Jamie H. Warner - Publications

University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 

124 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2023 Wen Y, Coupin MJ, Hou L, Warner JH. Moiré Superlattice Structure of Pleated Trilayer Graphene Imaged by 4D Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. Acs Nano. PMID 37791789 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.2c12179  0.523
2023 Coupin MJ, Wen Y, Lee S, Saxena A, Ophus C, Allen CS, Kirkland AI, Aluru NR, Lee GD, Warner JH. Mapping Nanoscale Electrostatic Field Fluctuations around Graphene Dislocation Cores Using Four-Dimensional Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (4D-STEM). Nano Letters. PMID 37487233 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c00328  0.393
2023 Zhang Q, Hou L, Shautsova V, Warner JH. Ultrathin All-2D Lateral Diodes Using Top and Bottom Contacted Laterally Spaced Graphene Electrodes to WS Semiconductor Monolayers. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. PMID 36977206 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c22014  0.379
2022 Lu Y, Chen J, Coupin MJ, Sinha S, Warner JH. Lattice Mismatch Driven Small Angle Moiré Twists in Epitaxially-Grown 2D Vertical Layered Heterostructures. Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.). e2205403. PMID 36043938 DOI: 10.1002/adma.202205403  0.304
2022 Park H, Jung GS, Ibrahim KM, Lu Y, Tai KL, Coupin M, Warner JH. Atomic-Scale Insights into the Lateral and Vertical Epitaxial Growth in Two-Dimensional PdSe-MoS Heterostructures. Acs Nano. PMID 35829720 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.1c09019  0.324
2022 Chen J, Zhou J, Xu W, Wen Y, Liu Y, Warner JH. Atomic-Level Dynamics of Point Vacancies and the Induced Stretched Defects in 2D Monolayer PtSe. Nano Letters. PMID 35389659 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c04275  0.305
2022 Alam MH, Chowdhury S, Roy A, Wu X, Ge R, Rodder MA, Chen J, Lu Y, Stern C, Houben L, Chrostowski R, Burlison SR, Yang SJ, Serna MI, Dodabalapur A, ... ... Warner JH, et al. Wafer-Scalable Single-Layer Amorphous Molybdenum Trioxide. Acs Nano. PMID 35188367 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.1c07705  0.312
2021 Zhang Q, Hou L, Lu Y, Chen J, Zhou Y, Shautsova V, Warner JH. Large-Scale Uniform-Patterned Arrays of Ultrathin All-2D Vertical Stacked Photodetector Devices. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. PMID 34278795 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.1c05136  0.314
2020 Tweedie MEP, Kersemans V, Gilchrist S, Smart S, Warner JH. Electromagnetically Transparent Graphene Respiratory Sensors for Multimodal Small Animal Imaging. Advanced Healthcare Materials. e2001222. PMID 32965091 DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202001222  0.323
2020 Kengmana ES, Lee JK, Li X, Warner JH, Han GGD. Self-Assembly of Bowlic Supramolecules on Graphene Imaged at the Individual Molecular Level using Heavy Atom Tagging. Small (Weinheim An Der Bergstrasse, Germany). e2002860. PMID 32870596 DOI: 10.1002/smll.202002860  0.462
2020 Tai KL, Chen J, Wen Y, Park H, Zhang Q, Lu Y, Chang RJ, Tang P, Allen CS, Wu WW, Warner JH. Phase Variations and Layer Epitaxy of 2D PdSe Grown on 2D Monolayers by Direct Selenization of Molecular Pd Precursors. Acs Nano. PMID 32809801 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.0c04230  0.371
2020 Lee GD, Robertson AW, Lee S, Lin YC, Oh JW, Park H, Joo YC, Yoon E, Suenaga K, Warner JH, Ewels CP. Direct observation and catalytic role of mediator atom in 2D materials. Science Advances. 6: eaba4942. PMID 32577521 DOI: 10.1126/Sciadv.Aba4942  0.445
2020 Sinha S, Zhu T, France-Lanord A, Sheng Y, Grossman JC, Porfyrakis K, Warner JH. Atomic structure and defect dynamics of monolayer lead iodide nanodisks with epitaxial alignment on graphene. Nature Communications. 11: 823. PMID 32041958 DOI: 10.1038/S41467-020-14481-Z  0.502
