University of California, Berkeley

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Dany Spencer AdamsBioelectricity, morphogenesis, cancer, regeneration Zoology Zoology Raymond Keller (grad student), M.A.R. Koehl (grad student)
Sharif U. AhmedBiologic, Cell and Gene Therapy Manufacturing Molecular & Cell Biology20002003 Randy W. Schekman (post-doc)
Basem Al-ShayebBacteriophages, Viruses, CRISPR-CAS, mobile elements, genome editing, astrobiology2018 Jennifer A. Doudna (grad student), Jillian F. Banfield (grad student)
Tom AlberBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology
Sharon L. AmacherGenetics
Giovanna Ferro-Luzzi Ames
Rupesh H. AminImmunology, Bioinformatics Biology2007 Mark S. Schlissel (grad student)
Nancy K. AmyMolecular Biology
Veronica G. AnaniaMolecular mechanisms of immune evasion in viral infection Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Laurent Coscoy (grad student)
Charles T. AndersonPlant biology EBI20092013 Christopher R. Somerville (post-doc)
Angela D. ArmendarizNutrition, Molecular Biology2004 Christopher Vulpe (grad student)
Nicholas ArpaiaInnate immune system Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Greg Barton (grad student)
Victoria AuerbuchMolecular and cellular basis of microbial pathogenesis2002 Daniel Portnoy (grad student)
Joshua E. BabiarzGenetics, Genomics and Development2007 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Christina E. BaerGeneral Biophysics, Biochemistry, Microbiology Biology Biophysics2010 Tom Alber (grad student)
Sean M. BakerMolecular Biology, Genetics
Christopher Arthur Baker Infectious Diseases and Immunity Infectious Diseases and Immunity2013 Laurent Coscoy (grad student), Joseph Mike McCune (grad student)
Sonia BakkourB cell gene regulation and fate determination2007 William Sha (grad student)
Raz Bar-ZivAging, transcription, stress
Roman BarbalatInnate immune system Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Greg Barton (grad student)
Nicola C. BarberChromosome organization and dynamics during meiosis Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Abby Dernburg (grad student)
Mary H. Barcellos-HoffGeneral Biology, Endocrinology Biology, Molecular Biology, Oncology
Georjana BarnesGenetics, Genomics and Development1986 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Greg BartonInnate immune system
Sulochanadevi BaskaranMolecular Biology, Biochemistry MCP20132016 James Herschel Hurley (post-doc)
Hank W. BassCell biology, genetics, plant biology, meiosis, chromosomes, chromatin, cytogenetics Cell and Developmental Biology19921997 William Zacheus Cande (post-doc)
Helen S. BateupMolecular mechanisms of synapse and circuit plasticity
Robert BeattyInfectious disease immunology
Philip W. BecraftMolecular Biology, Cell Biology1992 Michael Freeling (grad student)
Jennifer J. BehMolecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology2008 Mike Levine (grad student)
Mark K Bennett
Rebecca L. BerdeauxCell biology2003 G. Steven Martin (grad student)
Leslie Joan BergImmunology and Virology1986 Michael R. Botchan (grad student)
Zane J. Bergman Molecular and Cell Biology2015 David G. Drubin (research scientist)
Veysel BerkMolecular Basis for Protein Synthesis by the Ribosome2007 Jamie H.D. Cate (grad student)
Hersh K BhargavaCell engineering, biophysics, Molecular and Cell Biology20152019 James Herschel Hurley (research assistant)
Deepta BhattacharyaB cell gene regulation and fate determination2001 William Sha (grad student)
Qian Bian
David BilderGenetics of cell and tissue architecture
Leonard F. BjeldanesFood toxicology; chemical carcinogenesis
Ida Bjoerkgren Molecular and Cell Biology2015 Polina V. Lishko (post-doc)
Phyllis B. BlairCancer biology, genetics, immunology1958 Kenneth B. DeOme (grad student)
Victoria Blake
Michael D. BlowerMolecular Biology, Cell Biology Karsten Weis (post-doc)
Eliana Bondra
Glen M. BorchertMicroRNAs, Transposable Elements & Genomics20072008 Jennifer A. Doudna (post-doc)
Gloria BrarRegulation of meiotic translation, the roles of pervasive short translation products, and the co-option of stress responses for cellular differentiation through meiosis
Rachel Brem20002005 Leonid Kruglyak (post-doc)
Hans Bremer19621965 Gunther S. Stent (post-doc)
Steven E. BrennerComputational Genomics
Aaron S. BrewsterMolecular Biology2013 Jennifer A. Doudna (post-doc)
Jeffrey BrodskySecretory protein folding Randy W. Schekman (post-doc)
