McGill University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Ramadan E. AbdolgaderFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Molecular Biology2000 Inteaz Alli (grad student)
Bassel G. AkacheMolecular Biology2004 Bernard Turcotte (grad student)
Suhad AliMolecular Biology
Samir AliMolecular Biology2003 Suhad Ali (grad student)
Inteaz AlliFood Science and Technology Agriculture, Molecular Biology
Raquel AloyzOncology, Molecular Biology
Omar AlqawiOncology, Pharmacology2004 Elias Georges (grad student)
Jack P. AntelImmunology, Pathology, Cell Biology
Gerald BatistOncology, Molecular Biology
Robin BeechMolecular Biology
Ines Ben Rejeb Plant Science2019 Suha H. Jabaji-Hare (post-doc)
John JM BergeronCell secretion, protein glycosylation
Nicholas R. BertosMolecular Biology2004 R S. Dhindsa (grad student)
Suparna S. BhallaMolecular Biology2000 Mona Nemer (grad student)
Corbin Black Anatomy and Cell Biology20182023 Khanh Huy Bui (grad student)
Julia M. Brain-HolcombMedicine and Surgery, Oncology, Molecular Biology2001 Pierre Laneuville (grad student)
Peter E. BraunCell Biology, Molecular Biology
Gary J BrouhardCytoskeletal Morphology
Khanh Huy BuiStructural biology, cilia
Thomas E. BuyeauMolecular Biology
Benoit CadieuxMolecular Biology2004 Hugh P. J. Bennett (grad student)
Michelle CarrollPharmacology Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics2012 Bernard Robaire (grad student)
George D. CarystinosPharmacology, Oncology2001 Gerald Batist (grad student)
Nadia CervoniMolecular Biology2002 Moshe Szyf (grad student)
Zhoutao ChenGenetics, Animal Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Pathology2001 Rima Rozen (grad student)
Mario ChevretteGenetics, Cell Biology, Oncology
Jasmine Chong20112013 Adrian Reyes Prieto (research assistant)
Pota ChristodoulopoulosMolecular Biology, Immunology2003 Outayba Hamid (grad student)
Angel O. ChuAnimal Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology2003 Ursula Stochaj (grad student)
Khoi ChuMolecular Biology, Medicine and Surgery2000 Hans H. Zingg (grad student)
Hugh ClarkeCell Biology
Christopher M. CrottyPlant Physiology, Cell Biology2002 Ronald J. Poole (grad student)
Lilia D'Souza-LiMedicine and Surgery, Molecular Biology2000 Geoffrey N. Hendy (grad student)
Alina M. DabaMolecular Biology, Physiology Biology Experimental Medicine2012 Kostas Pantopoulos (grad student)
Roni N. DaoudPharmacology, Molecular Biology, Oncology2000 Elias Georges (grad student)
Marie Deault-BoninMolecular Biology2004 Mario Chevrette (grad student)
Ron A. DeckelbaumAnimal Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology2003 A C. Karaplis (grad student)
R S. DhindsaMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Plant Physiology
Rajinder S. DhindsaMolecular Biology
Sherri DudalImmunology, Pathology, Molecular Biology2003 Francine Gervais (grad student)
Riaz FarookhiCell Biology, Oncology, Molecular Biology
Martin FilionMolecular Biology2003 Suha H. Jabaji-Hare (grad student)
Ximena Florez Plant Science20182020 Suha H. Jabaji-Hare (grad student)
Sean G. ForresterMolecular Biology2003 Robin Beech (grad student)
Nasser Fotouhi-ArdakaniGenetics, Molecular Biology, Oncology2001 Gerald Batist (grad student)
Tanya M. FournierSignal Transduction2001 Morag Park (grad student)
Claude GagnonCell Biology
Elias GeorgesPharmacology, Molecular Biology, Oncology
Francine GervaisImmunology, Pathology, Molecular Biology
Vincent GiguereMolecular Biology
David GoltzmanAnimal Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology
Paul GoodyerMolecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
Barbara GouldMolecular Biology2004 Hans H. Zingg (grad student)
Brigitte N. GouletCell Biology, Oncology2004 Alain Nepveu (grad student)
Ghiabe H. GuibingaCell Biology, Pathology2001 B J. Petrof (grad student)
Yongjing GuoMolecular Biology, Oncology2002 Shafaat A. Rabbani (grad student)
Jennifer N. Gushue2003 John JM Bergeron (grad student)
Barbara F. HalesPharmacology, Toxicology, Molecular Biology
