE, Sakai TT, Geckle JM, Krishna NR, Glickson JD. Proton NMR study of iron (II)-bleomycin: Assignment of resonances by saturation transfer experiments Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 96: 341-349. PMID 6159886 DOI: 10.1016/0006-291X(80)91220-6 |
0.325 |
1980 |
Mooberry ES, Dallas JL, Sakai JT, Glickson JD. Carbon-13 N.M.R. study of bleomycin-A2 protonation International Journal of Peptide and Protein Research. 15: 365-376. PMID 6158491 DOI: 10.1111/J.1399-3011.1980.Tb02913.X |
0.307 |
1980 |
Chen DM, Sakai TT, Glickson JD, Patel DJ. Bleomycin-A2 complexes with poly(dA-dT): A proton nuclear magnetic resonance study of the nonexchangeable hydrogens Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 92: 197-205. PMID 6153523 DOI: 10.1016/0006-291X(80)91539-9 |
0.33 |
1979 |
Lenkinski RE, Dallas JL, Glickson JD. Paramagnetic ion induced perturbations in the 1H NMR spectrum of lysozyme: A reassignment of the tryptophan indole NH resonances Journal of the American Chemical Society. 101: 3071-3077. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00505A040 |
0.324 |
1979 |
Lenkinski RE, Dallas JL, Glickson JD. Paramagnetic ion induced perturbations in the proton NMR spectrum of lysozyme: a reassignment of the tryptophan indole NH resonances Journal of the American Chemical Society. 101: 3071-3077. DOI: 10.1002/Chin.197936063 |
0.328 |
1978 |
Lenkinski RE, Agresti DG, Chen DM, Glickson JD. An analysis of the Co2+-induced nuclear magnetic resonance perturbations of hen egg white lysozyme Biochemistry. 17: 1463-1468. PMID 565652 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00601A016 |
0.308 |
1978 |
Lenkinski RE, Chang CHF, Glickson JD. Gallium-71 and phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance studies of the interactions of gallium with phosphoric acid in aqueous solution Journal of the American Chemical Society. 100: 5383-5386. DOI: 10.1002/Chin.197847002 |
0.318 |
1978 |
0.315 |
1977 |
Walter R, Wyssbrod HR, Glickson JD. Conformational studies on [3-D-Alanine]-oxytocin and [4-D-Alanine]-oxytocin in dimethyl sulfoxide by1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Interpretation in terms of a β turn in the cyclic moiety Journal of the American Chemical Society. 99: 7326-7332. PMID 915154 DOI: 10.1021/Ja00464A037 |
0.306 |
1977 |
Chen DM, Hawkins BL, Glickson JD. Proton nuclear magnetic resonances study of bleomycin in aqueous solution. Assignment of resonances. Biochemistry. 16: 2731-8. PMID 70218 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00631A022 |
0.359 |
1977 |
Lenkinski RE, Chen DM, Glickson JD, Goldstein G. Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of the denaturation of ubiquitin Bba - Protein Structure. 494: 126-130. PMID 20153 DOI: 10.1016/0005-2795(77)90140-4 |
0.317 |
1977 |
Chen DM, Glickson JD. Nitrogen-14 NMR and quadrupole splitting of ammonium ions in the lyotropic mesophase Journal of Magnetic Resonance (1969). 28: 9-15. DOI: 10.1016/0022-2364(77)90251-7 |
0.312 |
1977 |
Francis Chang CH, Phil Pitner T, Lenkinski RE, Glickson JD. Carbon-13 fourier transform nuclear magnetic resonance study of gallium citrate in aqueous solution Journal of the American Chemical Society. 99: 5858-5863. DOI: 10.1002/Chin.197749059 |
0.305 |
1976 |
Glickson JD, Gordon SL, Pitner TP, Agresti DG, Walter R. Intramolecular 1H nuclear Overhauser effect study of the solution conformation of valinomycin in dimethyl sulfoxide Biochemistry. 15: 5721-5729. PMID 1009085 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00671A007 |
0.327 |
1976 |
Pitner TP, Walter R, Glickson JD. Mechanism of the intramolecular 1H nuclear Overhauser effect in peptides and depsipeptides Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 70: 746-751. PMID 938525 DOI: 10.1016/0006-291X(76)90655-0 |
0.305 |
1975 |
Pitner TP, Sternglanz H, Bugg CE, Glickson JD. Proton nuclear magnetic resonance study of hindered internal rotation of the dimethylamino group of N6,N6-dimethyladenine hydrochloride in aqueous solution Journal of the American Chemical Society. 97: 885-888. PMID 1133374 DOI: 10.1002/Chin.197518076 |
0.309 |
1975 |