Stephen G. BrohawnMolecular basis of sensory transduction and cellular electrical signaling
Molly E Brothers MCB2018 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Jerram Brown1960 Frank A. Pitelka (grad student)
Barry Douglas Bruceplant cell biology Plant Biology19841989 Richard (Dick) Malkin (grad student)
Joseph BryanCell Biology Daniel Mazia (post-doc)
Priya P. BuddeMitotic spindle assembly and function in Xenopus laevis2002 Rebecca Heald (grad student)
Carlos José Bustamantestructural characterization of nucleo-protein assemblies1980 Ignacio Tinoco (grad student), Nicholas R. Cozzarelli (collaborator)
Emily J. CaderaImmunology2008 Mark S. Schlissel (grad student)
Ken H. CadwellMolecular mechanisms of immune evasion in viral infection2006 Laurent Coscoy (grad student)
Kenneth G. CampelloneCytoskeletal control of membrane remodeling in healthy, aging, and disease Molecular and Cell Biology Matt Welch (post-doc)
Judith CampisiCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Microbiology Biology, Oncology
Peter M. CarltonCell Biology, Molecular Biology2001 William Zacheus Cande (grad student)
James Carlyle19992003 David H. Raulet (post-doc)
Susheela Y. CarrollActin, membrane trafficking Molecular & Cell Biology2010 David G. Drubin (grad student)
Jamie H.D. CateMolecular Basis for Protein Synthesis by the Ribosome
Alexandra CavazosBiochemistry, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology Molecular & Cell Biology2012 Tom Alber (grad student)
Lee H. ChaeMolecular Biology, Bioinformatics Biology2008 Sheng Luan (grad student)
Srinivas ChakravarthyBiochemistry, Molecular Biology20062009 Jennifer A. Doudna (post-doc)
Xiaofei ChangNutrition2005 Leonard F. Bjeldanes (grad student)
Lily Y. ChaoGenetics, Genomics and Development2008 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Iain M. Cheesemankinetochore composition, structure, organization, regulation2002 David G. Drubin (grad student), Georjana Barnes (grad student)
Keling ChenMechanisms of immunesurveillance Molecular & Cell Biology2013 Nilabh Shastri (grad student)
Venice C. ChiuehCell biology Molecular & Cell Biology2010 G. Steven Martin (grad student)
Kwan T. ChowMolecular Biology, Immunology Molecular and Cell Biology2013 Mark S. Schlissel (grad student)
Kathleen Collins Carol W. Greider (post-doc)
Andrew R. ConerySignal transduction pathways mediated by receptors and the mechanisms controlling the activity of the receptor kinases2004 Kunxin Luo (grad student)
Alenka Copicmembrane assembly, vesicular transport, membrane2006 Randy W. Schekman (grad student)
Sabine P. CordesMolecular Genetics, Biochemistry, Mouse Genetics19831989 Robert L. Fischer (grad student)
Jacob Ellery CornGenome editing and regulation for molecular mechanism and human health2007 James M. Berger (grad student)
Laurent CoscoyMolecular mechanisms of immune evasion in viral infection
Sergio CovarrubiasVirology Infectious Diseases and Immunity2012 Britt A Glaunsinger (grad student)
Carrie R. CowanCell Biology, Plant Physiology2001 William Zacheus Cande (grad student)
Jeffery CoxProfessor of Immunology and Pathogenesis
Gregory T. CrimminsMolecular and cellular basis of microbial pathogenesis2008 Daniel Portnoy (grad student)
Michael V. Danilchik Virus Laboratory19821987 Raymond Keller (post-doc), John Gerhart (post-doc)
Xavier DarzacqTranscription regulation during cellular differentiation
Brandon S. DaviesGenetics, Genomics and Development2005 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Amancio J. de SouzaMolecular Biology, Botany Biology, Cell Biology Plant Biology2014 Markus Pauly (grad student)
Renee M. Deehan KenneyMitotic spindle assembly and function in Xenopus laevis2005 Rebecca Heald (grad student)
Anthony L. DeFrancoImmunology, Cell Biology1979 Daniel E. Koshland (grad student)
Charles M. Denby Molecular & Cell Biology2012 Rachel Brem (grad student)
Kenneth B. DeOmeCancer biology, genetics1938 Samuel Jackson Holmes (grad student)
Abby DernburgChromosome organization and dynamics during meiosis
Heather R. Desaire2001 Julie A. Leary (grad student)
Raymond J. DeshaiesUbiquitin-Dependent Proteolysis and Cell Division1988 Randy W. Schekman (grad student)
Kariena K. DillCell Biology, Genetics2005 Sharon L. Amacher (grad student)
Andrew DillinMy laboratory works on the genetic and molecular mechanisms that regulate aging and aging-related disease.