2019 Chen T, Lu Y, Sheng Y, Shu Y, Li X, Chang RJ, Bhaskaran H, Warner JH. Ultrathin All-2D Lateral Graphene/GaS/Graphene UV Photodetectors by Direct CVD Growth. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. PMID 31833364 DOI: 10.1021/Acsami.9B11984  0.415
2019 Chen J, Ryu GH, Zhang Q, Wen Y, Tai KL, Lu Y, Warner JH. Spatially Controlled Fabrication and Mechanisms of Atomically Thin Nanowell Patterns in Bilayer WS Using High Temperature Electron Microscopy. Acs Nano. PMID 31794193 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b08220  0.374
2019 Hou L, Zhang Q, Tweedie M, Shautsova V, Sheng Y, Zhou Y, Huang H, Chen T, Warner JH. Photocurrent Direction Control and Increased Photovoltaic Effects in All-2D Ultrathin Vertical Heterostructures Using Asymmetric h-BN Tunneling Barriers. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. PMID 31618001 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.9b13404  0.404
2019 Robertson AW, Lee GD, Lee S, Buntin P, Drexler M, Abdelhafiz AA, Yoon E, Warner JH, Alamgir FM. Atomic Structure and Dynamics of Epitaxial Platinum Bilayers on Graphene. Acs Nano. PMID 31553564 DOI: 10.1021/Acsnano.9B06701  0.372
2019 Chen J, Jung GS, Ryu GH, Chang RJ, Zhou S, Wen Y, Buehler MJ, Warner JH. Atomically Sharp Dual Grain Boundaries in 2D WS Bilayers. Small (Weinheim An Der Bergstrasse, Germany). e1902590. PMID 31448580 DOI: 10.1002/Smll.201902590  0.328
2019 Wen Y, Ophus C, Allen CS, Fang S, Chen J, Kaxiras E, Kirkland AI, Warner JH. Simultaneous Identification of Low and High Atomic Number Atoms in Monolayer 2D Materials Using 4D Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. Nano Letters. PMID 31430158 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Nanolett.9B02717  0.306
2019 Chang RJ, Sheng Y, Ryu GH, Mkhize N, Chen T, Lu Y, Chen J, Lee JK, Bhaskaran H, Warner JH. Postgrowth Substitutional Tin Doping of 2D WS Crystals Using Chemical Vapor Deposition. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. PMID 31250625 DOI: 10.1021/Acsami.9B06588  0.381
2019 Ryu GH, Chen J, Wen Y, Zhou S, Chang RJ, Warner JH. Atomic structural catalogue of defects and vertical stacking in 2H/3R mixed polytype multilayer WS pyramids. Nanoscale. PMID 31135012 DOI: 10.1039/c9nr01783f  0.316
2019 Lee JK, Bulut I, Rickhaus M, Sheng Y, Li X, Han GGD, Briggs GAD, Anderson HL, Warner JH. Metal Atom Markers for Imaging Epitaxial Molecular Self-Assembly on Graphene by Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. Acs Nano. PMID 31117373 DOI: 10.1021/Acsnano.9B02906  0.461
2019 Yang J, Choi MK, Sheng Y, Jung J, Bustillo KC, Chen T, Lee SW, Ercius P, Kim JH, Warner JH, Chan EM, Zheng H. MoS2 Liquid Cell Electron Microscopy Through Clean and Fast Polymer-Free MoS2 Transfer. Nano Letters. PMID 30741548 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Nanolett.8B04821  0.515
2019 Chen T, Sheng Y, Zhou Y, Chang RJ, Wang X, Huang H, Zhang Q, Hou L, Warner JH. High Photoresponsivity in Ultrathin 2D Lateral Graphene:WS:Graphene Photodetectors Using Direct CVD Growth. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. PMID 30702857 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b20321  0.467
2019 Lee JK, Lee GD, Lee S, Yoon E, Anderson HL, Briggs GAD, Warner JH. Atomic Scale Imaging of Reversible Ring Cyclization in Graphene Nanoconstrictions. Acs Nano. PMID 30673212 DOI: 10.1021/Acsnano.8B09211  0.365
2019 Chen J, Zhou S, Wen Y, Ryu GH, Allen C, Lu Y, Kirkland AI, Warner JH. In situ high temperature atomic level dynamics of large inversion domain formations in monolayer MoS. Nanoscale. PMID 30644498 DOI: 10.1039/c8nr08821g  0.313
2019 Zhou Y, Xu W, Sheng Y, Huang H, Zhang Q, Hou L, Shautsova V, Warner JH. Symmetry-Controlled Reversible Photovoltaic Current Flow in Ultrathin All 2D Vertically Stacked Graphene/MoS/WS/Graphene Devices. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. PMID 30605329 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b16790  0.47
