Rockefeller University

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Naama Aviram Maya Schuldiner (grad student), Luciano A. Marraffini (post-doc)
David BaltimoreVirology, Oncogenes, Immunology, Gene Regulation19611964 Richard Franklin (grad student)
Helen S. BateupMolecular mechanisms of synapse and circuit plasticity20022007 Paul Greengard (grad student)
Roland Beckmann19952000 Günter Blobel (post-doc)
John JM BergeronCell secretion, protein glycosylation George E. Palade (post-doc)
Bruce Alan Beutlerinnate immunity Anthony Cerami (post-doc)
Günter BlobelIntracellular Protein Traffic19701972 George E. Palade (post-doc), David D. Sabatini (collaborator)
Thierry BoonImmunology, Cancer Norton D. Zinder (grad student)
Jan BreslowMolecular Biology, Cell Biology
Stephen G. BrohawnMolecular basis of sensory transduction and cellular electrical signaling2010 Roderick MacKinnon (post-doc)
Steven J. BurakoffMolecular Biology, Immunology1973 Henry G. Kunkel (post-doc)
Anthony Cerami
Emmanuelle Marie CharpentierInfection Biology19961997 Elaine Tuomanen (post-doc)
Zhen ChenBiophysics20122018 Tarun Kapoor (grad student)
Ping Chitranscriptional regulation by oncogenic factors2001 Paul Greengard (grad student)
Yuh Min ChookNuclear Transport19962001 Günter Blobel (post-doc)
Aleksey chudnosvkiyi Miriam Merad (grad student)
Wendy K Chung Rudolph Leibel (grad student)
Cheng-Ming ChuongHuman Development, Cell Biology Developmental and Molecular Biology1983 Gerald Maurice Edelman (grad student)
C. Graham Clark19831989 George A. M. Cross (grad student)
Albert Claude James Murphy (post-doc)
Zanvil A. Cohn René Dubos (research scientist), James G. Hirsch (collaborator)
Ileana CristeaMolecular Biology Brian T. Chait (post-doc)
Frederick Cross
George A. M. CrossMolecular Parasitology
Tshaka J. CunninghamMolecular Biology, Immunology2005 Mark A. Muesing (grad student)
Laura Isabelle Davismolecular genetics1987 Günter Blobel (grad student)
Alexandra M. Deaconescubiochemistry, x-ray crystallography, TEM Stephen K. Burley (research assistant)
Eva Derman
Cordula EnenkelProteosome Günter Blobel (post-doc)
Luisa M Figueiredo George A. M. Cross (grad student)
beatriz fontoura cell biology Günter Blobel (post-doc)
Richard FranklinVirology Virology Igor Tamm (research scientist)
Elaine Fuchs
Hironori Funabiki
Larry GeraceNuclear Pore, Nuclear Lamina Günter Blobel (grad student)
Reid GilmoreSecretion19801983 Günter Blobel (post-doc)
Noel L GoddardPhotonics, Biophysics, Evolutionary Biology, Microbiology19992004 Joshua Lederberg (grad student), Albert J. Libchaber (grad student)
Larry Goldbacteriophage T419671969 Fritz Albert Lipmann (post-doc)
Shuba Gopal2003 George A. M. Cross (grad student)
Paul Greengardneurological and psychiatric disorders, neuro- and psychoactive drugs
Arthur R. GrossmanPlant Physiology, Molecular Biology19781982 Nam-Hai Chua (post-doc)
Kasturi HaldarPathogenesis of Neurological and Infectious Diseases19841988 George A. M. Cross (post-doc)
John William Baker Hershey1963 D. Wayne Woolley (grad student)
Maarten Hoek2001 George A. M. Cross (grad student)
George HogeboomSubcellular fractionation. Albert Claude (post-doc)
Ann L. HubbardTrafficking Mechanisms of Copper-ATPases in Polarized Epithelial Cells1973 Zanvil A. Cohn (grad student)
James D. JamiesonGolgi, pancreatic cells, cytoskeleton1966 George E. Palade (grad student)
Martin Kampmann20032009 Günter Blobel (grad student)
Tarun KapoorCytoskeleton, Cell cycle
Alexander E. KellyCell Cycle, Chromosome Biology2012 Hironori Funabiki (post-doc)
Megan KingInner Nuclear Membrane Proteins Günter Blobel (post-doc)
Gert KreibichEndoplasmic reticulum, ribophorins George E. Palade (post-doc)
Paul B. LazarowPeroxisomes Christian René De Duve (grad student)
Sondra G. LazarowitzBotany Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry1975 Purnell W. Choppin (grad student)
Rudolph Leibel
Daniel Lew James E. Darnell (grad student)
Albert J. Libchabernonlinear dynamics, Fluid turbulence, Biophysics, artificial life, the origin of life, and some physical aspects of cell biology
Tomas Robert LindahlDNA Repair, Genomic Stability, Mutagenesis, Gerald Maurice Edelman (post-doc)