Jessica L. DinesMolecular Biology2001 Tom Cline (grad student)
Jennifer A. Doudnamolecular structure of RNA enzymes (ribozymes)
Peter M. Douglas
David G. DrubinActin, membrane trafficking
Peter H. Duesberg karyotypic origin and evolution of cancer cells1964 Harry Rubin (post-doc)
Steve N. DulehActin polymerization Molecular and Cell Biology2012 Matt Welch (grad student)
Jack A. DunkleMolecular Basis for Protein Synthesis by the Ribosome Molecular & Cell Biology2010 Jamie H.D. Cate (grad student)
Nathaniel EcholsMolecular Biology, General Biophysics, Microbiology Biology2008 Tom Alber (grad student)
Simona ElliottCell Biology, Molecular Biology2004 Judith Campisi (grad student)
Nicholas F. EndresKinesin John Kuriyan (post-doc)
Asa E. Engqvist-GoldsteinActin, membrane trafficking2001 David G. Drubin (grad student)
Michael Salvatore Esposito
Eric EstrinEnergy-dependent proteases and molecular machines Molecular and Cell Biology2014 Andreas Martin (grad student)
Laurence EtkinMolecular Biology, Cell Biology Department of Zoology Robert E Maxson (post-doc)
Sarah E. EwaldInnate immune system Molecular & Cell Biology2010 Greg Barton (grad student)
Ann M. FaustGenetics, Genomics and Development Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Georjana Barnes (grad student)
James E. Ferrelleukaryotic cell cycle19861990 G. Steven Martin (post-doc)
Susan Ferro-Novick Randy W. Schekman (grad student)
Elif N. FiratActin polymerization Molecular & Cell Biology2010 Matt Welch (grad student)
Robert L. Fischer Harrison Echols (grad student)
Horst Fischercystic fibrosis, epithelial transport Mol Cell Biol Terry Machen (post-doc)
Sharon E. FlemingNutrition, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Oncology
Richard A FluckDevelopmental physiology Zoology19661971 Richard Campbell Strohman (grad student)
Elizabeth M. FlynnMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2009 Tom Alber (grad student)
Seymour Fogelyeast genetics
Marc Fouet Jasper D. Rine (post-doc)
C. Andrew FrankSynaptic Plasticity, Homeostatic Mechanisms, Drosophila Neurobiology19982004 Gian Garriga (grad student)
Benjamin S. FreedmanMitotic spindle assembly and function in Xenopus laevis2009 Rebecca Heald (grad student)
James W. FristromGenetics, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology
Liliya Gabelev Molecular and Cell Biology Polina V. Lishko (grad student)
Sharat GaddeMitotic spindle assembly and function in Xenopus laevis2004 Rebecca Heald (grad student)
Jonathan M. GalazkaMolecular Basis for Protein Synthesis by the Ribosome Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Jamie H.D. Cate (grad student)
Kamal M. GandhiVirology Biology2006 Loy E. Volkman (grad student)
Peter M. GarberGenetics, Genomics and Development2001 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Hernan G. GarciaPhysical biology. Transcriptional regulation. Development of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster
Patty B. GarciaMolecular Biology, Immunology, Cell Biology Molecular & Cell Biology2012 Mark S. Schlissel (grad student)
Veder Garcia Sheng Luan (grad student)
Sara Gaucher
Laurie M. GayMolecular Biology2007 Tom Alber (grad student)
Mary A. GehringGenetics, Molecular Biology2005 Robert L. Fischer (grad student)
Aimee L. GeisslerMolecular and cellular basis of microbial pathogenesis2008 Daniel Portnoy (grad student)
John GerhartDevelopmental Biology, Genetics 1962 Arthur B. Pardee (grad student)
Britt A GlaunsingerVirology
Ian J. GlomskiMolecular and cellular basis of microbial pathogenesis2002 Daniel Portnoy (grad student)
Bob Goldstein19961999 David A. Weisblat (post-doc)
Erin D. GoleyActin polymerization Molecular and Cell Biology20002006 Matt Welch (grad student)
Yixuan GongMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2005 Leonard F. Bjeldanes (grad student)
Ramona L. GonzalesMolecular and cellular basis of microbial pathogenesis2004 Daniel Portnoy (grad student)
Bruce L. GoodeMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Genetics David G. Drubin (post-doc)
Mark A. GrabinerEpithelial transport Molecular & Cell Biology2013 Terry Machen (grad student)
Adrienne C. GreeneActin, membrane trafficking Molecular and Cell Biology Chemistry20092014 David G. Drubin (grad student), Jay T. Groves (grad student)
Andrew E. GreensteinBiochemistry, Microbiology Biology, Molecular Biology2007 Tom Alber (grad student)
Anna D. GregorioCell Biology Michael Levine (post-doc)
Harshita S. GroverFate determination in the T-lymphocyte lineage Molecular & Cell Biology2012 Ellen Robey (grad student)
Padma R. GundaMolecular Basis for Protein Synthesis by the Ribosome Molecular and Cell Biology2011 Jamie H.D. Cate (grad student)
Vanessa E. GurtuMolecular Biology, Genetics2001 Sean M. Baker (grad student)
Felix A. H. SperlingEntomology Biology, Molecular Biology, Ecology Biology, Genetics
Brian Brummeler HaabMolecular Biology, Oncology1998 Richard Alfred Mathies (grad student)
Eric J. Haas-StapletonEntomology Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology2003 Loy E. Volkman (grad student)
Richard P. Hallprotozoology, bacteriology1924 Charles A. Kofoid (grad student)
Jeffrey E. HalleyGenetics, Genomics and Development2009 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Gianna E. HammerMechanisms of immunesurveillance2006 Nilabh Shastri (grad student)
Ann S. HammondsGenetics, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology2002 James W. Fristrom (grad student)
Monika Haoui Molecular and Cell Biology2017 Polina V. Lishko (grad student)
Iswar HariharanMechanisms of control of growth and cell proliferation, Regulation of regenerative growth.