Pitner TP, Glickson JD, Rowan R, Dadok J, Bothner-By AA. Delineation of interactions between specific solvent and solute nuclei. A nuclear magnetic resonance solvent saturation study of gramicidin S in methanol, dimethyl sulfoxide, and trifluoroethanol [6] Journal of the American Chemical Society. 97: 5917-5918. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00853A048 |
0.31 |
1975 |
Glickson JD, Pither TP, Webb J, Gams RA. Hydrogen-1 and gallium-71 nuclear magnetic resonance study of gallium citrate in aqueous solution Journal of the American Chemical Society. 97: 1679-1683. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00840A009 |
0.318 |
1975 |
Pitner T, Glickson J. Corrections - 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Restricted Internal Rotation of N6,N6-Dimethyladenine in Aqueous Solution Biochemistry. 14: 4776-4776. DOI: 10.1021/Bi00692A604 |
0.31 |
1974 |
Pitner TP, Glickson JD, Dadok J, Marshall GR. Solvent exposure of specific nuclei of angiotensin II determined by NMR solvent saturation method Nature. 250: 582-584. PMID 4367632 DOI: 10.1038/250582A0 |
0.319 |
1974 |
Glickson JD, Dadok J, Marshall GR. Proton magnetic double-resonance study of angiotensin II (Asn1Val5) in aqueous solution employing correlation spectroscopy. Assignment of peptide NH resonances and transfer of saturation from water Biochemistry. 13: 11-14. PMID 4357654 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00698A002 |
0.334 |
1973 |
Glickson JD, Cunningham WD, Marshall GR. Proton magnetic resonance study of angiotensin II (Asn1Val5) in aqueous solution Biochemistry. 12: 3684-3692. PMID 4363118 DOI: 10.1021/Bi00743A018 |
0.315 |
1973 |
Hendrickson JB, Boeckman RK, Glickson JD, Grunwald E. Molecular geometry. VIII. Proton magnetic resonance studies of gycloheptane conformations Journal of the American Chemical Society. 95: 494-505. DOI: 10.1021/Ja00783A032 |
0.34 |
1972 |
Glickson JD, Urry DW, Walter R. Method for correlation of proton magnetic resonance assignments in different solvents: conformational transition of oxytocin and lysine vasopressin from dimethylsulfoxide to water Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 69: 2566-2569. PMID 4506776 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.69.9.2566 |
0.331 |
1972 |
Glickson JD, Urry DW, Havran RT, Walter R. Proton magnetic resonance comparison of neurohypophyseal hormones and analogs: deletion of amino groups and the conformation of lysine vasopressin Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 69: 2136-2140. PMID 4506084 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.69.8.2136 |
0.339 |
1972 |
Walter R, Glickson JD, Schwartz IL, Havran RT, Meienhofer J, Urry DW. Conformation of lysine vasopressin: a comparison with oxytocin Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 69: 1920-1924. PMID 4505670 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.69.7.1920 |
0.339 |
1971 |
McDonald CC, Phillips WD, Glickson JD. Nuclear magnetic resonance study of the mechanism of reversible denaturation of lysozyme. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 93: 235-46. PMID 5538859 DOI: 10.1021/Ja00730A039 |
0.529 |
1971 |
Glickson JD, Phillips WD, Rupley JA. Proton magnetic resonance study of the indole NH resonances of lysozyme. Assignment, deuterium exchange kinetics, and inhibitor binding. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 93: 4031-8. PMID 5138305 |
0.486 |
1971 |
Glickson JD, Phillips WD, McDonald CC, Poe M. PMR characterization of alfalfa and soybean ferredoxins: the existence of two ferredoxins in soybean. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 42: 271-9. PMID 5101859 DOI: 10.1016/0006-291X(71)90098-2 |
0.508 |
1971 |
Poe M, Phillips WD, Glickson JD, McDonald CC, Pietro AS. Proton magnetic resonance studies of the ferredoxins from spinach and parsley. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 68: 68-71. PMID 4322266 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.68.1.68 |
0.504 |
1969 |
Glickson JD, McDonald CC, Phillips WD. Assignment of tryptophan indole NH proton resonances of lysozyme. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 35: 492-8. PMID 4306956 DOI: 10.1016/0006-291X(69)90373-8 |
0.543 |
1969 |
Glickson JD, Applequist J. Chain Branching in Poly-β-alanine Macromolecules. 2: 628-634. DOI: 10.1021/Ma60012A013 |
0.57 |
Show low-probability matches. |