Adrienne E. McKee, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2007 | Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States |
Intracellular CompartmentationGoogle:
"Adrienne McKee"Parents
Sign in to add mentorPamela A. Silver | grad student | 2007 | Harvard | |
(Systems analysis of RNA -binding proteins and regulated mRNA processing.) |
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McKee AE, Neretti N, Carvalho LE, et al. (2007) Exon expression profiling reveals stimulus-mediated exon use in neural cells. Genome Biology. 8: R159 |
McKee AE, Silver PA. (2007) Systems perspectives on mRNA processing. Cell Research. 17: 581-90 |
McKee AE, Silver PA. (2006) Systems biology of gene regulation fulfills its promise. Genome Biology. 7: 316 |
McKee AE, Minet E, Stern C, et al. (2005) A genome-wide in situ hybridization map of RNA-binding proteins reveals anatomically restricted expression in the developing mouse brain. Bmc Developmental Biology. 5: 14 |
McKee AE, Silver PA. (2004) REF-ereeing the cytoplasmic fate of mRNA via nuclear export. Developmental Cell. 6: 740-2 |