Morgan Harriscell variation1941 J. Franklin Daniel (grad student)
Lin HemicroRNA functions in cancer development, mouse tumor models
Rebecca HealdMitotic spindle assembly and function in Xenopus laevis
Susan Armstrong Henryphospholipid metabolism in yeast1971 Seymour Fogel (grad student), Alec Dell Keith (grad student)
Johannes M. Herrmann19961998 Randy W. Schekman (post-doc)
Ryo Higuchi-SanabriaCytoskeleton, Aging Andrew Dillin (post-doc)
Dirk HockemeyerTelomere biology of human stem cells
Liam J. HoltSignaling
Chibo HongMolecular Biology, Oncology, Cell Biology2001 Leonard F. Bjeldanes (grad student)
Marjorie A. HoyEntomology Biology, Molecular Biology Entomology1972 Carl Barton Huffaker (grad student), Donald Lawrence Flaherty (research assistant)
Christian A. IbarraBotany Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics Plant Biology2012 Robert L. Fischer (grad student)
Nicholas T. IngoliaMolecular basis and physiological roles of the Translational control of gene expression through global and genome-wide analyses
Ehud Y. IsacoffChannel Physiology19881992 Lily Y. Jan (post-doc)
Andrew O. Jacksonplant viruses
Nadine S. JahchanSignal transduction pathways mediated by receptors and the mechanisms controlling the activity of the receptor kinases Molecular & Cell Biology2010 Kunxin Luo (grad student)
Aniek JanssenCell biology MCB20132018 Gary Karpen (post-doc)
Constance J. JefferyMolecular Biology1992 Daniel E. Koshland (grad student)
Devon J. Jensenmembrane assembly, vesicular transport, membrane Molecular & Cell Biology2010 Randy W. Schekman (grad student)
William J. JoToxicology, Genetics, Bioinformatics Biology2008 Christopher Vulpe (grad student)
Thomas H. Jukesmolecular biology, nutrition19331934 Samuel Lepkovsky (post-doc)
Chris R. KafferMolecular Biology, Immunology, Biochemistry2007 Mark S. Schlissel (grad student)
Chris KaiserSecretion, Disulfide bond formation Randy W. Schekman (post-doc)
Marko Kaksonen David G. Drubin (post-doc)
Rohinton T. KamakakaMolecular Biology MCB Jasper D. Rine (post-doc)
Roshni A. KasadChromosome organization and dynamics during meiosis Molecular & Cell Biology2010 Abby Dernburg (grad student)
Alec Dell Keithbiological membranes
Eugene Patrick Kennedyphospholipid biosynthesis1950 Horace Albert Barker (post-doc)
Arkady B. KhodurskyPublic Health, Biostatistics Biology1997 Nicholas R. Cozzarelli (grad student)
Jeffrey Scott KieftMolecular Biology, Virology Biology, Biochemistry1997 Ignacio Tinoco (grad student)
Alison N. KillileaCell Biology, Neuroscience Biology, Biochemistry Comparative Biochemistry Comparative Biochemistry2009 Tom Alber (grad student), Kenneth H. Downing (grad student)
Hyun-Eui Kim Andrew Dillin (post-doc)
Marc W. KirschnerCell Cycle, Cytoskeleton, Systems Biology19661971 John Gerhart (grad student)
Elizabeth A. KitchensFate determination in the T-lymphocyte lineage2003 Ellen Robey (grad student)
Benjamin C. KlineMolecular and cellular basis of microbial pathogenesis Molecular and Cell Biology2012 Daniel Portnoy (grad student)
Hanako KobayashiNutrition, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Oncology2003 Sharon E. Fleming (grad student)
M.A.R. Koehl
Arash KomeiliAssembly and Subcellular Organization of Bacterial Organelles
Douglas Elliott KoshlandGenetics, Microbiology Biology, Cell Biology
Tsune KosugePlant pathology, plant biochemistry1959 Eric E. Conn (grad student)
Ariel R. KrakowskiSignal transduction pathways mediated by receptors and the mechanisms controlling the activity of the receptor kinases2006 Kunxin Luo (grad student)
Leonard KusdraCell biology2007 G. Steven Martin (grad student)
Sydney G. KustuMolecular Biology
John W La Claire1979 John A. West (grad student)
Kevin S. LarimoreB cell gene regulation and fate determination2007 William Sha (grad student)
Peter M. LauerMolecular and cellular basis of microbial pathogenesis2000 Daniel Portnoy (grad student)
Hana Lee Molecular & Cell Biology2012 Rachel Brem (grad student)
Bettina L. LeeInnate immune system Molecular & Cell Biology2013 Greg Barton (grad student)
Jonghui K. LeeMolecular Biology2000 Sydney G. Kustu (grad student)
Seung-Min LeeBioinformatics Biology2007 Christopher Vulpe (grad student)
Marcus Lee19992005 Randy W. Schekman (post-doc)
Dale LeitmanToxicology, Molecular Biology, Oncology
