Allison McClure

Duke University, Durham, NC 
"Allison McClure"
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McClure AW, Jacobs KC, Zyla TR, et al. (2018) Mating in wild yeast: delayed interest in sex after spore germination. Molecular Biology of the Cell. mbcE18080528
McClure AW, Wu CF, Johnson SA, et al. (2016) Imaging Polarization in Budding Yeast. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 1407: 13-23
McClure AW, Minakova M, Dyer JM, et al. (2015) Role of Polarized G Protein Signaling in Tracking Pheromone Gradients. Developmental Cell. 35: 471-82
McClure AW, Lew DJ. (2015) To avoid a mating mishap, yeast focus and communicate. The Journal of Cell Biology. 208: 867-8
McClure AW, Lew DJ. (2014) Cell polarity: netrin calms an excitable system. Current Biology : Cb. 24: R1050-2
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