Outayba HamidMolecular Biology, Immunology
Wafa A. HarroukPharmacology2000 Barbara F. Hales (grad student)
Geoffrey N. HendyMedicine and Surgery, Molecular Biology
Louis Hermo
Abdel N. HoseinPharmacology, Oncology, Pathology Pharmacology and Therapeutics2012 Gerald Batist (grad student)
Ehud Y. IsacoffChannel Physiology1988 Richard Irwin Birks (grad student)
Hugh P. J. BennettMolecular Biology
Suha H. Jabaji-HareMolecular Biology
Mohammad Jalalalirad2013 Michael Laughrea (grad student)
Bertrand Jean-ClaudeOncology, Cell Biology
Kathryn JervisMolecular Biology2004 Bernard Robaire (grad student)
Michael Julius
Jafar Kafaie2009 Michael Laughrea (grad student)
A C. KaraplisCell Biology, Molecular Biology
Andrew C. KaraplisAnimal Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology
Lawrence KazakMitochondria, thermogenesis, adipocyte biology
Sem KebacheMolecular Biology2003 Louise Larose (grad student)
Ahmad Khalifa Anatomy and Cell Biology20182020 Khanh Huy Bui (grad student)
Ahmad KhorchidMolecular Biology2003 Lawrence Kleiman (grad student)
Hanane KhourySignal Transduction2004 Morag Park (grad student)
Malcolm King Chemistry19681973 Adi Eisenberg (grad student)
Lawrence KleimanMolecular Biology
Justin M. Kollmancytoskeleton
Richard KremerMolecular Biology, Oncology
David Labbé Myles Brown (post-doc)
Nathalie Lamarche-VaneCell Biology
Luigi LamorteSignal Transduction2003 Morag Park (grad student)
Pierre LaneuvilleMedicine and Surgery, Oncology, Molecular Biology
D LanglebenPathology, Animal Physiology Biology, Cell Biology
Louise LaroseMolecular Biology
Michael LaughreaMolecular Biology, Pathology
Chung-Hae LeeMolecular Biology2001 Teruko Taketo (grad student)
Linda LefievreCell Biology2002 Claude Gagnon (grad student)
Nathan LiangPlant Science, Microbiology, Mutational Signatures, Phylogenetics, Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics Plant Science20192021 Suha H. Jabaji-Hare (grad student)
Haijiang LinMolecular Biology2000 Simon Wing (grad student)
Jun-Li LiuMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Pathology
Lisa S. LockSignal Transduction2003 Morag Park (grad student)
Yuhong LuCell Biology2004 Michael Pollak (grad student)
Naomi H. MachellCell Biology, Molecular Biology2003 Riaz Farookhi (grad student)
Mohannad Mahmoud Plant Science2019 Suha H. Jabaji-Hare (grad student)
Emily N. MandersonGenetics, Molecular Biology, Oncology2004 P N. Tonin (grad student)
Stephanie L. MathesonOncology, Cell Biology2003 Bertrand Jean-Claude (grad student)
Serge McGrawEpigenetics, DNA Methylation, Early Embryo Development, Epigenetic Dysregulation, Prenatal Exposure Human Genetics2014 Jacquetta Trasler (post-doc)
David W. McLayCell Biology2002 Hugh Clarke (grad student)
Sarkis MeterissianCell Biology, Oncology, Molecular Biology
Wilson H. MillerCell Biology
Marcelo B. MolentoPharmacology2000 Roger Prichard (grad student)
Nam S. MoonMolecular Biology2002 Alain Nepveu (grad student)
Anna-Nectaria MoraitisMolecular Biology2003 Vincent Giguere (grad student)
Walter E. MushynskiBiochemistry, Neurofilaments
Makoto NaganoCell Biology, Molecular Biology
Stanley NattelAnimal Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology
Mona NemerMolecular Biology
Alain NepveuCell Biology, Oncology
Annete I. NjueMolecular Biology, Animal Pathology Agriculture2004 Roger Prichard (grad student)
Ryan C. O'NeillCell Biology, Molecular Biology2002 Peter E. Braun (grad student)
Rose W. OughtredMolecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2000 Simon Wing (grad student)
Alexander F. PalazzoCell Biology, mRNA, Secretion19951997 Morag Park (research assistant)
Kostas PantopoulosMolecular Biology, Physiology Biology
Christine A. ParachoniakSignal Transduction Biochemistry2012 Morag Park (grad student)
William Paranchych Chemistry1961 Juda Hirsch Quastel (grad student)
Steven ParaskevasCell Biology, Medicine and Surgery2004 Lawrence Rosenberg (grad student)
Morag ParkSignal Transduction