Judith Lengyeldevelopment1972 Richard Calendar (grad student)
Hoyee LeongMolecular Biology, Oncology, Nutrition2002 Leonard F. Bjeldanes (grad student)
Stephen D. LeveneBiophysical Chemistry of protein-DNA interactions Nicholas R. Cozzarelli (post-doc)
Mike LevineMolecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology
Rong Li David G. Drubin (post-doc)
Wenfei LiDrug target MCB20152020 Jamie H.D. Cate (post-doc)
Linda LiangB cell gene regulation and fate determination2002 William Sha (grad student)
Albert A. LiauMolecular Basis for Protein Synthesis by the Ribosome2007 Jamie H.D. Cate (grad student)
Amparo LimaPlant Physiology, Molecular Biology2009 Sheng Luan (grad student)
Kristin C. LindMechanisms of immunesurveillance Molecular & Cell Biology2013 Nilabh Shastri (grad student)
Polina V. LishkoIon channels, Reproduction, Developmental Biology, TRP ion channels
Bernard A. LiuMolecular Biology, Bioinformatics Biology2001 G. Steven Martin (research assistant)
Tina Y. LiuCRISPR-Cas systems, membrane biology, biochemistry/biophysics Molecular and Cell Biology2015 Jennifer A. Doudna (post-doc)
Eric C. LogueB cell gene regulation and fate determination2006 William Sha (grad student)
Twyla N. LombanaBiochemistry, Molecular Biology2008 Tom Alber (grad student)
Laura M. LombardiGenetics, Genomics and Development Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Rose E. LoughlinMitotic spindle assembly and function in Xenopus laevis Biophysics2010 Rebecca Heald (grad student)
Sheng LuanMolecular Biology, Bioinformatics Biology
Kunxin LuoSignal transduction pathways mediated by receptors and the mechanisms controlling the activity of the receptor kinases
Vladimir Lupashincell biology Molecular and Cell biology19911994 Randy W. Schekman (post-doc)
Terry MachenEpithelial transport
Duncan MacKenzieZoology Biology, Molecular Biology, Animal Physiology Biology1980 Paul Licht (grad student)
David Thomas Madden2002 Randy W. Schekman (grad student)
Richard (Dick) Malkinmicrobial biology, plant biology Biochemistry1967 Jesse C. Rabinowitz (grad student)
Per N. Malkusmembrane assembly, vesicular transport, membrane2001 Randy W. Schekman (grad student)
James L. MallerPharmacology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology John Gerhart (grad student)
JaRue S. ManningMicrobiology and Molecular Genetics1969 Phyllis B. Blair (grad student)
Nadja Mannowetz Molecular and Cell Biology2012 Polina V. Lishko (research scientist)
Steven Mansell Molecular and Cell Biology20142016 Polina V. Lishko (post-doc)
Thomas J. MarescaMitotic spindle assembly and function in Xenopus laevis2005 Rebecca Heald (grad student)
Eric J. MartensCell biology2004 G. Steven Martin (grad student)
Gail MartinFGF signaling and mouse hindbrain development1971 Harry Rubin (grad student)
Andreas MartinEnergy-dependent proteases and molecular machines
G. Steven MartinCell biology Harry Rubin (post-doc)
Robert E Maxson Fred Wilt (grad student)
Adrienne A. MaxwellHuman Development, Genetics Molecular & Cell Biology2012 Sharon L. Amacher (grad student)
Jasmine M. McCammonGenetics Molecular & Cell Biology2010 Sharon L. Amacher (grad student)
Frank McCormickCell Biology, Virology Biology, Oncology Robert Tjian (post-doc)
Emma McCullaghCell Biology, Molecular Biology, Systematic Biology David E. Wemmer (research assistant)
Irene A. McCulloch Samuel S. Maxwell (grad student)
Michael Andres McMurraybudding yeast, septins, chaperones, cell biology, cell polarity Molecular and Cell Biology20052011 Jeremy Thorner (post-doc)
Francis J. McNallyCell Biology, Molecular Biology1990 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Lisa A. MegnaGenetics, Molecular Biology2001 Tom Cline (grad student)
Nicole P. Meyer-MorseMolecular and cellular basis of microbial pathogenesis2009 Daniel Portnoy (grad student)
Yansong MiaoCell Biology, Actin cytoskeleton, Membrane Biology Department of Molecular and Cell Biology20102014 David G. Drubin (post-doc)
Daphna MichaeliBotany Biology, Molecular Biology, Genetics2006 Robert L. Fischer (grad student)
Craig T. MillerDevelopmental and evolutionary genetics
Elizabeth Millermembrane traffic, protein folding, protein quality control MCB19992004 Randy W. Schekman (post-doc)
