Sunyoung Yoon

SAIHST, Sungyunkwan University 
"Sunyoung Yoon"
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Yu JY, Kim D, Yoon S, et al. (2024) Inter hospital external validation of interpretable machine learning based triage score for the emergency department using common data model. Scientific Reports. 14: 6666
Yoon S, Kim T, Kang E, et al. (2023) Feasibility of patch-type wireless 12-lead electrocardiogram in laypersons. Scientific Reports. 13: 4044
Yu JY, Xie F, Nan L, et al. (2022) An external validation study of the Score for Emergency Risk Prediction (SERP), an interpretable machine learning-based triage score for the emergency department. Scientific Reports. 12: 17466
Chang H, Yu JY, Yoon S, et al. (2022) Machine learning-based suggestion for critical interventions in the management of potentially severe conditioned patients in emergency department triage. Scientific Reports. 12: 10537
Yoon S, Kim T, Roh T, et al. (2021) Twelve-Lead Electrocardiogram Acquisition With a Patchy-Type Wireless Device in Ambulance Transport: Simulation-Based Randomized Controlled Trial. Jmir Mhealth and Uhealth. 9: e24142
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