2018 Gerkman MA, Sinha S, Warner JH, Han GGD. Direct Imaging of Photo-Switching Molecular Conformations Using Individual Metal Atom Markers. Acs Nano. PMID 30521310 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b08441  0.387
2018 Harzheim A, Spiece J, Evangeli C, McCann E, Fal'ko VI, Sheng Y, Warner JH, Briggs GAD, Mol JA, Gehring P, Kolosov OV. Geometrically Enhanced Thermoelectric Effects in Graphene Nanoconstrictions. Nano Letters. PMID 30418781 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.8b03406  0.427
2018 Ryu GH, France-Lanord A, Wen Y, Zhou S, Grossman JC, Warner JH. Atomic Structure and Dynamics of Self-Limiting Sub-Nanometer Pores in Monolayer WS. Acs Nano. PMID 30375855 DOI: 10.1021/Acsnano.8B07051  0.315
2018 Kidambi PR, Nguyen GD, Zhang S, Chen Q, Kong J, Warner J, Li AP, Karnik R. Facile Fabrication of Large-Area Atomically Thin Membranes by Direct Synthesis of Graphene with Nanoscale Porosity. Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.). e1804977. PMID 30368941 DOI: 10.1002/Adma.201804977  0.425
2018 Huang H, Xu W, Chen T, Chang RJ, Sheng Y, Zhang Q, Hou L, Warner JH. High-Performance Two-Dimensional Schottky Diodes Utilizing Chemical Vapour Deposition-Grown Graphene-MoS Heterojunctions. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. PMID 30346128 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b13507  0.441
2018 Sinha S, Sheng Y, Griffiths I, Young NP, Zhou S, Kirkland AI, Porfyrakis K, Warner JH. In Situ Atomic-Level Studies of Gd Atom Release and Migration on Graphene from a Metallofullerene Precursor. Acs Nano. PMID 30256088 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b06057  0.448
2018 Zhou S, Wang S, Shi Z, Sawada H, Kirkland AI, Li J, Warner JH. Atomically sharp interlayer stacking shifts at anti-phase grain boundaries in overlapping MoS secondary layers. Nanoscale. PMID 30155545 DOI: 10.1039/C8Nr04486D  0.313
2018 Wang S, Robertson A, Warner JH. Atomic structure of defects and dopants in 2D layered transition metal dichalcogenides. Chemical Society Reviews. PMID 29974919 DOI: 10.1039/c8cs00236c  0.419
2018 Zhou Y, Tan H, Sheng Y, Fan Y, Xu W, Warner JH. Utilizing Interlayer Excitons in Bilayer WS for Increased Photovoltaic Response in Ultrathin Graphene Vertical Cross-Bar Photodetecting Tunneling Transistors. Acs Nano. PMID 29671322 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.8b01263  0.367
2018 Chang RJ, Tan H, Wang X, Porter B, Chen T, Sheng Y, Zhou Y, Huang H, Bhaskaran H, Warner JH. High-Performance All 2D-Layered Tin Disulfide: Graphene Photodetecting Transistors with Thickness-Controlled Interface Dynamics. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. PMID 29630341 DOI: 10.1021/Acsami.8B01038  0.347
2018 Chen T, Zhou Y, Sheng Y, Wang X, Zhou S, Warner JH. Hydrogen-Assisted Growth of Large-Area Continuous Films of MoSon Monolayer Graphene. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. PMID 29446624 DOI: 10.1021/acsami.7b14860  0.463
2018 Xu W, Li S, Zhou S, Lee JK, Wang S, Sarwat SG, Wang X, Bhaskaran H, Pasta M, Warner JH. Large Dendritic Monolayer MoS2 Grown by Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition for Electrocatalysis. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. PMID 29360347 DOI: 10.1021/Acsami.7B14861  0.343
2017 Zhou S, Wang S, Li H, Xu W, Gong C, Grossman JC, Warner JH. Atomic Structure and Dynamics of Defects in 2D MoS Bilayers. Acs Omega. 2: 3315-3324. PMID 31457656 DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.7b00734  0.353
2017 Tan H, Xu W, Sheng Y, Lau CS, Fan Y, Chen Q, Tweedie M, Wang X, Zhou Y, Warner JH. Lateral Graphene-Contacted Vertically Stacked WS2 /MoS2 Hybrid Photodetectors with Large Gain. Advanced Materials (Deerfield Beach, Fla.). PMID 29044833 DOI: 10.1002/adma.201702917  0.382