Melissa R Miller Molecular and Cell Biology20122016 Polina V. Lishko (post-doc)
Andrew J. Modzelewski
Merwin Moskowitz1949 Melvin Calvin (grad student)
Maria L. MouchessInnate immune system Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Greg Barton (grad student)
Gary J. MuehlbauerPlant Pathology Agriculture, Molecular Biology, Plant Culture Agriculture1998 Michael Freeling (post-doc)
Nadine Mundt Molecular and Cell Biology2017 Polina V. Lishko (grad student)
Andy Murley Andrew Dillin (post-doc)
Maxence V NachuryPrimary cilia MCB19962002 Karsten Weis (grad student)
Yuko NakajimaGenetics, Genomics and Development2008 Georjana Barnes (grad student)
Satyabrata NandiMolecular Biology, Oncology
Holly L. NicastroNutrition, Cell Biology, Molecular Biology Molecular & Biochemical Nutrition2010 Leonard F. Bjeldanes (grad student)
Scott A Nicholscell biology of sponges2004 Nicole King (post-doc), Carole S. Hickman (grad student)
Peter NovickSecretion1981 Randy W. Schekman (grad student)
Lucy E. O'Briencell polarity Molecular and Cellular Biology20052009 David Bilder (post-doc)
Paul Harris O'Lague1969 Harry Rubin (grad student), Cornelius Anthony Tobias (grad student)
Voytek S. OkreglakActin, membrane trafficking2009 David G. Drubin (grad student)
Erin A. OsborneGenetics, Genomics and Development Plant Biology2010 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Yongkai OwMechanisms of immunesurveillance2008 Nilabh Shastri (grad student)
Bilge OzaydinGenetics, Genomics and Development2009 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Raj D. PaiMolecular Basis for Protein Synthesis by the Ribosome2008 Jamie H.D. Cate (grad student)
Stephenie E Paine-SaundersZebrafish development Molecular and Cell Biology19841989 James W. Fristrom (grad student)
Deng PanSignal transduction pathways mediated by receptors and the mechanisms controlling the activity of the receptor kinases Molecular & Cell Biology2010 Kunxin Luo (grad student)
Eunyong ParkEndoplasmic Reticulum, Secretion
Bruce Macdonald Patersongene function1972 Richard Campbell Strohman (grad student)
Joseph W Paul Department of Molecular and Cell Biology20162022 John Kuriyan (grad student)
Markus PaulyMolecular Biology, Botany Biology, Cell Biology
Gregory S. PayneMechanisms of intracellular protein transport1987 Randy W. Schekman (post-doc)
Jon N. PentermanGenetics, Molecular Biology2007 Robert L. Fischer (grad student)
Alexander PertsemlidisRNA biology, cancer biology, computational biology19891995 Robert M. Glaeser (grad student)
Andrea C. PezdaMolecular mechanisms of immune evasion in viral infection Molecular & Cell Biology2010 Laurent Coscoy (grad student)
Suzanne R. PfefferReceptor trafficking in human cells1977 Michael J. Chamberlin (research assistant)
Eugenie PhillipsEntomology Biology2002 Felix A. H. Sperling (grad student)
Adrianne B. PigulaGenetics, Genomics and Development Molecular and Cell Biology2012 Georjana Barnes (grad student)
Daniel PortnoyMolecular and cellular basis of microbial pathogenesis
Helen C. PoyntonEnvironmental Sciences, Toxicology2007 Christopher Vulpe (grad student)
Lisa M. PrachMolecular Biology, Biochemistry, Microbiology Biology2009 Tom Alber (grad student)
Eric R. ProssnitzGPER/GPR30, estrogen, cancer, metabolism, cardiovascular system1989 Giovanna Ferro-Luzzi Ames (grad student)
Vidhya Ramachandran Andrew Dillin (post-doc)
Michael RapeCell cycle, Ubiquitin Stefan Jentsch (grad student)
David H. Raulet
Shawna ReedActin polymerization Microbiology2012 Matt Welch (grad student)
Daniel ReinesMolecular Biology, Genetics Biochemistry Michael J. Chamberlin (post-doc)
Jeremy F. ReiterCell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology William C. Skarnes (grad student)
Michael Rexach Randy W. Schekman (grad student)
Justin M. RichnerVirology Microbiology2011 Britt A Glaunsinger (grad student)
Celine Riera Andrew Dillin (post-doc)
Jasper D. RineGenetics, Genomics and Development
Ellen RobeyFate determination in the T-lymphocyte lineage
Stacia E. RodenbuschChromosome organization and dynamics during meiosis2009 Abby Dernburg (grad student)
Elena M. RodriguezCell biology2005 G. Steven Martin (grad student)
Henk RoelinkInduction in vertebrate development and ES cell differentiation
Derek C. RookhuizenInnate immune system Molecular & Cell Biology2012 Greg Barton (grad student)
