Jessica A. Hurt, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2008 | Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States |
Intracellular CompartmentationGoogle:
"Jessica Hurt"Parents
Sign in to add mentorPamela A. Silver | grad student | 2008 | Harvard | |
(Systems and targeted analyses of mRNA export in metazoans.) |
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Shalgi R, Hurt JA, Lindquist S, et al. (2014) Widespread inhibition of posttranscriptional splicing shapes the cellular transcriptome following heat shock. Cell Reports. 7: 1362-70 |
Udagawa T, Farny NG, Jakovcevski M, et al. (2013) Genetic and acute CPEB1 depletion ameliorate fragile X pathophysiology. Nature Medicine. 19: 1473-7 |
Hurt JA, Robertson AD, Burge CB. (2013) Global analyses of UPF1 binding and function reveal expanded scope of nonsense-mediated mRNA decay Genome Research. 23: 1636-1650 |
Shalgi R, Hurt JA, Krykbaeva I, et al. (2013) Widespread Regulation of Translation by Elongation Pausing in Heat Shock Molecular Cell. 49: 439-452 |
Chen AJ, Paik JH, Zhang H, et al. (2012) STAR RNA-binding protein Quaking suppresses cancer via stabilization of specific miRNA. Genes & Development. 26: 1459-72 |
Hurt JA, Obar RA, Zhai B, et al. (2009) A conserved CCCH-type zinc finger protein regulates mRNA nuclear adenylation and export. The Journal of Cell Biology. 185: 265-77 |
Hurt JA, Silver PA. (2008) mRNA nuclear export and human disease. Disease Models & Mechanisms. 1: 103-8 |
Farny NG, Hurt JA, Silver PA. (2008) Definition of global and transcript-specific mRNA export pathways in metazoans. Genes & Development. 22: 66-78 |
Broering TJ, Arnold MM, Miller CL, et al. (2005) Carboxyl-proximal regions of reovirus nonstructural protein muNS necessary and sufficient for forming factory-like inclusions. Journal of Virology. 79: 6194-206 |
Hurt JA, Thibodeau SA, Hirsh AS, et al. (2003) Highly specific zinc finger proteins obtained by directed domain shuffling and cell-based selection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100: 12271-6 |