Christopher E. PearsonGenetics, Molecular Biology Biochemistry Maria Zannis-Hadjopoulos (grad student)
Nadine PelletierMolecular Biology2004 Xiang-Jiao Yang (grad student)
B J. PetrofCell Biology, Pathology
Julie PilotteCell Biology2004 Stephane Richard (grad student)
Michael PollakCell Biology
Prem PonkaCell Biology
Ronald J. PoolePlant Physiology, Cell Biology
Roger PrichardMolecular Biology, Animal Pathology Agriculture
Shafaat A. RabbaniMolecular Biology, Oncology
Richard Rachubinski Peroxisomes John JM Bergeron (grad student)
Shyam RamchandaniPharmacology, Oncology2000 Moshe Szyf (grad student)
Stephane RichardCell Biology
Bernard RobaireMolecular Biology
Lawrence RosenbergCell Biology, Medicine and Surgery
Tracey M. RowlandsCell Biology, Oncology, Molecular Biology2001 Riaz Farookhi (grad student)
Isabelle Royal Morag Park (post-doc)
Rima RozenGenetics, Animal Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Pathology
Yves SabbaghGenetics, Molecular Biology2002 Harriet S. Tenenhouse (grad student)
Michael Sachermembrane traffic Walter E. Mushynski (grad student)
M R. SairamMolecular Biology
Reza SalavatiBioinformatics Biology, Parasitology Biology, Molecular Biology
Dina Saleh Plant Science20162020 Suha H. Jabaji-Hare (grad student)
Veena SangwanMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Plant Physiology2001 R S. Dhindsa (grad student)
Caroline SaucierMet oncogene Morag Park (grad student)
Martin Sauvageau
Rafick-Pierre SekalyImmunology, Cell Biology
Meha Sharma Plant Science2017 Suha H. Jabaji-Hare (grad student)
Hamed Shateri NajafabadiBioinformatics Biology, Parasitology Biology, Molecular Biology Institute of Parasitology2012 Reza Salavati (grad student)
Shi-Hsiang ShenMolecular Biology
Ni ShenMolecular Biology, Pathology2003 Michael Laughrea (grad student)
Andrew D. SlackPharmacology, Oncology, Molecular Biology2001 Moshe Szyf (grad student)
Cynthia R. SolomonMolecular Biology, Oncology2000 Richard Kremer (grad student)
Rujun Song2008 Michael Laughrea (grad student)
Clifford StannersCell Biology, Oncology
Ursula StochajAnimal Physiology Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology
Moshe SzyfPharmacology, Oncology, Molecular Biology
Teruko TaketoMolecular Biology
Sean C. Taylor2003 John JM Bergeron (grad student)
Jean I. TchervenkovMedicine and Surgery, Cell Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
A. J. TectorMedicine and Surgery, Cell Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2003 Jean I. Tchervenkov (grad student)
Harriet S. TenenhouseGenetics, Molecular Biology
P N. ToninGenetics, Molecular Biology, Oncology
Elena TorbanMolecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2000 Paul Goodyer (grad student)
Bernard TurcotteMolecular Biology
Silvia VidalMolecular Biology, Immunology
Robert K. VinsonPharmacology, Toxicology, Molecular Biology2002 Barbara F. Hales (grad student)
Jia-Chi WangGenetics, Cell Biology, Oncology2003 Mario Chevrette (grad student)
P. M. WeerapuraPharmacology2002 Stanley Nattel (grad student)
Edward Nesbitt WilsonAlzheimer's disease, Psychology20102016 Yogita Chudasama (collaborator)
Simon WingMolecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
Hetty N. Wong2000 John JM Bergeron (grad student)
Liangtang WuMolecular Biology2003 Shi-Hsiang Shen (grad student)
Weirong XingMolecular Biology2002 M R. Sairam (grad student)
Xiaoquan J. XiongMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Pathology Department of Medicine2011 Jun-Li Liu (grad student)
Xiang-Jio YangMolecular Biology
Xiang-Jiao YangMolecular Biology
Shun Kai Yang Anatomy and Cell Biology20152022 Khanh Huy Bui (grad student)
Faustinus K. YeboahFood Science and Technology Agriculture2000 Inteaz Alli (grad student)
Jonathan R. YehCell Biology, Molecular Biology Department of Medicine2012 Makoto Nagano (grad student)
Zhihui YuMolecular Biology2004 Thomas E. Buyeau (grad student)
Yuchen ZhengIBD, lipid signaling, triple negative breast cancer
Hans H. ZinggMolecular Biology, Medicine and Surgery