Seth M. RubinMolecular Mechanisms of Cell Cycle Regulation and Cancer19982003 David E. Wemmer (grad student)
Harry Rubinregulation of tumor development
Daniel Z. RubinoffEntomology Biology, Molecular Biology, Ecology Biology, Genetics2001 Felix A. H. Sperling (grad student)
Meru J. SadhuGenetics, Genomics and Development Molecular & Cell Biology2012 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Meredith S. SagollaCell Biology2005 William Zacheus Cande (grad student)
Kaoru SaijoNuclear Receptor-mediated regulation of Neuroinflammation
Luis D. SalmeronSignal transduction pathways mediated by receptors and the mechanisms controlling the activity of the receptor kinases2008 Kunxin Luo (grad student)
Siraprapha Sanchatjatemembrane assembly, vesicular transport, membrane2007 Randy W. Schekman (grad student)
Aya SatoChromosome organization and dynamics during meiosis Molecular & Cell Biology2010 Abby Dernburg (grad student)
Karl Saxcytology and genetics, focusing on chromosomal studies and their application to cross breeding of agricultural varieties, Chromosome aberrations induced by X-rays Ernest Brown Babcock (grad student)
William R. Schafer1991 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Randy W. Schekmanmembrane assembly, vesicular transport, membrane
Adam Schindlermembrane assembly, vesicular transport, membrane2008 Randy W. Schekman (grad student)
Robert Schinzel Andrew Dillin (post-doc)
Mark S. SchlisselMolecular Biology, Immunology, Cell Biology
Mark W. SchrampCell biology2008 G. Steven Martin (grad student)
Alexander C. SchultinkBotany Biology, Plant Culture Agriculture Plant Biology2013 Markus Pauly (grad student)
Erika D. SchulzMolecular Biology, Cell Biology Molecular & Cell Biology2010 Mark S. Schlissel (grad student)
Susan R. SchwabMechanisms of immunesurveillance2003 Nilabh Shastri (grad student)
Markus A. SeeligerPharmacy, Molecular Biology John Kuriyan (post-doc)
Bartholomew M. SeftonMolecular Biology Molecular Biology1972 Harry Rubin (grad student)
Thomas F. SerwoldMechanisms of immunesurveillance2000 Nilabh Shastri (grad student)
William ShaB cell gene regulation and fate determination
Ching ShangGenetics, Genomics and Development2003 Georjana Barnes (grad student)
Nilabh ShastriMechanisms of immunesurveillance
Michael SheetsEarly Embryonic Development in Frogs John Gerhart (post-doc)
Koning Shen Andrew Dillin (post-doc)
Christina L. ShenviMolecular Basis for Protein Synthesis by the Ribosome2005 Jamie H.D. Cate (grad student)
John Shih19851991 Raymond Keller (grad student)
Juhyun ShinMolecular Biology Molecular and Cell Biology2012 Robert L. Fischer (grad student)
Jessica A. ShugartMechanisms of immunesurveillance2007 Nilabh Shastri (grad student)
Philip SiekevitzMolecular biology of PSDs1949 David M. Greenberg (grad student)
Scott G. SieraGenetics2008 Tom Cline (grad student)
Anosha D. SiripalaActin polymerization2007 Matt Welch (grad student)
William C. SkarnesMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Animal Physiology Biology
Justin SkobleMolecular and cellular basis of microbial pathogenesis2001 Daniel Portnoy (grad student)
Gerald Ralph SmithRecombination and DNA Break Repair19701972 Bruce Nathan Ames (post-doc)
Yvette M. SoignierCell biology Molecular & Cell Biology2010 G. Steven Martin (grad student)
Sebastian SpringerBiochemistry, Cell Biology, Immunology, Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Molecules, Ligand Binding, Natively Unfolded Proteins, Immunobiotechnology Molecular and Cell Biology19962001 Randy W. Schekman (post-doc)
Sarah A. Stanley
Trevor L. Starrmembrane assembly, vesicular transport, membrane2008 Randy W. Schekman (grad student)
Diana J. StarrMolecular Biology, Genetics2005 Tom Cline (grad student)
David L. SteakleyGenetics, Genomics and Development Molecular & Cell Biology2013 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Tom Hall Stevens19801983 Randy W. Schekman (post-doc)
Richard Campbell StrohmanMolecular and Cell Biology
Judith StrommerMolecular Biology, Plant Culture Agriculture1983 Michael Freeling (post-doc)
Shannon L. StroscheinSignal transduction pathways mediated by receptors and the mechanisms controlling the activity of the receptor kinases2001 Kunxin Luo (grad student)