2017 Gehring P, Harzheim A, Spiece J, Sheng Y, Rogers G, Evangeli C, Mishra A, Robinson BJ, Porfyrakis K, Warner JH, Kolosov OV, Briggs GAD, Mol JA. Field-effect control of Graphene-Fullerene thermoelectric nanodevices. Nano Letters. PMID 28982009 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Nanolett.7B03736  0.331
2017 Gong C, Lee S, Hong S, Yoon E, Lee GD, Warner JH. Point defects in turbostratic stacked bilayer graphene. Nanoscale. PMID 28884182 DOI: 10.1039/C7Nr03879H  0.49
2017 Chen LG, Warner J, Kirkland AI, Chen FR, Van Dyck D. Snapshot 3D Electron Imaging of Structural Dynamics. Scientific Reports. 7: 10839. PMID 28883400 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-10654-x  0.444
2017 Wang S, Sawada H, Allen CS, Kirkland AI, Warner JH. Orientation dependent interlayer stacking structure in bilayer MoS2 domains. Nanoscale. PMID 28837199 DOI: 10.1039/c7nr03198j  0.359
2017 Fan Y, Robertson AW, Zhou Y, Chen Q, Zhang X, Browning ND, Zheng H, Rummeli MH, Warner JH. Electrical Breakdown of Suspended Mono- and Few-Layer Tungsten Disulfide via Sulfur Depletion Identified by In-Situ Atomic Imaging. Acs Nano. PMID 28829575 DOI: 10.1021/Acsnano.7B05080  0.557
2017 Chen Q, Li H, Xu W, Wang S, Sawada H, Allen CS, Kirkland AI, Grossman JC, Warner JH. Atomically Flat Zigzag Edges in Monolayer MoS2 by Thermal Annealing. Nano Letters. PMID 28799770 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Nanolett.7B02192  0.319
2017 Wang S, Li H, Zhang J, Guo S, Xu W, Grossman JC, Warner JH. Epitaxial Templating of Two-Dimensional Metal Chloride Nanocrystals on Monolayer Molybdenum Disulfide. Acs Nano. PMID 28605178 DOI: 10.1021/Acsnano.7B02838  0.32
2017 Sarwat SG, Gehring P, Rodriguez Hernandez G, Warner JH, Briggs GAD, Mol JA, Bhaskaran H. Scaling Limits of Graphene Nanoelectrodes. Nano Letters. PMID 28481105 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Nanolett.7B00909  0.353
2017 Wang S, Li H, Sawada H, Allen CS, Kirkland AI, Grossman JC, Warner JH. Atomic structure and formation mechanism of sub-nanometer pores in 2D monolayer MoS2. Nanoscale. PMID 28463370 DOI: 10.1039/C7Nr01127J  0.302
2017 Gehring P, Sowa JK, Cremers J, Wu Q, Sadeghi H, Sheng Y, Warner JH, Lambert CJ, Briggs GAD, Mol JA. Distinguishing Lead and Molecule States in Graphene-Based Single-Electron Transistors. Acs Nano. PMID 28423272 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.7b00570  0.375
2017 Li H, Wang S, Sawada H, Han GG, Samuels T, Allen CS, Kirkland AI, Grossman JC, Warner JH. Atomic Structure and Dynamics of Single Platinum Atom Interactions with Monolayer MoS2. Acs Nano. PMID 28256826 DOI: 10.1021/Acsnano.7B00796  0.312
2017 Lee S, Kim D, Robertson AW, Yoon E, Hong S, Ihm J, Yu J, Warner JH, Lee GD. Graphene as a flexible template for controlling magnetic interactions between metal atoms. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter : An Institute of Physics Journal. 29: 085001. PMID 28081016 DOI: 10.1088/1361-648X/Aa5167  0.417
2016 Dave SH, Gong C, Robertson AW, Warner JH, Grossman JC. Correction to Chemistry and Structure of Graphene Oxide via Direct Imaging. Acs Nano. PMID 28026164 DOI: 10.1021/Acsnano.6B07705  0.384
2016 Fan Y, Robertson AW, Zhang X, Tweedie M, Zhou Y, Rummeli MH, Zheng H, Warner JH. Negative Electro-conductance in Suspended 2D WS2 Nanoscale Devices. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. 8: 32963-32970. PMID 27934195 DOI: 10.1021/Acsami.6B11480  0.47
2016 Robertson AW, Lin YC, Wang S, Sawada H, Allen CS, Chen Q, Lee S, Lee GD, Lee J, Han S, Yoon E, Kirkland AI, Kim H, Suenaga K, Warner JH. Atomic Structure and Spectroscopy of Single Metal (Cr, V) Substitutional Dopants in Monolayer MoS2. Acs Nano. 10: 10227-10236. PMID 27934090 DOI: 10.1021/Acsnano.6B05674  0.359