Vishwanath Rao Lingappasecretory pathway, cell biology, prions, cell-free systems, protein assembly, drug discovery19751979 Günter Blobel (grad student)
Harvey F. LodishCell biology, hematology, endocrinology19621966 Norton D. Zinder (grad student)
Ying LuUbiquitin-mediated protein degradation20042010 Frederick Cross (grad student)
David J. L. Luckmitochondrial DNA1962 George E. Palade (grad student)
Patrick LuskInner Nuclear Membrane Proteins, NPC assembly Günter Blobel (post-doc)
Michael Matunis Günter Blobel (post-doc)
Satyajit Mayor George A. M. Cross (post-doc)
Ira MellmanMembrane transport in cells Ralph M. Steinman (post-doc), Zanvil A. Cohn (post-doc)
Leonard Eugene Mindich1962 Rollin Hotchkiss (grad student)
Nawin C. MishraGenetics, Molecular Biology19671973 Edward Tatum (post-doc)
Alvaro MonteiroMolecular Biology19941998 Hidesaburo Hanafusa (post-doc)
Mary Shannon MooreNone19901994 Günter Blobel (post-doc)
Mark A. MuesingMolecular Biology, Immunology
Miklós MüllerStudy of amitochondriate protozoa. Christian René De Duve (post-doc)
Jorge L. Munoz Jordan2001 George A. M. Cross (grad student)
Katsuhiko MurakamiMicrobiology Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology, Structural Biology19982003 Seth A. Darst (post-doc)
James MurphyCancer Francis Peyton Rous (post-doc)
Christopher NicchittaSecretion, mRNA-ER association Günter Blobel (post-doc)
Paul Nursecell cycle and cell morphogenesis controls operative in eukaryotic cells
Yoshinori Ohsumi19741977 Gerald Maurice Edelman (post-doc)
Donald E. Olins immunology19611964 Gerald Maurice Edelman (grad student)
George E. PaladeEM studies of ntracellular organization
Emily J. Park20172019 Paul Greengard (research assistant)
David PellmanCell Cycle1986 Hidesaburo Hanafusa (grad student)
George Pieczenik19721975 Norton D. Zinder (post-doc), Rollin Hotchkiss (post-doc)
Lorenz Poellinger Robert G. Roeder (post-doc)
Daniel PortnoyMolecular and cellular basis of microbial pathogenesis19831986 Zanvil A. Cohn (post-doc)
Richard Rachubinski Peroxisomes Paul B. Lazarow (post-doc)
Robert G. RoederMolecular Biology
Michael P. RoutNuclear Pore19901997 Günter Blobel (post-doc)
David D. Sabatini19611966 Philip Siekevitz (grad student), George E. Palade (grad student)
Jan Schmoranzer Sanford M. Simon (grad student)
Walter Schneider Albert Claude (post-doc)
Thomas U. Schwartzcellular transport processes20002004 Günter Blobel (post-doc)
Pravin B. SehgalCell Biology, Molecular Biology1977 Igor Tamm (grad student)
Aaron ShatkinMolecular Biology Edward Tatum (grad student)
Dennis ShieldsCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Oncology Günter Blobel (post-doc)
Nicolai Siegel George A. M. Cross (grad student)
Philip SiekevitzMolecular biology of PSDs19541974 George E. Palade (collaborator), George E. Palade (research scientist)
Ruth A Singer Laboratory of Robert Darnell2019 Robert Darnell (post-doc)
Raymond E. SoccioMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2004 Jan Breslow (grad student)
Patricia Spearherpes simplex virus Gerald Maurice Edelman (post-doc)
Caterina Strambio De CastilliaCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Data Science Cell Biology Laboratory of Structural and Cellular Biology19982005 Günter Blobel (grad student), Michael P. Rout (post-doc)
Tudorita Tumbar Elaine Fuchs (post-doc)
Francis ValiyaveetilIon conduction and gating in K+ channels20002005 Thomas W. Muir (post-doc)
Linda L. WallingBotany Biology, Molecular Biology19801981 James E. Darnell (post-doc)
G Greg Wangstem cells, cancer, epigenetics C. David Allis (post-doc)
Martin Gerard (Gerry) Waters1988 Günter Blobel (grad student)
Susan R. WenteNuclear Pore Günter Blobel (post-doc)
Howard J WormanLamins, Inner nuclear membrane proteins Günter Blobel (post-doc)
Zhuo ( XiaoGenetics, Molecular Biology C. David Allis (post-doc)
Charles (Chiwei) Xustem cell, sensory biology, tissue homeostasis
Yihao Yang Elaine Fuchs (grad student)
Shaopeng YuanCell Biology, Stem Cell, Cancer Signaling, Molecular Biology, Rheology, Epithelial Cell Biology, Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis, Squamous Cell Carcinoma20152022 Elaine Fuchs (grad student)
Jie J Zhengprotein eye