Birong SuMolecular Biology2005 Nancy K. Amy (grad student)
Brian M. SullivanMolecular mechanisms of immune evasion in viral infection2009 Laurent Coscoy (grad student)
Yidi Sun2006 David G. Drubin (research scientist)
Frank A Suprynowicz Zoology Daniel Mazia (grad student)
Anne W. SylvesterMolecular Biology, Genetics, Cell Biology1991 Michael Freeling (post-doc)
Frank Talamantesreproductive hormones and hormone receptors1974 Howard A. Bern (grad student)
Xie TangMolecular Biology, Cell Biology2006 William Zacheus Cande (grad student)
Mark TanouyeMechanisms of nervous system structure and function
Flavio Tavares19761978 Robert K. Mortimer (post-doc)
Sarah B. TegenCell biology2002 G. Steven Martin (grad student)
John R. ten BoschGenetics, Molecular Biology2006 Tom Cline (grad student)
Deborah M. ThurtleGenetics, Genomics and Development Molecular & Cell Biology2014 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Christopher P. ToretActin, membrane trafficking2008 David G. Drubin (grad student)
John H. Tranmembrane assembly, vesicular transport, membrane2009 Randy W. Schekman (grad student)
Damian L. TrujilloMolecular mechanisms of immune evasion in viral infection Molecular & Cell Biology2012 Laurent Coscoy (grad student)
Andrea W. TuSignal transduction pathways mediated by receptors and the mechanisms controlling the activity of the receptor kinases2007 Kunxin Luo (grad student)
Elçin ÜnalInvestigating the mechanisms that ensure cellular fitness during gametogenesis
Fyodor UrnovEngineered zinc finger DNA binding proteins
Patricia A. ValdezFate determination in the T-lymphocyte lineage2001 Ellen Robey (grad student)
Ashild VikGenetics, Genomics and Development2001 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Loy E. VolkmanEntomology Biology, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology
Christopher VulpeNutrition, Molecular Biology
Rebecca WaitzB cell gene regulation and fate determination2008 William Sha (grad student)
Jean Y. J. WangGenetics, Cell Biology19761980 Daniel E. Koshland (grad student)
Brant Webster Andrew Dillin (post-doc)
Joyce I. WeiB cell gene regulation and fate determination2008 William Sha (grad student)
Dina R. WeilhammerB cell gene regulation and fate determination Molecular & Cell Biology2010 William Sha (grad student)
Jasper S. WeinbergActin, membrane trafficking Molecular & Cell Biology2012 David G. Drubin (grad student)
Karsten WeisNuclear transport
Matt WelchActin polymerization
Matthew WelchCytoskeletal function in cell migration, membrane trafficking and microbial pathogenesis
Sadie WignallSpindle assembly and chromosome dynamics during oocyte meiosis2003 Rebecca Heald (grad student)
Adam WilliamsonCell cycle, Ubiquitin Molecular & Cell Biology2012 Michael Rape (grad student)
Jonathan J. WongGenetics, Genomics and Development2006 Georjana Barnes (grad student)
Jeffrey B. WoodruffGenetics, Genomics and Development Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Georjana Barnes (grad student)
Eric S. WunderlichEpithelial transport2002 Terry Machen (grad student)
David J. WynneChromosome organization and dynamics during meiosis Molecular & Cell Biology2010 Abby Dernburg (grad student)
Ramin YadegariGenetics, Plant Biology, Cell Biology, Developmental Biology Plant & Microbial Biology19972000 Robert L. Fischer (post-doc)
Qingrong YanImmunology, Cell Biology John Kuriyan (post-doc)
Defne YararActin polymerization2002 Matt Welch (grad student)
Ahmet YildizStructural mechanism of molecular motors. High resolution imaging of subcellular structures
Peter ST Yuensignal transduction, coagulation, nephrology, sepsis Biochemistry19801981 Howard K. Schachman (research assistant)
Eun-Jun YunAnimal Physiology Biology2004 William C. Skarnes (grad student)
Veronica ZepedaMolecular Basis for Protein Synthesis by the Ribosome Molecular & Cell Biology2011 Jamie H.D. Cate (grad student)
Xuewu ZhangImmunology John Kuriyan (post-doc)
Qiang ZhouBiochemistry of HIV gene expression and transcriptional elongation
Oliver A. ZillGenetics, Genomics and Development Molecular & Cell Biology2010 Jasper D. Rine (grad student)
Roberto ZoncuHow organelles sense nutrients and regulate cellular growth
Joel A. ZupicichMolecular Biology, Cell Biology, Animal Physiology Biology2001 William C. Skarnes (grad student)