2016 Chen Q, He K, Robertson AW, Kirkland AI, Warner JH. Atomic Structure and Dynamics of Epitaxial 2D Crystalline Gold on Graphene at Elevated Temperatures. Acs Nano. 10: 10418-10427. PMID 27934079 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b06274  0.5
2016 Gong C, He K, Chen Q, Robertson AW, Warner JH. In Situ High Temperature Atomic Level Studies of Large Closed Grain Boundary Loops in Graphene. Acs Nano. PMID 27661200 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b04959  0.4
2016 Gong C, He K, Lee GD, Chen Q, Robertson AW, Yoon E, Hong S, Warner JH. In Situ Atomic Level Dynamics of Heterogeneous Nucleation and Growth of Graphene from Inorganic Nanoparticle Seeds. Acs Nano. PMID 27643716 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b04356  0.491
2016 Tan H, Fan Y, Zhou Y, Chen Q, Xu W, Warner JH. Ultrathin 2D Photodetectors Utilizing Chemical Vapor Deposition Grown WS2 With Graphene Electrodes. Acs Nano. PMID 27440384 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.6b03722  0.393
2016 Dave SH, Gong C, Robertson AW, Warner JH, Grossman JC. Chemistry and Structure of Graphene Oxide via Direct Imaging. Acs Nano. PMID 27397115 DOI: 10.1021/Acsnano.6B02391  0.474
2016 Gehring P, Sadeghi H, Sangtarash S, Lau CS, Liu J, Ardavan A, Warner JH, Lambert CJ, Briggs GA, Mol JA. Quantum interference in graphene nanoconstrictions. Nano Letters. PMID 27295198 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b01104  0.321
2016 Ta HQ, Bachmatiuk A, Warner JH, Zhao L, Sun Y, Zhao J, Gemming T, Trzebicka B, Liu Z, Pribat D, Rümmeli MH. Electron Driven Metal Oxide Effusion and Graphene Gasification at Room-Temperature. Acs Nano. PMID 27218864 DOI: 10.1021/Acsnano.6B02625  0.42
2016 Wang S, Lee GD, Lee S, Yoon E, Warner JH. Detailed Atomic Reconstruction of Extended Line Defects in Monolayer MoS2. Acs Nano. PMID 27159415 DOI: 10.1021/Acsnano.6B01673  0.307
2016 Pacios M, Hosseini P, Fan Y, He Z, Krause O, Hutchison J, Warner JH, Bhaskaran H. Direct manufacturing of ultrathin graphite on three-dimensional nanoscale features. Scientific Reports. 6: 22700. PMID 26939862 DOI: 10.1038/Srep22700  0.319
2016 Sheng Y, Xu W, Wang X, He Z, Rong Y, Warner JH. Mixed multilayered vertical heterostructures utilizing strained monolayer WS2. Nanoscale. PMID 26758782 DOI: 10.1039/c5nr06770g  0.392
2016 Tan H, Fan Y, Rong Y, Porter B, Lau CS, Zhou Y, He Z, Wang S, Bhaskaran H, Warner JH. Doping Graphene Transistors Using Vertical Stacked Monolayer WS2 Heterostructures Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces. PMID 26756350 DOI: 10.1021/Acsami.5B08295  0.486
2015 Lau CS, Sadeghi H, Rogers G, Sangtarash S, Dallas P, Porfyrakis K, Warner JH, Lambert CJ, Briggs GA, Mol J. Redox-dependent Franck-Condon blockade and avalanche transport in a graphene-fullerene single-molecule transistor. Nano Letters. PMID 26633125 DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b03434  0.358
2015 Chen Q, Robertson AW, He K, Gong C, Yoon E, Kirkland AI, Lee GD, Warner JH. Elongated Silicon-Carbon Bonds at Graphene Edges. Acs Nano. PMID 26619146 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b06050  0.402
2015 Robertson AW, Lee GD, He K, Gong C, Chen Q, Yoon E, Kirkland AI, Warner JH. Atomic Structure of Graphene Subnanometer Pores. Acs Nano. PMID 26524121 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b05700  0.432
2015 Gong C, Robertson AW, He K, Lee GD, Yoon E, Allen CS, Kirkland AI, Warner JH. Thermally Induced Dynamics of Dislocations in Graphene at Atomic Resolution. Acs Nano. PMID 26461042 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b05355  0.358
2015 Quang HT, Bachmatiuk A, Dianat A, Ortmann F, Zhao J, Warner JH, Eckert J, Cunniberti G, Rümmeli MH. In Situ Observations of Free-Standing Graphene-like Mono- and Bilayer ZnO Membranes. Acs Nano. PMID 26446371 DOI: 10.1021/Acsnano.5B05481  0.459
2015 Sheng Y, Rong Y, He Z, Fan Y, Warner JH. Uniformity of large-area bilayer graphene grown by chemical vapor deposition. Nanotechnology. 26: 395601. PMID 26349521 DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/26/39/395601  0.436
2015 Robertson AW, Lee GD, He K, Fan Y, Allen CS, Lee S, Kim H, Yoon E, Zheng H, Kirkland AI, Warner JH. Partial Dislocations in Graphene and Their Atomic Level Migration Dynamics. Nano Letters. PMID 26313338 DOI: 10.1021/Acs.Nanolett.5B02080  0.612
2015 Kim JS, Warner JH, Robertson AW, Kirkland AI. Formation of Klein Edge Doublets from Graphene Monolayers. Acs Nano. 9: 8916-22. PMID 26284501 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b02730  0.494
2015 Chen Q, Koh AL, Robertson AW, He K, Lee S, Yoon E, Lee GD, Sinclair R, Warner JH. Rotating Anisotropic Crystalline Silicon Nanoclusters in Graphene. Acs Nano. PMID 26207802 DOI: 10.1021/Acsnano.5B03476  0.443
2015 Chen Q, Robertson AW, He K, Gong C, Yoon E, Lee GD, Warner JH. Atomic Level Distributed Strain within Graphene Divacancies from Bond Rotations. Acs Nano. PMID 26204434 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b03801  0.404
2015 Mol JA, Lau CS, Lewis WJ, Sadeghi H, Roche C, Cnossen A, Warner JH, Lambert CJ, Anderson HL, Briggs GA. Graphene-porphyrin single-molecule transistors. Nanoscale. 7: 13181-5. PMID 26185952 DOI: 10.1039/C5Nr03294F  0.463
2015 He K, Robertson AW, Gong C, Allen CS, Xu Q, Zandbergen H, Grossman JC, Kirkland AI, Warner JH. Controlled formation of closed-edge nanopores in graphene. Nanoscale. PMID 26088477 DOI: 10.1039/C5Nr02277K  0.482
2015 Kim H, Robertson AW, Kim SO, Kim JM, Warner JH. Resilient High Catalytic Performance of Platinum Nanocatalysts with Porous Graphene Envelope. Acs Nano. 9: 5947-57. PMID 26027750 DOI: 10.1021/Acsnano.5B00678  0.333
2015 He K, Robertson AW, Fan Y, Allen CS, Lin YC, Suenaga K, Kirkland AI, Warner JH. Temperature dependence of the reconstruction of zigzag edges in graphene. Acs Nano. 9: 4786-95. PMID 25880335 DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.5b01130  0.381
2015 Sadeghi H, Mol JA, Lau CS, Briggs GA, Warner J, Lambert CJ. Conductance enlargement in picoscale electroburnt graphene nanojunctions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 112: 2658-63. PMID 25730863 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1418632112  0.392
2015 Gong C, He K, Robertson AW, Yoon E, Lee GD, Warner JH. Spatially dependent lattice deformations for dislocations at the edges of graphene. Acs Nano. 9: 656-62. PMID 25496495 DOI: 10.1021/nn505996c  0.446
2014 He K, Robertson AW, Lee S, Yoon E, Lee GD, Warner JH. Extended Klein edges in graphene. Acs Nano. 8: 12272-9. PMID 25533172 DOI: 10.1021/Nn504471M  0.497
2014 Rong Y, Warner JH. Wired up: interconnecting two-dimensional materials with one-dimensional atomic chains. Acs Nano. 8: 11907-12. PMID 25474120 DOI: 10.1021/nn5065524  0.334
2014 Warner JH, Lin YC, He K, Koshino M, Suenaga K. Stability and spectroscopy of single nitrogen dopants in graphene at elevated temperatures. Acs Nano. 8: 11806-15. PMID 25389658 DOI: 10.1021/nn5054798  0.46
2014 Lee GD, Yoon E, He K, Robertson AW, Warner JH. Detailed formation processes of stable dislocations in graphene. Nanoscale. 6: 14836-44. PMID 25361476 DOI: 10.1039/c4nr04718d  0.356
2014 Warner JH, Lin YC, He K, Koshino M, Suenaga K. Atomic level spatial variations of energy states along graphene edges. Nano Letters. 14: 6155-9. PMID 25340312 DOI: 10.1021/nl5023095  0.451
2014 Robertson AW, Lee GD, He K, Yoon E, Kirkland AI, Warner JH. The role of the bridging atom in stabilizing odd numbered graphene vacancies. Nano Letters. 14: 3972-80. PMID 24959991 DOI: 10.1021/nl501320a  0.391
2014 He Z, He K, Robertson AW, Kirkland AI, Kim D, Ihm J, Yoon E, Lee GD, Warner JH. Atomic structure and dynamics of metal dopant pairs in graphene. Nano Letters. 14: 3766-72. PMID 24945707 DOI: 10.1021/nl500682j  0.459
2014 Robertson AW, Lee GD, He K, Yoon E, Kirkland AI, Warner JH. Stability and dynamics of the tetravacancy in graphene. Nano Letters. 14: 1634-42. PMID 24588782 DOI: 10.1021/nl500119p  0.36
2014 Gong C, Robertson AW, He K, Ford C, Watt AA, Warner JH. Interactions of Pb and Te atoms with graphene. Dalton Transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003). 43: 7442-8. PMID 24554120 DOI: 10.1039/C4Dt00143E  0.51
2014 Robertson AW, He K, Kirkland AI, Warner JH. Inflating graphene with atomic scale blisters. Nano Letters. 14: 908-14. PMID 24422539 DOI: 10.1021/nl404266k  0.51
2014 He K, Lee GD, Robertson AW, Yoon E, Warner JH. Hydrogen-free graphene edges. Nature Communications. 5: 3040. PMID 24413607 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4040  0.44
2014 Mthunzi P, He K, Ngcobo S, Khanyile T, Warner JH. Graphene for improved femtosecond laser based pluripotent stem cell transfection. Journal of Biophotonics. 7: 351-62. PMID 23996967 DOI: 10.1002/jbio.201300028  0.324
2013 Warner JH, Lee GD, He K, Robertson AW, Yoon E, Kirkland AI. Bond length and charge density variations within extended arm chair defects in graphene. Acs Nano. 7: 9860-6. PMID 24148018 DOI: 10.1021/nn403517m  0.474
2013 Lim HE, Miyata Y, Kitaura R, Nishimura Y, Nishimoto Y, Irle S, Warner JH, Kataura H, Shinohara H. Growth of carbon nanotubes via twisted graphene nanoribbons. Nature Communications. 4: 2548. PMID 24091379 DOI: 10.1038/Ncomms3548  0.418
2013 Warner JH, Fan Y, Robertson AW, He K, Yoon E, Lee GD. Rippling graphene at the nanoscale through dislocation addition. Nano Letters. 13: 4937-44. PMID 24020902 DOI: 10.1021/nl402902q  0.531
2013 Warner JH, Liu Z, He K, Robertson AW, Suenaga K. Sensitivity of graphene edge states to surface adatom interactions. Nano Letters. 13: 4820-6. PMID 24010819 DOI: 10.1021/nl402514c  0.493
2013 Gong L, Young RJ, Kinloch IA, Haigh SJ, Warner JH, Hinks JA, Xu Z, Li L, Ding F, Riaz I, Jalil R, Novoselov KS. Reversible loss of Bernal stacking during the deformation of few-layer graphene in nanocomposites. Acs Nano. 7: 7287-94. PMID 23899378 DOI: 10.1021/nn402830f  0.445
2013 Robertson AW, Warner JH. Atomic resolution imaging of graphene by transmission electron microscopy. Nanoscale. 5: 4079-93. PMID 23595204 DOI: 10.1039/c3nr00934c  0.536
2013 Robertson AW, Montanari B, He K, Allen CS, Wu YA, Harrison NM, Kirkland AI, Warner JH. Structural reconstruction of the graphene monovacancy. Acs Nano. 7: 4495-502. PMID 23590499 DOI: 10.1021/nn401113r  0.564
2013 Robertson AW, Montanari B, He K, Kim J, Allen CS, Wu YA, Olivier J, Neethling J, Harrison N, Kirkland AI, Warner JH. Dynamics of single Fe atoms in graphene vacancies. Nano Letters. 13: 1468-75. PMID 23517297 DOI: 10.1021/nl304495v  0.597
2012 Robertson AW, Allen CS, Wu YA, He K, Olivier J, Neethling J, Kirkland AI, Warner JH. Spatial control of defect creation in graphene at the nanoscale. Nature Communications. 3: 1144. PMID 23093181 DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2141  0.622
2012 Warner JH, Margine ER, Mukai M, Robertson AW, Giustino F, Kirkland AI. Dislocation-driven deformations in graphene. Science (New York, N.Y.). 337: 209-12. PMID 22798609 DOI: 10.1126/Science.1217529  0.434
2012 Warner JH, Mukai M, Kirkland AI. Atomic structure of ABC rhombohedral stacked trilayer graphene. Acs Nano. 6: 5680-6. PMID 22663163 DOI: 10.1021/nn3017926  0.517
2012 Wu YA, Fan Y, Speller S, Creeth GL, Sadowski JT, He K, Robertson AW, Allen CS, Warner JH. Large single crystals of graphene on melted copper using chemical vapor deposition. Acs Nano. 6: 5010-7. PMID 22617012 DOI: 10.1021/nn3016629  0.608
2012 Cao H, Wu X, Yin G, Warner JH. Synthesis of adenine-modified reduced graphene oxide nanosheets. Inorganic Chemistry. 51: 2954-60. PMID 22356685 DOI: 10.1021/ic2022402  0.44
2011 Robertson AW, Bachmatiuk A, Wu YA, Schäffel F, Büchner B, Rümmeli MH, Warner JH. Structural distortions in few-layer graphene creases. Acs Nano. 5: 9984-91. PMID 22122696 DOI: 10.1021/Nn203763R  0.642
2011 Schäffel F, Wilson M, Warner JH. Motion of light adatoms and molecules on the surface of few-layer graphene. Acs Nano. 5: 9428-41. PMID 22087879 DOI: 10.1021/Nn2036494  0.422
2011 Robertson AW, Bachmatiuk A, Wu YA, Schäffel F, Rellinghaus B, Büchner B, Rümmeli MH, Warner JH. Atomic structure of interconnected few-layer graphene domains. Acs Nano. 5: 6610-8. PMID 21819033 DOI: 10.1021/Nn202051G  0.614
2011 Wu YA, Kirkland AI, Schäffel F, Porfyrakis K, Young NP, Briggs GA, Warner JH. Utilizing boron nitride sheets as thin supports for high resolution imaging of nanocrystals. Nanotechnology. 22: 195603. PMID 21430323 DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/22/19/195603  0.633
2011 Schäffel F, Wilson M, Bachmatiuk A, Rümmeli MH, Queitsch U, Rellinghaus B, Briggs GA, Warner JH. Atomic resolution imaging of the edges of catalytically etched suspended few-layer graphene. Acs Nano. 5: 1975-83. PMID 21344881 DOI: 10.1021/Nn103035Y  0.491
2011 Robertson AW, Warner JH. Hexagonal single crystal domains of few-layer graphene on copper foils. Nano Letters. 11: 1182-9. PMID 21322599 DOI: 10.1021/nl104142k  0.442
2011 Warner JH, Plant SR, Young NP, Porfyrakis K, Kirkland AI, Briggs GA. Atomic scale growth dynamics of nanocrystals within carbon nanotubes. Acs Nano. 5: 1410-7. PMID 21268597 DOI: 10.1021/nn1031802  0.319
2011 Luo J, Tian P, Pan CT, Robertson AW, Warner JH, Hill EW, Briggs GA. Ultralow secondary electron emission of graphene. Acs Nano. 5: 1047-55. PMID 21261253 DOI: 10.1021/nn102579f  0.431
2010 Zaka M, Ito Y, Wang H, Yan W, Robertson A, Wu YA, Rümmeli MH, Staunton D, Hashimoto T, Morton JJ, Ardavan A, Briggs GA, Warner JH. Electron paramagnetic resonance investigation of purified catalyst-free single-walled carbon nanotubes. Acs Nano. 4: 7708-16. PMID 21082779 DOI: 10.1021/nn102602a  0.433
2010 Warner JH, Rümmeli MH, Bachmatiuk A, Büchner B. Examining the stability of folded graphene edges against electron beam induced sputtering with atomic resolution. Nanotechnology. 21: 325702. PMID 20639589 DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/21/32/325702  0.515
2010 Rümmeli MH, Bachmatiuk A, Scott A, Börrnert F, Warner JH, Hoffman V, Lin JH, Cuniberti G, Büchner B. Direct low-temperature nanographene CVD synthesis over a dielectric insulator. Acs Nano. 4: 4206-10. PMID 20586480 DOI: 10.1021/Nn100971S  0.358
2010 Warner JH. The influence of the number of graphene layers on the atomic resolution images obtained from aberration-corrected high resolution transmission electron microscopy. Nanotechnology. 21: 255707. PMID 20516582 DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/21/25/255707  0.475
2010 Warner JH, Rümmeli MH, Bachmatiuk A, Büchner B. Atomic resolution imaging and topography of boron nitride sheets produced by chemical exfoliation. Acs Nano. 4: 1299-304. PMID 20148574 DOI: 10.1021/Nn901648Q  0.39
2010 Warner JH, Rümmeli MH, Bachmatiuk A, Wilson M, Büchner B. Examining co-based nanocrystals on graphene using low-voltage aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy. Acs Nano. 4: 470-6. PMID 20020749 DOI: 10.1021/Nn901371K  0.522
2009 Warner JH, Rümmeli MH, Ge L, Gemming T, Montanari B, Harrison NM, Büchner B, Briggs GA. Structural transformations in graphene studied with high spatial and temporal resolution. Nature Nanotechnology. 4: 500-4. PMID 19662011 DOI: 10.1038/Nnano.2009.194  0.538
2009 Warner JH, Rümmeli MH, Gemming T, Büchner B, Briggs GA. Direct imaging of rotational stacking faults in few layer graphene. Nano Letters. 9: 102-6. PMID 19072722 DOI: 10.1021/Nl8025949  0.496
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